Beto fan Will Ferrell and friend get booed in TX restaurant toasting for trans rights

6,685 Views | 73 Replies | Last: 28 min ago by Biz Ag
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zephyr88 said:

I'm sure Ferrell was just trying to be funny but why would you make a toast to mental illness?
I think Ferrell is a true believer.

Ferrell actually block walked and campaigned in Texas for Beto in 2022.

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were filming their new Netflix documentary, "Will & Harper," which follows their 17-day road trip across the country "to bond and reintroduce Harper to the country as her true self" after Steele came out as transgender in 2022.

THIS is what people have a problem with - the fact that the LGBTQ/Trans 'community' feels the need to CONSTANTLY show us what gender they wish they were and who they prefer to have sex with.

They can't get it out of their heads that there is no "hate". We. Just. Don't. CARE.

To be so self-centered and self-absorbed that you actually think that you need to go across the country showing total strangers what you've decided to be just baffles me. Same with gay parades. Just WHY? Did these people not get enough attention as children or something?

To me it's no different than if I was to say, "Hey, you know what? After a lifetime of supporting the Houston Astros, I think I'll switch over to the Colorado Rockies… Now I just need to put together a cross-country road trip to tell everyone and make sure they all know."

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Ghost91 said:


were filming their new Netflix documentary, "Will & Harper," which follows their 17-day road trip across the country "to bond and reintroduce Harper to the country as her true self" after Steele came out as transgender in 2022.

THIS is what people have a problem with - the fact that the LGBTQ/Trans 'community' feels the need to CONSTANTLY show us what gender they wish they were and who they prefer to have sex with.

They can't get it out of their heads that there is no "hate". We. Just. Don't. CARE.

To be so self-centered and self-absorbed that you actually think that you need to go across the country showing total strangers what you've decided to be just baffles me. Same with gay parades. Just WHY? Did these people not get enough attention as children or something?

To me it's no different than if I was to say, "Hey, you know what? After a lifetime of supporting the Houston Astros, I think I'll switch over to the Colorado Rockies… Now I just need to put together a cross-country road trip to tell everyone and make sure they all know."

Also many corporate positions require continuing education in gender equity and racial equity.

This training has been added over the last couple of years and is required in many positions.

People are sick of it.

Everyone wants equality where we are all equal

equity is a completely different Marxist concept
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What exactly are trans rights and how do they differ from everyone else's rights?

For the record, I don't care who people decide to be or what they decide to do with their own lives. Better to let bygones be bygones. Now, if you want me to care and share an opinion you're going to dislike, then come around telling me that I or my state are somehow wrong or need to do more for you.
Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.
Bob Knights Paper Hands
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"The room started to feel very wrong to me," Steele said in the film. "I was feeling a little like my transness was on display, I guess, and suddenly that sort of made me feel not great."

Theu made a spectacle out of his choice to be trans and criticized and belittled the choices of other and then play the victim card for feeling like their transness was on display? That's absolutely ridiculous! They could have just been and probably would have had angreat time, but go out of their way to be confrontation and get hurt that everyone isn't thrilled about that. What a load of bull*****
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Remember when Will Ferrell made the movie "Get Hard" in 2015 and critics trashed it for its rampant homophobia?

I do.

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They did this on purpose to get the reaction so they could cry "victim everyone hates me you're all transphobes!" In their documentary.
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FWF. I wish these Hollywood types would keep their politics to themselves.
Type 07 FFL / Class 2 SOT
Nightforce Optics Dealer
AGM Night Vision Dealer
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Rebel Yell said:

Steele stands up and gives toast highlighting his transness to a crowded restaurant.

Then complains his "transness was on display".

So to the point, this is precision dismantling of any stance made by media.
sam callahan
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It's not enough that we taxpayers have to pay for this nonsense through government programs and higher insurance premiums, but now we have to cheer for it?

Ridiculous doesn't even begin to cover it.
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sam callahan said:

It's not enough that we taxpayers have to pay for this nonsense through government programs and higher insurance premiums, but now we have to cheer for it?

Ridiculous doesn't even begin to cover it.

