Tubberville claims there's rumors of 500k Palestinians being brought to the US.

6,527 Views | 70 Replies | Last: 6 mo ago by TexAgs91
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Tuberville is an idiot. I live in Alabama, so unfortunately I had to watch all of the ads when he ran for the Senate. His total campaign was "I support Trump". He doesn't have a single original thought or message, he just parrots Trump.

BTW, the last good politician texas has had was Gov. Mark W. White.
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Hubert J. Farnsworth said:

Tubberville was on War Room today talking about a variety of subjects. On the Israel/Hamas war, he mentioned that he is hearing rumors in the senate that we may bring around 500k palestinians from Gaza over here and make them citizens.

I hope Tubberville is wrong.


He starts talking about the Israel/Gaza war around the 9 minute mark.

Well, I guess we know how 300K of the future terrorist/honor killers got here. The Republicans are a bunch of CSing cowards for not screaming about this crap from every coerner
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Demosthenes81 said:

C'mon folks. Look at Minnesota. It is not like Somali refugees settled here by Obama became citizens, took over local government and started electing members of Congress who profess loyalty to another nation?

Don't forget about the pos that threw that little boy off the 3rd floor of the mall. The innocent little boy was white so progressives thought he deserved it.
Ellis Wyatt
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bamaag72 said:

Tuberville is an idiot. I live in Alabama, so unfortunately I had to watch all of the ads when he ran for the Senate. His total campaign was "I support Trump". He doesn't have a single original thought or message, he just parrots Trump.

BTW, the last good politician texas has had was Gov. Mark W. White.
None of which has a single thing to do with what Tubberville said. Straight trolling.
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bamaag72 said:

Tuberville is an idiot. I live in Alabama, so unfortunately I had to watch all of the ads when he ran for the Senate. His total campaign was "I support Trump". He doesn't have a single original thought or message, he just parrots Trump.

BTW, the last good politician texas has had was Gov. Mark W. White.

"Got the vaccine, all the boosters. Would do it again in a heartbeat. All of you anti-vaxcers are idiots."

You said this on your only other political board post. Probably best for no one to take you seriously. And Mark White? LOL
Urban Ag
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Ellis Wyatt said:

bamaag72 said:

Tuberville is an idiot. I live in Alabama, so unfortunately I had to watch all of the ads when he ran for the Senate. His total campaign was "I support Trump". He doesn't have a single original thought or message, he just parrots Trump.

BTW, the last good politician texas has had was Gov. Mark W. White.
None of which has a single thing to do with what Tubberville said. Straight trolling.
maybe cut him slack

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Yet nobody voted for his son when he ran a few years back. If the Dems were smart they would go all in on him to turn Texas blue/. Instead to the Beto and Allred type
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PCC_80 said:

Sponge said:

If he's gonna say dumb fear mongering statements why not just say all of gaza including Hamas will be relocated to the US and given citizenship. Y'all will believe whatever he says.
Actually that is what I am fully expecting. I think Israel is in the process of kicking the entire Gaza Population out of Gaza and Israel. If so, then Israel will be making a huge example of what happens to entire regions that sponsor terrorist groups that threaten Israel. Hamas and the Gaza Palestinians FAFO. They will lose everything they had and be kicked out of yet another country. Gaza will cease to exist as a Palestinian refuge. The rest of the Arab World will have a full on example of why not to mess with Israel.

Brandon and the Dems/Libs would gleefully import over 2 Mill Palestinians for humanitarian reasons. Hamas would just have been relocated and in 10 years or so start blowing themselves up in every train station, sporting event or public gathering.

By in the process you mean have moved pretty much no one out of Gaza - with Egypt maybe taking in thousands out of the millions still in Gaza since the war began and there being no other route other than through Israel?

That's probably less than normally make it into Egypt from Gaza over the course of a half a year without conflict.

Moreover Hamas wants the holy land and Jerusalem for themselves, not some state in the US they can drive people to the sea from. There's plenty of Islamic terrorism perpetrated here, but I can't think of a single instance by Hamas. I guess if we teleported them all here as part of the hundreds of thousands TT has discovered they may blow **** up out of frustration at waking up in Des Moines.

That's a healthy dose of teaching them a lesson and fear mongering both untethered to reality. I like it.
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bamaag72 said:

Tuberville is an idiot. I live in Alabama, so unfortunately I had to watch all of the ads when he ran for the Senate. His total campaign was "I support Trump". He doesn't have a single original thought or message, he just parrots Trump.

