Matt Walsh roasts the fake Apollo mission theories

25,170 Views | 340 Replies | Last: 6 min ago by torrid
Leonard H. Stringfield
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From what I've been able to gather, we did, in fact, land on the moon in 1969. It's what greeted us on the crater's rim that has been kept from the public.
"Roswell, 1947, there was a uap (ufo) that crashed, in fact there were 2 uaps, 1 crashed and one flew away and the other one did not and was recovered by the US GOVERNMENT."
- Lue Elizondo-former director of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program-August 20, 2024

Are A&M's core values..optional? Who has the POWER to determine that? Are certain departments exempt? Why?

Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA

The Kraken
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Which mission, which crater?
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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The Kraken said:

Which mission, which crater?
Had to have been one of those transforming machine things. I saw it in a movie once.
Leonard H. Stringfield
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Cinco Ranch Aggie said:

The Kraken said:

Which mission, which crater?
Had to have been one of those transforming machine things. I saw it in a movie once.
Not quite...
"Roswell, 1947, there was a uap (ufo) that crashed, in fact there were 2 uaps, 1 crashed and one flew away and the other one did not and was recovered by the US GOVERNMENT."
- Lue Elizondo-former director of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program-August 20, 2024

Are A&M's core values..optional? Who has the POWER to determine that? Are certain departments exempt? Why?

Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA

Old McDonald
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FJB said:

When the government lies to you everyday, this is the result.
someone who feels this way might as well say "i lack the cognitive capacity to discern between reality and fiction, and it's the government's fault"
Change Detection
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New video on the LRO. All kinds of interesting imagery of the moon's surface. 15 minute mark show lunar rover tracks.

Definitely Not A Cop
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JRE from 4/25 has Bart Sibrel, a self proclaimed moon landing conspiracy journalist. It's nutty.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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CanyonAg77 said:

The fact that Russia, China, Vietnam, or none of our other enemies of the time "debunked" the moon landing is really all the proof you need that it was real
This is too logical a thought process for those that believe the moon we landed on was a sound stage in west Texas.
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The restored Mission Control is pretty cool if you haven't been.
I've been, and was struck by how small the room is. Always seemed to be huge on TV
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CanyonAg77 said:


The restored Mission Control is pretty cool if you haven't been.
I've been, and was struck by how small the room is. Always seemed to be huge on TV
cause the one on tv was sound stage in Hollywood
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aTmAg said:

Wait until AI videos flood the internet. People will either believe anything or nothing.

Already getting that way.
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Even before we won the race, public sentiment was sharply divided. Something like 50/50.
As someone alive at the time, I remember the arguments. Why are we going to the moon when we have so many poor people, etc.

I believe the Apollo program consumed less than 2% of the US budget during those years. Makes one wish you could designate which program your tax dollars went into. I'd choose space, every time.

I also recall the inane statements, such as "If we can put a man on the Moon, why can't we...(fill in the blank with ridiculous fantasy)
Brother Shamus
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Remember folks, there are also people who claim the earth is flat still.
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Brother Shamus said:

Remember folks, there are also people who claim the earth is flat still.
I always wonder how many of those are true believers, as opposed to trolls.
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CanyonAg77 said:

As someone alive at the time,...



.....................from jokes......
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CanyonAg77 said:

Brother Shamus said:

Remember folks, there are also people who claim the earth is flat still.
I always wonder how many of those are true believers, as opposed to trolls.
There are a lot of people who think they're smarter than everyone else because they "know the truth."

Moon hoaxers
Flat earthers
9/11 truthers
Oct. 7th truthers
Pearl Harbor truthers
"Vaccine" truthers (The people who blame every single death from the mRNA shots, and believe the shots contain some kind of synthetic lifeform, are connected to the 5G conspiracy, etc. etc. etc. All they do is make it harder for the legitimarte problems with the shots to not get rejected.)
5G Truthers
Climate change true believers (Yes, many are jus commies using as a means to an end, but there are plenty who believe we're about to incinerate the planet.)
Trump-Russia true believers
People who believe every single event, accident or natural disaster, is actually part of some grand, global conspiracy (by whom and for what purpose varies). Even the recent tornado outbreak is being blamed on "them" who are controlling the weather and using it to attack "red states."
"Q" true believers

We live in a time with more knowledge and information than ever, with easy access to it, and people are getting dumber by the day.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Leonard H. Stringfield said:

From what I've been able to gather, we did, in fact, land on the moon in 1969. It's what greeted us on the crater's rim that has been kept from the public.
Friggin Yoko...ruining everything.
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Here is a list of retroreflectors on the moon. Anyone with a good laser and an oscilloscope can prove we (USA) landed a manned mission on the moon.
Crazy Ag 97
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With a big enough telescope, you could see the landing sites with your own eyes.
Not Coach Jimbo
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CSTXAg92 said:

aTmAg said:

Mongolian Christmas said:

I'm not saying I believe it was fake. But you know, many here believed the feds and the media about Covid vaccines being safe, free and effective. I supported the Iraq war based on WMDs. I also bought the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Maybe there's nothing wrong with approaching things with a healthy dose of skepticism. I wouldn't put anything past these criminals.
Not all skepticism are equal.