Yea **** them for telling us what to do
hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. good times create weak men. and weak men create hard times.

less virtue signaling, more vice signaling.

Birds aren’t real
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Bob Knights Paper Hands said:


"The room started to feel very wrong to me," Steele said in the film. "I was feeling a little like my transness was on display, I guess, and suddenly that sort of made me feel not great."

Theu made a spectacle out of his choice to be trans and criticized and belittled the choices of other and then play the victim card for feeling like their transness was on display? That's absolutely ridiculous! They could have just gone and probably would have had angreat time, but go out of their way to be confrontation and get hurt that everyone isn't thrilled about that. What a load of bull*****

Yeah, just showing up and blending in with everyone else and being average is not even on these peoples' radar.
Gotta be the center of attention everywhere, and preferably the victim. I honestly don't think they're as comfortable when they're in 'safe spaces' as they are when they pretend to be deep in 'enemy territory'.
Al Bula
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This was staged garbage. Completely 100% obvious.
Garrelli 5000
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This is stupid. They fished for a reaction by making a random political statement in a moment that the audience wasn't there for political statements. Of course the crowd shut up.

Then his buddy made a massive leap to what he imagines is the worst possible intent of the "we still love you" comment.

F both of them to hell. Maybe some audiences immediately fawn when you pull that stunt. Those people see every interaction as political. The restaurant patrons don't carry the emotional baggage you do.
Buck Turgidson
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Ferrell has shown himself to be a POS in recent years. Makes it hard to enjoy his movies anymore.
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FIDO*98* said:

What rights exactly do men pretending to be women or vice versa not have?


Conversely, can we "toast" Trans-not-murdering-innocent-children rights?
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How is "trans" rights different than everybody else's rights.
The point about about a right is that it applies to everyone, equally.
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Al Bula said:

This was staged garbage. Completely 100% obvious.
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I haven't seen any comments from the owners of the Big Texan. I wonder if Ferrel had permission to film, and if they had any clue what the content would be

As I said above, the owner is a good guy, my guess is he does not want the controversy
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He seems a little old to be playing dress up but who cares anyway.
Sea Speed
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Justwinags said:

He seems a little old to be playing dress up but who cares anyway.

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CanyonAg77 said:

I haven't seen any comments from the owners of the Big Texan. I wonder if Ferrel had permission to film, and if they had any clue what the content would be

As I said above, the owner is a good guy, my guess is he does not want the controversy

Seems like a good guy

Nice to see an older gentleman that is still that passionate about his job and business
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CanyonAg77 said:

suburban cowboy said:

Will Ferrel hasn't been funny FOREVER

This is the correct timeline of his history of being funny. Only reasonably funny roles he's played were as secondary or lower characters. As a main character his schtick wears thin really, really fast.
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The real problem got started when folks decided " they could care less".
one safe place
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Everything would be so much clearer to Ferrell if he would just realize that there is no such thing as "trans" in the first place.
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It's so important for Hollywood and the left to push this mental illness on us by 0.2% of the population. Ask yourself why that is.
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Will Ferrell is a clown and a subpar actor/comedian!
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TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

I am not surprised at all about this. I was at a comedy show in suburban Texas earlier this year. The comedian is non-political, but made an exception for a few minutes to speak up for common sense and the fact that there are only two genders. The crowd erupted with applause. The crowd was very diverse.

Actor Will Ferrell said he regrets his visit to a Texas restaurant after his trans co-star, Harper Steele, received an awkward response from diners.

It happened while Ferrell and Steele, a former "Saturday Night Live" head writer, were filming their new Netflix documentary, "Will & Harper," which follows their 17-day road trip across the country "to bond and reintroduce Harper to the country as her true self" after Steele came out as transgender in 2022.

They received what they described as an unexpected and uncomfortable response from diners at a Texas restaurant after Steele mentioned the state hadn't done enough for trans rights, the New York Times reported.

"I'm from Iowa, but I will raise a glass to your great state of Texas," Steele said to a receptive audience of diners at the Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo, where Ferrell and Steele planned to attempt the restaurant's famous 72-ounce steak challenge.

