Trump: Judge Lewis Kaplan (Jean Carroll case) is "highly corrupt"

12,999 Views | 216 Replies | Last: 6 mo ago by richardag
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RogerFurlong said:


Trump is fighting for his life to avoid seeing any of these trials start. i wonder why.

Because the judges and prosecutors are corrupt.
Dozens and dozens of individuals, from all walks of life and both political parties, scattered from sea to shining sea, are all "corrupt."

or one guy is just a liar and a crook.

"Snake Oil!!! Come and get your Snake Oil!!!!"
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barbacoa taco said:

What's emotional about it? Facts? Facts that make your guy look bad?

I know it's hard to have to constantly defend Trump, but anytime I make points attacking him you always fall back on your dumb ad homs.

Biden doesn't "raise the same emotions" because he's not under indictment and so far there's no evidence he committed crimes, after years of searching by his political opponents. I'd love for Biden to step down and not run again, but that's a separate issue
Biden's not under indictment because his own DoJ found him to be senile/demented.

Testimony about that happening now from Hur who was defamed by Biden dishonestly for bringing up Beau's death. His son is facing prosecution anyway though.
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93MarineHorn said:

The correct path here should have been to dismiss the case as there could be no finding of fact, given that the plaintiff couldn't remember what year it happened, there was no physical evidence and no witnesses. How could there be finding of fact in this case? What we had was a finding of opinion by a dimwitted jury based on the foggy memory of one TDS riddled woman. Pathetic.
this post demonstrates such profound ignorance of the judicial system that it is not really even possible to provide a substantive response.

everything you were whining about goes to the CREDIBILITY of her testimony, not it's admissibility. A judge who dismissed a case on that basis WOULD be rightfully subject to censure
barbacoa taco
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And if you read further and listened to Hur again this morning, you would know that there was absolutely no basis to charge Biden and his and Trump's cases could not be more different.

I think you know this already, but there needs to be a narrative to equate to the two
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Antoninus said:

93MarineHorn said:

The correct path here should have been to dismiss the case as there could be no finding of fact, given that the plaintiff couldn't remember what year it happened, there was no physical evidence and no witnesses. How could there be finding of fact in this case? What we had was a finding of opinion by a dimwitted jury based on the foggy memory of one TDS riddled woman. Pathetic.
this post demonstrates such profound ignorance of the judicial system that it is not really even possible to provide a substantive response.

everything you were whining about goes to the CREDIBILITY of her testimony, not it's admissibility. A judge who dismissed a case on that basis WOULD be rightfully subject to censure
Please oh learned one, explain to me how there can be a finding FACT based ONE person's fragile memory of an event that supposedly happened decades ago? No other evidence but one person's testimony doesn't seem to be enough. How could her testimony be credible when she can't remember what year the "crime" happened. Please also enlighten me as to what defense can be made when no evidence (date, time, physical evidence) is provided.

You can't answer me, smart guy. You know it.
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93MarineHorn said:

explain to me how there can be a finding FACT based ONE person's fragile memory of an event that supposedly happened decades ago? No other evidence but one person's testimony doesn't seem to be enough. How could her testimony be credible when she can't remember what year the "crime" happened. Please also enlighten me as to what defense can be made when no evidence (date, time, physical evidence) is provided.

You can't answer me, smart guy. You know it.
it has been explained, repeatedly, by me and by others. You just don't seem to be able to grasp it.

very often, lawsuits come down to the question of "who do you believe?"

Two witnesses provide completely opposite presentations of the events. The opponent has the opportunity to show each and every one of the deficiencies in such testimony, all of which you have repeatedly emphasized. everything you were whining about, the jury heard

Despite all that, this jury believed Jean Carol and did not believe Donald Trump.

It's way the ****ing system works

Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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barbacoa taco said:

What's emotional about it? Facts? Facts that make your guy look bad?

I know it's hard to have to constantly defend Trump, but anytime I make points attacking him you always fall back on your dumb ad homs.

Biden doesn't "raise the same emotions" because he's not under indictment and so far there's no evidence he committed crimes, after years of searching by his political opponents. I'd love for Biden to step down and not run again, but that's a separate issue

1) I have pointed out Trump is not "my guy" multiple times. That's part of your problem. You have literally created your own boogeyman and you're projecting it onto others. If anyone offers a somewhat neutral alternative to your nonsense, you immediately classify them in your head as a "tRuMp GuY!" because you, yourself, are extremely biased.

