Committee for a Responsible Government compares Presidents

4,200 Views | 76 Replies | Last: 7 days ago by BluHorseShu
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With a name like Committee for a Responsible Government, you know it's a progressive rag.
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captkirk said:

Yeah, and Biden created 14 million jobs, right?

Billion....with a "B". - KJP
Not Coach Jimbo
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The mental gymnastics the left goes through while ignoring reality and basic common sense is astounding.

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Ag with kids said:

The funniest thing is claiming the Inflation Reduction Act will account for $252B in debt REDUCTION....
You're correct.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
Not Coach Jimbo
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BigRobSA said:

captkirk said:

Yeah, and Biden created 14 million jobs, right?

Billion....with a "B". - KJP

Saw something saying nearly 1/4 of all jobs created were government jobs...

How is that possible... really would like to see a breakdown of those jobs created. I wouldn't be surprised if they are hiding some crap.
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BusterAg said:

Any organization that calls a tax cut an expense cannot be trusted with a summary analysis.

A tax cut is only an expenditure if you are part of the government.
Thank you for pointing that out. Clear concise proof that the information cited in the OP is complete crap.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Logos Stick said:

giving Trump responsibility for 2021 spending.

LMAO at that idiocy!

if you take out the year 2021, when Trump was not president, he added $4.23 trillion to the debt and that's with a once in a 100 year pandemic!

Look at 2017-2019 Trump - NON PANDEMIC - and compare it to Biden's 2022-2024 years!

I forgot that some spending doesn't count if you can come up with an excuse.
Logos Stick
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shack009 said:

Logos Stick said:

giving Trump responsibility for 2021 spending.

LMAO at that idiocy!

if you take out the year 2021, when Trump was not president, he added $4.23 trillion to the debt and that's with a once in a 100 year pandemic!

Look at 2017-2019 Trump - NON PANDEMIC - and compare it to Biden's 2022-2024 years!

I forgot that some spending doesn't count if you can come up with an excuse.

Taking those two years out, Trumps last and Bidens first - since it was a once in a 100 year episode - is more representative of their fiscal policies.

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Not Coach Jimbo said:

BigRobSA said:

captkirk said:

Yeah, and Biden created 14 million jobs, right?

Billion....with a "B". - KJP
Saw something saying nearly 1/4 of all jobs created were government jobs...

How is that possible... really would like to see a breakdown of those jobs created. I wouldn't be surprised if they are hiding some crap.
That and jobs within corporations/companies tied to government contracts.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
Funky Winkerbean
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How do they calculate debt with no budget?
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This thread delivers!

All we have to do is remove the data that goes against our assumptions, and then it magically agrees with our assumptions!
El Gallo Blanco
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To the left, lying to advance the Party or its causes is one of the most noble and virtuous things you can do. It's basically a demonic religion at thei point that embraces evil and hates what is good.
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This is deceptive just like most of what you
See from liberal media. Anyone that believes Trump would Outspend Biden wasn't a serious swing voter in the first place. Beyond that people need to think about
What the spending would look like. America
Last bigger government and divisive vs pro-American worker and securing sovereignty.

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halfastros81 said:

This is deceptive just like most of what you
See from liberal media. Anyone that believes Trump would Outspend Biden wasn't a serious swing voter in the first place. Beyond that people need to think about
What the spending would look like. America
Last bigger government and divisive vs pro-American worker and securing sovereignty.

Who cares if he would have spent less than Biden. There were no serious cuts in spending, and Trump actually increased Obama's spending levels. Trump loves spending. Plain and simple.

You could argue why it is necessary for him to spend, but pardon those of us who know spending at these levels is a bad idea. We need to cut spending by like 90% at minimum. Trump has no intent of decreasing spending.
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I didn't say Trump would decrease spending.
I said he would authorize less spending than Biden and what he does spend would be significantly more positive
For the country than Biden.

I agree spending should be reduced significantly but that's probably not an option with
Either candidate
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rgvag11 said:

It is one of the many reminders of the sad reality that almost nobody cares about fiscal responsibility. People talk the talk, but almost nobody walks the walk.

The problem lies not with politicians. It's the people who elect them. Repubs are better than Dems however you look at it.
Tea Party
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The House ultimately controls the purse, but the leader of the Executive does have some say.

While I agree Trump is a big spender just like Biden, we should quit blaming the leader of the Executive branch for the spending issues when the blame lies directly at the feet of the House.

Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.
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Retired FBI Agent
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FYI re: methodology and years used


Appendix III: Methodology
This analysis estimates the additional borrowing approved by Presidents Trump and Biden through tax and spending changes passed by Congress or contained in executive actions from their administrations. It does not estimate the amount of debt that accumulated over their terms, which partially reflects actions taken prior to their time in office and does not account for the fiscal impact of the actions approved by the President but incurred outside of his four-year term. We will publish changes in debt during their terms in a supplemental analysis.

Our analysis incorporates all major pieces of legislation and executive actions those with more than $10 billion of ten-year budget impact approved by Presidents Trump and Biden. Estimates rely on ten-year budget scores, as under standard convention. In order to rely on official scores wherever possible, however, all estimates are based on the ten-year budget window at the time of enactment meaning different policies cover different time frames and thus are not purely additive or comparable.
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Repubs are better than Dems however you look at it.
By about a millimeter.
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Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.
There's more than just that. Whether Repub or Dem, the American populace is now so dependent on free flowing cash that it will no longer elect politicians who run on hard fiscal reform.

Even the votes who say they want it really don't as soon as you start talking about Social Security and Medicare.

Thus, we get the politicians we deserve, and the spending spree continues.
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Tea Party said:

The House ultimately controls the purse, but the leader of the Executive does have some say.

While I agree Trump is a big spender just like Biden, we should quit blaming the leader of the Executive branch for the spending issues when the blame lies directly at the feet of the House.

Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.

"Some say"?!

The PotUS is the defacto leader of their respective party AND they sign it, or not. Nobody is relieving the legislature of their responsibilities, as is shown consistently via their abysmal approval rating. But the continued attempts to whitewash the President's ultimate, superseding responsibility are silly.
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A couple of takeaways from this thread.

1. A lot of people do not realize how the annual budgets and spending work. Actually have no idea at all. Then when there ignorance is pointed out they just ignore it and still yell at and blame the other side.
2. People still think that being liberal makes one a Democrat and being a conservative makes one a Republican
3. Some people understand the difference between a liberal and a progressive. Some do not.
4. Both parties and both men running for President have contributed enormously to the federal debt and neither candidate nor Party has any plan or really desire to fix the problem.

I would argue that the only people talking about the problem right now are a few liberals and a few more conservatives.
Tea Party
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BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

The House ultimately controls the purse, but the leader of the Executive does have some say.

While I agree Trump is a big spender just like Biden, we should quit blaming the leader of the Executive branch for the spending issues when the blame lies directly at the feet of the House.

Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.

"Some say"?!

The PotUS is the defacto leader of their respective party AND they sign it, or not. Nobody is relieving the legislature of their responsibilities, as is shown consistently via their abysmal approval rating. But the continued attempts to whitewash the President's ultimate, superseding responsibility are silly.
For a spending plan to hit the Presidents desk for signature, 270+ members of Congress must have agreed on the spending.

If the President does not approve, even though they have that power, it's their pen vs what 270+ members of Congress wanted. Not signing can be viewed positively by the people if Congress puts forth something egregious, but more often than not the President has to be a rubber stamp.

Reality is not whitewashing. You are just too accustomed to the poor ways of a negligent at best Congress and an overpowerful Executive leader.
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What the **** is 10 year debt? Appropriations are recalibrated ever year.
Ellis Wyatt
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Not Coach Jimbo said:

BigRobSA said:

captkirk said:

Yeah, and Biden created 14 million jobs, right?

Billion....with a "B". - KJP

Saw something saying nearly 1/4 of all jobs created were government jobs...
I think it is more than 1/4.
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Tea Party said:

BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

The House ultimately controls the purse, but the leader of the Executive does have some say.

While I agree Trump is a big spender just like Biden, we should quit blaming the leader of the Executive branch for the spending issues when the blame lies directly at the feet of the House.

Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.

"Some say"?!

The PotUS is the defacto leader of their respective party AND they sign it, or not. Nobody is relieving the legislature of their responsibilities, as is shown consistently via their abysmal approval rating. But the continued attempts to whitewash the President's ultimate, superseding responsibility are silly.
For a spending plan to hit the Presidents desk for signature, 270+ members of Congress must have agreed on the spending.

If the President does not approve, even though they have that power, it's their pen vs what 270+ members of Congress wanted. Not signing can be viewed positively by the people if Congress puts forth something egregious, but more often than not the President has to be a rubber stamp.

