So the school where the girl got half beaten to death

13,756 Views | 99 Replies | Last: 6 mo ago by eric76
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we're bankrupt as a nation.

national debt, personal debt, and most importantly, social capital beyond bankrupt. We're all just so tired of the blatant bull**** that happens everywhere. Unpunished evil, thriving morally bankrupt politicians and corporate executives, and the constant parade of digital & entertainment bread & circuses that distract us from ever effecting real change.
Get Off My Lawn
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Bunk Moreland said:

Get Off My Lawn said:

Ok - so back to the first question: is this not a spill-over fight? Is a spill-over fight not the product of the environment it developed within? What are the chances these girls end up on the pavement together if not for the lousy government school?

I don't know that answer. It's impossible to know. And one major reason is fights like these spill over even in the nicest of schools and districts. I went to a west Austin high school and saw girls slamming each others heads into lockers by their braids. I saw a dude jump off the 2nd floor balcony on to a guy on the first floor to surprise him and beat him up. I saw people do ****ed up **** on and off campus often. Hell we had a group of people that hosted Friday fights in someone's back yard where people would show up after school and watch guys and girls willingly step in and bare-knuckle box.

And again, my issue isn't with her or her highlighting this horrendous video. It's with her leap to try and tie blame to that specific school district to this specific incident, then further conflating with stuff that is unrelated to the incident like DEI training.

A normal person would have posted the video and mentioned the city, but she immediately jumps into the school district for a reason. This time it was weird, and then her double down DEI post was just ridiculous imo.
I'm more concerned with the influences which generate the truly ridiculous behavior: repeatedly slamming an unconscious girls' head against the pavement, rather than the megaphone that highlighted it. I'm also willing to eat my crow if they knew each other through youth group. The more you focus on the girl the less you'll care about protecting the poor school board's reputation.
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Reports are that the Missouri AG wants her to be tried as an adult.



Missouri's attorney general wants the teenage girl seen slamming another high schooler's head into the concrete to be charged as an adult and hit with homicide charges if the critically injured victim dies.

"This evil and complete disregard for human life has no place in Missouri, or anywhere. I am praying for the victim," state AG Andrew Bailey wrote of the disturbing video.

"The criminal should be charged and tried as an adult. If the victim dies, that offense should rise to a homicide," he stated of the unidentified 15-year-old whose case is being held in juvenile court.

"I will do everything in my power to ensure the perpetrator is held fully accountable," he added in another post.

And the Lt. Governor weighs in:

Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe also said those involved in the beating "must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law."

"This culture of a complete disregard for human life is unacceptable and it does not represent who we are as Missourians," he said in a statement to First Alert 4.

"Our prayers are with the victim, Kailee, for a full recovery."
Satellite of Love
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The Banned said:

Am I watching this wrong or does this girl willing enter into the fight? Never going to excuse the near death beating she received but this seems different than some form of group jumping. Everything that happens after is a **** show.

She didn't receive a near death beating…
Get Off My Lawn
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Satellite of Love said:

The Banned said:

Am I watching this wrong or does this girl willing enter into the fight? Never going to excuse the near death beating she received but this seems different than some form of group jumping. Everything that happens after is a **** show.

She didn't receive a near death beating…
…body limp… head slammed against the ground multiple times… body begins twitching / spasming… rushed to the hospital….

Not sure what you know about brain injuries, but it's possible that beating would've been fatal without medical intervention. At minimum we're talking about some degree of brain damage.
El Gallo Blanco
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geoag58 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

Was this on school property or something? The act itself is heinous but why are we attacking the school district?

You know you are right, the school districts actions are only a symptom. We should attack the root cause.

Leftist statism is a cancer on our society. It attacks God, family, morality, it even attacks the unborn. Leftist statism is the real problem. It needs to be stamped out wherever it exists. It makes up ninety-five percent of our federal government right now!

Yep. Leftist statism has also attacked the black community disproportionately and relentlessly for decades on decades. Guys like Thomas Sowell do a phenomenal job backing this up with research and statistics across decades.

