Matt Walsh roasts the fake Apollo mission theories

25,188 Views | 341 Replies | Last: 30 sec ago by Phatbob
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Imagine believing the moon is real. /s
The Kraken
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Waffledynamics said:

Imagine believing the moon is real. /s
Don't get me started on the Flat Earthers.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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The Kraken said:

Change Detection said:

You might also go and look for the imagery taken from vehicles that have either flown by the moon or have orbited. Those images show the landing sites and for those missions that had the can see the wheel tracks.
Yes, from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter but also orbiters from Japan and India. Guess they are in on the cover up too, huh?

Photo from India's orbiter of Tranquility Base

Where's the flag?
The Kraken
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wasntme said:

The Kraken said:

Change Detection said:

You might also go and look for the imagery taken from vehicles that have either flown by the moon or have orbited. Those images show the landing sites and for those missions that had the can see the wheel tracks.
Yes, from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter but also orbiters from Japan and India. Guess they are in on the cover up too, huh?

Photo from India's orbiter of Tranquility Base

Where's the flag?
Buzz Aldrin reported seeing it fall over during the ascent. Photos seem to confirm as there's no shadow from it.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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Not to mention a few months of the sun, unfiltered by atmosphere, bleached the flag and probably turned it into dust decades ago
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Why have we not gone to the moon since the 60s?

You would think we would have that mastered by now in practice for Mars.

That makes me sometimes wonder about the whole thing.
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Agsrback12 said:

Why have we not gone to the moon since the 60s?

You would think we would have that mastered by now in practice for Mars.

That makes me sometimes wonder about the whole thing.

Cost. Politics. No real reason to go. The first mission was to see if we could. Check out project Artemis.
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MouthBQ98 said:

3. There is probably some dust, but not much if it wasn't disturbed much due to the low thrust needed for low gravity.

Theres no atmosphere, dust is not going to be kicked up in a cloud like he imagines to then settle back down out of "air"
BMX Bandit
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DargelSkout said:

Those astronauts having stars on a sidewalk might be the dumbest argument for it being fake.

#2 is now the "we lie to our parents or spouse, so it easy to pull this lie off" claim

Logos Stick
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MouthBQ98 said:

2. The moon has a small fraction of Earth's gravity and escape velocity. It is also covered with several inches to feet of fairly homogeneous dust churned up from countless micrometeorite impacts. The short blast of rocket mostly hit the bottom portion of the lander that was left behind detached to reduce the takeoff weight and therefore barely disturbed the launching return portion of the lander.

2/4 so far. Easy common sense explanations.

I seem to recall the scientists being worried about the dust during the first non manned missions since the universe has been around for "billions of years". The fact that it's not completely covered in significant dust given that time frame is a mystery.
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When the government lies to you everyday, this is the result.
The Kraken
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Agsrback12 said:

Why have we not gone to the moon since the 60s?

You would think we would have that mastered by now in practice for Mars.

That makes me sometimes wonder about the whole thing.
What the heck do you call the Space Shuttle and ISS? It's not like NASA's manned program just sat there doing nothing. Apollo was prohibitively expensive and Congress isn't willing to shell out the bucks for a program like that again.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
The Kraken
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CanyonAg77 said:

Not to mention a few months of the sun, unfiltered by atmosphere, bleached the flag and probably turned it into dust decades ago
Photo evidence shows that at least some of the flags are still there.,to%20the%20Lunar%20Reconnaissance%20Orbiter.&text=The%20flag%20support%20bar%20latch,Photo%20courtesy%20of%20NASA.

I'm hoping that someone in my lifetime actually lands near one of the landing sites to document the condition of everything left behind.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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The Kraken said:

wasntme said:

The Kraken said:

Change Detection said:

You might also go and look for the imagery taken from vehicles that have either flown by the moon or have orbited. Those images show the landing sites and for those missions that had the can see the wheel tracks.
Yes, from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter but also orbiters from Japan and India. Guess they are in on the cover up too, huh?

