*** Official Trump Hush Money Trial Thread ***

591,876 Views | 6803 Replies | Last: 22 days ago by jt2hunt
Reality Check
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So at the end of the day, all this means is that Joe Biden will be the first incumbent president to lose his bid for re-election to a convicted felon.

Time to watch some hoops, hockey and softball.
Author of the TexAgs Post of The Day - May 31, 2024

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My initial post that started this thread.

fc2112 said:

Hopefully Secret Service has put some thought into how to protect the President if he's incarcerated.

And if Trump wins the election, can he serve as president from prison?
Reality Check
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Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:

PCC_80 said:

Brandon is getting warmed up to call Trump a Criminal and Convicted Felon on TV tonight. Also, any and all Republicans will also be called Criminals and a Threat to Democracy.

Disgusting and no one will be punished for this sham of a trial.

Sadly almost half the people in this country fully support political prosecution of their opposition.
PeePaw is going to label all the MAGA extremists as terrorists when he reads the teleprompter.

Dr. Jill says they're good and we're evil.
Author of the TexAgs Post of The Day - May 31, 2024

How do I get a Longhorn tag?
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BrazosDog02 said:

**** all this noise. Trump's getting my vote. Granted, there aren't any other options. But mostly this just pisses me off.

I feel like they're probably will be a lot of rage voting. I am relatively confident this whole circus will do far more good than harm.
The opportunity is there but will we on the right take it. The DemoRats are very weak all we have to do is step up and hit them in the mouth-- to use football lingo. But if we fall back and pout we are dead. We need a leader to step up and be very aggressive against the left.
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Houston Lee said:

This "conviction" will most certainly be overturned on appeal.

So, the glee felt by many here will be short lived.

Will it? I have a hard time believing it will be overturned in a deep blue state's court system. It'd have to go to federal, and even then maybe only SCOTUS. It's too political.
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fc2112 said:

My initial post that started this thread.

fc2112 said:

Hopefully Secret Service has put some thought into how to protect the President if he's incarcerated.

And if Trump wins the election, can he serve as president from prison?

Name your wager. I say he'll never spend a day in jail.
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
Ag with kids
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Tex117 said:

Agthatbuilds said:

One last time, what crime was committed that the jury had to agree happened to make the charges stick?
Falsifying Business Records
The legal language establishing the degrees of Falsifying Business Records have specifically defined elements and terms that not merely may but will have an impact on your case. Two of these words, "enterprise" and "business record," for example, have specific meanings that you must discuss with your counsel. Simply, if you delete, alter or make a false entry in the business records of an enterprise and you do so with the intent to defraud, you have run afoul of the misdemeanor crime. If when you do so, you also have the intent to further or conceal another criminal offense, then you have committed the felony crime.

That said...what happened (and a somewhat novel concept) is that they said because it dealt with campaign funds...it made it a felony.

They have a strong LEGAL appeal for that.

I think a fun bet (whether its good or not, don't know), is that an appeals court will knock it down to a misdomeaner like the statute says...take the felony off the table...Trump pays a fine...the end.

If it gets knocked down to a misdemeanor, then it's time barred due to the SOL expiring. No fine.

However, question about THAT...would Trump have any legal recourse due to the fact that he had to defend himself against a legal charge that should not have been able to legally be brought against him?
oh no
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Justin2010 said:

Tex117 said:

Agthatbuilds said:

One last time, what crime was committed that the jury had to agree happened to make the charges stick?
Falsifying Business Records
The legal language establishing the degrees of Falsifying Business Records have specifically defined elements and terms that not merely may but will have an impact on your case. Two of these words, "enterprise" and "business record," for example, have specific meanings that you must discuss with your counsel. Simply, if you delete, alter or make a false entry in the business records of an enterprise and you do so with the intent to defraud, you have run afoul of the misdemeanor crime. If when you do so, you also have the intent to further or conceal another criminal offense, then you have committed the felony crime.

That said...what happened (and a somewhat novel concept) is that they said because it dealt with campaign funds...it made it a felony.

They have a strong LEGAL appeal for that.

I think a fun bet (whether its good or not, don't know), is that an appeals court will knock it down to a misdomeaner like the statute says...take the felony off the table...Trump pays a fine...the end.

