Communist / Marxist statements

2,540 Views | 44 Replies | Last: 7 hrs ago by nortex97
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So I have a question for someone that may know this answer, I do not know the answer

So if people in general think or say that some of the hard core Democrat elites and politicians are communists or are Marxist, then why are those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists? To me this doesn't make one bit of sense? If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country ?

Not all political postions make sense but this one is rather confusing to the average Joe (peasant ) like myself
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fullback44 said:

So I have a question for someone that may know this answer, I do not know the answer

So if people in general think or say that some of the hard core Democrat elites and politicians are communists or are Marxist, then why are those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists? To me this doesn't make one bit of sense? If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country ?

Not all political postions make sense but this one is rather confusing to the average Joe (peasant ) like myself
The bottom line for the Democratic party is authoritarianism. They want full control of this country so that they can shape a Society that they want, Constitution be damned.

They use Socialism and Marxist ideology to entice people to vote for them, safety over freedom, free healthcare, etc..

One just has to look at California as to what a super majority Democratic government looks like.
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Good answer.. so it's more about an authoritarian society than actual communism. I wouldn't think the super rich elites will give up capitalism, it's what got them there. Maybe they want to end capitalism for the peasants so they don't have any more competition? Just kicking this around. Thanks
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fullback44 said:

So I have a question for someone that may know this answer, I do not know the answer

So if people in general think or say that some of the hard core Democrat elites and politicians are communists or are Marxist, then why are those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists? To me this doesn't make one bit of sense? If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country ?

Not all political postions make sense but this one is rather confusing to the average Joe (peasant ) like myself
Few thoughts on a good question here.

1) I actually believe Ukraine has some major dirt on US politicians, most of them prominent Democrats. Information powerful enough to likely wreck Democrat's electoral prospects for a few election cycles or more. I think this is what Trump was after.

2) Although Marx loudly and proudly believed that workers of the world would unite in a global struggle against bourgeoisie, it didn't exactly pan out. WWII was the final blow to this theory. The efforts for Marxism turned, from that point, to the thinking behind the Frankfurt school. It takes more than just being in solidarity with communism in the abstract, to get more meaningful support.

3) There are all manner of sub-brands or strains of communism. Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, Post-Modernist. Bolsheviks, etc. Many of these factions hated each other and killed each other by the truckload. So there is that...Communist often don't just want to be 'right' they want to be in power. Biden-Harris vs Putin might as well be Bolsheviks vs Leninists.

4) The post-modernist strain of communism that is fashionable and in power in the West does in fact eschew violent military conquest by one nation against another, for hegemonic or imperial reasons. Now..burning down Minneapolis for an oppressed class...that is encouraged.

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fullback44 said:

Good answer.. so it's more about an authoritarian society than actual communism. I wouldn't think the super rich elites will give up capitalism, it's what got them there. Maybe they want to end capitalism for the peasants so they don't have any more competition? Just kicking this around. Thanks
Communists don't always get along. See: Trotsky v. Lenin, Mao v. Soviets, etc.

And the Russians aren't communists today. The Democrat party is mainly controlled by the CCP, and the CCP is the biggest global beneficiary of the war in Ukraine via BRICS enlargement/economic impacts. The various statements by Kamala, Walz, Biden, Gavin Newsom, etc. about China and the CCP are what can be weighed as to their real benefactor/interests.
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fullback44 said:

Good answer.. so it's more about an authoritarian society than actual communism. I wouldn't think the super rich elites will give up capitalism, it's what got them there. Maybe they want to end capitalism for the peasants so they don't have any more competition? Just kicking this around. Thanks
They want absolute power. The communist model has been the most successful model in modern times to achieve absolute and total power. The dems emulate it but they have no core beliefs other than subterfuge and anything else that gives them and allows them to keep power.
Funky Winkerbean
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To cover up the years of corruption that Biden participated in.
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fullback44 said:

Good answer.. so it's more about an authoritarian society than actual communism. I wouldn't think the super rich elites will give up capitalism, it's what got them there. Maybe they want to end capitalism for the peasants so they don't have any more competition? Just kicking this around. Thanks

In all things and at all times, seize and hold power from nations, corporations, and individual citizens. Power is an end unto itself. That is why communist regimes continue after purging their ideological enemies to begin purging each other. It happened with the Mencheviks and Trotskyites and it happened between the Marxist factions within the Spanish Civil War even as they were fighting Franco.