Photo from India's orbiter of Tranquility Base

Where's the flag?
Buzz Aldrin reported seeing it fall over during the ascent. Photos seem to confirm as there's no shadow from it.
Ahhh, makes perfect sense, lol!
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But if the moon is made of cheese why can we not see melted cheese where the orbiter landed??? Ever think about that?

My source is youtube therefore indisputable.
"America is a nation that can be defined in a single word:

one safe place
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agpetz said:

Agsrback12 said:

Why have we not gone to the moon since the 60s?

You would think we would have that mastered by now in practice for Mars.

That makes me sometimes wonder about the whole thing.

Cost. Politics. No real reason to go. The first mission was to see if we could. Check out project Artemis.
Agree with politics and no real reason to go. Don't agree with the cost aspect, we are substantially overdrawn and have been for a long time. Spending money is not an issue. I suppose those in the space industries don't make campaign contributions nearly like those in the defense industries.
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Change Detection said:

rgag12 said:

Is space even real?

If the sun is so hot, then why is "space" supposedly so cold??

Let me guess, you are not an engineer or ever really studied heat transfer?

I really cannot believe the amount of ignorance on this thread. Some of you really might want to do some research and perhaps learn some basic engineering and physics.

I worked at the Johnson Space Center in MOD Training Division for many years as have a few people on this forum, and I have sat down in conversation with crew who have been to the moon and have worked side by side with many shuttle crew. I can tell you that anyone who believes any of that was faked is a fool.


Change Detection
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GAC06 said:

In the age where we have access to more information than ever before, people are increasingly ignorant. People just go down a rabbit hole of crap curated for them by some algorithm and have no clue they are way off in crazy land by themselves.

Exactly how I felt in the Q-anon era.
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GAC06 said:

In the age where we have access to more information than ever before, people are increasingly ignorant. People just go down a rabbit hole of crap curated for them by some algorithm and have no clue they are way off in crazy land by themselves.
There is someone who posts on this board and claims to have an engineering degree from A&M and thinks the twin towers, and especially building 11 were brought down by demolition charges.
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agracer said:

GAC06 said:

In the age where we have access to more information than ever before, people are increasingly ignorant. People just go down a rabbit hole of crap curated for them by some algorithm and have no clue they are way off in crazy land by themselves.
There is someone who posts on this board and claims to have an engineering degree from A&M and thinks the twin towers, and especially building 11 were brought down by demolition charges.

Yeah, he and a couple of others were mentioned early in the thread. Should be their Bat-signal to make an appearance.
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91AggieLawyer said:

Old McDonald said:

CSTXAg92 said:

I think most Americans take the moon landing at face value. That is, you were taught that we landed on the moon, therefore, it must have been true. In 2024, we absolutely know our government tried to blame a global pandemic on a virus spread via a wet market. We also know our government told us Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction in his arsenal, though none have ever been verified. These are only two of countless verifiable inconsistencies with truth and what our government have told us. I would encourage you to research the lunar landing topic in more detail before adopting or maintaining a definitive position on the topic. During your research, be sure you can answer all of these questions:

1) How were the videos beamed to Earth from the moon? We've all driven past giant satellite dishes the broadcast companies use to send signals on Earth. How were they able to send signals from the moon to Earth without a similarly huge antennae? Also, how were those broadcasts powered? 239,000 miles is *a long way* for a signal to travel and as a result it would have to be a *very powerful* signal to make it that far.

2) Why is there no sign of even a slight blast crater below or around the lander?

3) The lunar lander pad surfaces are all shiny. Why was there no dust on those surfaces kicked up from the lander's thrusters?

4) Why do the crew of Apollo 11 (Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins) have a 'star' (it's actually shaped like the moon) on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? Mind you, the stars were awarded to members of the entertainment community.

There are countless other questions on this topic that should give any objective person pause before enthusiastically deriding those who are cautiously skeptical, especially when we know what we know about our government's track record with the truth.
oh my god you're one of them

Please. Ad hominem is NOT persuasive.

I don't particularly buy his argument, but if you're going to debate, DEBATE. If he's so easy to disprove, DO IT. But attacking him personally shows how weak YOU are.