Except the misdemeanor had passed the statute of limitations
And there was no intent to falsify business records or defraud anyone by Trump. They're saying, nearly a decade later, that a portion of one of Cohen's invoices should have been paid by Trump's campaign or DJT personally, not Trump Enterprises. Does anyone think Trump had any idea if there was any miscoding of an invoice out of thousands and thousands of invoices by an accountant at his company 8 years ago?

porn star screaming to the media during his campaign was known, porn star then shutting up about it, having obviously been paid to shut up and go away, was known and not illegal. ...so who was defrauded by an accountant at the company miscoding an eventual invoice from an attorney?
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aggiehawg said:

Every juror has to be polled. by the media, "Which one was the prdicate crime for you?"

If it is FECA, appeal is over, No jurisdicton, evah!

Can you explain?
Im Gipper
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aginlakeway said:

fc2112 said:

My initial post that started this thread.

fc2112 said:

Hopefully Secret Service has put some thought into how to protect the President if he's incarcerated.

And if Trump wins the election, can he serve as president from prison?

Name your wager. I say he'll never spend a day in jail.

The poster you are responding to literally counting down the days until Trump had to pay the judgment. I am not kidding. He post a new number each day of how many days were remaining

He gets off on Trump having legal issues. It' sick!

I'm Gipper
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Muy said:

ttu_85 said:

Muy said:

The RINOs in the party are feverishly working on pushing for replacing Trump with a weak candidate who will get chewed up and spit out by the marxists.
Could be.

DeSantis should suit up. Nothing weak about that guy.

I'll give you that, but if anyone thinks he isn't the next target in their crosshairs to go after illegally, they are delusional.
Of course he is. No question. Anyone on the right is and will be in those crosshairs. Maybe its time to return the favor.
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Im Gipper said:

aginlakeway said:

fc2112 said:

My initial post that started this thread.

fc2112 said:

Hopefully Secret Service has put some thought into how to protect the President if he's incarcerated.

And if Trump wins the election, can he serve as president from prison?

Name your wager. I say he'll never spend a day in jail.

The poster you are responding to literally counting down the days until Trump had to pay the judgment. I am not kidding. He post a new number each day of how many days were remaining

He gets off on Trump having legal issues. It' sick!

Maybe I can profit from his sickness.
"I'm sure that won't make a bit of difference for those of you who enjoy a baseless rage over the decisions of a few teenagers."
Psycho Bunny
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His holiness Bragg will be speaking at 18:30 hrs.
Time, like hope is only an illusion.

The only reason we die is, because we accept death as an inevitability
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ttu_85 said:

Muy said:

ttu_85 said:

Muy said:

The RINOs in the party are feverishly working on pushing for replacing Trump with a weak candidate who will get chewed up and spit out by the marxists.
Could be.

DeSantis should suit up. Nothing weak about that guy.

I'll give you that, but if anyone thinks he isn't the next target in their crosshairs to go after illegally, they are delusional.
Of course he is. No question. Anyone on the right is and will be in those crosshairs. Maybe its time to return the favor.

You and I know patently laughable that wish is given the R's are celebrating out of sight and excited to be the minority party for 4 more years.
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Adrian Dittman (Elon) is on w/Alex Jones right now reacting to all of this BS.
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Im Gipper said:


So the gag order stays in effect another month and a half while everybody else on the planet can say anything they want about the verdict.


Trump can and will say whatever he wants about this verdict!
Just gives them the chance to throw him in jail sooner since the gag order isn't over until after the sentencing phase.

Like I said, seems fair. (note the use of the sarcasm filter)

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Psycho Bunny said:

His holiness Bragg will be speaking at 18:30 hrs.
Hopefully he's embarrassed in short order when this idiotic conviction is overturned on appeal. Otherwise I hope he messes up and ends up in prison himself and finds unwanted love while he's there.
Psycho Bunny
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aggieforester05 said:

Psycho Bunny said:

His holiness Bragg will be speaking at 18:30 hrs.
Hopefully he's embarrassed in short order when this idiotic conviction is overturned on appeal. Otherwise I hope he messes up and ends up in prison himself and finds unwanted love while he's there.
One can only hope.
Time, like hope is only an illusion.

The only reason we die is, because we accept death as an inevitability
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What the Dems have done isn't much different than the judges 70-100 years ago by prosecuting and sentencing black men and women.

They're just using the same system today that was used back then. The funny thing is they're so incredibly proud of it and buying everyone drinks.