George Orwell was a true believer socialist who wentto Spain to fight the supposed fascists and ended up getting shot in the throat by the Bolshevik faction of the socialists. He wrote Homage to Catalonia, Animal Farm, and 1984 after realizing that communism was just lust for power with no actual care for the supposedly oppressed. Just ask the pro-life wing of the United States Democrat Party what happens when you disagreewith the commissars.
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fullback44 said:

So I have a question for someone that may know this answer, I do not know the answer

So if people in general think or say that some of the hard core Democrat elites and politicians are communists or are Marxist, then why are those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists? To me this doesn't make one bit of sense? If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country ?

Not all political postions make sense but this one is rather confusing to the average Joe (peasant ) like myself

Because that communism doesn't work. It'll work here though once it's implemented!
Logos Stick
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fullback44 said:

So I have a question for someone that may know this answer, I do not know the answer

So if people in general think or say that some of the hard core Democrat elites and politicians are communists or are Marxist, then why are those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists? To me this doesn't make one bit of sense? If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country ?

Not all political postions make sense but this one is rather confusing to the average Joe (peasant ) like myself

You think all the communists are pals since they are communist? How did you come to that conclusion? Also, Russia is not communist. It's a dictatorship.

The libs hate Russia for one reason and one reason only: Trump. They believe Trump is best buddies with Putin. That's the only reason they support the war.
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oh no
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fullback44 said:

those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists?
The USSR fell decades ago. Russia is not communist. Our regime is not fighting communism and neither is Ukraine. We are fighting a proxy war with Russia because our elites have conflicts of interest in Ukraine to protect and because Russia invaded. This is nothing like Korean conflict, Vietnam, Nicaragua, or the Cold War. We need to be fighting against communism domestically here at home; not abroad and not with Russia.

Democrats are the big government, national social programs, nationalized health care, tax-raising, poverty-inducing party. That's socialist-leaning and they always have been, and socialism is a precursor to communism.

Communists need to control the media so they control the messaging, like the Soviets did with state-run Pravda as the only news in their country. Propaganda focusing the masses on a hoax, propaganda riling up social unrest with no regard for facts, statistics, or logic. Pravda ignoring real news about their regime's corruption so the masses don't even know about it and instead focus on a journal entry coding in a company several years ago as the real threat. That's the left here with near full control of msm, tech platform monopolies, Hollywood, etc. Communists control the means of production. Production in USA now is largely in tech and big tech monopolies and democrats have been scissoring for two decades now. Free speech is a huge threat to communism. It helps if they can tell a tech monopoly like amazon to shut down the servers of a company they don't like, or tell alphabet or meta to censor and ban opinions they don't like or even ban their political opposition from communicating on their platforms. Leave all the smut and kink porn, leave all the ayatollahs and middle eastern terrorists screaming "death to America" on your platforms, but please, censor those conservatives. They want smaller government. That's a real threat to the regime.

Communists need to infect the youth and turn them against the traditional systems, like Mao did in the color revolution. Focus them on frivolous issues like their gender or the importance of baby murdering "rights" so that they are totally oblivious to the full control of big government that they're voting for or their poverty-inducing spending and inflation. Own academia so the state can control the kids and not families. Keeping secrets from parents, absence of god, absence of family, full indoctrination by the state. This is you, democrats.

Communists need everyone to bend the knee to the state and depend on the state. Religions and strong men are a threat to the state as people may hold something higher and be more loyal to them than the state. It's the left that has all but removed God and families/ dads from our society, tries to infiltrate the church as "extremists", punitively punishes religious people for being against baby murdering while ignoring real violence across our cities.

