Desantis: we will kick you out of school if you do this at our universities

9,704 Views | 104 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by TA-OP
Funky Winkerbean
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:


It's cute you think Trump can't stand the heat.
Thank you for the kind words.

He's the only candidate who was afraid to debate, though.

Well, him and Biden. For very similar reasons.

It's not our fault you don't understand strategy. Hopefully Ron has a better one next time.
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DarkBrandon01 said:

how to get rid if free speech in 3 simple steps

1. lie about what the protesters actually represent

2. use the actions of a few troublemakers to blame the whole group for violence

3. call in the SWAT team to escalate the situation
Lol, coming from a Marxist
Four Seasons Landscaping
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I understand the strategy.

Everyone understood the strategy.

Biden understood it, too, when he did the same thing for the same reasons.

Y'all act like it's 4D chess to avoid debates you know you're going to get smoked in.
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:

Nobody was "ready" or even could be "ready" to challenge the emotional attachment to a guy who was too scared to even show up to a single debate.
Trump learned from your savior Hidin' Biden.
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Artorias said:

DarkBrandon01 said:

how to get rid if free speech in 3 simple steps

1. lie about what the protesters actually represent

2. use the actions of a few troublemakers to blame the whole group for violence

3. call in the SWAT team to escalate the situation
Did you mean to perfectly describe Jan 6?

DarkBrandon showing just how smooth his little leftist brain is. Must be a day that ends in "Y"
Four Seasons Landscaping
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Yes, EXACTLY, he learned from Biden and followed his lead.

But "my" savior? Buddy, try to keep up.
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The smartest thing Trump could do would be to pick DeSantis for VP !
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link to what you posted please
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oysterbayAG said:

The smartest thing Trump could do would be to pick DeSantis for VP !
I'd rather DeSantis not be closely associated with Trump. I wanted DeSantis for POTUS and voted for him in the primary even though he had already dropped out of the race. I'll vote for Trump in November because he's a far preferable choice over the current POTATUS and Cackles McKneepads, but we need to start getting some real conservatives in power post haste.
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:


So you're saying that Desantis didn't understand the electorate and what would appeal to them? He probably should have done a little more homework before entering the fray.
No, not at all.

Nothing appealed to MAGA other than Trump, and it had absolutely nothing to do with policy.

But Desantis didn't ***** out, run away, and depend on his supporters to goaltend for his cowardice like this....

So you're proud that Desantis took his beating like a man. That's great. Unfortunately, he didn't accomplish what he set out to do. He didn't convince enough people to vote for him. That's it. Full stop. He didn't get it done, just like Trump didn't get it done in 2020.


As for Trump avoiding debates, it was a smart and strategic choice

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, like Trump did.

I still don't think you understand the analogy. It's not about withstanding the heat. It's about being smart enough to avoid a situation where there is no upside.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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Again, y'all act like it's 4D chess to avoid debates you know you're going to get smoked in.

We understand it. Third-graders understand it. Anybody who has ever cowarded away from a fight understands it.

Something can be strategic and cowardly at the same time.

I will say you're wrong on one thing. The upside would have been for the voters, but that's not who Trump cares about.
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BigRobSA said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".

He was, and is, ready. He stacks W's, daily. The GOP is just full of lackluster tards, especially in Iowa, NH and SC.

Why don't you try a new term instead of "tard"? Surely with your superior intelligence you can find a better word to describe all of us that are inferior to your level of brilliance.
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Rip*91 said:

BigRobSA said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".

He was, and is, ready. He stacks W's, daily. The GOP is just full of lackluster tards, especially in Iowa, NH and SC.

Why don't you try a new term instead of "tard"? Surely with your superior intelligence you can find a better word to describe all of us that are inferior to your level of brilliance.

Dufii , plural of dufus.

You're welcome!
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BigRobSA said:

Rip*91 said:

BigRobSA said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".

He was, and is, ready. He stacks W's, daily. The GOP is just full of lackluster tards, especially in Iowa, NH and SC.

Why don't you try a new term instead of "tard"? Surely with your superior intelligence you can find a better word to describe all of us that are inferior to your level of brilliance.

Dufii , plural of dufus.

You're welcome!

