30 year olds doing worse than parents

12,171 Views | 157 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by cecil77
Im Gipper
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First time in our history.

This nation is in a crash course to ruin. The economy is tanked and even the young, who are supposed to be full of enthusiasm and optimism know this train ain't going to get back on the rails.

I'm Gipper
Wyoming Aggie
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Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.
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180M americans will line up and vote for slow joe, even if he doesnt even attempt to run an election campaign.

and if you dont believe that as a fact you are an election denier and need to be imprisoned.

Is there anything about that that makes it feel less like an "open air prison" than not?

I would challenge free-thinking people to question this.

Will they?
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When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)
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Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

Agreed... 30 does seem a little early for this comparison.
Logos Stick
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But if you look at his chart, its been on a free fall for a long time. I'm not saying that makes it any better.
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He makes a good point that those ahead (boomers) put up road blocks to those behind them (their kids gen x, y, z) with their regulations.
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Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

Isn't the comparison you at 30 to your parents at 30? Not to them at whatever age they were when you were 30.
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It's not the most important video on the internet. What a ridiculous statement.
Wyoming Aggie
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Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

It's talking about how today's 30 year olds aren't as well off as their parents were when they were 30.
No Spin Ag
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Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

They're the give that keeps on giving.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
Thunderstruck xx
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The video speaks the truth, unless you're a texags poster where everyone is a millionaire by the time they're 30.
Logos Stick
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Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

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StandUpforAmerica said:

Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

Agreed... 30 does seem a little early for this comparison.
Neither of you heard what he said. He says that 30 year olds today don't have as much as their parents did when they were 30.
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Mom always told me, you don't hit your stride until you're 40.
I look at 25-30 year olds who take weeklong beach trips, dine out almost nightly, don't brown bag it for lunch, have condos in city or burbs, beemers or Lexus and they beatch?
I never thought that stuff was possible for me. I can do it now (most of that sheet I wouldn't have) after 50 years of work, kids grown and educated with no loans.
Funky Winkerbean
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Our government has convinced us that constant (2.5%?)inflation is a good thing, and periods of contraction are to be avoided. This is unsustainable and leads to the government imitating "corrective " measures to offset. We are due a real **** storm.
Wyoming Aggie
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Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

The point still remains that Boomers have destroyed this country to the point of no return.
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I guess those liberal arts and social science degrees didn't quite pan out.
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Texmid said:

StandUpforAmerica said:

Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

Agreed... 30 does seem a little early for this comparison.
Neither of you heard what he said. He says that 30 year olds today don't have as much as their parents did when they were 30.

My kids have more than I did when I was thirty. They make more money than I did
Im Gipper
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It's been on a freefall since 1940
That is NOT what the chart says! Read again!

1940 is the year of birth. They would be 30 in 1970! They are currently 84!

I'm Gipper
Tea Party
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I'm lost at the logic used in the video in OP that says young people are pissed at America's economic situation due to the fault of crony capitalism and big gov bloated spending and picking favorites.

Yet those same young people vote for more big gov and bloated spending picking favorites....

I must be missing something, or is this a case of young people recognizing an issue but not being intellectually and emotionally mature enough to make the right political decisions to fix what they are complaining about?
Learn about the Texas Nationalist Movement
sam callahan
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When I was 30, I had 15 years of work experience. More if you count farm work, which you should.

There is no shortage of 25 year olds getting their first job with unrealistic expectations fueled by social media.

No doubt, we are off track and picking up speed. Unfortunately, the solution requires sweat and sacrifice and the upcoming generations aren't prepped for that and will demand an easy fix…which means more pain.
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Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

I'm not going to argue one way or the other on this but I feel like making the starting point for this counter argument as the end of the Great Depression is maybe a little bit cherry picking.
Hungry Ojos
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To lay all of this at the feet of boomers is grossly incompetent. What else has changed in this current generation that could also be attributed to their "plight"?

Spending habits WAY out of control

Paying an extra $12 PER MEAL to have it delivered

iPhones and every subscription service imaginable

Stupid, idiotic degrees

Zero social skills due to limited human interaction

Unbelievably Impatient; refuse to start from the bottom

Terrible work habits and demands "I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO DRIVE TO AN OFFICE"

A complete misunderstanding of how employment works "why should my boss make more than me????

Dependence on daily marijuana or other recreational drugs

Vacations like crazy

Willingness to throw away significant money on depreciating assets like Teslas and Mercedes'

And the biggest one: continuous, uninterrupted voting for liberals because that's what Tik Tok told them to do.

I could go on and on, but it's hard to feel sorry for poor young people when they are doing everything historically certain to remain poor for the rest of their lifetime.
agz win
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Other factors are that they don't work as hard , have a lack of responsibilities, waste too much time socializing and overspending their means.
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Wyoming Aggie said:

Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

It's talking about how today's 30 year olds aren't as well off as their parents were when they were 30.
I think he has a very simplified view on why that is happening. Placing it all on the baby boomers doesn't really address the issue.