Communists need the plebes in their citizenry to depend on the state. It's the socialist welfare state free loaders whose ballots they need to assume power and expanding that base with rewards for contributing nothing to society is their ticket. So is importing millions and millions of the poorest people Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc. have to offer. So is raising taxes on the few people that still earn or produce enough to pay taxes to fund the government (only 50% of us left). So is devaluing the currency intentionally by massive printing and spending and attacking the energy industry because creating inflation creates more government-dependent impoverished socialist voters for them. That's you, democrats.

Communists need to "redistribute" the wealth, for equity, a common democrat slogan. Democrats are allowing violence in our streets and letting criminals go free because we need equity in our prison population. Democrats are making sure superficial things like skin color determine who gets the job, who gets the scholarship, etc. in the name of equity and at the risk of quality and safety when less-qualified people are placed in key positions. Everything is about equity. Equity, equity, equity. Redistribute. That's communist.

Communists need to disarm their citizens so any possible uprising or resistance to the regime is easier to control and suppress. Hmmm.. I wonder why democrats give zero Fs about the gang bang gat shootings in our cities everyday, when removing Chicago and 2-3 other cities statistically makes USA go from one of the most dangerous countries on earth to one of the safest, and yet they only focus on banning certain types of rifles?

Marxist communists use division as a means of controlling the population. Intentional division based on superficial b.s. like skin color is straight out of Karl Marx's playbook. At a time when black people were executives and board members, appointed to high ranking positions, becoming wealthy entrepreneurs, at unprecedented levels, at a time when interracial marriages and mixed race children were at unprecedented levels, when we're getting damn close to colorblind, one incident with one criminal thug divides and burns our cities down. That's the left and their Pravda media arm.

Marxists seize control of election processes so the results can be predetermined. As Joe Biden and Joe Stalin both said, it's not who votes, it's who counts the votes. It is not racist voter suppression to be against mass-mailed ballots without traceable or vouch-able chains of custody, without signature verification, from insecure and outdated registration rolls where an ID and proof of citizenship and residency wasn't even required to register. Being for those things is actually being for a Marxist regime, rather than being against them = "racist voter suppression". That's the democrats.

Marxists pack court benches with their agents. Not only can they dismiss credible cases and claim there's no standing, but Marxists can find a crime for anyone they don't like that might be a threat. There were cases about legitimate election concerns in Fidel's Cuba and Hugo's Venezuela that were immediately dismissed by judges, too. Clarence Thomas is guilty of being an originalist constitutionalist. Donald Trump is guilty of becoming too popular with anti-communist views, like making an enormous government full of unelected permanent government bureaucrats smaller. These are threats. Find some crimes somewhere and punish them. That's the democrats.

Marxists will seek ways to provide themselves with eternal control. Democrats openly talk about ending the filibuster, something they've used the most when it helped them before they had power. Democrats openly talk about adding DC and PR as states for eternal power in the Senate that ratifies laws and approves the regime's nominees. Democrats openly talk about ending the Electoral College so that flyover country and suburbs no longer have a voice in national elections and only the left coast and big city communists control every national election. Democrats openly talk about expanding and packing the Supreme Court so they can legislate from the bench, because originalists who believe in the constitution are a threat to getting more Marxist control. Democrats openly talk about "reimagining" policing, which can only lead to replacing local beat cops with federal employees, expanding the regime's KGB/FBI. Nationalizing = communist = democrats.

Anyone is welcome to be a Marxist communist if they want. Just embrace it. Tell us why it's going to work so well here. I personally think the democrats' ambition is to be like China, but they're following Venezuela's blueprint and we're ****ed.
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Russia wasn't bad purely because of communism. It was and is bad because Russian culture is one of the gutter cultures of the world. They are a broken society and people.
rocky the dog
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The USSR fell decades ago. Russia is not communist.
Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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South Africa


United States...
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Spot on post.