Like white trash POS and hero to all leftists LBJ said…"I'll have those n******s voting Democrat for 100 years. Or was it 200?
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Satellite of Love said:

The Banned said:

Am I watching this wrong or does this girl willing enter into the fight? Never going to excuse the near death beating she received but this seems different than some form of group jumping. Everything that happens after is a **** show.

She didn't receive a near death beating…

Dumbest thing I've ever heard
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John Armfield said:

Bunk Moreland said:

Logos Stick said:

Bunk Moreland said:

eric76 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

I'll ask it again...was this on school property? I'm trying to understand what the school district has to do with any of this?

Edit - wrong emoji.
I think it was on a street by a school.

Also, it has been reported that many of those involved were adults.

So libs of tik tok is just throwing **** against a wall in this situation?

Are you serious?

Yes. Please explain to me why we should be attacking a school district for something that had nothing to do with school? Unless of course there was something negligent the school district did in this incident. I'm which case I could understand her attack on an entire school much better
where did libs of tik tok blame this on the school? Libs of tik toks are in you liberals heads its amazing.
rolls eyes....the implication from Libs of Tick Tok is that the fight occurred, and the girl was injured b/c there was no school resource officer present to stop the fight. Pretty obvious.
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TAMUallen said:

Satellite of Love said:

The Banned said:

Am I watching this wrong or does this girl willing enter into the fight? Never going to excuse the near death beating she received but this seems different than some form of group jumping. Everything that happens after is a **** show.

She didn't receive a near death beating…

Dumbest thing I've ever heard
Agreed. Not two teas level but plenty dumb.
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Get Off My Lawn said:

Satellite of Love said:

The Banned said:

Am I watching this wrong or does this girl willing enter into the fight? Never going to excuse the near death beating she received but this seems different than some form of group jumping. Everything that happens after is a **** show.

She didn't receive a near death beating…
…body limp… head slammed against the ground multiple times… body begins twitching / spasming… rushed to the hospital….

Not sure what you know about brain injuries, but it's possible that beating would've been fatal without medical intervention. At minimum we're talking about some degree of brain damage.
The girl that got her head caved in will never be right again. If she survives, she likely suffers from a traumatic brain injury for the rest of her life.
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Predmid said:

we're bankrupt as a nation.

national debt, personal debt, and most importantly, social capital beyond bankrupt. We're all just so tired of the blatant bull**** that happens everywhere. Unpunished evil, thriving morally bankrupt politicians and corporate executives, and the constant parade of digital & entertainment bread & circuses that distract us from ever effecting real change.
the biggest problem is not ENFORCING THE LAW

from illegal aliens invading the country to shoplifters to groups of thugs beating citizens senseless to defund the police.
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bobbranco said:

Was not expecting to discuss. And will not discuss a post provided for information only. You should have been able to process the intent. I wonder why not?
Bobbie, you suggested that the assailant should be charged as an adult.

I agree.

And I provided the MIssouri statute related to the process for trying a minor as an adult. I then asked a question regarding the application of that statute. In particular, if the Juvie Court judge does not fulfill his statutory duty and hold a hearing on certification (required by the nature of the offense), would the victim's parents have standing to compel such a hearing.

What is it that you think I did not "process?" I agreed with you and provided more information that you did.

[You should have stopped right there -- Staff]
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Nice to know that the AG and the Lt.Gov are sane and want to see this assailant tried as an adult. The problem is that it is not their call.

I posted the relevant statute above, but here it is again:

Discretionary Waiver
Mo. Stat., Tit. XII, Sec. 211.071

Upon its own motion or that of any party in the case of a child of at least 12 accused of a felony, the juvenile court may order a hearing to consider whether to dismiss the delinquency petition and transfer the child for adult prosecution. (However, the court must at least hold a hearing to consider transfer where the child is accused of one of a number of listed offenses: first or second degree murder, first degree assault, forcible rape, forcible sodomy, first degree robbery, or distribution of drugsor has committed two or more previous felonies.) Before the hearing, a written report on the child 's history, record, offense, rehabilitation prospects, etc., must be prepared for the juvenile court's consideration. Following the hearing, the court may dismiss the case to permit adult prosecution if it finds that the child is not a proper subject to be dealt with under the juvenile law, taking into account a number of determinative considerations (including "racial disparity in certification") specified by law. An order of dismissal to permit adult prosecution must be supported by written findings.
Assuming that your info above (1st degree assault charges having been filed), the boldface language seems o REQUIRE that the Juvie Court judge hold a certification hearing. The problem is that Juvie Court judges are notorious for NOT wanting to certify minors as adults, so what happens if that judge does NOT fulfill that duty and hold a hearing sua sponte?

