Desantis to be Trump's VP?

20,549 Views | 336 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by dreyOO
Science Denier
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And now we're stuck choosing between a liberal 80 yr old showing signs of mental decline and Biden (an 80 yr old progressive vegetable).
I'll vote for the 80 year old that has proven he can
1. Stand up and take questions for HOURS from the media
2. Works insanely hard hosting events that continually draw tens of thousands
3. Shown the mental capacity to endure the massive lawfare thrown at him.

I will also vote for the candidate that has proven he stands for
1. Lower Taxes
2. Energy independence
3. Strong policies overseas
4. Nominates very good SC justices
5. Actually cares about illegal aliens invading our country and actually did something about it
6. Showed the republican base they no longer have to put up with weak-ass Republicans afraid to stand up to the left and their media.

You go ahead and let your TDS affect you. I'll vote for the qualities listed above.
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aggie93 said:

Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

Rockdoc said:

Rapier108 said:

Probably just wants DeSantis' war chest.

Every single time Trump meets with someone, they're suddenly going to be his VP pick.

Dude you're better than this. I know you are.

No he's not…He is broken. This is exactly who he is now!
I still see many of his post effectively ripping the left; more so than the boot lickers. All they do is attack anyone that questions Trump. With them its --Never question or criticize the MAN.

I look forward to reading Rapier and others continue to hammer the left with more detail, more facts, more research than any of you emotional knee jerk boot lickers. All y'all have is crap like that in bold and TDS ! TDS !. Simplistic stupid stuff with no detail or thoughts. Kinda like the mindless droning stuff leftest would chant at a commie demonstration.

You must have me confused with someone else. I'm not anybody's boot licker. But good to see you still have the same ****ed up issues that Rapier does.

My point is, why continue to bash the **** out of Trump on every thread? He is the nominee whether you like it or not. So get on board or STFU. You are not going to convince the boot lickers not to vote for him, the only ones you are going to convince are the "middle of the road" type people. Every one of those that you and the other brilliant anti-Trumpers convince not to vote for Trump is a vote for biden. So while comparing me to a communist, you, Rapier and the others are the ones that are doing more for the democrat party than any Trump supporter.

The problem with the anti-Trump crowd is the amount of arrogance you spew. Your "I'm too smart to vote for Trump" **** gets so tiring. You ***** about everyone screaming TDS, but your condescending approach is just as annoying.

As far as I'm concerned, you can get on your ttu high horse and ride the **** off!
I've turned the volume WAY DOWN on my Trump criticism but I completely understand why others have not. Trump went as scorched earth as possible on DeSantis and there are consequences to that. You crap on people daily and then tell them to get in line and you often will get the middle finger.

I agree that Trump is a buffoon. But he is the only buffoon we have at this point. Continuous trashing by many on the platform are not doing any good at this point. It's similar to when all we had to work with was that weasel McCain or Romney and his magic underwear. You can suck it up and vote for them or pray that the opponent doesn't end up too bad…we see how that worked out. This country could use some true conservatives in leadership
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Or are we just not supposed to talk about facts?
We are dealing with the kind of people who insist on driving, won't look at the map, and then get pissed off when people point out that they're driving in the wrong direction.
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aggie93 said:

Muy said:

Ah, so amid the chaos surrounding the world panicking over Covid, it would have gone well if he fired Fauci and anyone from the medical community trying to convince him of the appropriate steps to deal with it? Or maybe take away states rights and bring in the national guard to force states to keep all businesses open?

What should he have done at that time, not knowing how much bs the whole thing was?
He didn't have to fire Fauci, he just didn't need to put him out front. He had other folks he could have gone with that were giving alternative opinions. Or he could have done like DeSantis did and went and found his own with Lapado. Fauci said nice things about him though and that was all it took for Trump to give him the keys to the country.

I can forgive Trump for being naive and a fool but I'm not going to pretend like he wasn't. Maybe Covid (or more accurately the Covid response) was no big deal to you but it sure as hell had a MASSIVE impact on me and my family. I actually feel far worse for what my kids lost than anything I did, though I worked as hard as possible to keep their lives normal. So many kids are a complete disaster now though, the damage caused by the Covid response is scary to even calculate.

