Some will claim that this is bad because "but what about AT&T and Verizon?"
Even if this literally puts them completely out of business, it's still GOOD for society as a whole. Now those employees wasting their time and energy on old technology can be re-purposed to work on new things that we need.
It's like a dude being marooned out in the wilderness. One of the first things he needs to do is build shelter. That becomes his primary "job". But if some shelter building robot fell from the sky, then he wouldn't be pissed that he lost his shelter building job. He would be glad that he would have shelter and could then work on the next highest priority of finding water or food. He would be better off, not worse.
We are all effectively out in the wilderness. Rather than us each building our own shelters, we pay people who use their machines to build homes really fast and cheaply. Rather than us farming or finding our own food, we have farmer who use machines to farm a lot of food for us. So many of us are able to spend our time on the other priorities such as luxury goods such as cell phones. Hell. a big reason we have IPhones today is because a few modern farmers are able to feed millions of people thanks to their automation and machines. Without that, 90% of us would need to farm like in 1800. We should embrace this progress, not fight it.
This may be disruptive enough to cause a recession. If so, then GOOD. That means progress is occurring. Yeah it sucks for these people that they will find new work. But once they do, the recession will end, and we will enjoy both all of our previous technology, PLUS gigabit internet, PLUS whatever new that the former AT&T and Verizon guys are working on after.