So the school where the girl got half beaten to death

13,248 Views | 99 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by eric76
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Jesus, it looks like she's having a seizure or something like it. Just damned sad all the way around, this girl was the others calling card, there will be another but most likely won't make it.
Get Off My Lawn
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Bunk Moreland said:

Logos Stick said:

Bunk Moreland said:

eric76 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

I'll ask it again...was this on school property? I'm trying to understand what the school district has to do with any of this?

Edit - wrong emoji.
I think it was on a street by a school.

Also, it has been reported that many of those involved were adults.

So libs of tik tok is just throwing **** against a wall in this situation?

Are you serious?

Yes. Please explain to me why we should be attacking a school district for something that had nothing to do with school? Unless of course there was something negligent the school district did in this incident. I'm which case I could understand her attack on an entire school much better
Before snapping to your team's corner, mind putting a % on the probability these 2 girls would have had this interaction if not for public school and the dynamics within?

I'm going with 5%.

Leftist run public schools are not safe and the unsafe environment can boil across property lines after school.
Bunk Moreland
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Get Off My Lawn said:

Bunk Moreland said:

Logos Stick said:

Bunk Moreland said:

eric76 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

I'll ask it again...was this on school property? I'm trying to understand what the school district has to do with any of this?

Edit - wrong emoji.
I think it was on a street by a school.

Also, it has been reported that many of those involved were adults.

So libs of tik tok is just throwing **** against a wall in this situation?

Are you serious?

Yes. Please explain to me why we should be attacking a school district for something that had nothing to do with school? Unless of course there was something negligent the school district did in this incident. I'm which case I could understand her attack on an entire school much better
Before snapping to your team's corner, mind putting a % on the probability these 2 girls would have had this interaction if not for public school and the dynamics within?

I'm going with 5%.

Leftist run public schools are not safe and the unsafe environment can boil across property lines after school.

What team do you think I'm on?

Why do you presume this is absolutely a school district problem and not a parenting or culture problem?

Did you attend public schools? If yes, did you ever see fights? Did you ever see fights off campus? I attended a nice public school and saw both quite often.

Are we just going to avoid assigning blame to the victim who seemingly willingly squared up to fight?

So again, instead of jumping to wild conclusions because you hate what you saw in the video... Why are we singling out the school district here? Instead of using every spin imaginable vs answering the question, I want to know what we know about this story that should make us project hate or vitriol against the school district.

So far I've seen nothing.
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Get Off My Lawn said:

Before snapping to your team's corner …
how do you figure that he is "picking a corner" by simply asking "how is the school involved in the dispute between these two girls who obviously wanted to fight one another?"
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Bunk Moreland said:

What team do you think I'm on?
If you do not immediately, and without questions, jump onboard the narrative that is running through his mind, you are obviously on the "other side."

Sea Speed
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A_Gang_Ag_06 said:

Psycho Bunny said:

Public schools are dead, either home school or send your kids to private schools.


I've given up a huge amount of money sending three daughters to private school since they were in preschool. I'm not a "TexAgs millionaire" either. Just a regular oilfield guy that's survived three downturns so far. Will probably end up working as a Walmart greeter if I'm lucky to live long enough but I kept my girls away from this filth. These people are the ****stain of this country and I want nothing to do with them.

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Video of a violent attack involving teenagers near Hazelwood East High School began circulating widely on social media this weekend.


The video, along with ring doorbell footage, shows a girl's head being slammed into the concrete multiple times.

Police said she remains in critical condition. A 15-year-old is being held by family court on assault charges.


Meanwhile, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said on social media that the 15-year-old should be tried as an adult.

That decision is ultimately up to juvenile court officials, who will decide if there will be hearing.
So far, one has not been scheduled.
St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell also took to social media, saying, "it's a juvenile court matter, unless it is certified and by law. Certification is not our decision either. We pray the victim makes a full recovery. This is just heartbreaking".