On top of all of that Trump went along with Fauci and was a coward and still lost anyway. Hell the relief bill actually funded the mail in voting that inevitably cost him the election.

Or are we just not supposed to talk about facts?
Trump did not lose the election due to Covid. He was being crucified in the press for many other things. Sad that so many continue to fall for the propaganda and cannot think for themselves. Truly amazing that so many "Republicans" fall for the lies and willingly create discord. I believe Covid did not hurt him. The cries of racism, mean tweets, abortion, the mail-in ballots and the emotionally weak Jeb Bush drones reinforced by the Democrat fourth estate among many other factors hurt Trump.
Science Denier
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Ag with kids said:

aggie93 said:

one safe place said:

aggie93 said:

one safe place said:

SA68AG said:

DeSantis is an alpha dog. He's not going to be anybody's VP.
Though I wish DeSantis had crushed Trump and gotten the nomination, he wasn't an alpha dog in the primaries, more of a lap chihuahua.

Nah, he hit hard and often in the primaries. He made Newsom into a joke. He destroyed Haley in the last debate. There was just no way to break through against Trump, especially with the media and RNC completely in the tank.

If you can give me a realistic example of how he could have beaten Trump though I'm all ears.
Well, he wasn't running against Newsom. As far as hard and often, I guess I missed his delegate totals somehow. The media is in the tank for biden, not Trump. DeSantis's campaign was ineffective, that isn't Trump's fault.
I can think of so many times during the campaign where DeSantis absolutely hit something out of the park and the media either ignored it or downplayed it. When they talked about him they always started off with polling numbers and Trump. This was after giving Trump 10x the coverage. Even the Hurricane was memory holed in a flash. They let Trump get away with not doing hard interviews and not debating, hell they praised him for it and called him smart.

I didn't say that was "Trump's fault" it just was what it was. I also noticed you didn't have any response to giving an example of how DeSantis could have beaten Trump. The only way it was going to happen was for Trump to self implode.

DeSantis didn't run a perfect campaign but he ran a solid one. In the end he just never got a real shot, so be it. He's a young guy and has a lot of career left in him. Trump does not.
Another thing left out is that DeSantis wasn't running against a candidate whose name was Donald Trump. He was running against Former POTUS Donald Trump. Trump already had a built in base, 100% name recognition in the GOP, as well as a bunch of other head starts.

It was ALWAYS going to be hard to climb up the hill to break even with him.
But his campaign was so bad, he actually lost ground once he started speaking. He came in with much of the establishment endorsing him and received tons off dollars. But, then his campaign started up, and it was a disaster.

Dude benefitted from Trump's endorsement. He could do much worse than sticking by him for 4 years, and then being the next guy up. He may learn a thing or two about actually campaigning on a national level.
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Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

Rockdoc said:

Rapier108 said:

Probably just wants DeSantis' war chest.

Every single time Trump meets with someone, they're suddenly going to be his VP pick.

Dude you're better than this. I know you are.

No he's not…He is broken. This is exactly who he is now!
I still see many of his post effectively ripping the left; more so than the boot lickers. All they do is attack anyone that questions Trump. With them its --Never question or criticize the MAN.

I look forward to reading Rapier and others continue to hammer the left with more detail, more facts, more research than any of you emotional knee jerk boot lickers. All y'all have is crap like that in bold and TDS ! TDS !. Simplistic stupid stuff with no detail or thoughts. Kinda like the mindless droning stuff leftest would chant at a commie demonstration.

You must have me confused with someone else. I'm not anybody's boot licker. But good to see you still have the same ****ed up issues that Rapier does.