Considering they actively support slavery and rape on our border, they need to drink a whole lot more.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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DannyDuberstein said:

Pylon Cam said:

What a great day for our country, as traitor Trump is now a convicted felon. Hopefully these are the first of many felony convictions to come for him.


He's going to be inaugurated Jan 20 though.
I don't know how people will feel in 5 months, but it's hard to understate the sick feeling in my gut at the moment.

I've had two ladies in my office call me since the verdict came out who are generally vote Republican but really dislike Trump that are steaming mad. I could hear their disbelief and visceral reaction to the verdict.

I imagine this is a common occurrance across the country and is likely to propel Trump back into the White House in November.

I am reminded of Yamamoto's quote after Pearl Harbor - "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with terrible resolve." Democrats are about to be in the FO stage of FAFO.
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Philip J Fry
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He's guilty of being in the wrong party.
Ag with kids
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Infection_Ag11 said:

Ag with kids said:

Infection_Ag11 said:

rgag12 said:

Agthatbuilds said:

There is no other candidate. We knew the outcome of this case long ago and let a bonafide successful conservative and he couldn't make a dent.

Trump will likely win in November unless people were waiting on this outcome. Most trump voters accept him for who he is, whether that includes felon or not.

We'll see what the polls say. Hope you're right, but not holding my breath

Nobody who was voting for Trump yesterday has changed their mind today. That person literally doesn't exist.

Now if he were sent to prison? Yes, but literally nobody in his corner gives a **** about this conviction.
This issue is the folks that are undecided. How will THIS push them? Towards or away from voting for Trump.

I was going to skip the top ballot this year.

I will not be doing that now. This pushed me to vote Trump.

It will push a very, very small number of people who wouldn't have voted for him (but weren't voting for Biden either) to vote for him. I don't believe once single person who was ever even potentially going to vote for him now won't.

So to whatever small extent it has an impact, it will only help him. Now again that changes based on polling data if he's sitting in Rikers on Election Day.
I agree it will not change any votes that were already going for him.

I was talking about undecideds. They can move either way...

I think the undecideds that have voted for him before will break for him. I was actually a NO that got moved to a yes.

I don't know how the undecideds that haven't voted for him will break, though.
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Trump showed he can keep the peace in his first term. In his 2nd term we need a war-time president.
"Freedom is never more than one election away from extinction"
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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TexAgs91 said:

Trump showed he can keep the peace in his first term. In his 2nd term we need a war-time president.
Yeah, he just said he would bomb Russia. So you got that to look forward to if he is elected. Or is that just another pandering lie?
Mr Mojo Risin
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Barnyard96 said:

aggiehawg said:

Every juror has to be polled. by the media, "Which one was the prdicate crime for you?"

If it is FECA, appeal is over, No jurisdicton, evah!

Can you explain?
Only the feds have jurisdiction over FECA violations. They have already determined that there was no such violation by President Trump.
America was built on speed, hot, nasty, badass speed.
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You can hear tv's turning off across America as Bragg starts his press conference.

Add his fastas to the list of dgaf when his heart explodes.
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shiftyandquick said:

TexAgs91 said:

Trump showed he can keep the peace in his first term. In his 2nd term we need a war-time president.
Yeah, he just said he would bomb Russia. So you got that to look forward to if he is elected. Or is that just another pandering lie?
No, the other marxists
"Freedom is never more than one election away from extinction"
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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SouthTex99 said:

Can someone explain to me like I'm a 2nd grader what Trump did that was illegal here?

He had sex and paid her to be quiet about it. Where is the crime?
Nobody knows...liberals (including the jury) think he was convicted of paying hush money, but it's not even a crime. Everyone else that lives in a world dealing with facts, has no ****ing clue.
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Muy said:

You can hear tv's turning off across America as Bragg starts his press conference.

Add his fastas to the list of dgaf when his heart explodes.

That fat ******* needs to choke on his meal or meals tonight.
Psycho Bunny
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Time, like hope is only an illusion.

The only reason we die is, because we accept death as an inevitability
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More storms, power flickering on and off.
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So he was guilty on all charges but were the jurors unanimous on each charge?
Fatboy Thaddeus
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Psycho Bunny said:

Ask yourself 3 questions:
1) Do I live in an echo chamber?
2) Do I spend all my energy barking when I hear a dogwhistle?
3) If this was me, how would I even know?
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Alvin Bragg: "Without fear or favor." "The jury has spoken."
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