I never said thanks……****head.
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Rip*91 said:

BigRobSA said:

Rip*91 said:

BigRobSA said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".

He was, and is, ready. He stacks W's, daily. The GOP is just full of lackluster tards, especially in Iowa, NH and SC.

Why don't you try a new term instead of "tard"? Surely with your superior intelligence you can find a better word to describe all of us that are inferior to your level of brilliance.

Dufii , plural of dufus.

You're welcome!


Awwwww, you're welcome again, widdle guy!

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Four Seasons Landscaping said:

Again, y'all act like it's 4D chess to avoid debates you know you're going to get smoked in.

We understand it. Third-graders understand it. Anybody who has ever cowarded away from a fight understands it.

Something can be strategic and cowardly at the same time.

I will say you're wrong on one thing. The upside would have been for the voters, but that's not who Trump cares about.

You keep saying that you understand, but I don't think you do. Do you want Trump to debate to prove he's macho? If he did, it would also prove that he's stupid. Do you want a president that is stupid?

If Desantis had a virtually insurmountable lead in the primary, do you think he would debate? As much as you want to think he's super military warrior, his practical side would win out and he would decline. It's smart. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

You can't always think like a third grader if you want to win in the long run.
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shiftyandquick said:

He also promised to be "aggressive" in using pardons for Jan 6 convicts. Some protesters are more worthy than others apparently.
I'm sorry. Did I miss indictments on any campus protestors? How about multi-year sentences for being in attendance?

Please feel free to provide a link.

Otherwise, your straw man is noted.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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You keep saying that you understand, but I don't think you do. Do you want Trump to debate to prove he's macho?

If you're now pretending you don't know the reason debates exist, you're either an idiot or just trolling.

Regardless of which one it is, have a nice day sir.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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ApolloAg said:

Conservatives, after years of whining about censorship and waxing poetic about free speech, are now on full assault of the first amendment, because muh Israel. Bought and paid for by the Israel lobby. Total stooges.

What an awful post.

Be better.
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He Who Shall Be Unnamed said:

APHIS AG said:

And that is how it is done. These protests are not about Palestine or Hamas but pure antisemitism disguised as support.

And these "students" are clueless because they are being used.
My son is young and very politically active (NOT on the left, fortunately). I was talking to him to try to get a sense of who these kids are, what is their true motivation, etc. His takes:

Most of the protestors are not antisemitic, they are anti Israel. They don't carry animus against Jewish people per se.
Some of the protestors are antisemitic, mostly the Muslim contingent within the group, but not many.

There is a contingent of right-leaning students who want America to be more isolationist, they don't see the utility of funding ANY of the regimes around the world. They aren't going to be out there protesting with these "useful idiots" at college campuses, but they aren't going to strongly oppose the protests either.

Israel has a major PR problem with young people. They are seen as oppressors within the standard dialectic of oppressor/oppressed that young Leftists use to view the world. Prior occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, the building of settlements, and the recent devastation of Gaza that is shown help forward this opinion.

These protests are very well organized and very well funded.

They will spread and worsen.

As much as I hate to, I agree with this assessment.

My son is a tu student. (Yes, I know...) He is, however, very rational and reasoned in his thinking. He and a friend went by the protest on the way to class just to see what was happening, and were suprised at the large show of force by APD and DPS. It didn't help that a few of the officers were chippy with them, pushing them away while making antagonistic comments.

The big area where my son is still confused concerns an equalization of October 7th vs. the current actions of the IDF. We've had one conversation where I've laid out the false equivalency, but it is apparent we're going to need to dive deeper in order for him to understand the difference between attacking, killing, and mutilating civlilians out of the blue vs. the tragic loss of life of women & children (some innocent, some not) in Gaza.

He still is making the false equvalency. This, in my opinion, is the failure of leadership and education at the university level. But it definitely is an optics problem for Israel with our youth, and it is being taken advantage of by whomever is behind these protests.
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ApolloAg said:

That's a bull**** smokescreen for zionists to pretend they're the victims while they're killing thousands of women and children, flattening homes, hospitals, and universities, murdering international aid workers, assassinating journalists and intellectuals, and a variety of other horrific war crimes.
Case in point. Here we have a prime example of defending of pre civilizational atrocities perpetrated against innocents in a quest for genocide of all Israelis, followed by the perpetrators of said atrocities running home to Gaza and hiding out WITH THEIR HOSTAGES behind their civilians and in those very homes, hospitals and universities while they wage war.