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Discretionary Waiver
Mo. Stat., Tit. XII, Sec. 211.071

Upon its own motion or that of any party in the case of a child of at least 12 accused of a felony, the juvenile court may order a hearing to consider whether to dismiss the delinquency petition and transfer the child for adult prosecution. (However, the court must at least hold a hearing to consider transfer where the child is accused of one of a number of listed offenses: first or second degree murder, first degree assault, forcible rape, forcible sodomy, first degree robbery, or distribution of drugsor has committed two or more previous felonies.) Before the hearing, a written report on the child 's history, record, offense, rehabilitation prospects, etc., must be prepared for the juvenile court's consideration. Following the hearing, the court may dismiss the case to permit adult prosecution if it finds that the child is not a proper subject to be dealt with under the juvenile law, taking into account a number of determinative considerations (including "racial disparity in certification") specified by law. An order of dismissal to permit adult prosecution must be supported by written findings.
if Eric's information is correct (first-degree assault charges), at least the Juvie court is required to hold a hearing on certification.

So, who is a "party to the proceeding?" The victim, or her family? If not, who would even have standing to demand action?
Algorithmic Epiphany
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We won't need to import cannibal gangs to the states.

Just watch food deserts appear from lawlessness, and the rest will occur naturally.
John Armfield
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That school is like 95% black children.
Death wish if you are white and going to that school
John Armfield
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Bunk Moreland said:

Logos Stick said:

Bunk Moreland said:

eric76 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

I'll ask it again...was this on school property? I'm trying to understand what the school district has to do with any of this?

Edit - wrong emoji.
I think it was on a street by a school.

Also, it has been reported that many of those involved were adults.

So libs of tik tok is just throwing **** against a wall in this situation?

Are you serious?

Yes. Please explain to me why we should be attacking a school district for something that had nothing to do with school? Unless of course there was something negligent the school district did in this incident. I'm which case I could understand her attack on an entire school much better
where did libs of tik tok blame this on the school? Libs of tik toks are in you liberals heads its amazing.
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Antoninus said:

Bunk Moreland said:

What team do you think I'm on?
If you do not immediately, and without questions, jump onboard the narrative that is running through his mind, you are obviously on the "other side."

Will just be your kid next shouting down plain as site reason like you do.
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Antoninus said:

Bunk Moreland said:

What team do you think I'm on?
If you do not immediately, and without questions, jump onboard the narrative that is running through his mind, you are obviously on the "other side."


You are just on here to argue a ridiculous point because you can't defend the abject failure of the radical leftist agenda, that you support, that has caused this destructive evil agenda.
Fight against the dictatorship of the federal bureaucracy!
Urban Ag
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Old May Banker said:

The culture and thought process necessary to come to the decision of removing the police tells you all you need to know.
If we can't divorce, we just need to completely balkanize. I don't know what the other answer is but I am not living anywhere near this sh**.
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hang the guilty from a tree
Scotty Appleton
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I'm going to take a "wild" guess here, but any teenager who slams a person's head into a street like that repetitively most likely has a record. I would bet a **** ton of money that this isn't the 1st time that girl has been in trouble and the school most likely has a file on her and turned a blind eye at some point.
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I'm starting to think slavery will haunt us forever.
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Watching that video reminded me of Trayvon Martin, remember when people were saying Zimmerman should have just taking the beating (bloody head and all) instead of defending himself from a 17 year old?
Ol Rock
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1) Very strange and disappointing how these girls are so masculine and immitate fighting like boys.

2) If I felt a school was as unsafe as this video was portraying, I would pull my kid from the school. Very interesting how few parents are prepared to pull their kids from these poorly performing school districts.

3) another great reason for school choice.

4) I'm not sure I feel very sorry. They are getting exactly what they voted for. I hate to say I told you so, but....
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It is safe for "elite" liberals who vote democratic in St. Louis. They live in gated communities and send their kids to private schools. Take down their fences and send their kids to inner city schools only then will we see true change.

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Did the fight take place at a school? Looks like a neighborhood
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the truth is that while the feral animal beating her into the pavement should be shot

there were OTHER black girls who came to the aid of the white girl.

the white girl also took the first punch, and was known as being part of "thug life"

from everything I have seen this was not just some innocent teen jumped by strangers. she was part of those groups and was throwing down.

all of them should go to prison for a very long time.
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Just look at the school ratings for the high school in that district. They're right on top of it. Just let them do their thing. They're doing a bang-up job!
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The little white girl engages in a fight with Serena Williams look a like on concrete

Bet she has no dad in her life
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One thing these idiot leftist never seem to want is more cops at schools to protect kids.

