Here's a graphic:

Darker is higher IQ averages, lighter is lower. Map is interactive at the site. Texas ranks in at 97.4 according to this data. New Mexico at 95 and La. at 95.2.
State average means nothing for individuals like us, of course.
But there are signs that IQ may have dipped, according to a study last year. It found the average IQ score in the US fell from 100 to 98 last year - the first time rates have fallen since we began tracking them.
Now, separate data shows there is a gap of about eight points between states, with New Hampshire ranking first with an average IQ of 103.2.
Here's a graphic:

Darker is higher IQ averages, lighter is lower. Map is interactive at the site. Texas ranks in at 97.4 according to this data. New Mexico at 95 and La. at 95.2.
State average means nothing for individuals like us, of course.
Trump will fix it.