Thank you for the great contribution.
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Another thing to remember is that just because communism may officially be gone from Russia a lot of its evils are still ingrained in the people as acceptable. The oppression, the limits of free expression, the limits on the press, the use of authoritarianism to achieve objectives. And it's on a scale that we couldn't fathom here.
Martin Q. Blank
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fullback44 said:

If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country?
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." -Karl Marx

In the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, who is the dominant force?
In the conflict between Israel and Hamas, who is the dominant force?

Guess which the Democrats support? It's not about political party, but Marxist ideology.

It doesn't matter the conflict or each party's morals and values, Democrats/Marxists will choose the little guy. That's why you see LGBT groups in support of Hamas even though they would be thrown off rooftops in Gaza.
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fullback44 said:

So I have a question for someone that may know this answer, I do not know the answer

So if people in general think or say that some of the hard core Democrat elites and politicians are communists or are Marxist, then why are those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists? To me this doesn't make one bit of sense? If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country ?

Not all political postions make sense but this one is rather confusing to the average Joe (peasant ) like myself
Couple of things.

Modern Russia IS NOT COMMUNIST hasn't been since 1991. This is a fact. Therefore Ukraine is not fighting a Communist country. Its fighting a crime boss that wants to be the new tsar so he can reestablish the old Russian Empire.

Sorry OP dont mean to dog pile but it was 4 post in until someone pointed this basic and important fact !!!

The Ukrainian are not communist either but were another corrupt crime syndicate prior to the 2013 invasion of the Crimea.

Our democrat party espouses socialist ideology bordering on communist. Hard socialist and communist are corrupt to the core. All they want is power under the guise of societal equality. This crap has always been a front for godless power mongering garbage.

There are no good guys in this picture.

Edit: Sorry I posted rashly before reading further down to oh-no and Rocky. Oh-no spells out the details perfectly.
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Western neo Marxism is heavily influenced by Maoism from China. They could not ignite a purely class based struggle in the west because capitalism and free markets are simply too effective and keep the population largely comfortable and complacent. They have turned to alternative internal conflict models such as identity politics to foment the internal divisions and infighting necessary to bring about a violent marxist/Maoist revolution to the one state party system with a largely centrally planned economy, customized as needed to exploit uniquely western cultural aspects. The sanctimonious greedy leftist narcissists haven't given up, they have simply changed tactics to suit the circumstances.
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I feel like Im in history class this morning. anyway some informative responses, when the peasants are continually hammered Russia Russia Russia, sometimes you dont step back and look at the bigger picture. I feel Im an above average peasant, but I can see how all the rest of the peasants have no clue or don't really understand these types of issues.
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My retiring Ivy League physician partner, is intellectually bound to the belief redistribution of wealth is necessary to preserve the county-vehemently so.
The vast differential of wealth from top 1% to the rest of the nation is his argument.

He CANNOT fathom the inefficiency and corruption of big government. Despite being a bright guy.

NONE of his arguments pass muster in debate.

Bottom line, there are Marxists hiding all over the place in intellectual circles so out of touch despite bright minds… HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?
No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See full Medical Disclaimer.
Maroon Dawn
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fullback44 said:

So I have a question for someone that may know this answer, I do not know the answer

So if people in general think or say that some of the hard core Democrat elites and politicians are communists or are Marxist, then why are those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists? To me this doesn't make one bit of sense? If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country ?

Not all political postions make sense but this one is rather confusing to the average Joe (peasant ) like myself

The thing you have to understand is that the Marxism stuff is for the dumb leftist masses. It is to trick them into giving Dems the absolute power they crave to create a China style one party authoritarian oligarchy.

Like China, they'll claim to be a socialist/communist government but in reality will just be yet another corrupt tyranny as all these leftist governments inevitably become because the rubes who create them trust government (people) with absolute power in the hopes they'll use it to create a utopia instead of abusing it (guess how often that works out)
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So many good responses already….