2) The rest of this post is absurdly laughable. However, thanks for highlighting you're a complete and utter partisan hack for the class…as if we didn't know it already.
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Antoninus said:

93MarineHorn said:

explain to me how there can be a finding FACT based ONE person's fragile memory of an event that supposedly happened decades ago? No other evidence but one person's testimony doesn't seem to be enough. How could her testimony be credible when she can't remember what year the "crime" happened. Please also enlighten me as to what defense can be made when no evidence (date, time, physical evidence) is provided.

You can't answer me, smart guy. You know it.
it has been explained, repeatedly, by me and by others. You just don't seem to be able to grasp it.

very often, lawsuits come down to the question of "who do you believe?"

Two witnesses provide completely opposite presentations of the events. The opponent has the opportunity to show each and every one of the deficiencies in such testimony, all of which you have repeatedly emphasized. everything you were whining about, the jury heard

Despite all that, this jury believed Jean Carol and did not believe Donald Trump.

It's way the ****ing system works

Yes, I know that Dems have "made it legal" and that the jury sided with Carol. I'm asking YOU to make an argument of why Carol should've won. YOU. Anyone can say anything and without any evidence, witnesses, times, dates..... the defendant CAN'T make contradictory arguments. The only thing Trump could say is "I didn't do it".

I'm asking YOU to explain how this isn't grotesquely unfair. I'm NOT asking you how a bunch of NY democrats have railroaded Trump with a case that is astonishingly lacking. Can YOU grasp that? This is an opinion forum and I'm challenging YOU to give an opinion on the merits of this pitiful case. You keep hiding behind the outcome, why?
Ellis Wyatt
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barbacoa taco said:

the reason I know you're wrong is because the DOJ was stupid to wait this long to bring charges and everyone is rightfully pissed at Merrick Garland for it. Notwithstanding the fact that some of the charges predated Trump's campaign announcement,
I am wrong about what?

Everyone knew Trump was running for President again. The DOJ intentionally rolled out these cases to interfere with the election. There is no doubt among honest people. This is stopping Trump at any cost.

THIS is collusion.
barbacoa taco
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Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:

barbacoa taco said:

What's emotional about it? Facts? Facts that make your guy look bad?

I know it's hard to have to constantly defend Trump, but anytime I make points attacking him you always fall back on your dumb ad homs.

Biden doesn't "raise the same emotions" because he's not under indictment and so far there's no evidence he committed crimes, after years of searching by his political opponents. I'd love for Biden to step down and not run again, but that's a separate issue

1) I have pointed out Trump is not "my guy" multiple times. That's part of your problem. You have literally created your own boogeyman and you're projecting it onto others. If anyone offers a somewhat neutral alternative to your nonsense, you immediately classify them in your head as a "tRuMp GuY!" because you, yourself, are extremely biased.

2) The rest of this post is absurdly laughable. However, thanks for highlighting you're a complete and utter partisan hack for the class…as if we didn't know it already.
If Biden got nailed by some evidence and impeached over it, I'd probably start hi fiving people because that means we dont have to vote for him anymore. But at this point I'm in put up or shut up territory. People talk big game about the Biden crime family and have nothing to show for it. One of the key witnesses in the Hunter Biden investigation was just charged with perjury. This is embarrassing.
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93MarineHorn said:

I'm asking YOU to explain how this isn't grotesquely unfair. I'm NOT asking you how a bunch of NY democrats have railroaded Trump with a case that is astonishingly lacking. Can YOU grasp that? This is an opinion forum and I'm challenging YOU to give an opinion on the merits of this pitiful case. You keep hiding behind the outcome, why?
I have said a half-dozen times on THIS THREAD that her evidence was pretty thin on the sexual assault and that (had I been on the jury) I would not have found him liable.

WTF more do you want?

THIS jury found differently. They heard the SAME evidence that you and I heard. They had EVERY flaw in her testimony laid-out for them (dress, date, etc). AND THEY FOUND FOR HER.

Of course, that was only the first $5mm. The remaining $83mm was on the defamation case.

Once the assault jury ruled against him, he JUST ... WOULD ... NOT ... SHUT ... UP.