This business about x number of people being in on it, thus it couldn't be a hoax, is often misleading. In the case of NASA/Apollo, that's probably true. But don't go down that rabbit hole of using that for everything. In many cases it is NOT true, or not NECESSARILY true. There has to be a showing that there was, indeed, many people "in on it." Thus, many people had to have known and had to have known it wasn't true.

People allege it is tough to keep a secret, but that's BS. I know all sorts of secrets. So does everyone reading this thread. EVERYONE has kept stuff from their parents; everyone who's ever been married has kept things from their spouse, even if it was something innocent. You've kept stuff from family members, even things others within your family have told you. For friends and acquaintances, multiply that by 10. For bosses, by 100 or more. I can assure you, if you know something that, if it got out would cost you money or would threaten your safety (real or imagined), you wouldn't tell. So spare me the idea that too many would have had to have been in on it for it to have been a hoax. That is simply not persuasive.

With that said, although I wasn't there, I'm as sure we landed on the moon as I am that the Germans bombed it.
This is your proof? LOL

Tell a few people a secret you kept from your spouse and she'll be asking you about it before the week is over.

It's not about 1 or even 2 people keeping a secret, it's about 1000's.
Definitely Not A Cop
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And again, we are three pages into this thread with absolutely zero evidence of a hoax being perpetrated. Just a bunch of people explaining to us the photo, visual, and scientific evidence for the actual story isn't compelling enough.
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agracer said:

91AggieLawyer said:

Old McDonald said:

CSTXAg92 said:

I think most Americans take the moon landing at face value. That is, you were taught that we landed on the moon, therefore, it must have been true. In 2024, we absolutely know our government tried to blame a global pandemic on a virus spread via a wet market. We also know our government told us Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction in his arsenal, though none have ever been verified. These are only two of countless verifiable inconsistencies with truth and what our government have told us. I would encourage you to research the lunar landing topic in more detail before adopting or maintaining a definitive position on the topic. During your research, be sure you can answer all of these questions:

1) How were the videos beamed to Earth from the moon? We've all driven past giant satellite dishes the broadcast companies use to send signals on Earth. How were they able to send signals from the moon to Earth without a similarly huge antennae? Also, how were those broadcasts powered? 239,000 miles is *a long way* for a signal to travel and as a result it would have to be a *very powerful* signal to make it that far.

2) Why is there no sign of even a slight blast crater below or around the lander?

3) The lunar lander pad surfaces are all shiny. Why was there no dust on those surfaces kicked up from the lander's thrusters?

4) Why do the crew of Apollo 11 (Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins) have a 'star' (it's actually shaped like the moon) on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? Mind you, the stars were awarded to members of the entertainment community.

There are countless other questions on this topic that should give any objective person pause before enthusiastically deriding those who are cautiously skeptical, especially when we know what we know about our government's track record with the truth.
oh my god you're one of them

Please. Ad hominem is NOT persuasive.

I don't particularly buy his argument, but if you're going to debate, DEBATE. If he's so easy to disprove, DO IT. But attacking him personally shows how weak YOU are.

This business about x number of people being in on it, thus it couldn't be a hoax, is often misleading. In the case of NASA/Apollo, that's probably true. But don't go down that rabbit hole of using that for everything. In many cases it is NOT true, or not NECESSARILY true. There has to be a showing that there was, indeed, many people "in on it." Thus, many people had to have known and had to have known it wasn't true.

People allege it is tough to keep a secret, but that's BS. I know all sorts of secrets. So does everyone reading this thread. EVERYONE has kept stuff from their parents; everyone who's ever been married has kept things from their spouse, even if it was something innocent. You've kept stuff from family members, even things others within your family have told you. For friends and acquaintances, multiply that by 10. For bosses, by 100 or more. I can assure you, if you know something that, if it got out would cost you money or would threaten your safety (real or imagined), you wouldn't tell. So spare me the idea that too many would have had to have been in on it for it to have been a hoax. That is simply not persuasive.

With that said, although I wasn't there, I'm as sure we landed on the moon as I am that the Germans bombed it.
This is your proof? LOL

Tell a few people a secret you kept from your spouse and she'll be asking you about it before the week is over.