Arguably, a petition for mandamus would be the procedural vehicle to force the Juvie Judge to fulfill this obligation, but WHO has the standing to file the mandamus?

The statute ALSO says that a "party in the case" has standing to request a hearing. So, the relevant question is whether someone such as a parent of the victim is a "party in the case" for purposes of this provision. Logically, one would think so, but is anyone here familiar with Missouri law?

The statute does NOT give either the AG or the Lt.Gov standing to demand such a hearing. While I agree with their desire to see a certification, they are both just posturing ... to the extent they are representing themselves to have the authority to force a certification hearing.
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Bobbie, you suggested that the assailant should be charged as an adult.

I did not. Read again.
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This is just so very typical of you.

This thread addresses a serious issue ... certification of an underaged assailant in a VIOLENT assault as an adult.

I am trying to engage in a serious discussion of whether that is possible under the applicable statute, and how to make it happen.

And you try to turn the thread into a personal pissing match.
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Bunk Moreland said:

Get Off My Lawn said:

Ok - so back to the first question: is this not a spill-over fight? Is a spill-over fight not the product of the environment it developed within? What are the chances these girls end up on the pavement together if not for the lousy government school?

I don't know that answer. It's impossible to know. And one major reason is fights like these spill over even in the nicest of schools and districts. I went to a west Austin high school and saw girls slamming each others heads into lockers by their braids. I saw a dude jump off the 2nd floor balcony on to a guy on the first floor to surprise him and beat him up. I saw people do ****ed up **** on and off campus often. Hell we had a group of people that hosted Friday fights in someone's back yard where people would show up after school and watch guys and girls willingly step in and bare-knuckle box.

And again, my issue isn't with her or her highlighting this horrendous video. It's with her leap to try and tie blame to that specific school district to this specific incident, then further conflating with stuff that is unrelated to the incident like DEI training.

A normal person would have posted the video and mentioned the city, but she immediately jumps into the school district for a reason. This time it was weird, and then her double down DEI post was just ridiculous imo.
Wow I grew up in a midsized West Texas oil city that had a high crime rate and at the time several very good football teams. And never did I see anything approaching this. My 5A school hardly ever had fights of any kind. They waited until after graduation to do that mess.

BTW this person you refer to was attempting to tie DEI Philosophy/Ideology with increase violence. Lots and lots of evidence that being the case. Race relations are now the worst in 50 years and getting worse by the day.

DEI is all about getting even and payback. And not a damn thing to do with reconciliation and a better society
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TTUArmy said:

Get Off My Lawn said:

Satellite of Love said:

The Banned said:

Am I watching this wrong or does this girl willing enter into the fight? Never going to excuse the near death beating she received but this seems different than some form of group jumping. Everything that happens after is a **** show.

She didn't receive a near death beating…
…body limp… head slammed against the ground multiple times… body begins twitching / spasming… rushed to the hospital….

Not sure what you know about brain injuries, but it's possible that beating would've been fatal without medical intervention. At minimum we're talking about some degree of brain damage.
The girl that got her head caved in will never be right again. If she survives, she likely suffers from a traumatic brain injury for the rest of her life.
I used to know a guy who had a traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle accident. He basically couldn't do anything for himself. His mother had to do everything for him.

The last time I saw his mother, she said that he had been put in a nursing home. He was something like 25 or 26 years old.
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Urban Ag said:

Old May Banker said:

The culture and thought process necessary to come to the decision of removing the police tells you all you need to know.
If we can't divorce, we just need to completely balkanize. I don't know what the other answer is but I am not living anywhere near this sh**.
I cant either, ever. If that was my daughter my response would likely make international news so its just best that I avoid that stuff at all cost. I cant imagine what her family is going thorough. My heart aches for them all.