If I had been on THAT jury, yes, I would have tagged him for liability. I would have had ZERO choice, given that the existence of the sexual assault had ALREADY BEEN DETERMINED, as a matter of law. From that moment forward, he was defaming her EVERY ... SINGLE ... TIME that he kept calling her a liar. At that point, he could THINK she was a liar as much as he wanted, but he exposed himself to liability EVERY DAMNED TIME he said it in a public forum.

I have no doubt that his lawyers advised him on this ... warned him. But the man is temperamentally-incapable of taking advice that he just STFU.
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Antoninus said:

93MarineHorn said:

I'm asking YOU to explain how this isn't grotesquely unfair. I'm NOT asking you how a bunch of NY democrats have railroaded Trump with a case that is astonishingly lacking. Can YOU grasp that? This is an opinion forum and I'm challenging YOU to give an opinion on the merits of this pitiful case. You keep hiding behind the outcome, why?
I have said a half-dozen times on THIS THREAD that her evidence was pretty thin on the sexual assault and that (had I been on the jury) I would not have found him liable.

WTF more do you want?

Why do you think the judge let this proceed with no evidence? Thanks for admitting this was a sham of a trial and a shakedown of Trump. This is why we have no respect for Democrats and especially Democrats in positions of authority. They will unabashedly use their power to persecute political opposition and their voters will cheer while they do it. If you want to see what a real threat to democracy looks like, here it is.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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barbacoa taco said:

Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:

barbacoa taco said:

What's emotional about it? Facts? Facts that make your guy look bad?

I know it's hard to have to constantly defend Trump, but anytime I make points attacking him you always fall back on your dumb ad homs.

Biden doesn't "raise the same emotions" because he's not under indictment and so far there's no evidence he committed crimes, after years of searching by his political opponents. I'd love for Biden to step down and not run again, but that's a separate issue

1) I have pointed out Trump is not "my guy" multiple times. That's part of your problem. You have literally created your own boogeyman and you're projecting it onto others. If anyone offers a somewhat neutral alternative to your nonsense, you immediately classify them in your head as a "tRuMp GuY!" because you, yourself, are extremely biased.

2) The rest of this post is absurdly laughable. However, thanks for highlighting you're a complete and utter partisan hack for the class…as if we didn't know it already.
If Biden got nailed by some evidence and impeached over it, I'd probably start hi fiving people because that means we dont have to vote for him anymore. But at this point I'm in put up or shut up territory. People talk big game about the Biden crime family and have nothing to show for it. One of the key witnesses in the Hunter Biden investigation was just charged with perjury. This is embarrassing.

"I have zero common sense" would have been a much more succinct, and accurate, reply.
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An ethical and moral DA would not have brought this case. An ethical and moral judge would not have allowed this case to proceed. A moral and ethical person would disparage this complete lack of justice.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
barbacoa taco
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the DA didn't bring this case. it was a civil case. I'm not sure if Trump tried to get the suit dismissed via summary judgment, but if he did, he obviously didn't succeed.
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93MarineHorn said:

Why do you think the judge let this proceed with no evidence? Thanks for admitting this was a sham of a trial and a shakedown of Trump.
Jesus Frakkin Christ!!!!

I did not say ANYTHING about "no evidence" or "sham" or "shakedown." I simply said that I would have found differently, based upon the evidence presented in the assault trial.

For the 956th time, this was NOT a "no evidence" case. It was a "weak evidence" case. A "weak evidence" case GOES TO THE JURY, which is charged with assessing that evidence.

Her testimony was WEAK evidence, but it was also ADMISSIBLE evidence. Until you get that distinction and basic premise past the Trump-centric barriers that are blocking access to your brain, you will continue to argue based upon a false premise.
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richardag said:

An ethical and moral DA would not have brought this case.

People continue to argue the merits of this case with (in their minds) great authority, while they continue to NOT GRASP the most-basic concepts.

THERE WAS NO DA. Carroll I and Carroll II were CIVIL cases.