And this intellectual giant wants to pin the unfortunate deaths of those caught in crossfire soley on the IDF.

My friend, THAT is the BS smokescreen. Give it up.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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ApolloAg said:

That's a bull**** smokescreen for zionists to pretend they're the victims while they're killing thousands of women and children, flattening homes, hospitals, and universities, murdering international aid workers, assassinating journalists and intellectuals, and a variety of other horrific war crimes.

Terrorist sympathizers.
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ApolloAg said:

Of course I have limited sympathy towards Israel. Who wouldn't? They've been an insufferable ally, from the Lavon affair, the Apollo affair, spying on America e.g. Jonathan Pollard, their advocacy of censorship in America with anti-BDS laws, AIPAC, ADL, their insane "Samson Option" nuclear policy, Netanyahu was propping up Hamas as recently as 2023... the list goes on. Despite all this, they are still better than Islam, in principle. However, they're currently behaving so irrationally that they're making Iran look more civilized. They cannot be allowed to drag America around by the tail into another world war.

Regarding this Hamas hiding behind civilians trope, one war crime committed by an enemy does not justify committing ten of your own war crimes against that enemy. That's a thin excuse, and people aren't buying it. Guerrilla warfare has been dealt with since the beginning of history. There are counterinsurgency tactics and strategies for dealing with this, like targeted killings of enemy leaders and winning hearts and minds of factions within enemy territory. But instead, Israel seems to think they can ethnically cleanse Gaza and the West Bank to establish "Greater Israel". The slogan "from the river to the sea" originated in Likud's party platform in 1977. That is what is playing out today.
I've taken a look at your posting history, and one thing is conspicuously absent.

The simple acknowledgement that had Hamas not brutally attacked and killed or took hostage over 1400 people on October 7th, the IDF would not be in Gaza today. No matter how much one tries to spin it, that was NOT a defensive act on the part of Hamas. They invited this war, and are reaping their just rewards.

It's worth noting that I've seen NOTHING of Gaza citizen's bodies being drug through the streets of Tel Aviv to the cheers of Israelis. Can you say the same for Israeli bodies in Gaza? No. You can not.

War is NEVER clean, or surgical. To attempt to hold IDF to such a standard is disengenuous. And once again, if you want to accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing, read a few of the thousands of leaflets Israel drops to civilians prior to attacks and get back with me, mmmkay?
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Brainwashing of our youth by the propogandist media and education systems.
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:


You keep saying that you understand, but I don't think you do. Do you want Trump to debate to prove he's macho?

If you're now pretending you don't know the reason debates exist, you're either an idiot or just trolling.

Regardless of which one it is, have a nice day sir.

You're claiming that Trump avoided the debates because he's a coward. I'm saying that he avoided the debates because he's smart and there's no upside in it for him.

One of us is wrong. Unfortunately, I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good day, indeed.
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oysterbayAG said:

The smartest thing Trump could do would be to pick DeSantis for VP !
all Desantis had to do was support DJT from the get go. He'd be VP pick already
then President in 4 years
Buck Turgidson
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I've lost count of how many times I've repeated this, but DeSantis is clearly the best governor in the US. He is the model for how Republicans should govern.
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BigRobSA said:

Rip*91 said:

BigRobSA said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".

He was, and is, ready. He stacks W's, daily. The GOP is just full of lackluster tards, especially in Iowa, NH and SC.

Why don't you try a new term instead of "tard"? Surely with your superior intelligence you can find a better word to describe all of us that are inferior to your level of brilliance.

Dufii , plural of dufus.

You're welcome!
Bahahaha. As a Tard I approve of this post !
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jimmo said:

oysterbayAG said:

The smartest thing Trump could do would be to pick DeSantis for VP !
all Desantis had to do was support DJT from the get go. He'd be VP pick already
then President in 4 years

Notice the original post stated that the smartest thing Trump could do would be to pick DeSantis for VP. Which I agree with, btw.

The post didn't say that the smartest thing DeSantis could do would be to hop onboard as Trump's VP.