The truth is, I'm not sure they "know" they are going down the path to communism. I think they are blatantly ignorant. In other words, their hunger for power has blinded them to not "see" that what they are doing is literally creating a communist state in effect.
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They're not ideologues, they are authoritarian. Communism as a path helps facilitate this. If another process worked better, they'd pivot immediately
Tom Fox
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fordmd said:

My retiring Ivy League physician partner, is intellectually bound to the belief redistribution of wealth is necessary to preserve the county-vehemently so.
The vast differential of wealth from top 1% to the rest of the nation is his argument.

He CANNOT fathom the inefficiency and corruption of big government. Despite being a bright guy.

NONE of his arguments pass muster in debate.

Bottom line, there are Marxists hiding all over the place in intellectual circles so out of touch despite bright minds… HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

How does he believe redistribution preserves the country?

Is he just wealthy enough he is wiling to give half of his and vote to force other affluent Americans to do likewise because he is afraid of pitchforks and torches?

Or is from position of empathy or guilt?

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oh no said:

fullback44 said:

those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists?
The USSR fell decades ago. Russia is not communist.
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Obama, Harris, Biden are all useful idiots. Their handlers are globalists, think Davos, World Economic Forum and such. They believe they can guide the world to the next renaissance- end climate change, end war, end religious persecution, avoid nuclear war, etc. They would like to take the EU concept global. Standing in the way of this "progress" are us deplorables hanging on to old ideas like free speech, borders (nationalism), choosing who is on the ballot as opposed to choosing from candidates vetted and presented by the cabal. Putin is an old school nationalist dictator so he is a national enemy. Ukraine will be rebuilt and will be a dedicated member of the new world order.
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Tons of others have already made the correction, but I have to pile on because it blows my mind that people on here have apparently not read a newspaper in over 30 years. Russia is NOT communist.

They are not only not communist politically by definition, but are even culturally removed, too. I spent two weeks in Russia in 2018 and their under 40 crowd is probably more pro-capitalist than our under 40 crowd. Moscow basically looks like a combination of Dallas and Tokyo. It's flashing neon billboards and Apple stores and Hard Rock Cafes and fancy restaurants and hotels and so on everywhere you look. The Gum department store is fancy as hell and it's sitting right on Red Square across from the Kremlin. The Moscow airport looks like some kind of model set up by a major marketing firm. Young people were dressed like you'd see in a catalog.

Putin is a former KGB ****stain, and an absolute murderous tyrant, but the country the people live in is nothing like what most Americans seem to think it is now. And no one grew up more anti-Russian than me. And I despise communism. But when you're over there now walking past the Ritz Carlton and the rows of Ferraris and you hear more American rock music in public than we've heard here in decades and all the women look like fashion models it felt culturally like going back to 1980s America. No ghetto music blasting out of every commercial or blue and purple haired 200 pounders walking around either.

When I see comments on the Russia war thread or elsewhere on this forum saying "yeah, kill those commies!" I just can't help but laugh. Hate Russia all you want, I always have too and they're clearly the bad guys against Ukraine, but it's absolutely laughable to say you hate them because they're communist. Guess what, if you go to Germany they actually don't still have swastikas everywhere either, things have changed since then. it's just embarrassing to even read people on a political forum calling Russia communist. We've got more commies in our universities than they have in their country now.
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Teslag said:

Russia wasn't bad purely because of communism. It was and is bad because Russian culture is one of the gutter cultures of the world. They are a broken society and people.

And I agree with that, in spite of my long post I'm still no lover of Russia. I just wanted to correct the idea that they're communist. They are historically a brutal and simple people regardless of political or economic model, that's for sure.
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oh no
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I've been to Russia a few times, too, and it's really nice. I've also been all over China on business- Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macao, Hong Kong. What you see in China can seem really nice and it is really nice if you're a visitor. Both are nice and both are probably safer for visitors than USA is. Although one is communist and one is not, both strictly enforce their laws there. I've also been to another communist country- Vietnam- and it's nice- for tourists. I have friends and family that have been to Cuba- not as nice, but nice for tourists. Other than China, Cuba, N. Korea, and Vietnam, there aren't many communist countries left, fortunately.