I propose each school have 1 officer per X students.

I think this is the most logical way to protect kids against each other and school shooters. But the left removes cops. They don't care about protecting kids. They think kids need to be protected from police because their morals are backwards and corrupted.

I pretty much vote no on all tax hikes for education because they're never specific, it's always just money for some board of admins to spend with no idea on what.

If a tax rise specifically went to funding police on school campuses, it's one of the few I would support.

Leftist corrupt morals cause nothing but suffering and death.
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Seen plenty of after school activities that started like that.

Except it was always two dudes who had a score to settle.

And it never got to the point of murderously bashing skulls in.

That girl has serious issues and likely would have done that to anyone she had the size advantage over.

That video says a lot about where teens are right now.
Joe Schillaci 48
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eric76 said:

There were reports of a second girl in the fight being admitted with serious head injury, too.
Smart move by her (court appointed) attorney. "Ladies and gentlemen (or insert proper pronoun) of the jury, your decision should be blame both of these ladies. My client was only protecting herself".
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Urban Ag said:

Old May Banker said:

The culture and thought process necessary to come to the decision of removing the police tells you all you need to know.
If we can't divorce, we just need to completely balkanize. I don't know what the other answer is but I am not living anywhere near this sh**.
This is why Ormond Beach, Florida is the answer
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Was not expecting to discuss. And will not discuss a post provided for information only. You should have been able to process the intent. I wonder why not?
Get Off My Lawn
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Bunk Moreland said:

Get Off My Lawn said:

Bunk Moreland said:

Logos Stick said:

Bunk Moreland said:

eric76 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

I'll ask it again...was this on school property? I'm trying to understand what the school district has to do with any of this?

Edit - wrong emoji.
I think it was on a street by a school.

Also, it has been reported that many of those involved were adults.

So libs of tik tok is just throwing **** against a wall in this situation?

Are you serious?

Yes. Please explain to me why we should be attacking a school district for something that had nothing to do with school? Unless of course there was something negligent the school district did in this incident. I'm which case I could understand her attack on an entire school much better
Before snapping to your team's corner, mind putting a % on the probability these 2 girls would have had this interaction if not for public school and the dynamics within?

I'm going with 5%.

Leftist run public schools are not safe and the unsafe environment can boil across property lines after school.

What team do you think I'm on?

Why do you presume this is absolutely a school district problem and not a parenting or culture problem?

Did you attend public schools? If yes, did you ever see fights? Did you ever see fights off campus? I attended a nice public school and saw both quite often.

Are we just going to avoid assigning blame to the victim who seemingly willingly squared up to fight?

So again, instead of jumping to wild conclusions because you hate what you saw in the video... Why are we singling out the school district here? Instead of using every spin imaginable vs answering the question, I want to know what we know about this story that should make us project hate or vitriol against the school district.

So far I've seen nothing.
Sounds a lot like you're doubling down on "Libs of Tik Tok is wrong until proven otherwise" and "white girl got what she signed up for."

We certainly agree that culture and family are critical elements, but even in your point about after school fights @ "good" public schools… you highlight an issue with the factory education system where kids are forced into impersonal halls and told to deal with the social dynamics. The elimination of the freedom of association (multiplied by schools who refuse to suspend bad apples) is a big problem & the environment within the school (which leads to after school fights) can verily likely be inferred by the priorities evidenced in the action that Libs of Tik Tok highlighted.
Bunk Moreland
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Get Off My Lawn said:

Bunk Moreland said:

Get Off My Lawn said:

Bunk Moreland said:

Logos Stick said:

Bunk Moreland said:

eric76 said:

Bunk Moreland said:

I'll ask it again...was this on school property? I'm trying to understand what the school district has to do with any of this?

Edit - wrong emoji.
I think it was on a street by a school.

Also, it has been reported that many of those involved were adults.

So libs of tik tok is just throwing **** against a wall in this situation?

Are you serious?

Yes. Please explain to me why we should be attacking a school district for something that had nothing to do with school? Unless of course there was something negligent the school district did in this incident. I'm which case I could understand her attack on an entire school much better
Before snapping to your team's corner, mind putting a % on the probability these 2 girls would have had this interaction if not for public school and the dynamics within?