My point is, why continue to bash the **** out of Trump on every thread? He is the nominee whether you like it or not. So get on board or STFU. You are not going to convince the boot lickers not to vote for him, the only ones you are going to convince are the "middle of the road" type people. Every one of those that you and the other brilliant anti-Trumpers convince not to vote for Trump is a vote for biden. So while comparing me to a communist, you, Rapier and the others are the ones that are doing more for the democrat party than any Trump supporter.

The problem with the anti-Trump crowd is the amount of arrogance you spew. Your "I'm too smart to vote for Trump" **** gets so tiring. You ***** about everyone screaming TDS, but your condescending approach is just as annoying.

As far as I'm concerned, you can get on your ttu high horse and ride the **** off!
I've turned the volume WAY DOWN on my Trump criticism but I completely understand why others have not. Trump went as scorched earth as possible on DeSantis and there are consequences to that. You crap on people daily and then tell them to get in line and you often will get the middle finger.
Well, what do you expect from us listless vessels?

But to be fair, he went WAY MORE scorched earth on Jeb Bush than DeSantis, so using the phrase
"as much as possible" is not accurate.
I love it when people get offended at the listless vessels comment as they defend anything that Trump does or says and will follow him off a cliff.

Actually Trump didn't go scorched earth on Jeb, he didn't need to. He hit him a couple of times, mainly on issues btw like foreign policy, and Jeb folded like a tent. For DeSantis he lied constantly about how Cuomo was so much better during Covid and how the economy there sucks and so on. He used every personal attack he could dream up, some of which was pretty damn disgusting. Trump always goes scorched earth on people he sees as a threat. That's his schtick.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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ttu_85 said:

Phatbob said:


The biden campaign thanks you for your support

Remember you are dealing with children or the low end of the rights IQ spectrum.
Says the guy with the child like response.
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ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

BigRobSA said:

Muy said:

Ah, so amid the chaos surrounding the world panicking over Covid, it would have gone well if he fired Fauci and anyone from the medical community trying to convince him of the appropriate steps to deal with it? Or maybe take away states rights and bring in the national guard to force states to keep all businesses open?

What should he have done at that time, not knowing how much bs the whole thing was?

Yes. He should have fired Fauci, and others. Desantis fired his SG when he wouldn't stop with the idiocy. That's what a leader does. Especially one that claims, like Trump does, to be an outsider and a fighter. Instead, he *****ed out and let unelected morons run the show. As was usual during his Presidency, he lacked leadership skill, and got gaped by the left. Add to that his insane spending and here we are, along with the next liberal...Biden....turning it to 11.

And now we're stuck choosing between a liberal 80 yr old showing signs of mental decline and Biden (an 80 yr old progressive vegetable). America is ****ed.

The biden campaign thanks you for your support.
Where has he supported Biden ?

With pretty much every post. Same as you.
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Science Denier said:

Ag with kids said:

aggie93 said:

one safe place said:

aggie93 said:

one safe place said:

SA68AG said:

DeSantis is an alpha dog. He's not going to be anybody's VP.
Though I wish DeSantis had crushed Trump and gotten the nomination, he wasn't an alpha dog in the primaries, more of a lap chihuahua.

Nah, he hit hard and often in the primaries. He made Newsom into a joke. He destroyed Haley in the last debate. There was just no way to break through against Trump, especially with the media and RNC completely in the tank.

If you can give me a realistic example of how he could have beaten Trump though I'm all ears.
Well, he wasn't running against Newsom. As far as hard and often, I guess I missed his delegate totals somehow. The media is in the tank for biden, not Trump. DeSantis's campaign was ineffective, that isn't Trump's fault.
I can think of so many times during the campaign where DeSantis absolutely hit something out of the park and the media either ignored it or downplayed it. When they talked about him they always started off with polling numbers and Trump. This was after giving Trump 10x the coverage. Even the Hurricane was memory holed in a flash. They let Trump get away with not doing hard interviews and not debating, hell they praised him for it and called him smart.

I didn't say that was "Trump's fault" it just was what it was. I also noticed you didn't have any response to giving an example of how DeSantis could have beaten Trump. The only way it was going to happen was for Trump to self implode.