The problem with China is, as their economy boomed in recent several decades, the aggression and tactics in which they've grown, taken over resources around the globe in Africa, S. America, and SE Asia, infiltrated and influenced governments around the globe including here, Canada, and Europe, taken over entertainment and media production companies, attracted investors, and stolen IP from leading companies in all industries, as well as the rate and extent in which they've grown their military size and capabilities. They don't have good intentions. ...and they buy the US bonds that keep us afloat. We're in debt to them. ..and the trade imbalance only makes it worse - created billionaires like Jeff Bezos who profited from turning a bookstore into a market for cheap Chinese knockoffs, but hurts US business and growth. ..and guys like him buy the WaPo and control media narratives. They buy acreage all over our country like they do in other countries. They send spy balloons across our country. They established police stations inside our country. Ukraine and Russia are inconsequential distractions from a real threat.

Regarding democrats' envy, emulation, and influence with China and the Maoist/Marxist nature that today's democrats have embraced, I guess it's fine for China and works for them, but I just don't think the government controlling every commercial venture in the country, the surveillance and social credit scores, etc. is the right move for America like the democrats clearly do.

It's the opposite of what created what was the greatest country in history, where free(er) market capitalism, hard work, merit, made USA #1 in education, innovation, growth, and prosperity - all things our big government democrats and bureaucrats are apparently very much against now.
Rex Racer
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fullback44 said:

So I have a question for someone that may know this answer, I do not know the answer

So if people in general think or say that some of the hard core Democrat elites and politicians are communists or are Marxist, then why are those same people the ones that are supporting the war in Ukriane who are actually fighting the real communists? To me this doesn't make one bit of sense? If these people are communists then why are they fighting a real communist country ?

Not all political postions make sense but this one is rather confusing to the average Joe (peasant ) like myself
They are supporting Ukraine because they get kickbacks on the money they send over there. This has been happening for years and is the real reason that they impeached President Trump the first time. It had nothing to do with "quid pro quo", and everything to do with the fact that he was encouraging investigation into the money laundering going on through Ukraine.
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Great post. Sad, but well thought through and articulated.
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Joes said:

Tons of others have already made the correction, but I have to pile on because it blows my mind that people on here have apparently not read a newspaper in over 30 years. Russia is NOT communist.

They are not only not communist politically by definition, but are even culturally removed, too. I spent two weeks in Russia in 2018 and their under 40 crowd is probably more pro-capitalist than our under 40 crowd. Moscow basically looks like a combination of Dallas and Tokyo. It's flashing neon billboards and Apple stores and Hard Rock Cafes and fancy restaurants and hotels and so on everywhere you look. The Gum department store is fancy as hell and it's sitting right on Red Square across from the Kremlin. The Moscow airport looks like some kind of model set up by a major marketing firm. Young people were dressed like you'd see in a catalog.

Putin is a former KGB ****stain, and an absolute murderous tyrant, but the country the people live in is nothing like what most Americans seem to think it is now. And no one grew up more anti-Russian than me. And I despise communism. But when you're over there now walking past the Ritz Carlton and the rows of Ferraris and you hear more American rock music in public than we've heard here in decades and all the women look like fashion models it felt culturally like going back to 1980s America. No ghetto music blasting out of every commercial or blue and purple haired 200 pounders walking around either.

When I see comments on the Russia war thread or elsewhere on this forum saying "yeah, kill those commies!" I just can't help but laugh. Hate Russia all you want, I always have too and they're clearly the bad guys against Ukraine, but it's absolutely laughable to say you hate them because they're communist. Guess what, if you go to Germany they actually don't still have swastikas everywhere either, things have changed since then. it's just embarrassing to even read people on a political forum calling Russia communist. We've got more commies in our universities than they have in their country now.

You need to get out of Moscow and see the real Russia.
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