The top 10 best states to live in for conservatives and Republicans

5,933 Views | 67 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by TheWoodlandsTxAg
Psycho Bunny
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So are you comparing cities or states. Rest of Maryland is nice except for Baltimore. Nebraska is nice if you don't go into Omaha where crime is high. You mention Florida, have you been Miami, Orlando, Fort Lauderale. Jacksonville is no picnic. No matter what state you go to, you are going to have major crime in the cities. Even in Maine
Time, like hope is only an illusion.

The only reason we die is, because we accept death as an inevitability
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TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

Psycho Bunny said:

TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

Artorias said:

How is TN not on your list? WAY more conservative than TX

You cannot be on this list if you have Memphis metro in your state.

Look up Eliza Fletcher.

Some parts of Memphis are more dangerous than Johannesburg.

You have Texas on the list. Did you forget Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio. Shall I go on?

Memphis makes Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio look like Tokyo or Singapore.

Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio are really bad but Memphis along with Baltimore/parts of Chicago/Detroit/St. Louis are the closest thing we have to Johannesburg in terms of violence in the US.

This list was created using the latest data from the federal government:

Your methodology is flawed. You put too much emphasis on crime which is weighted to one or two metro areas within a state.

Furthermore the majority of that crime is committed by people of low socioeconomic status against one another in certain areas of those metros. To eliminate the entire state of Tennessee because of a some neighborhoods in Memphis is ludicrous.

Why do you assume conservatives are afraid of crime and would be deterred to live in a state with a metro area that has some crime?

Conservatives are more concerned with law enforcement than crime rates.

A better measure for the best states for conservatives to live in would be… the states with a high proportion of conservatives..
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We need the Texas House GOP Caucus to choose a conservative Speaker in December to make progress.
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What state has the lowest number of biting mosquitoes ... that is where I will be in the late Spring/Summer/early Fall in my retirement years ... in approx. 6 years?
Im Gipper
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Franklin, TN is not a good place for conservatives because Memphis is a hellhole.

Great take.

I'm Gipper
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OP is 100% right. Nobody should come to TN. It is terrible here.
Tom Fox
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Two words: Truck gun.
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Artorias said:

OP is 100% right. Nobody should come to TN. It is terrible here.
Actually, it should be that nobody should live in the cities -- abandon them to the rats scurrying around in them.
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Setting aside Texas bias, how the hell is Oklahoma not on that list?
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If looking for a place to retire, Arizona is still a pretty awesome state if you're the outdoorsy type. Lots of hunting opportunities, lots of hiking, jeep trails, ATV, dirtbike riding, camping, really nice lakes, etc. Easy drive to Vegas, Utah, California. New Mexico, and Southwest Colorado if you want to travel and sight see.

The real estate taxes are still relatively cheap here, and you can still buy land dirt cheap in some parts of the state like near showlow where they have a good acquifer for drilling water wells 300 to 600 feet deep.

The weather is pretty awesome 7 months of the year too, even in Phoenix, it is like mild spring like weather with mostly 60 to 80 degree weather..
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BTKAG97 said:

Setting aside Texas bias, how the hell is Oklahoma not on that list?

I lived in Oklahoma for 6 years. It completely sucked. The storms were hellacious, I mean nothing like your used to in Texas. Every storm that hits that state in the Spring heads straight for Oklahoma City and 9 times out of 10 they are tornadic and usually F3 or bigger house leveling tornadoes....I really didn't think the weather would matter much being from Texas, but it can be real bad in Oklahoma. There were some years the Tornado sirens were going off every other week in the Spring, and it wears on you.

It was boring as heck. Not much at all to do there. Couldn't even swim or ski in some of the lakes near Oklahoma City, it was against the law...And, of course, they hate Texans mostly. You will get a lot of shigt talk on the daily when they find out you're from Texas.
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Bryanisbest said:

Gods run perfect campaigns. DeSantis is no god. He is a real good governor though. Desantis '28 but not '24.
I think his campaign was fine but a lot of people, myself included, had no idea conservatives wanted Trump back so bad. I thought most conservatives were ready to move on. He was up against a beast in which he had zero chance. He'll be a great candidate in 2028.
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There is a lot more land and places in OK that are not around OK city. South Eastern and East Oklahoma by Grand Lake and Broken Bow is really nice.
Making a bad comment on the entire state because of your experience living in OK city would be like somebody saying Texas is crap because they lived in Austin.
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Pumpkinhead said:

Sorry, but any place that has really cold winters…I am out. I no longer do ice, snow, blizzards, etc…been there done that and never more. so I am not moving to a place like Montana or Wyoming regardless of how many chummy conservative neighbors there are. I'll visit in summers maybe so That would basically eliminate 7-8 states on that list for me. Weather would matter as much or more to me than whether a state votes blue or red.

Even California…there are some really nice areas to live. That is a huge state. Every single square mile of it isn't trash and full of hordes of evil 'libs'.

