whatthehey78 said:
Brief summary of today's testimony (good/bad/indifferent re; team trump) for us non-jurists...anyone??????????????
Bragg's tech expert who did the extraction from Cohen's phone in early
2023, after Cohen voluntarily handed it over could not confirm that the digital files had not been tampered with. (Notably he was not using the extraction done by the FBI when Cohen's office and home were raided in April 2018, nearly five years earlier.) When asked about the possibility of tampering, he testified that have to take Cohen's word for it. LOL.
Hope Hicks testified that Trump was very concerned about protecting his family, particularly Melania during the Stormy and McDougal stories coming out. That negates the campaign being his primary concern at the time.
She thought Cohen was a pain, not charitable nor selfless and said he liked to call himself Mr. Fix It but that he usually was the cause of the problems that he was "fixing."
There was also a Bragg paralegal that testified about Trump's social meia accounts. I am really not sure why she was called to testify other than to just keep hammering about the Access Hollywood tape from 2005. In my view, the massive overemphasis on that tape just to smear Trump is not persuasive nor effective.
All in all a good week for Trump.