There is a difference between being skeptical of the covid vaccine and thinking the Earth is flat.

Moon landing denial is equivalent to round Earth denial
I think most Americans take the moon landing at face value. That is, you were taught that we landed on the moon, therefore, it must have been true. In 2024, we absolutely know our government tried to blame a global pandemic on a virus spread via a wet market. We also know our government told us Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction in his arsenal, though none have ever been verified. These are only two of countless verifiable inconsistencies with truth and what our government have told us. I would encourage you to research the lunar landing topic in more detail before adopting or maintaining a definitive position on the topic. During your research, be sure you can answer all of these questions:

1) How were the videos beamed to Earth from the moon? We've all driven past giant satellite dishes the broadcast companies use to send signals on Earth. How were they able to send signals from the moon to Earth without a similarly huge antennae? Also, how were those broadcasts powered? 239,000 miles is *a long way* for a signal to travel and as a result it would have to be a *very powerful* signal to make it that far.

2) Why is there no sign of even a slight blast crater below or around the lander?

3) The lunar lander pad surfaces are all shiny. Why was there no dust on those surfaces kicked up from the lander's thrusters?

4) Why do the crew of Apollo 11 (Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins) have a 'star' (it's actually shaped like the moon) on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? Mind you, the stars were awarded to members of the entertainment community.

There are countless other questions on this topic that should give any objective person pause before enthusiastically deriding those who are cautiously skeptical, especially when we know what we know about our government's track record with the truth.

This is the equivalent to "I don't know something but rather than educate myself, I'm just going to go with my gut and think it's a bunch of bs."

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'Capricorn One' documentary debunked moon landing years ago.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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'Capricorn One' documentary debunked moon landing years ago.
That was Mars
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BigRobSA said:

CanyonAg77 said:

As someone alive at the time,...
.....................from jokes......
Why start now?
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Cinco Ranch Aggie said:


'Capricorn One' documentary debunked moon landing years ago.
That was Mars

Now both are debunked.
Change Detection
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Same argument from the same uniformed people. There was another thread on this topic and I suspect the same person was arguing the hoax topic.
I will make the same comment. There is visual evidence from various moon orbiting vehicles that photographed the various Apollo landing sites. You can clearly see disturbances and rover tracks around those sites. There is equipment and lander remnants all over the sites. It is ignorance that drives persons to claim those were faked.
I worked for NASA for years in the early days of the Shuttle program and many of the persons who worked the Apollo program were still there. None of those folks were liars or frauds and I continue to be discusted with the comments that any of those persons were being dishonest. You couldn't walk anywhere in the Flight Controller or crew offices and not see Apollo program artifacts, even during the height of the shuttle program. NASA is not the FBI nor are they trying to fake spaceflight. Learn some technology of the 60s and 70s and you can then see everything accomplished was possible. Start with something simple like quindar tones.
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Start with the fact it's entirely possible for independent observatory to hit the reflector left on the LEM descent module and get a return EXACTLY as predicted.

Couple that with every lander since then having confirmed the Apollo findings and conditions.

The LRO also has photos of the sites, as have other nation's observations.

The Soviets also never challenged the actual landing occurring, which would have been done had their been even the slightest hint that the data was being faked. They where watching our telemetry and data broadcasts, regardless if they where able to decipher them.... it's very difficult to even come close to faking the direction and range they're coming from.

We also built the Saturn V, the Apollo CSM, and the LEM. We have examples of these vehicles, and their computers have been sold to the public and retored. The hardware exists, and anyone with a rudimentary understanding of space flight can tell you the math adds up to them all being fully capable.... we would not have built a launch, transit and landing vehicle that could actually go, launched it, and not made a valid attempt...

You have to be a flat earther, or willfully refusing to use common sense to think there is no concrete evidence.
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Start with the fact it's entirely possible for independent observatory to hit the reflector left on the LEM descent module and get a return EXACTLY as predicted.

Couple that with every lander since then having confirmed the Apollo findings and conditions.

The LRO also has photos of the sites, as have other nation's observations.

The Soviets also never challenged the actual landing occurring, which would have been done had their been even the slightest hint that the data was being faked. They where watching our telemetry and data broadcasts, regardless if they where able to decipher them.... it's very difficult to even come close to faking the direction and range they're coming from.