An ethical and moral judge would not have allowed this case to proceed.
On what basis (in your mind) would Judge Kaplan have dismissed the case. Not just "dammit, its what I would have done!" Give us a solid legal basis for dismissal, which would have survived appeal.
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barbacoa taco said:

the DA didn't bring this case. it was a civil case. I'm not sure if Trump tried to get the suit dismissed via summary judgment, but if he did, he obviously didn't succeed.
MSJ (even a "no evidence MSJ") would have been a waste of time and money in a "he said, she said" case. A competent attorney would not waste his client's money on one.
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richardag said:

An ethical and moral DA would not have brought this case. An ethical and moral judge would not have allowed this case to proceed. A moral and ethical person would disparage this complete lack of justice.
DA did not bring this case, Roberta Kaplan, a private attorney, did. Suborning perjury in the process.

Carroll was trying to sell a book. She put the Trump story in there because she believed it would help with book sales. She lied about the dress and New York magazine reporters caught that lie so she changed her story. That should have been a big red flag for Kaplan as well. Plus the sheer number of different men Carroll has made similar accusations about over the years and within that same book, to boot. Short of a gang bang, how many women have actually been assaulted

But what Carroll said on the stand was that she was most damaged by Trump saying she wasn't "his type" meaning to her that Trump was saying she was "ugly" her words. She said that several times, in fact.

Is someone calling a woman "ugly" truly defamation? Defamation of a public figure, as an author, former TV personality/advice columnist who was selling a book wherein she made the accusations against Trump first?

She further testified that she did not sue Les Moonves because he only "denied it" and she was not damaged by that denial.

Although preponderance of the evidence is the civil legal standard, the plaintiff still bears the burden of proof. Had this been a criminal trial (putting aside the SOL issue for a moment) no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case on such a spotty and contradictory evidence.
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aggiehawg said:

Had this been a criminal trial (putting aside the SOL issue for a moment) no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case on such a spotty and contradictory evidence.
100% agreement.
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Is someone calling a woman "ugly" truly defamation? Defamation of a public figure, as an author, former TV personality/advice columnist who was selling a book wherein she made the accusations against Trump first?

She further testified that she did not sue Les Moonves because he only "denied it" and she was not damaged by that denial.
The defamation claim was not about her attractiveness, of course. The claim of defamation was over Trump's denial of anything happening at all and his lengthy comments about Carroll.

And her testimony was she sued Trump because Trump called her a liar and Moonves did not.

It doesn't really matter. A civil litigant can choose to sue or not sue whoever, they don't have to treat everyone the same.
Ag with kids
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Antoninus said:

so, how do you propose resolving disputed fact issues?

You don't trust judges. You don't trust juries.

Do you plan to call a seance?

or do we just believe the defendant, when you like the defendant, and then believe the complainant, when you like the complainant?
There's an actual reason why getting a change of venue is a thing. If you're in an area that is biased against the defendant from the beginning, getting a fair trial may be difficult...
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Antoninus said:

At a campaign rally in Rome, Georgia, Trump said:

Lewis Kaplan, the judge in the Carroll defamation cases, is "a terrible person, a terrible judge" and "highly corrupt."
Reported in Newsweek

So, now he is defaming a federal judge.

This guy just CANNOT stop stepping on his own johnson.

Call me when you show more anger towards Biden and the left for encouraging an actual insurrection but supporting radicals going to Supreme Court Justices' homes.
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Antoninus said:

richardag said:

An ethical and moral DA would not have brought this case.

People continue to argue the merits of this case with (in their minds) great authority, while they continue to NOT GRASP the most-basic concepts.

THERE WAS NO DA. Carroll I and Carroll II were CIVIL cases.

An ethical and moral judge would not have allowed this case to proceed.
On what basis (in your mind) would Judge Kaplan have dismissed the case. Not just "dammit, its what I would have done!" Give us a solid legal basis for dismissal, which would have survived appeal.
No evidence beyond the foggy memory of a woman who has contradicted herself about what year the assault occurred. One woman's faulty, fragile testimony should not be enough to even get inside a courtroom. There's just as much evidence that YOU grabbed Carol by the ***** if she says you did it, same for me or any other man on the planet. It's ridiculous.
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Muy said:

Call me when you show more anger towards Biden and the left for encouraging an actual insurrection but (by?) supporting radicals going to Supreme Court Justices' homes.
Highly-inappropriate behavior, as is harassing people at dinner in a restaurant.