Reality is not whitewashing. You are just too accustomed to the poor ways of a negligent at best Congress and an overpowerful Executive leader.

No, I'm accustomed to me being the signatory and ultimate, responsible Party. Leadership, which the Presidency hasn't had in decades, and will continue lacking another 4 years, at least.

It's on the PotUS more than the dumbasses in Congress are to blame, though their blame is high.
Tea Party
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BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

The House ultimately controls the purse, but the leader of the Executive does have some say.

While I agree Trump is a big spender just like Biden, we should quit blaming the leader of the Executive branch for the spending issues when the blame lies directly at the feet of the House.

Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.

"Some say"?!

The PotUS is the defacto leader of their respective party AND they sign it, or not. Nobody is relieving the legislature of their responsibilities, as is shown consistently via their abysmal approval rating. But the continued attempts to whitewash the President's ultimate, superseding responsibility are silly.
For a spending plan to hit the Presidents desk for signature, 270+ members of Congress must have agreed on the spending.

If the President does not approve, even though they have that power, it's their pen vs what 270+ members of Congress wanted. Not signing can be viewed positively by the people if Congress puts forth something egregious, but more often than not the President has to be a rubber stamp.

Reality is not whitewashing. You are just too accustomed to the poor ways of a negligent at best Congress and an overpowerful Executive leader.

No, I'm accustomed to me being the signatory and ultimate, responsible Party. Leadership, which the Presidency hasn't had in decades, and will continue lacking another 4 years, at least.

It's on the PotUS more than the dumbasses in Congress are to blame, though their blame is high.
The House/Congress having the power to initiate the budget gives them a check on the Executive.
The Executive with veto power gives them a check over Congress, though the political optics of 1 vetoing 270+ does not look good if used outside of egregious scenarios.

Blame Congress for not doing their job well or blame the idiot populace for allowing so much power to be transferred to the President. Otherwise you are just championing for a white knight President which is foolish in the long run.

We have heard your take constantly. Trump bad. Biden bad. Everyone left of Rand Paul and DeSantis bad.
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Tea Party said:

BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

The House ultimately controls the purse, but the leader of the Executive does have some say.

While I agree Trump is a big spender just like Biden, we should quit blaming the leader of the Executive branch for the spending issues when the blame lies directly at the feet of the House.

Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.

"Some say"?!

The PotUS is the defacto leader of their respective party AND they sign it, or not. Nobody is relieving the legislature of their responsibilities, as is shown consistently via their abysmal approval rating. But the continued attempts to whitewash the President's ultimate, superseding responsibility are silly.
For a spending plan to hit the Presidents desk for signature, 270+ members of Congress must have agreed on the spending.

If the President does not approve, even though they have that power, it's their pen vs what 270+ members of Congress wanted. Not signing can be viewed positively by the people if Congress puts forth something egregious, but more often than not the President has to be a rubber stamp.

Reality is not whitewashing. You are just too accustomed to the poor ways of a negligent at best Congress and an overpowerful Executive leader.

No, I'm accustomed to me being the signatory and ultimate, responsible Party. Leadership, which the Presidency hasn't had in decades, and will continue lacking another 4 years, at least.

It's on the PotUS more than the dumbasses in Congress are to blame, though their blame is high.
The House/Congress having the power to initiate the budget gives them a check on the Executive.
The Executive with veto power gives them a check over Congress, though the political optics of 1 vetoing 270+ does not look good if used outside of egregious scenarios.

Blame Congress for not doing their job well or blame the idiot populace for allowing so much power to be transferred to the President. Otherwise you are just championing for a white knight President which is foolish in the long run.

We have heard your take constantly. Trump bad. Biden bad. Everyone left of Rand Paul and DeSantis bad.

I blame ALL of them. Congress is horrible, so have been all of the Presidents over the last few decades, not just Trump and Biden.

But, the PotUS wanted the big comes with responsibility. That they have all shirked.
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BigRobSA said:

This is why you don't select liberals, regardless of the letter by their name on TV.

disagree. Rs do it to help the country and dims don't
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Tea Party said:

BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

The House ultimately controls the purse, but the leader of the Executive does have some say.

While I agree Trump is a big spender just like Biden, we should quit blaming the leader of the Executive branch for the spending issues when the blame lies directly at the feet of the House.

Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.

"Some say"?!

