Science Denier said:
jrdaustin said:
aggiehawg said:
Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass said that the social media posts in question are jokes and not an indication of bias.
"It is not necessarily as weighty as it's being suggested," he says.
That's being quite disingenuous because you know they would move to strike any potential juror having a bunch of MAGA stuff all over their social media.
We're going to have months of this nonsense.
I was thinking Trump was justified in feeling he's being harmed by being kept from the campaign trail throughout this trial.
However, seeing multiple miscarriages of justice playing out per day as this political circus masquerading as a judicial proceeding goes on, this will likely be an ongoing campaign commercial for Trump highlighting the dangers of a political class that is dead-set on destroying their opposition misusing the justice system to do so.
But since he has a "gag order", if he campaigns on the trial, he will go to jail. Right?
That's my point. He's not going to have to campaign. These ideolouges from the prosecution to the bench - and ultimately, the jury - are doing it for him. The less Trump says, the better.
People who are for Trump will remain so. People who are against him will remain so. Therefore, the people that need to be reached are the few who still could go either way. If they pay any attention at all, they'll realize that this not a criminal trial, rather a political one. Trump is going to be convicted. Then the conviction will be overturned. The election will happen in between the conviction and the reversal.
The challenge is to make those on the fence understand how things are going to go in this trial, and why. Trump needs to let others make that case for him.