Not sure how that is related to Trump's defamation of a federal judge.
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Antoninus said:

aggiehawg said:

Had this been a criminal trial (putting aside the SOL issue for a moment) no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case on such a spotty and contradictory evidence.
100% agreement.
I'm pretty sure they'd make an exception for Trump. I'm still waiting for Ford to sue Kavanaugh for that drunken boob grab in 1982. Sue him in NY or any other festering corrupt lib cesspool and make $$$$

It doesn't matter if you don't know what year it happened or that everyone you claim witnessed it doesn't know what you're talking about. It would still be a slam dunk for her.
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barbacoa taco said:

One of the key witnesses in the Hunter Biden investigation was just charged with perjury. This is embarrassing.

You know that this 'key witness' you mention has nothing to do with the current investigation? Or do you like spreading mistruths?

You are embarrassing yourself.
Silent For Too Long
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Trump's base identifies all the cases against him as corrupt. Trump rallying his base with this notion is just good politics.

OP has beat his dick for 5 pages arguing points he himself admits don't even matter in the long run. Kaplan isn't going to do **** to retaliate and in the long run the only impact of this statement is more people will think Trump prosecution is corrupt.

OP is unwittingly helping Trump disseminate his message to the masses. Well done.
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93MarineHorn said:

Antoninus said:

aggiehawg said:

Had this been a criminal trial (putting aside the SOL issue for a moment) no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case on such a spotty and contradictory evidence.
100% agreement.
I'm pretty sure they'd make an exception for Trump. I'm still waiting for Ford to sue Kavanaugh for that drunken boob grab in 1982. Sue him in NY or any other festering corrupt lib cesspool and make $$$$

It doesn't matter if you don't know what year it happened or that everyone you claim witnessed it doesn't know what you're talking about. It would still be a slam dunk for her.
Kavanaugh was living in Maryland at the time. Would have to change the law in Maryland. But that jury pool could easily be just as sus as a Manhattan or DC one.
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barbacoa taco said:

And if you read further and listened to Hur again this morning, you would know that there was absolutely no basis to charge Biden and his and Trump's cases could not be more different.

I think you know this already, but there needs to be a narrative to equate to the two
I've got one question I've never got a straight answer to. Biden had documents in his house from when he was a senator. How did he get those documents out of the SCIF room?
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RogerFurlong said:

barbacoa taco said:

And if you read further and listened to Hur again this morning, you would know that there was absolutely no basis to charge Biden and his and Trump's cases could not be more different.

I think you know this already, but there needs to be a narrative to equate to the two
I've got one question I've never got a straight answer to. Biden had documents in his house from when he was a senator. How did he get those documents out of the SCIF room?
Biden doesn't remember how he got them. He barely remembers the years he was in the Senate, or as VP at this point.
Ellis Wyatt
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RogerFurlong said:

barbacoa taco said:

And if you read further and listened to Hur again this morning, you would know that there was absolutely no basis to charge Biden and his and Trump's cases could not be more different.

I think you know this already, but there needs to be a narrative to equate to the two
I've got one question I've never got a straight answer to. Biden had documents in his house from when he was a senator. How did he get those documents out of the SCIF room?
I can answer that: he concealed them and stole them. That is the only possibility.
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Antoninus said:

RogerFurlong said:


Trump is fighting for his life to avoid seeing any of these trials start. i wonder why.

Because the judges and prosecutors are corrupt.
Dozens and dozens of individuals, from all walks of life and both political parties, scattered from sea to shining sea, are all "corrupt."

her one guy is just a liar and a crook.

"Snake Oil!!! Come and get your Snake Oil!!!!"
I wouldn't say from all walks of life. Seems like they're all lawyers. Not exactly the most loved profession for a reason.
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barbacoa taco said:

the DA didn't bring this case. it was a civil case. I'm not sure if Trump tried to get the suit dismissed via summary judgment, but if he did, he obviously didn't succeed.
My mistake.

An ethical and moral Plaintiff would not have brought this case. An ethical and moral judge would not have allowed this case to proceed. A moral and ethical person would disparage this complete lack of justice.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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barbacoa taco said:

And if you read further and listened to Hur again this morning, you would know that there was absolutely no basis to charge Biden and his and Trump's cases could not be more different.

you are right but not in the way you smugly think you are. Biden was not a president when he took those so he clearly broke the law. Trump was president so it is foggy at best that he broke a law - big difference.
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