The PotUS is the defacto leader of their respective party AND they sign it, or not. Nobody is relieving the legislature of their responsibilities, as is shown consistently via their abysmal approval rating. But the continued attempts to whitewash the President's ultimate, superseding responsibility are silly.
For a spending plan to hit the Presidents desk for signature, 270+ members of Congress must have agreed on the spending.

If the President does not approve, even though they have that power, it's their pen vs what 270+ members of Congress wanted. Not signing can be viewed positively by the people if Congress puts forth something egregious, but more often than not the President has to be a rubber stamp.

Reality is not whitewashing. You are just too accustomed to the poor ways of a negligent at best Congress and an overpowerful Executive leader.

No, I'm accustomed to me being the signatory and ultimate, responsible Party. Leadership, which the Presidency hasn't had in decades, and will continue lacking another 4 years, at least.

It's on the PotUS more than the dumbasses in Congress are to blame, though their blame is high.
The House/Congress having the power to initiate the budget gives them a check on the Executive.
The Executive with veto power gives them a check over Congress, though the political optics of 1 vetoing 270+ does not look good if used outside of egregious scenarios.

Blame Congress for not doing their job well or blame the idiot populace for allowing so much power to be transferred to the President. Otherwise you are just championing for a white knight President which is foolish in the long run.

We have heard your take constantly. Trump bad. Biden bad. Everyone left of Rand Paul and DeSantis bad.

This is why I hated that SCOTUS killed the line item veto. There's no fiscal responsibility now. The two sides "compromise" by jamming every bill with pork for both sides. Watch the liberal tears when the president can just cross out stupid crap like a few hundred million dollars to teach poetry to lesbian ducks. Once line item veto is allowed again, watch true compromise happen
Ag with kids
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aggiejayrod said:

Tea Party said:

BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

BigRobSA said:

Tea Party said:

The House ultimately controls the purse, but the leader of the Executive does have some say.

While I agree Trump is a big spender just like Biden, we should quit blaming the leader of the Executive branch for the spending issues when the blame lies directly at the feet of the House.

Our representatives have given up on their responsibility and successfully fooled the populace into thinking the blame lies with opposing party's leader of the Executive branch.

"Some say"?!

The PotUS is the defacto leader of their respective party AND they sign it, or not. Nobody is relieving the legislature of their responsibilities, as is shown consistently via their abysmal approval rating. But the continued attempts to whitewash the President's ultimate, superseding responsibility are silly.
For a spending plan to hit the Presidents desk for signature, 270+ members of Congress must have agreed on the spending.

If the President does not approve, even though they have that power, it's their pen vs what 270+ members of Congress wanted. Not signing can be viewed positively by the people if Congress puts forth something egregious, but more often than not the President has to be a rubber stamp.

Reality is not whitewashing. You are just too accustomed to the poor ways of a negligent at best Congress and an overpowerful Executive leader.

No, I'm accustomed to me being the signatory and ultimate, responsible Party. Leadership, which the Presidency hasn't had in decades, and will continue lacking another 4 years, at least.

It's on the PotUS more than the dumbasses in Congress are to blame, though their blame is high.
The House/Congress having the power to initiate the budget gives them a check on the Executive.
The Executive with veto power gives them a check over Congress, though the political optics of 1 vetoing 270+ does not look good if used outside of egregious scenarios.

Blame Congress for not doing their job well or blame the idiot populace for allowing so much power to be transferred to the President. Otherwise you are just championing for a white knight President which is foolish in the long run.

We have heard your take constantly. Trump bad. Biden bad. Everyone left of Rand Paul and DeSantis bad.

This is why I hated that SCOTUS killed the line item veto. There's no fiscal responsibility now. The two sides "compromise" by jamming every bill with pork for both sides. Watch the liberal tears when the president can just cross out stupid crap like a few hundred million dollars to teach poetry to lesbian ducks. Once line item veto is allowed again, watch true compromise happen
IIRC, SCOTUS sent it back with the caveat that if Congress changed the bill to have Congressional review/approval over the vetos then it WOULD pass Constitutional muster...
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At this point, we are so far in debt there is no recovering. Whether Trump or Biden will spend more doesn't really matter. Reality is the US population does not have the appetite or desire for spending cuts. Spending cuts are a losing proposition.
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Need a viable, common sense 3rd party
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Trump was effed by covid. But before that I don't think he knew what he was up against and was playing the political long game for re-election purposes. If Trump wins this time around the carnage in the bloated federal bureaucracy will be glorious!
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Congress sets the budget.

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