It's not about 1 or even 2 people keeping a secret, it's about 1000's.

3 people can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead.
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Duckhook said:

GAC06 said:

In the age where we have access to more information than ever before, people are increasingly ignorant. People just go down a rabbit hole of crap curated for them by some algorithm and have no clue they are way off in crazy land by themselves.

Exactly how I felt in the Q-anon era.

And what an embarrassing era it was.
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CSTXAg92 said:

1) How were the videos beamed to Earth from the moon? We've all driven past giant satellite dishes the broadcast companies use to send signals on Earth. How were they able to send signals from the moon to Earth without a similarly huge antennae? Also, how were those broadcasts powered? 239,000 miles is *a long way* for a signal to travel and as a result it would have to be a *very powerful* signal to make it that far.

It's all about data rate.
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In a world full of government lies, it wouldn't surprise me to find out the moon landing was faked.

I believe it happened. I just want to know why we haven't gone back. I don't really buy the "we already know enough about the moon" reason.
The Kraken
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AgsWin2011 said:

In a world full of government lies, it wouldn't surprise me to find out the moon landing was faked.

I believe it happened. I just want to know why we haven't gone back. I don't really buy the "we already know enough about the moon" reason.
How many times do we have to post the same thing? Apollo was expensive, once we won the race there public support for the remaining missions waned. Apollos 18-20 were cancelled by Congress. NASA and Nixon decided to develop the Space Shuttle. Then we partnered up to build the ISS. Now the focus is back on the moon with both us and the Chinese developing systems to make it to the polar regions of the Moon where there is evidence of ice.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
Definitely Not A Cop
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AgsWin2011 said:

In a world full of government lies, it wouldn't surprise me to find out the moon landing was faked.

I believe it happened. I just want to know why we haven't gone back. I don't really buy the "we already know enough about the moon" reason.

We went back 5 times. We are going back currently now that we see an economic benefit.

Not sure if you watched the video, but he points out how in the 70's, we also had the technology to fly commercially from London to NY in 3 hours. Supersonic commercial flight isn't a conspiracy just because we stopped doing it.
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Even some NASA leaders didn't want to go back after Apollo 11 due to all the dangers involved.

Plus the aliens.
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aTmAg said:

Wait until AI videos flood the internet. People will either believe anything or nothing.
we just saw American millenials praising Osama Bin Laden after reading his "Message to America after 9/11"

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This thread is gold.
Old Army Metal
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The Kraken said:

AgsWin2011 said:

In a world full of government lies, it wouldn't surprise me to find out the moon landing was faked.

I believe it happened. I just want to know why we haven't gone back. I don't really buy the "we already know enough about the moon" reason.
How many times do we have to post the same thing? Apollo was expensive, once we won the race there public support for the remaining missions waned. Apollos 18-20 were cancelled by Congress. NASA and Nixon decided to develop the Space Shuttle. Then we partnered up to build the ISS. Now the focus is back on the moon with both us and the Chinese developing systems to make it to the polar regions of the Moon where there is evidence of ice.

Even before we won the race, public sentiment was sharply divided. Something like 50/50.
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MouthBQ98 said:

1. Sending a signal through space isn't that hard. There is less atmospheric interference because the signal is coming beastly straight in, and the moon is a lt point blank range as far as beaming to the ground on earth relative to other planets we were exploring at more or less the time which were orders of magnitude further away. Even so, there were a lot of failures sending video from these events. They didn't get successful launch video from the surface watching the lander launch until Apollo 17 after 3 previous attempts had technical trouble. It wasn't easy, but American engineers were some, maybe most of the best there were at that time.

Can we get some of that American ingenuity to fix the Sirius signal to my car on a cloudy day? Maybe some of that 60's technology?
Red Pear Realty
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LMCane said:

aTmAg said:

Wait until AI videos flood the internet. People will either believe anything or nothing.
we just saw American millenials praising Osama Bin Laden after reading his "Message to America after 9/11"


Don't blame my generation for this. It was Gen Z. Millennials saw 9/11 happen and unfold live.
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