We also built the Saturn V, the Apollo CSM, and the LEM. We have examples of these vehicles, and their computers have been sold to the public and retored. The hardware exists, and anyone with a rudimentary understanding of space flight can tell you the math adds up to them all being fully capable.... we would not have built a launch, transit and landing vehicle that could actually go, launched it, and not made a valid attempt...

You have to be a flat earther, or willfully refusing to use common sense to think there is no concrete evidence.
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91AggieLawyer said:

Old McDonald said:

CSTXAg92 said:

I think most Americans take the moon landing at face value. That is, you were taught that we landed on the moon, therefore, it must have been true. In 2024, we absolutely know our government tried to blame a global pandemic on a virus spread via a wet market. We also know our government told us Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction in his arsenal, though none have ever been verified. These are only two of countless verifiable inconsistencies with truth and what our government have told us. I would encourage you to research the lunar landing topic in more detail before adopting or maintaining a definitive position on the topic. During your research, be sure you can answer all of these questions:

1) How were the videos beamed to Earth from the moon? We've all driven past giant satellite dishes the broadcast companies use to send signals on Earth. How were they able to send signals from the moon to Earth without a similarly huge antennae? Also, how were those broadcasts powered? 239,000 miles is *a long way* for a signal to travel and as a result it would have to be a *very powerful* signal to make it that far.

2) Why is there no sign of even a slight blast crater below or around the lander?

3) The lunar lander pad surfaces are all shiny. Why was there no dust on those surfaces kicked up from the lander's thrusters?

4) Why do the crew of Apollo 11 (Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins) have a 'star' (it's actually shaped like the moon) on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? Mind you, the stars were awarded to members of the entertainment community.

There are countless other questions on this topic that should give any objective person pause before enthusiastically deriding those who are cautiously skeptical, especially when we know what we know about our government's track record with the truth.
oh my god you're one of them

Please. Ad hominem is NOT persuasive.

I don't particularly buy his argument, but if you're going to debate, DEBATE. If he's so easy to disprove, DO IT. But attacking him personally shows how weak YOU are.

This business about x number of people being in on it, thus it couldn't be a hoax, is often misleading. In the case of NASA/Apollo, that's probably true. But don't go down that rabbit hole of using that for everything. In many cases it is NOT true, or not NECESSARILY true. There has to be a showing that there was, indeed, many people "in on it." Thus, many people had to have known and had to have known it wasn't true.

People allege it is tough to keep a secret, but that's BS. I know all sorts of secrets. So does everyone reading this thread. EVERYONE has kept stuff from their parents; everyone who's ever been married has kept things from their spouse, even if it was something innocent. You've kept stuff from family members, even things others within your family have told you. For friends and acquaintances, multiply that by 10. For bosses, by 100 or more. I can assure you, if you know something that, if it got out would cost you money or would threaten your safety (real or imagined), you wouldn't tell. So spare me the idea that too many would have had to have been in on it for it to have been a hoax. That is simply not persuasive.

With that said, although I wasn't there, I'm as sure we landed on the moon as I am that the Germans bombed it.
No, at some point mockery and dismissal is the best response. These moon landing hoaxers are either legitimately too ignorant on the subject to even engage with (which makes their "I'm smart enough to see through all this.." attitude all the more obnoxious) or else they're being willfully stupid just to be contrarian.

A functioning human brain is able to correlate disparate information to determine what is or isn't plausible and from there it should be able to determine how much more information, if any, you need for actual confirmation. When things are consistent and you're an informed person then you can rely on it. And the more a claim doesn't fit with established knowledge then the more evidence needs to be shown.

So for example, I've never been to Denver, but in my 56 years I've seen enough references to it to be reasonably sure it's there and I've never seen anything to make me question whether it's real. I know people who have lived there, I've seen it on TV, I've read about it in books, I've seen it on maps, when I'm in various airports I see it on the destination charts, etc. and have consistently my whole life. So I'm going to safely assume it's there unless a ridiculous amount of genuine proof convinces me otherwise.

And in this case if you're knowledgeable about this moon landing topic then you know that the sum of reference points of relevant information make it inescapable that it happened. I don't need the government to tell me, the overwhelming amount of data points already make it obvious.

And so when you see arguments like those above that obviously come from someone who wants to believe they're smarter than they really are it's just not worth the time to go through this every time.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce in the early 1970s honored the Apollo 11 mission and the U.S. astronauts who landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, with a uniquely designed special award in the category of Television as a tribute to the first televised walk on the moon.