DeSantis didn't run a perfect campaign but he ran a solid one. In the end he just never got a real shot, so be it. He's a young guy and has a lot of career left in him. Trump does not.
Another thing left out is that DeSantis wasn't running against a candidate whose name was Donald Trump. He was running against Former POTUS Donald Trump. Trump already had a built in base, 100% name recognition in the GOP, as well as a bunch of other head starts.

It was ALWAYS going to be hard to climb up the hill to break even with him.
But his campaign was so bad, he actually lost ground once he started speaking. He came in with much of the establishment endorsing him and received tons off dollars. But, then his campaign started up, and it was a disaster.

Dude benefitted from Trump's endorsement. He could do much worse than sticking by him for 4 years, and then being the next guy up. He may learn a thing or two about actually campaigning on a national level.
Actually all the Establishment folks ended up backing Trump. Trump literally took over the RNC with his lackey Ronna Romney. Hey just keep trying to rewrite history though if it makes you feel better. DeSantis lost but he has time on his side, enjoy the last ride on the Trump train because this is the last stop in November either way. I'll vote for him as I roll my eyes and try not to puke personally.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

Rockdoc said:

Rapier108 said:

Probably just wants DeSantis' war chest.

Every single time Trump meets with someone, they're suddenly going to be his VP pick.

Dude you're better than this. I know you are.

No he's not…He is broken. This is exactly who he is now!
I still see many of his post effectively ripping the left; more so than the boot lickers. All they do is attack anyone that questions Trump. With them its --Never question or criticize the MAN.

I look forward to reading Rapier and others continue to hammer the left with more detail, more facts, more research than any of you emotional knee jerk boot lickers. All y'all have is crap like that in bold and TDS ! TDS !. Simplistic stupid stuff with no detail or thoughts. Kinda like the mindless droning stuff leftest would chant at a commie demonstration.

You must have me confused with someone else. I'm not anybody's boot licker. But good to see you still have the same ****ed up issues that Rapier does.

My point is, why continue to bash the **** out of Trump on every thread? He is the nominee whether you like it or not. So get on board or STFU. You are not going to convince the boot lickers not to vote for him, the only ones you are going to convince are the "middle of the road" type people. Every one of those that you and the other brilliant anti-Trumpers convince not to vote for Trump is a vote for biden. So while comparing me to a communist, you, Rapier and the others are the ones that are doing more for the democrat party than any Trump supporter.

The problem with the anti-Trump crowd is the amount of arrogance you spew. Your "I'm too smart to vote for Trump" **** gets so tiring. You ***** about everyone screaming TDS, but your condescending approach is just as annoying.

As far as I'm concerned, you can get on your ttu high horse and ride the **** off!
Bawhahahaha. Awesome would read all the facts and research again !!!

Like I said I'm not voting for Trump Im voting against Biden. And really, my well to the right of center posting is gonna help Biden's and the lefts cause ?

Oh and condescending, make cases/points with facts and reasoning vs simplistic sloganeering and that goes away. Do that and I'll listen to what you have to say.
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aggie93 said:

TexAgs91 said:

aggie93 said:

TexAgs91 said:

aggie93 said:

TexAgs91 said:

rgag12 said:

Would be a bonehead move by DeSantis.
If DeSantis isn't VP, he's either on his way to congress or he's on his way to obscurity. He might have one more failed presidential run in him. But if he's VP, he'll have much more credibility with the rest of the country.

As of now there is no successor to Trump and it's a fresh game in '28. If you think Trump having Vivek or Abbott as his VP clears the field I couldn't disagree more.

DeSantis has an insane record and work ethic. He has a solid base of support. Not saying he is the presumptive nominee but he's the likely front runner.
Judging by his performance during the campaign season you really think the rest of the country sees it that way?
K. So who else is the Frontrunner for '28? Haley? She has zero chance as 70% of the Party hates her. Vivek? He may make a run and if he is VP under Trump that would certainly help him but as of now I don't see how he is a Frontrunner in any way. Who else, Abbott? Don Jr? lol.