And yes, there's a difference.
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jwhaby said:

Four Seasons Landscaping said:


You keep saying that you understand, but I don't think you do. Do you want Trump to debate to prove he's macho?

If you're now pretending you don't know the reason debates exist, you're either an idiot or just trolling.

Regardless of which one it is, have a nice day sir.

You're claiming that Trump avoided the debates because he's a coward. I'm saying that he avoided the debates because he's smart and there's no upside in it for him.

One of us is wrong. Unfortunately, I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good day, indeed.

You're both saying the same thing. It was smart of him to skip the debates because he would have been exposed' and he was afraid of that. Unfortunately, he is the only one who benefitted from that choice. EVERYONE else is worse off
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one safe place said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".

Ehh, actually the Trump sycophants and people making grift off his name weren't ready to drop their "feelz" for Trump and vote with logic instead. Hopefully that changes by 2027-2028.
No blame for DeSantis running a pathetic campaign? Others not voting for your guy doesn't make them what you make them out to be. It is up to DeSantis and his folks to get people to vote for him. He was a dismal failure in that regard. So much so, he might have hurt his chances the next go round. He might have to settle for being the best governor.
Awe are you so 'dismally' butt hurt that despite mentioning DeSantis is effective at governance, "He might have to settle for being the best governor.", that you are just pissed that he dared run against your man god. This is really a dumb way to look at politics and the health of this nation.

Maybe DeSantis saw Trump as

1. Getting really old
2. Unable to effectively campaign given he'd be in court fighting case after case.
3. as a liability given all his pending legal trouble and yes many of these were not warranted. But still Trump has to fight this stuff and that takes lots and lots of cash. Will the RNC pay for that ?
4. Maybe he saw Trump as so polarizing that few outside of his core base would enthusiastically support him, despite running against what is clearly the worst President to have ever served.
5. Maybe DeSantis believed that the nation that he loves would not survive its its current form as a Republic if the commie filth democRats "won" another 4 years.

DeSantis had good reasons for running. Speaking of dismal campaigns when is Trump going to go after these rats that are tearing this country apart by the day,

Oh thats right he is in court- a bit preoccupied to actually run a campaign. And you and others didnt see this coming ????
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Tard_85 said:

one safe place said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".

Ehh, actually the Trump sycophants and people making grift off his name weren't ready to drop their "feelz" for Trump and vote with logic instead. Hopefully that changes by 2027-2028.
No blame for DeSantis running a pathetic campaign? Others not voting for your guy doesn't make them what you make them out to be. It is up to DeSantis and his folks to get people to vote for him. He was a dismal failure in that regard. So much so, he might have hurt his chances the next go round. He might have to settle for being the best governor.
Awe are you so 'dismally' butt hurt that despite mentioning DeSantis is effective at governance, "He might have to settle for being the best governor.", that you are just pissed that he dared run against your man god. This is really a dumb way to look at politics and the health of this nation.

Maybe DeSantis saw Trump as

1. Getting really old
2. Unable to effectively campaign given he'd be in court fighting case after case.
3. as a liability given all his pending legal trouble and yes many of these were not warranted. But still Trump has to fight this stuff and that takes lots and lots of cash. Will the RNC pay for that ?
4. Maybe he saw Trump as so polarizing that few outside of his core base would enthusiastically support him, despite running against what is clearly the worst President to have ever served.
5. Maybe DeSantis believed that the nation that he loves would not survive its its current form as a Republic if the commie filth democRats "won" another 4 years.

DeSantis had good reasons for running. Speaking of dismal campaigns when is Trump going to go after these rats that are tearing this country apart by the day,

Oh thats right he is in court- a bit preoccupied to actually run a campaign. And you and others didnt see this coming ????
Username checks out.
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Ii would be great if we could leave Trump out if DeSantis threads, and vise-versa. At least the threads that are not meant to be about the two of them.
Funky Winkerbean
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No, I act like I understand why he didn't do it. Not even going to mention the fact that our debates have devolved into circle jerks because of poor mediation and social media.
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akm91 said:


Good policy is just good policy. Not everything has to be about "attacking the left."
By definition, every good policy decision inherently is attacking the left position.
That's just childish and asinine.
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