northeastag said:
I've probably watched a few too many episodes of crime related tv shows. But I thought that if the prosecutor has absolutely failed to make a case, when the prosecution is done, the defense could ask the judge to simply dismiss the charges without ever having to put on a defense. No?
At the close of the prosecution case, if there is no evidence to support the charge, then the judge is supposed to dismiss the case on motion by the defendant. That motion is not made until the prosecution closes its case
From what I've seen, if they closed their case yesterday, the right thing to do would be to dismiss the case. I don't think anyone is expecting the judge to do that at any point, reardless of what the facts at law are.
I think everyone agrees that Michael Cohen is going to have a ton of credibility problems with his testimony. But remember, when Trump moves to dismiss tgr case when the prosecution is finished, the judge does not weigh the credibility of the witnesses.
In all likelihood, Cohen will probably give the prosecution something that is legally sufficient to defeat the motion to dismiss or however, it is named in New York State court