Trump's VP will run most likely of course but as I said the Trump magic doesn't transfer and we have seen that over and over. Sure, some hardcore MAGA folks will follow whatever Trump says but that's not the main Trump support and there is a large contingent that is ready for the next chapter.

So who is the Frontrunner if it isn't DeSantis?

Depends on who Trump's VP is, assuming the VP does a better job than Pence.
So you don't have a name then and even by saying it is "VP to be names" you have to put conditions on it. Like I said DeSantis is the "likely Frontrunner". He was the 2nd Choice in virtually all polling. He can fundraise and organize extremely well. He's a top notch debater. He has a list of conservative W's so long it bores people to hear them. He also has very low negatives and few people, esp in the GOP, hate him. He can also keep kicking ass in Florida for the next 2 years and has become adept at getting publicity. If Trump loses? I honestly don't know who beats him.

Doesn't mean he will be the nominee or win but I don't see anyone else out there with that much going for them. I agree if Trump appoints a strong VP who does great they will certainly be a solid candidate. Just have no idea who that is or if that happens. Thus DeSantis is "The likely Frontrunner"
You'll get no argument from me that DeSantis is the better choice. We know that. What I don't get is how you could have paid attention to his campaign and still say it's a given that he will be the front runner.

And yes, of course after I said that being VP would bolster DeSantis's, I'm putting conditions on who the VP is.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

Rockdoc said:

Rapier108 said:

Probably just wants DeSantis' war chest.

Every single time Trump meets with someone, they're suddenly going to be his VP pick.

Dude you're better than this. I know you are.

No he's not…He is broken. This is exactly who he is now!
I still see many of his post effectively ripping the left; more so than the boot lickers. All they do is attack anyone that questions Trump. With them its --Never question or criticize the MAN.

I look forward to reading Rapier and others continue to hammer the left with more detail, more facts, more research than any of you emotional knee jerk boot lickers. All y'all have is crap like that in bold and TDS ! TDS !. Simplistic stupid stuff with no detail or thoughts. Kinda like the mindless droning stuff leftest would chant at a commie demonstration.

You must have me confused with someone else. I'm not anybody's boot licker. But good to see you still have the same ****ed up issues that Rapier does.

My point is, why continue to bash the **** out of Trump on every thread? He is the nominee whether you like it or not. So get on board or STFU. You are not going to convince the boot lickers not to vote for him, the only ones you are going to convince are the "middle of the road" type people. Every one of those that you and the other brilliant anti-Trumpers convince not to vote for Trump is a vote for biden. So while comparing me to a communist, you, Rapier and the others are the ones that are doing more for the democrat party than any Trump supporter.

The problem with the anti-Trump crowd is the amount of arrogance you spew. Your "I'm too smart to vote for Trump" **** gets so tiring. You ***** about everyone screaming TDS, but your condescending approach is just as annoying.

As far as I'm concerned, you can get on your ttu high horse and ride the **** off!
Bawhahahaha. Awesome would read all the facts and research again !!!

Like I said I'm not voting for Trump Im voting against Biden. And really, my well to the right of center posting is gonna help Biden's and the lefts cause ?

Oh and condescending, make cases/points with facts and reasoning vs simplistic sloganeering and that goes away. Do that and I'll listen to what you have to say.

Exactly what a Biden supporter would say! /Derp
Biz Ag
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My wildcard is Tulsi Gabbard.

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bobbranco said:

aggie93 said:

Muy said:

Ah, so amid the chaos surrounding the world panicking over Covid, it would have gone well if he fired Fauci and anyone from the medical community trying to convince him of the appropriate steps to deal with it? Or maybe take away states rights and bring in the national guard to force states to keep all businesses open?

What should he have done at that time, not knowing how much bs the whole thing was?
He didn't have to fire Fauci, he just didn't need to put him out front. He had other folks he could have gone with that were giving alternative opinions. Or he could have done like DeSantis did and went and found his own with Lapado. Fauci said nice things about him though and that was all it took for Trump to give him the keys to the country.