BTW if a white chick did that to a black girl i'd feel the same. This madness should never be remotely tolerated by society.
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agracer said:

John Armfield said:

Bunk Moreland said:

Logos Stick said:

Bunk Moreland said:

eric76 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

I'll ask it again...was this on school property? I'm trying to understand what the school district has to do with any of this?

Edit - wrong emoji.
I think it was on a street by a school.

Also, it has been reported that many of those involved were adults.

So libs of tik tok is just throwing **** against a wall in this situation?

Are you serious?

Yes. Please explain to me why we should be attacking a school district for something that had nothing to do with school? Unless of course there was something negligent the school district did in this incident. I'm which case I could understand her attack on an entire school much better
where did libs of tik tok blame this on the school? Libs of tik toks are in you liberals heads its amazing.
rolls eyes....the implication from Libs of Tick Tok is that the fight occurred, and the girl was injured b/c there was no school resource officer present to stop the fight. Pretty obvious.
It's a valid argument, like it or not. And the pointing out that the school voluntarily chose to not have LEO's on site because they did not want to go through multiple hours of additional training that was, according to them, already covered by their officers could absolutely be a contributing factor.

My wife is a counselor at the local high school. It is well known when there is an immenent fight happening after school, and their local ISD police are pretty good (say above average but nowhere near perfect) at identifying the potential perpetrators and doing what they can to interfere, up to and including often taking at least one of the kids out of school early and sending them elsewhere. Amazing how that diffuses situations.

Is it 100% on the school? Not even close, but considering that you can guarantee that admin knew of tensions and that the fight happened apparently right across the street, easy to argue they have some level of culpability in the events.
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eric76 said:

TTUArmy said:

Get Off My Lawn said:

Satellite of Love said:

The Banned said:

Am I watching this wrong or does this girl willing enter into the fight? Never going to excuse the near death beating she received but this seems different than some form of group jumping. Everything that happens after is a **** show.

She didn't receive a near death beating…
…body limp… head slammed against the ground multiple times… body begins twitching / spasming… rushed to the hospital….

Not sure what you know about brain injuries, but it's possible that beating would've been fatal without medical intervention. At minimum we're talking about some degree of brain damage.
The girl that got her head caved in will never be right again. If she survives, she likely suffers from a traumatic brain injury for the rest of her life.
I used to know a guy who had a traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle accident. He basically couldn't do anything for himself. His mother had to do everything for him.

The last time I saw his mother, she said that he had been put in a nursing home. He was something like 25 or 26 years old.
I worked with a guy way back in the day that had a bad motorcycle accident with a head injury from his head hitting a concrete curb at a decent speed after he was thrown from his bike.

He was in a coma for 146 days and in rehab for another ~6 months after learning how to do things for himself again. I didn't know him before the accident, only after, but those that I worked with that did know him all made comments to me at how different he was after versus before in his demeanor, ability to understand the work, etc. And every now and again if you were around him you'd notice he'd have issues with his balance. Never lasted long, but once you noticed them...hard not to notice them after.

I also grew up with a guy that spent a decent amount of time in jail because he thought bashing a dude's head against the concrete during a fight was a good idea. He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon because of it.
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What gives?

I have no problem with having a serious discussion.

I also see that you don't read the room.

Besides its obvious the discussion tends to be an arrogant one-way "learning" experience.

It's witheringly boorish.

Have a great day!
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Skull fracture and frontal lobe damage.


She suffered from a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage and was left in a critical condition with major brain bleeding and swelling, according to a GoFundMe.


Few updates have been shared on how Kaylee is doing with the latest news sparking fears she may not recover from the horrific attack, which has sparked global revulsion.


Missouri's Attorney General said 'radical' diversity, equity and inclusion programs are to blame for the vicious school fight that left student Kaylee Gain with severe brain damage as he called for her attacker to be tried as an adult.

Andrew Bailey claimed the brutality was a result of an obsession with woke DEI policies and the soft-touch approach to justice under former St. Louis DA Kim Gardner and current Rep Cori Bush, a hardline progressive Democrat.

He appeared on Fox News to discuss the horrifying attack on Gain at her St. Louis high school last Friday.

It is not yet clear what started the fight, but Bailey accused Gain's school of 'promoting racial divisiveness' and 'pushing a radical social agenda' at the expense of proper discipline.