BTW, the last good politician texas has had was Gov. Mark W. White.

Class of 72? I get it, you don't give a ***** Unfortunately for me and others, we still have to live in this country. So despite your acidic attitude, I don't really want my kids growing up in Ecuador. But thanks for letting us know you don't give two ****s about this country because Tuberville isn't flashy enough for you I guess?
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Hubert J. Farnsworth said:

I have no idea if what he said was true or not. But would you put it past the Biden administration to try and do this?
I think it's pretty much a given that many of them will be coming here. The reason given will be humanitarian in nature - that their sheethole Gaza Strip is so destroyed that it is no longer habitable. The Israelis certainly aren't going to object. Pretty much no other country in the world is willing to even think about taking any of them in, but it fits right in with the hundreds of thousands from all over the world that the Biden administration is already flying in at our expense, in addition to the millions who are being ushered in across our southern border.
Ellis Wyatt
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zoneag said:

bamaag72 said:

Tuberville is an idiot. I live in Alabama, so unfortunately I had to watch all of the ads when he ran for the Senate. His total campaign was "I support Trump". He doesn't have a single original thought or message, he just parrots Trump.

BTW, the last good politician texas has had was Gov. Mark W. White.

"Got the vaccine, all the boosters. Would do it again in a heartbeat. All of you anti-vaxcers are idiots."

You said this on your only other political board post. Probably best for no one to take you seriously. And Mark White? LOL
My dad was friends with Mark White…and still didn't vote for him!
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bamaag72 said:

Tuberville is an idiot. I live in Alabama, so unfortunately I had to watch all of the ads when he ran for the Senate. His total campaign was "I support Trump". He doesn't have a single original thought or message, he just parrots Trump.

BTW, the last good politician texas has had was Gov. Mark W. White.
Still waiting for Mark White to cut my electric bill like he promised in 1982.
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Just another part of the puzzle to overthrow the US and turn it into a totalitarian state.
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Sq 17 said:

Zero chance they are given citizenship
Emergency immigration waiver possibly but the citizenship element is just tubberville fear mongering
I'm good with it. Means to an end. Get people worked up about it so we can get it killed if it starts to look real.
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Sq 17 said:

Zero chance they are given citizenship
Emergency immigration waiver possibly but the citizenship element is just tubberville fear mongering
Zero chance? I'm not sorry... your either ignorant, or a liar. In other words, a democrat. So, both.

Emergency immigration waiver? Ha!

Why would anyone even consider bringing those ****stains into this country? Defend that position.
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It's always been the case that the US used immigration to bring in people who wanted to be Americans and live the American Dream. Now, we are actively trying to bring in foreigners who not only bring little value to the economy but are a drain on taxpayer funded programs and at worst want to kill Americans as part of their deeply rooted religious world views. This is suicide brought to you by our govt.
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Sq 17 said:

One Zero Zero % chance they are given citizenship
Emergency immigration voting waiver possibly but the citizenship element is just tubberville fear mongering
They are working on giving Millions of illegals flooding the border future citizenship, but won't give gaza future terrorist citizenship ? That is laughable and an obvious disingenuous statement.

P.s. Yes, I corrected your statement for you free of charge.
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Ah, the threads where we get angry at Biden for something terrible someone pulled out of their ass. There's plenty of actual things to get mad at, how about those threads rather entertain than Tuberville's fan fiction. Happy to eat these words if there's a single shred of evidence that there's actually substance there, but Tuberville hasn't exactly earned the benefit of taking his word for it.
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Democrats: White American males are Fascists! Down with Fascism!

Also Democrats: We're bringing actual Jew murdering Fascists over by the hundred-thousands and making them citizens!
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Malibu said:

Ah, the threads where we get angry at Biden for something terrible someone pulled out of their ass. There's plenty of actual things to get mad at, how about those threads rather entertain than Tuberville's fan fiction. Happy to eat these words if there's a single shred of evidence that there's actually substance there, but Tuberville hasn't exactly earned the benefit of taking his word for it.
I hope you're right, but this feels like one of those "Oh this isn't really happening you conservatives are just paranoid conspiracy theorists". Next comes the "It's happening, and here's why it's a good thing".
Funky Winkerbean
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Malibu said:

Ah, the threads where we get angry at Biden for something terrible someone pulled out of their ass. There's plenty of actual things to get mad at, how about those threads rather entertain than Tuberville's fan fiction. Happy to eat these words if there's a single shred of evidence that there's actually substance there, but Tuberville hasn't exactly earned the benefit of taking his word for it.