I can forgive Trump for being naive and a fool but I'm not going to pretend like he wasn't. Maybe Covid (or more accurately the Covid response) was no big deal to you but it sure as hell had a MASSIVE impact on me and my family. I actually feel far worse for what my kids lost than anything I did, though I worked as hard as possible to keep their lives normal. So many kids are a complete disaster now though, the damage caused by the Covid response is scary to even calculate.

On top of all of that Trump went along with Fauci and was a coward and still lost anyway. Hell the relief bill actually funded the mail in voting that inevitably cost him the election.

Or are we just not supposed to talk about facts?
Trump did not lose the election due to Covid. He was being crucified in the press for many other things. Sad that so many continue to fall for the propaganda and cannot think for themselves. Truly amazing that so many "Republicans" fall for the lies and willingly create discord. I believe Covid did not hurt him. The cries of racism, mean tweets, abortion, the mail-in ballots and the emotionally weak Jeb Bush drones reinforced by the Democrat fourth estate among many other factors hurt Trump.
His Covid bill literally funded the mail in ballot operation and allowed for all of the shenanigans that cost him the election. He fell for the ruse of the shutdowns that allowed the Dems to steal it.

You are correct he was crucified in the press even when he did what they wanted. It's not like if he had gone against them and re-opened he would have had it much worse. He just was too much of a coward and he foolishly thought that the vaccine would save us all and that people would give him credit for it. Hell he still loves to brag about his vaccine and how he saved everyone's life.

Excuse it all away if you want though if that makes you feel better. I prefer to look at the reality of what happened and learn lessons from it. For instance I was foolish enough to buy into "15 Days to Slow the Spread" because I didn't think that Trump would allow it to go on longer than that. What a naive fool I was.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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ttu_85 said:

Phatbob said:


The biden campaign thanks you for your support

Remember you are dealing with children or the low end of the rights IQ spectrum.

I'm a child with a low IQ??? You went to ****ing ttu!!! Your arrogance is outstanding!
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Biz Ag said:

My wildcard is Tulsi Gabbard.

I think on FP she's good but to liberal on economic and business issues. I think she could serve in the State Dept.
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What is going to happen when DJT gets 81 million votes and Captain Ice Cream gets 100 million votes?

How is this going to be possible KNOWING that is impossible without cheating? The enemy can not claim it is due to the illegals for obvious reasons, so would you explain those kind of record setting numbers?

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Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Phatbob said:


The biden campaign thanks you for your support

Remember you are dealing with children or the low end of the rights IQ spectrum.

I'm a child with a low IQ??? You went to ****ing ttu!!! Your arrogance is outstanding!
I did. It was a wonderful experience. Are you okay you seem really angry.
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Biz Ag said:

My wildcard is Tulsi Gabbard.

Would not surprise me one bit. And then his sycophants would exclaim how boss of a move it was while the rest of us would roll our eyes and lament what could have been.
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My question was about the constitution.
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IDaggie06 said:

PA24 said:

My third choice:, not going to energize the party

Abbott? lol no freaking way

Just another windsock conservative like Trump. I'm actually in favor of this scenario opening the Govenorship for a true conservative.
Science Denier
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aggie93 said:

Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

Rockdoc said:

Rapier108 said:

Probably just wants DeSantis' war chest.

Every single time Trump meets with someone, they're suddenly going to be his VP pick.

Dude you're better than this. I know you are.

No he's not…He is broken. This is exactly who he is now!
I still see many of his post effectively ripping the left; more so than the boot lickers. All they do is attack anyone that questions Trump. With them its --Never question or criticize the MAN.

I look forward to reading Rapier and others continue to hammer the left with more detail, more facts, more research than any of you emotional knee jerk boot lickers. All y'all have is crap like that in bold and TDS ! TDS !. Simplistic stupid stuff with no detail or thoughts. Kinda like the mindless droning stuff leftest would chant at a commie demonstration.

You must have me confused with someone else. I'm not anybody's boot licker. But good to see you still have the same ****ed up issues that Rapier does.