When I was thirty, we didn't have a number of things today that cost more, and serve to pull time away from being productive. Cell phones with entertainment apps, social media, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. We also had a work at work structure that helped reinforce a consistent work ethic. Work from home is being proven to reduce productivity, but is being demanded by more and more millenials. Everyone can look to social media and see that "everyone" is doing better than them, though it is mostly a mirage rather than reality. But it is depressing, and leads to the anger that guy is talking about. People are getting mad that they aren't getting theirs rather than putting their head down and getting to work.

I'm not saying this is all on the millenials at all. The boomers have allowed education to transform from educating to political indoctrination, and as a result, kids are leaving school without the tools necessary to excel, as well as an entitlement mentality fostered by the technology "look at me" culture.

I'm having conversations with my 21 year old son right now about graduating from college, and his ideal job is "influencer". I'm trying to convince him that it is a risky path, does little for GDP, and success for most "influencers" is fleeting. It's not an easy conversation. If he does follow that path, he is much likely to have less than I did at 30, and I didn't have much.
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i think the world at times can hold many truths. it doesn't always have to be either or when discussing a topic. people that are 30 now are pretty much screwed they are maturing at the end of an empire. it also can be true that many are entitled little *****es that don't deserve more than they work for. typically there is a lot more gray than black and white.
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Owlagdad said:

Texmid said:

StandUpforAmerica said:

Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

Agreed... 30 does seem a little early for this comparison.
Neither of you heard what he said. He says that 30 year olds today don't have as much as their parents did when they were 30.

My kids have more than I did when I was thirty. They make more money than I did
Same here. My three sons are all better off at 30 than I was, and I did very well from 40 and beyond.

It's not a generational thing. It's a work ethic and values thing. There are many young people today doing very well, and there are many who are not. If you compare the work ethic and values between those two groups, you will see a stark difference.

First clue to look for are those who blame their lot in life on other people. Contrast that with those in the other group who take ownership for their situation, continue working to improve their capability, and embrace the concept of delayed self-gratification as a means of ultimately getting to where they want to go.
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The public dime has been a ponzi scheme for generations, but it has been ballooning recently. Everyone knows it, but the biggest benefactors are the older generation that first really started to recognize it, but did nothing to stop it. We've been spending our kids' money for too long now and it's really close to time to pay the bill.
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

Lets give it up for the low intelligence voters keeping dumbasses in office that have no idea how to lead or balance a budget.
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Owlagdad said:

Mom always told me, you don't hit your stride until you're 40.
I look at 25-30 year olds who take weeklong beach trips, dine out almost nightly, don't brown bag it for lunch, have condos in city or burbs, beemers or Lexus and they beatch?
I never thought that stuff was possible for me. I can do it now (most of that sheet I wouldn't have) after 50 years of work, kids grown and educated with no loans.

Echo those thoughts.

The way my children, their cousins and their friends live is completely opposite of my wife and I when we were in our 20s and 30s.

Vacations (multiple per year for them one or none for many years for us), new and expensive cars (we both brought a Datsun / Nissan 310GX into the marriage), eating at home, etc. was our norm.

They weren't around then but buying a new cell phone every year helps contributes to less cash flow, too.

It's a different world but people have always been divided into two groups: spenders and savers. We have always been savers. Spenders tend to reap what they sow - as in much less or nothing at all.
Wyoming Aggie
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Cromagnum said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

Lets give it up for the low intelligence voters keeping dumbasses in office that have no idea how to lead or balance a budget.

Agreed, dem and republican politicians are idiots.
Wyoming Aggie
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Owlagdad said:

Texmid said:

StandUpforAmerica said:

Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

Agreed... 30 does seem a little early for this comparison.
Neither of you heard what he said. He says that 30 year olds today don't have as much as their parents did when they were 30.

My kids have more than I did when I was thirty. They make more money than I did

Well of course every generation makes more than the previous one. It's the fact that wages aren't keeping pace with inflation that is killing the current 30 year old demo.
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jrdaustin said:

I'm having conversations with my 21 year old son right now about graduating from college, and his ideal job is "influencer". I'm trying to convince him that it is a risky path, does little for GDP, and success for most "influencers" is fleeting. It's not an easy conversation. If he does follow that path, he is much likely to have less than I did at 30, and I didn't have much.
Had a similar conversation last night with my 25 y/o regarding the future hopes and dreams of the 6th graders she's teaching. She's trying to explain to them that influencer is not a viable career for 99.99999% of the population.

And even if you do make it as an influencer, you can fall out of favor and lose it all in two seconds.
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