'These children grew up in St Louis. They have watched a Soros-backed prosecutor Kim Gardner who refused to prosecute criminal defendants,' Bailey said.

And that's not the only thing happening in and around the schools of St Louis.



Authorities have yet to make any arrests in connection with the death of a teenage boy who was killed this week after leaving his middle school in St Louis, Mo.

The victim, who has been identified by police as 14-year-old Justin Brooks, was walking home from Jennings Junior High School when he was fatally stabbed around 3 p.m. Tuesday, KMOV reports.
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Another article from the New York Post talks about the role of the schools:


The Missouri high school near where teen Kaylee Gain was horrifically injured last week had an "enormous amount of culpability" in the incident because it promoted diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives over student safety, the state's Republican attorney general claimed.

"I think the school has an enormous amount of culpability. Look at their statement; there's no moral clarity there. They don't mention the victim once," AG Andrew Bailey told Newsmax's "National Report" of the Hazelwood School District.


In the wake of the incident, the district posted a brief statement on Facebook.

"It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children," the note read.


"In August of 2021, it was announced that the school was requiring the uniformed police officers who were in the schools to take the school district's DEI training and the police agencies refused. They declined to do so. So, the schools booted them off campus," Bailey alleged.

"In other words, [the school] are more in favor of racial divisiveness than in having school resource officers on their campuses," Bailey insisted.

"So, what role did this radical divisive DEI indoctrination program play in preventing a police officer from being present and detecting this and/or from causing the racial divisiveness that may have motivated this fight?" he added.


Determining the cause of the fight will be "critical," Bailey told Newsmax.

The other teens involved who could be seen looking on in shock while the fight unfolded should also be dealt with in juvenile court, he said.

I really do wonder just what caused this particular fight.

On the other hand, I don't know that the cause of the fight should be critical. There is no excuse for what happened regardless of the cause.
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She had been bullied before and was told to fight back. From


A friend of the victim said that she had been encouraged to "fight back" after being bullied prior to the horrific attack.

And in another story, regarding the statement from the school:

"It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt," the statement said. "Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children. The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need."

"We look forward to continuing to partner with our community for the sake of our children. Please be kind and respectful of the families involved during this difficult time and pledge to help work toward the betterment of our entire community," the district added.

So the school's approach is for everyone to sit around and sing Kumbaya?
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According to news reports, she has yet to regain consciousness.
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eric76 said:

According to news reports, she has yet to regain consciousness.
based upon the sound of a cracking skull that accompanied that video, I do not think that she ever will.

it is one thing for two people to agree to fight one another. It is an entirely a different matter for the prevailing party to continue beating a defenseless and unconscious victim.

The assailant needs to be certified as an adult, tried, and put under the prison.

The PROBLEM, as I indicated earlier in the thread, is finding someone with the authority to demand that this … individual… BE certified as an adult.

The ball is currently in the court of the Juvie court judge, and they are notoriously unwilling to recommend such certification.
Ellis Wyatt
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eric76 said:

She had been bullied before and was told to fight back. From
Which means the school was doing nothing to stop the bullying.
A Net Full of Jello
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Antoninus said:

eric76 said:

According to news reports, she has yet to regain consciousness.
based upon the sound of a cracking skull that accompanied that video, I do not think that she ever will.

it is one thing for two people to agree to fight one another. It is an entirely a different matter for the prevailing party to continue beating a defenseless and unconscious victim.

The assailant needs to be certified as an adult, tried, and put under the prison.
If the girl dies and I were on the jury, the best the defense could hope for would be for me to convict of second-degree murder. No matter what, she is a person too dangerous to be allowed in society.
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A Net Full of Jello said:

Antoninus said:

The assailant needs to be certified as an adult, tried, and put under the prison.
If the girl does (dies?) and I were on the jury, the best the defense could hope for would be for me to convict of second-degree murder. No matter what, she is a person too dangerous to be allowed in society.
A vicious little six-year-old has some hope of redemption. By age 15, this little … individual… is beyond hope. Her personality is essentially fixed. She will never be able to function productively in society.
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The girl is reportedly breathing on her own now and has been moved out of ICU.

I wonder if she has retained consciousness yet.
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