My point is, why continue to bash the **** out of Trump on every thread? He is the nominee whether you like it or not. So get on board or STFU. You are not going to convince the boot lickers not to vote for him, the only ones you are going to convince are the "middle of the road" type people. Every one of those that you and the other brilliant anti-Trumpers convince not to vote for Trump is a vote for biden. So while comparing me to a communist, you, Rapier and the others are the ones that are doing more for the democrat party than any Trump supporter.

The problem with the anti-Trump crowd is the amount of arrogance you spew. Your "I'm too smart to vote for Trump" **** gets so tiring. You ***** about everyone screaming TDS, but your condescending approach is just as annoying.

As far as I'm concerned, you can get on your ttu high horse and ride the **** off!
I've turned the volume WAY DOWN on my Trump criticism but I completely understand why others have not. Trump went as scorched earth as possible on DeSantis and there are consequences to that. You crap on people daily and then tell them to get in line and you often will get the middle finger.
Well, what do you expect from us listless vessels?

But to be fair, he went WAY MORE scorched earth on Jeb Bush than DeSantis, so using the phrase
"as much as possible" is not accurate.
I love it when people get offended at the listless vessels comment as they defend anything that Trump does or says and will follow him off a cliff.

Actually Trump didn't go scorched earth on Jeb, he didn't need to. He hit him a couple of times, mainly on issues btw like foreign policy, and Jeb folded like a tent. For DeSantis he lied constantly about how Cuomo was so much better during Covid and how the economy there sucks and so on. He used every personal attack he could dream up, some of which was pretty damn disgusting. Trump always goes scorched earth on people he sees as a threat. That's his schtick.
Offended? LOL, not offended. Most Trump supporters laughed at that comment. It's not the first time we've been called a name by those thoroughly pissed at his success.
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ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Phatbob said:


The biden campaign thanks you for your support

Remember you are dealing with children or the low end of the rights IQ spectrum.

I'm a child with a low IQ??? You went to ****ing ttu!!! Your arrogance is outstanding!
I did. It was a wonderful experience. Are you okay you seem really angry.

If I recall, you started this little back and forth by jumping in to support everyone's favorite Trump hater, Rapier. But no I am not angry at all. Actually having a pretty good day. Thanks for asking! Hoping you's is going well too!
BMX Bandit
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Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

BigRobSA said:

Muy said:

Ah, so amid the chaos surrounding the world panicking over Covid, it would have gone well if he fired Fauci and anyone from the medical community trying to convince him of the appropriate steps to deal with it? Or maybe take away states rights and bring in the national guard to force states to keep all businesses open?

What should he have done at that time, not knowing how much bs the whole thing was?

Yes. He should have fired Fauci, and others. Desantis fired his SG when he wouldn't stop with the idiocy. That's what a leader does. Especially one that claims, like Trump does, to be an outsider and a fighter. Instead, he *****ed out and let unelected morons run the show. As was usual during his Presidency, he lacked leadership skill, and got gaped by the left. Add to that his insane spending and here we are, along with the next liberal...Biden....turning it to 11.

And now we're stuck choosing between a liberal 80 yr old showing signs of mental decline and Biden (an 80 yr old progressive vegetable). America is ****ed.

The biden campaign thanks you for your support.
Where has he supported Biden ?

With pretty much every post. Same as you.
very fake news
BMX Bandit
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84AGEC said:

My question was about the constitution.
so was my answer
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84AGEC said:

My question was about the constitution.

Nothing keeping two people from Florida, or any state, being on the ticket together.


However, the constitution apparently doesn't bar a ticket's candidates for President and Vice-President from being inhabitants of the same state.
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This is a Trump VP finalist, DeSantis is a MAJOR leader in the GOP, and likely the follower to Trump.

This meeting is not a surprise
Science Denier
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Actually all the Establishment folks ended up backing Trump.
Well, sort of.

They did start to support DeSantis, but then he showed his was at a kindergarten level when it came to campaigning at a national level. So, once he started his campaign, it was obvious that he was nowhere near ready for a national campaign.