I'm the opposite. I hated living in Houston. Hot, humid, flat, gross. Moved to the mountains and never going back.
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We spent a family trip at Lake Winnaupausakee, NH and Kennebunkport, ME. Once you leave the urban area of Boston, those areas get very patriotic and very conservative. I was surprised.
The Kraken
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oldag941 said:

We spent a family trip at Lake Winnaupausakee, NH and Kennebunkport, ME. Once you leave the urban area of Boston, those areas get very patriotic and very conservative. I was surprised.
Drove through rural Pennsylvania and New York last summer. Every small town and village had US and Trump flags everywhere.
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Psycho Bunny said:

What happened to Mississippi and Alabama, even Oklahoma are friendly conservative states. Jesus OP, did you pick those other places, based on how A&M football would stack againts the state universities football teams.

statistically speaking oklahoma is far more red than texas. i believe in the last election trump pulled approximately 70% of the vote. texas was around 58%
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slaughtr said:

Pumpkinhead said:

Sorry, but any place that has really cold winters…I am out. I no longer do ice, snow, blizzards, etc…been there done that and never more. so I am not moving to a place like Montana or Wyoming regardless of how many chummy conservative neighbors there are. I'll visit in summers maybe so That would basically eliminate 7-8 states on that list for me. Weather would matter as much or more to me than whether a state votes blue or red.

Even California…there are some really nice areas to live. That is a huge state. Every single square mile of it isn't trash and full of hordes of evil 'libs'.

I'm the opposite. I hated living in Houston. Hot, humid, flat, gross. Moved to the mountains and never going back.
Same. Moved to northeast TN where we get four seasons, and the summers are fairly mild, and love it. Went back to Houston for a week this summer, and could not get out of there fast enough. So freakin' hot and humid.
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TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

2: New Hampshire (yes I know the Republicans in the NH state senate are very moderate and Sununu is a libertarian but the violent crime rate is similar to some of the safest countries in the world)

3: Maine (cold winters and democrat with some libertarian tendencies government are the negatives….some of the lowest violent crime and property crime rates in the world if you compare it to other countries)

my wife and i went up there for our 20th anniversary to see the foliage last year (amazing trip that i'd recommend before you die) and Portsmouth, Manchester, and Portland really like their BLM signs and Pride flags. The BLM thing was interesting because I saw all of one black person in Portsmouth, NH and could count on one hand what I saw in Portland. I'm sure I saw some people that are gay as well, but it wasn't in my face other than the flags in every restaurant/shop. Just some interesting virtue signaling.

Portland actually reminded me of a cleaner Austin on the bay.

I saw campaign signs for Vivek, RFK, and Marrianne Williamson, which were a bit refreshing because I never saw anything of the sort in Texas, and i travel all of Texas.

if my wife didn't absolutely hate cold weather, it would be a retirement idea. it does seem like December to March would be pretty miserable.
Little Rock Ag
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So, I know Arkansas is not the perfect state, but outside of the bluest parts of Little Rock and some of the Delta, it's quite conservative with vast swaths of rural areas that will tolerate absolutely zero leftist shenanigans should things get hot.
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Gunny456 said:

There is a lot more land and places in OK that are not around OK city. South Eastern and East Oklahoma by Grand Lake and Broken Bow is really nice.
Making a bad comment on the entire state because of your experience living in OK city would be like somebody saying Texas is crap because they lived in Austin.

You are correct, Eastern Oklahoma is beautiful, but the entire state is a mess, weather wise. My Aunt and Uncle lived on a lake over that way and every year would lose power for a couple of weeks due to ice storms knocking down trees. They still get a lot of tornados all over the state and floods, but you are right, none of it is as bad as in OKC...
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Just an observation, none of the top 8 have any cities over 1Mm population. Nebraska may be the only one with a metro over 1/2 MM.
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I don't know who posted this, but having Maine listed as a conservative state is a joke. I own a summer house there and it is anything but. A dem senate, a dem house of rep, and a dem governor. They DO have one republican Senator (Collins), but she is such as RINO squish that it doesn't matter half of the time. As for crime, rural areas are pretty safe, to be sure. But not Portland. Maine State Prison (Shawshank) has nearly a full house.
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The top 3 on my list (Idaho, New Hampshire, and Maine) have about the same population combined as all of Harris County.

My top 3 states combined have less than 7 percent of the violent crime and homicides that Harris County has in any given year.

That is insane.
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aggrad02 said:

TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

Psycho Bunny said:

TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

Artorias said:

How is TN not on your list? WAY more conservative than TX

You cannot be on this list if you have Memphis metro in your state.

Look up Eliza Fletcher.

Some parts of Memphis are more dangerous than Johannesburg.

You have Texas on the list. Did you forget Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio. Shall I go on?

Memphis makes Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio look like Tokyo or Singapore.

Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio are really bad but Memphis along with Baltimore/parts of Chicago/Detroit/St. Louis are the closest thing we have to Johannesburg in terms of violence in the US.