"I wish you guys would do more for trans rights in this state," Steele added, which silenced the cheers and was met with a few groans from the audience, Chron reported.

"Cheers to Texas and trans rights, right?" Ferrell added. The toast didn't make it into the documentary, but Steele and Ferrell shared their responses to the moment afterward.

"We gave a little toast, and I said something about passing a trans bill, and the room did a kind of reversal and a little bit of a boo and a woman shouted out, 'We still love you.' I hate the phrase," Steele said. "I could be misinterpreting this woman completely, but this is the feeling I had in the room: The 'still' is conditional. You still love me when I finally give up being trans and give my life over to Christ. They still love me even though I'm some kind of sinner or something. I felt that."

"The room started to feel very wrong to me," Steele said in the film. "I was feeling a little like my transness was on display, I guess, and suddenly that sort of made me feel not great."

This says it all.

Not satisfied w people being tolerant. They want their habits and beliefs glorified and encouraged. If they don't receive total agreement from everyone they claim to feel slighted.

The last quote is classic "I felt my trans ness was on display".

Uhhhh self awareness much ? You are making a documentary about yourSELF. You put yourself in the center of that room. You did that. Ridiculous
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The Big Texan in Amarillo is one of the last places they should have expected a warm welcome for that category of mental illness.
Captain Pablo
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WestTexasAg said:

The Big Texan in Amarillo is one of the last places they should have expected a warm welcome for that category of mental illness.

Well yeah that was probably the whole point of it
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WTF did they think the response would be in making such comments in Texas? That's the equivalent of someone going to a restaurant in Portland Oregon and making a toast about how the people of Oregon need to be more pro-life. It's going to go over like a turd in a punch bowl. Know your crowd. The only surprising thing is that the clips were not an actual part of the finished documentary. I'm surprised they passed up on the chance to attempt to make Texas look bad.
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cavjock88 said:

Why wouldn't you expect that to go over like a lead balloon in Amarillo at the Big Texan? Talk about poor research and site selection and not reading your audience. Out of touch elitists.
They knew what the reaction would be. That's why they did it. Now they can play the victim card and Ferrel can cry crocodile tears about it hurting his friend.

It was completely orchestrated in order to make Texans look mean and hateful.
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TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

Courtesy Flush said:

I saw that this morning and I got a little sense of pride of my fellow Texans. I could not case less of a dude wants to wear a dress and call himself a woman but don't come into my backyard and expect me to go along with your little game. It's a silly little game at best.
Exactly we don't care what you do with your clothing and makeup choices as an adult, but we are not going to cheer for it while we are trying to eat dinner.

We get plenty of DEI and ESG training at work.

We don't need it when we are trying to relax and enjoy a meal.
Don't forget they've ****ed up sportscenter, ESPN, and the NFL as well with their garbage.
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Stupe said:

cavjock88 said:

Why wouldn't you expect that to go over like a lead balloon in Amarillo at the Big Texan? Talk about poor research and site selection and not reading your audience. Out of touch elitists.
They knew what the reaction would be. That's why they did it. Now they can play the victim card and Ferrel can cry crocodile tears about it hurting his friend.

It was completely orchestrated in order to make Texans look mean and hateful.
Texan's are mean, hateful bigots.
There are guns everywhere. Everywhere. Bloodbath in the streets every day.

Don't move to Texas (unless you are a real gun owner)
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deddog said:

TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

Courtesy Flush said:

I saw that this morning and I got a little sense of pride of my fellow Texans. I could not case less of a dude wants to wear a dress and call himself a woman but don't come into my backyard and expect me to go along with your little game. It's a silly little game at best.
Exactly we don't care what you do with your clothing and makeup choices as an adult, but we are not going to cheer for it while we are trying to eat dinner.

We get plenty of DEI and ESG training at work.

We don't need it when we are trying to relax and enjoy a meal.
Don't forget they've ****ed up sportscenter, ESPN, and the NFL as well with their garbage.

I agree. Jemele Hill basically has stopped talking about sports. She has essentially just become a Marxist political commentator pretending to be a sports journalist.

The same with Mina Kimes.
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