Many actually supported Haley, but that was a total lost cause.

Yea, some of the establishment ultimately started to support Trump, but they hate both him and his supporters. They don't like the fact that the old way of crawling in the corner every time the media brings out the stick no longer works. Trump showed a vast number of people that you can still win elections if you show a backbone.
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BMX Bandit said:

Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

BigRobSA said:

Muy said:

Ah, so amid the chaos surrounding the world panicking over Covid, it would have gone well if he fired Fauci and anyone from the medical community trying to convince him of the appropriate steps to deal with it? Or maybe take away states rights and bring in the national guard to force states to keep all businesses open?

What should he have done at that time, not knowing how much bs the whole thing was?

Yes. He should have fired Fauci, and others. Desantis fired his SG when he wouldn't stop with the idiocy. That's what a leader does. Especially one that claims, like Trump does, to be an outsider and a fighter. Instead, he *****ed out and let unelected morons run the show. As was usual during his Presidency, he lacked leadership skill, and got gaped by the left. Add to that his insane spending and here we are, along with the next liberal...Biden....turning it to 11.

And now we're stuck choosing between a liberal 80 yr old showing signs of mental decline and Biden (an 80 yr old progressive vegetable). America is ****ed.

The biden campaign thanks you for your support.
Where has he supported Biden ?

With pretty much every post. Same as you.
very fake news

There you go with your pro-Biden rhetoric.

Tio Beto thanks you for your service to the cause.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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This is fake news.

Trump said back in January he already knew who his VP pick is and he was feuding heavily with Desantis at the time.

Y'all are calling Trump a liar if you belive this.
Science Denier
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Actually Trump didn't go scorched earth on Jeb, he didn't need to.
I think you are getting Jeb and DeSantis mixed up.

Trump attacked Bush, for months. Especially in debates. That's where he totally destroyed Bush. Trump focused months solely on Bush. Started attacking the first day after coming down the elevator, continued thru the debates, and stop until South Carolina was over. Total and thorough destruction.

Trump didn't need to do that with DeSantis. Once that campaign started and DeSantis started dropping like a rock, DeSantis had already taken himself out of the campaign.

By the time the debates started, DeSantis' campaign had already eliminated him from consideration. Trump didn't need to even attend the debates.
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ttu_85 said:

Rip*91 said:

ttu_85 said:

Phatbob said:


The biden campaign thanks you for your support

Remember you are dealing with children or the low end of the rights IQ spectrum.

I'm a child with a low IQ??? You went to ****ing ttu!!! Your arrogance is outstanding!
I did. It was a wonderful experience. Are you okay you seem really angry.

Such great memories you are on an Aggie message board. Admit it, deep down you want to be an Aggie.
Science Denier
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:

This is fake news.

Trump said back in January he already knew who his VP pick is and he was feuding heavily with Desantis at the time.

Y'all are calling Trump a liar if you belive this.
How do you know it wasn't DeSantis? Oh, because you say he was "feuding heavily" with DeSantis at the time.

Trump hadn't "feuded heavily" with DeSantis since well before January. LOL

In fact, DeSantis ENDORSED Trump on Jan 21, 2024.

DeSantis endorses Trump after dropping out of 2024 race

"Feuding heavily". LMAO!!
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Science Denier said:

Four Seasons Landscaping said:

This is fake news.

Trump said back in January he already knew who his VP pick is and he was feuding heavily with Desantis at the time.

Y'all are calling Trump a liar if you belive this.
How do you know it wasn't DeSantis? Oh, because you say he was "feuding heavily" with DeSantis at the time.

Trump hadn't "feuded heavily" with DeSantis since well before January. LOL

In fact, DeSantis ENDORSED Trump on Jan 21, 2024.

DeSantis endorses Trump after dropping out of 2024 race

"Feuding heavily". LMAO!!
Novices they are.

No understanding of primary politics.

Reagan was crucified in 76 by Ford. He came back.
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