The most famous live TV broadcast of all time was also the longest continuous live television coverage in history, lasting for 31 hours straight.
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91AggieLawyer said:

Old McDonald said:

CSTXAg92 said:

I think most Americans take the moon landing at face value. That is, you were taught that we landed on the moon, therefore, it must have been true. In 2024, we absolutely know our government tried to blame a global pandemic on a virus spread via a wet market. We also know our government told us Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction in his arsenal, though none have ever been verified. These are only two of countless verifiable inconsistencies with truth and what our government have told us. I would encourage you to research the lunar landing topic in more detail before adopting or maintaining a definitive position on the topic. During your research, be sure you can answer all of these questions:

1) How were the videos beamed to Earth from the moon? We've all driven past giant satellite dishes the broadcast companies use to send signals on Earth. How were they able to send signals from the moon to Earth without a similarly huge antennae? Also, how were those broadcasts powered? 239,000 miles is *a long way* for a signal to travel and as a result it would have to be a *very powerful* signal to make it that far.

2) Why is there no sign of even a slight blast crater below or around the lander?

3) The lunar lander pad surfaces are all shiny. Why was there no dust on those surfaces kicked up from the lander's thrusters?

4) Why do the crew of Apollo 11 (Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins) have a 'star' (it's actually shaped like the moon) on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? Mind you, the stars were awarded to members of the entertainment community.

There are countless other questions on this topic that should give any objective person pause before enthusiastically deriding those who are cautiously skeptical, especially when we know what we know about our government's track record with the truth.
oh my god you're one of them

Please. Ad hominem is NOT persuasive.

I don't particularly buy his argument, but if you're going to debate, DEBATE. If he's so easy to disprove, DO IT. But attacking him personally shows how weak YOU are.

This business about x number of people being in on it, thus it couldn't be a hoax, is often misleading. In the case of NASA/Apollo, that's probably true. But don't go down that rabbit hole of using that for everything. In many cases it is NOT true, or not NECESSARILY true. There has to be a showing that there was, indeed, many people "in on it." Thus, many people had to have known and had to have known it wasn't true.

People allege it is tough to keep a secret, but that's BS. I know all sorts of secrets. So does everyone reading this thread. EVERYONE has kept stuff from their parents; everyone who's ever been married has kept things from their spouse, even if it was something innocent. You've kept stuff from family members, even things others within your family have told you. For friends and acquaintances, multiply that by 10. For bosses, by 100 or more. I can assure you, if you know something that, if it got out would cost you money or would threaten your safety (real or imagined), you wouldn't tell. So spare me the idea that too many would have had to have been in on it for it to have been a hoax. That is simply not persuasive.

With that said, although I wasn't there, I'm as sure we landed on the moon as I am that the Germans bombed it.

G Martin 87
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doubledog said:

Here is a list of retroreflectors on the moon. Anyone with a good laser and an oscilloscope can prove we (USA) landed a manned mission on the moon.
Mythbusters did exactly this during an episode that refuted the claims of the "moon landing fakers". Anyone who watches that episode and still clings to the belief it was faked is not a serious person.
Old McDonald
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Brother Shamus said:

Remember folks, there are also people who claim the earth is flat still.
the fbi, cia, government, and msm want us to believe the earth is round. we know they will lie about anything to impose tyranny on us. what are they hiding?
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G Martin 87 said:

doubledog said:

Here is a list of retroreflectors on the moon. Anyone with a good laser and an oscilloscope can prove we (USA) landed a manned mission on the moon.
Mythbusters did exactly this during an episode that refuted the claims of the "moon landing fakers". Anyone who watches that episode and still clings to the belief it was faked is not a serious person.
"No no, don't you know? Mythbusters is part of the government disinformation campaign!!!! They're CIA-paid government operatives! And so is anyone and everyone else who says the moon landing happened, including people on this forum!"

Seriously, even though the moon landing hoax nonsense itself has gone on for decades anyway the worst part of the covid/government response bull**** is that now tons of people think they have license to arbitrarily believe whatever they want because "Everything they're told is a lie and all science is fake.." and by extension all nonsense and bull**** they make up is therefore legitimized.

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Antoninus said:

TexasAggiesWin said:

He is riding a paleomino.

And, he carries a Thesaurus in his saddle bags.

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Satellite of Love
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CSTXAg92 said:

Red Pear Realty said:

CSTXAg92 said:

4) Why do the crew of Apollo 11 (Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins) have a 'star' (it's actually shaped like the moon) on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? Mind you, the stars were awarded to members of the entertainment community.

The same reason the Chevrolet Suburban, Muhammad Ali, Terry Bradshaw, and Richard Branson have one…because anyone can be nominated (nominate themselves) and buy a star that will pay for it.
Sort of, but not really. You nor I could nominate ourselves and receive a star, even if we agreed to pay for it. That's because we aren't in the Entertainment Industry.

All of those you mention above got their star because they've been in the Entertainment Industry - that is, they've been in movies made by Hollywood.

Their names are on a moon for their significant contributions to tv broadcasting. They were apart of one of the most important live tv events in the world. They DO NOT have a star like other celebrities do.

Edit to add that the fact you bring up the Hollywood walk of stars is a red herring fallacy.
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