I'm going with 5%.

Leftist run public schools are not safe and the unsafe environment can boil across property lines after school.

What team do you think I'm on?

Why do you presume this is absolutely a school district problem and not a parenting or culture problem?

Did you attend public schools? If yes, did you ever see fights? Did you ever see fights off campus? I attended a nice public school and saw both quite often.

Are we just going to avoid assigning blame to the victim who seemingly willingly squared up to fight?

So again, instead of jumping to wild conclusions because you hate what you saw in the video... Why are we singling out the school district here? Instead of using every spin imaginable vs answering the question, I want to know what we know about this story that should make us project hate or vitriol against the school district.

So far I've seen nothing.
Sounds a lot like you're doubling down on "Libs of Tik Tok is wrong until proven otherwise" and "white girl got what she signed up for."

We certainly agree that culture and family are critical elements, but even in your point about after school fights @ "good" public schools… you highlight an issue with the factory education system where kids are forced into impersonal halls and told to deal with the social dynamics. The elimination of the freedom of association (multiplied by schools who refuse to suspend bad apples) is a big problem & the environment within the school (which leads to after school fights) can verily likely be inferred by the priorities evidenced in the action that Libs of Tik Tok highlighted.

I'm not doubling down on anything. What happened in the video was horrible. I also like Libts of Tik Tok and the awareness she has brought to many terrible things happening in schools all over the country.

In this situation she is intentionally and deliberately shining light on a school district and encouraging criticism/shame/pressure on a school district based on a video she's promoting that to my knowledge has absolutely nothing to do with the school district other than being the district these kids go to school. And then she's going in and finding policies like DEI and loosely tying them to this video with the intention to conflate that to the result of what we saw in the video.

And again, fighting on school property and off school property is not something new to 2024 or DEI policy schools, or liberal/urban school districts. They happen everywhere, every day.

I hope the offender gets charged to the max. The video is horrible. It likely is a result of many breakdowns in society. But her attempts to tie into some larger argument against the school district based on the evidence provided is not just weak but a major leap.

There, now you dont' have to keep incorrectly assuming **** you don't know about me
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Bunk Moreland said:

I … like Libts of Tik Tok and the awareness she has brought to many terrible things happening in schools all over the country.)
she was actually pretty good, back when she found Libs saying stupid things and posted those things for all to see.

But she fell in love with the clicks. She's probably monetized somehow. So she had to keep building. She had to keep adding eyeballs.

And the way she did that was by taking random situations, doing no research, sticking "Libs" to the tagline, and then letting the morons run wild.
Get Off My Lawn
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Ok - so back to the first question: is this not a spill-over fight? Is a spill-over fight not the product of the environment it developed within? What are the chances these girls end up on the pavement together if not for the lousy government school?
Bunk Moreland
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Get Off My Lawn said:

Ok - so back to the first question: is this not a spill-over fight? Is a spill-over fight not the product of the environment it developed within? What are the chances these girls end up on the pavement together if not for the lousy government school?

I don't know that answer. It's impossible to know. And one major reason is fights like these spill over even in the nicest of schools and districts. I went to a west Austin high school and saw girls slamming each others heads into lockers by their braids. I saw a dude jump off the 2nd floor balcony on to a guy on the first floor to surprise him and beat him up. I saw people do ****ed up **** on and off campus often. Hell we had a group of people that hosted Friday fights in someone's back yard where people would show up after school and watch guys and girls willingly step in and bare-knuckle box.

And again, my issue isn't with her or her highlighting this horrendous video. It's with her leap to try and tie blame to that specific school district to this specific incident, then further conflating with stuff that is unrelated to the incident like DEI training.

A normal person would have posted the video and mentioned the city, but she immediately jumps into the school district for a reason. This time it was weird, and then her double down DEI post was just ridiculous imo.
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in my house we have actually talked about stereotypes in life and who and who not to argue / fight with.

My oldest daughter has specifically had the talk about b-f-teenagers and fighting.

Needless to say, i ignore lots of people around my kids with the intent of them learning restraint from losers. Homeless people, jerks at sports, etc.

I would be willing to bet this type of fight happens every day around America and it will never stop.
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