This list was created using the latest data from the federal government:

Your methodology is flawed. You put too much emphasis on crime which is weighted to one or two metro areas within a state.

Furthermore the majority of that crime is committed by people of low socioeconomic status against one another in certain areas of those metros. To eliminate the entire state of Tennessee because of a some neighborhoods in Memphis is ludicrous.

Why do you assume conservatives are afraid of crime and would be deterred to live in a state with a metro area that has some crime?

Conservatives are more concerned with law enforcement than crime rates.

A better measure for the best states for conservatives to live in would be… the states with a high proportion of conservatives..

It has been proven time and time again by anybody that isn't a far left think tank that low socioeconomic status is not even a top 3 factor in violent crime and homicides. Law enforcement in the red states is not what it was because of all of the Soros funded DAs, soft on crime Soros judges, and understaffed police departments because of Dems demoralizing the police or defunding them like they did in Austin/Travis County. You can hear out of their own mouth that these DAs are pro violent criminal.

Look at this report. It is the single most important public safety report this decade. It uses direct quotes.

Psycho Bunny
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TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

The top 3 on my list (Idaho, New Hampshire, and Maine) have about the same population combined as all of Harris County.

My top 3 states combined have less than 7 percent of the violent crime that Harris County has in any given year.

That is insane.
And Harris County is a deep blue county. Which means... crime is going to be rampant. Over 9k inmates in Harris County custody. About 2k are locked up in other states and counties.

Why is this so hard for people to understand.
Time, like hope is only an illusion.

The only reason we die is, because we accept death as an inevitability
Tom Fox
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TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

aggrad02 said:

TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

Psycho Bunny said:

TheWoodlandsTxAg said:

Artorias said:

How is TN not on your list? WAY more conservative than TX

You cannot be on this list if you have Memphis metro in your state.

Look up Eliza Fletcher.

Some parts of Memphis are more dangerous than Johannesburg.

You have Texas on the list. Did you forget Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio. Shall I go on?

Memphis makes Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio look like Tokyo or Singapore.

Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio are really bad but Memphis along with Baltimore/parts of Chicago/Detroit/St. Louis are the closest thing we have to Johannesburg in terms of violence in the US.

This list was created using the latest data from the federal government:

Your methodology is flawed. You put too much emphasis on crime which is weighted to one or two metro areas within a state.

Furthermore the majority of that crime is committed by people of low socioeconomic status against one another in certain areas of those metros. To eliminate the entire state of Tennessee because of a some neighborhoods in Memphis is ludicrous.

Why do you assume conservatives are afraid of crime and would be deterred to live in a state with a metro area that has some crime?

Conservatives are more concerned with law enforcement than crime rates.

A better measure for the best states for conservatives to live in would be… the states with a high proportion of conservatives..

It has been proven time and time again by anybody that isn't a far left think tank that low socioeconomic status is not even a top 3 factor in violent crime and homicides. Law enforcement in the red states is not what it was because of all of the Soros funded DAs, soft on crime Soros judges, and understaffed police departments because of Dems demoralizing the police or defunding them like they did in Austin/Travis County. You can hear out of their own mouth that these DAs are pro violent criminal.

Look at this report. It is the single most important public safety report this decade. It uses direct quotes.

Look, most of the places you listed in the op are low crime because they are Lilly white. Avoiding areas with high concentrations of blacks is always a good policy, but I care far more that the DA's office is conservative and pro self-defense/police.

I can protect myself. I do not want to live in New Hampshire or Maine with all of those liberals simply over security concerns.
Buck Turgidson
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Too bad I hate cold climates. Florida and Texas will have to do, because no way in Hell am I living north of Tennessee.
The Kraken
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New Hampshire sounds really good for retirement right now....getting tired of the Texas summers. I can handle the cold much easier. Unfortunately my wife hates the cold.
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It has been proven time and time again by anybody that isn't a far left think tank that low socioeconomic status is not even a top 3 factor in violent crime and homicides.

Proven? Please provide
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The Kraken said:

New Hampshire sounds really good for retirement right now....getting tired of the Texas summers. I can handle the cold much easier. Unfortunately my wife hates the cold.

Come to Idaho. The Treasure Valley, where Boise is, is much less cold than people think. It's more like Reno than New England.
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Little Rock Ag said:

So, I know Arkansas is not the perfect state, but outside of the bluest parts of Little Rock and some of the Delta, it's quite conservative with vast swaths of rural areas that will tolerate absolutely zero leftist shenanigans should things get hot.
Just moved here about a month ago from Houston and absolutely love it. Different pace, people, politics and climate. Wish I would have done it sooner.
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I cannot believe some of these comments.

The general response is I care more about warm weather than safety.

What the heck.

I know this map is 5 years old but we have a huge crime reporting problem in this country so this is as good data as we are going to get. Rural Texas and rural Florida along with some suburban areas are the only relatively safe places in the whole Sunbelt, and that is relative to other more dangerous places in the Sunbelt. Not relative to places like Idaho.

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