What angers me is that if this story is true or false, with this administration it's plausible.
Scotty Appleton
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zoneag said:

Malibu said:

Ah, the threads where we get angry at Biden for something terrible someone pulled out of their ass. There's plenty of actual things to get mad at, how about those threads rather entertain than Tuberville's fan fiction. Happy to eat these words if there's a single shred of evidence that there's actually substance there, but Tuberville hasn't exactly earned the benefit of taking his word for it.
I hope you're right, but this feels like one of those "Oh this isn't really happening you conservatives are just paranoid conspiracy theorists". Next comes the "It's happening, and here's why it's a good thing".

Exactly. After the past 3 years this is an extremely plausible speculation and people NEED to be talking about it. Those cockroaches have no business in this country and people need to be raising hell at any rumor. Enough 3rd world trash has made their way here.
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Anyone who is even considering voting for a Democrat ever again needs to…well they need to just take a time out, at least.
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Hubert J. Farnsworth said:

Tubberville was on War Room today talking about a variety of subjects. On the Israel/Hamas war, he mentioned that he is hearing rumors in the senate that we may bring around 500k palestinians from Gaza over here and make them citizens.

I hope Tubberville is wrong.


He starts talking about the Israel/Gaza war around the 9 minute mark.

Tuberville likely started that rumor himself, figuring he needed a new attention grabber after they finally got around his promotion freeze.
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There's no way that's possible. How are ever going to have room for them AND all the Haitians that'll be coming over any day now! /sarcasm
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hey they are all innocent women and children so what is the problem? /libtard
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Demosthenes81 said:

C'mon folks. Look at Minnesota. It is not like Somali refugees settled here by Obama became citizens, took over local government and started electing members of Congress who profess loyalty to another nation?

Correct. That did not happen.

Minneapolis is a majority white city; less than 20% of the population is black, and of course many of them are not Somali. Incidentally, African-Americans are healthily represented among the portion of the electorate that wants to throw Ilhan Omar out of office; her past two Democratic primary opponents (the de facto election) were African-American and Afro-Caribbean.

Omar is in Congress because white liberals in Minneapolis want to be represented by someone like Ilhan Omar.

ETA: Moreover, it was the Clinton administration that started bringing Somalis to Minnesota, not Obama.
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Faustus said:

PCC_80 said:

Sponge said:

If he's gonna say dumb fear mongering statements why not just say all of gaza including Hamas will be relocated to the US and given citizenship. Y'all will believe whatever he says.
Actually that is what I am fully expecting. I think Israel is in the process of kicking the entire Gaza Population out of Gaza and Israel. If so, then Israel will be making a huge example of what happens to entire regions that sponsor terrorist groups that threaten Israel. Hamas and the Gaza Palestinians FAFO. They will lose everything they had and be kicked out of yet another country. Gaza will cease to exist as a Palestinian refuge. The rest of the Arab World will have a full on example of why not to mess with Israel.

Brandon and the Dems/Libs would gleefully import over 2 Mill Palestinians for humanitarian reasons. Hamas would just have been relocated and in 10 years or so start blowing themselves up in every train station, sporting event or public gathering.
By in the process you mean have moved pretty much no one out of Gaza - with Egypt maybe taking in thousands out of the millions still in Gaza since the war began and there being no other route other than through Israel?

That's probably less than normally make it into Egypt from Gaza over the course of a half a year without conflict.

Moreover Hamas wants the holy land and Jerusalem for themselves, not some state in the US they can drive people to the sea from. There's plenty of Islamic terrorism perpetrated here, but I can't think of a single instance by Hamas. I guess if we teleported them all here as part of the hundreds of thousands TT has discovered they may blow **** up out of frustration at waking up in Des Moines.

That's a healthy dose of teaching them a lesson and fear mongering both untethered to reality. I like it.
From what I understand the only people allowed to cross into Egypt from Gaza are Egyptian passport holders and possibly people with direct family in Egypt. Egypt does not want the Palestinians but I am sure that they are being pressured to take them.

Right now Israel is just herding the Gazans into one small area which will make expelling them easier once some country agrees to take them.

Hamas is never getting the Holy Land or Jerusalem. They need to set their sights a little lower like a good seal hunting ground near the arctic circle which is where they might end up if Brandon does not take them in.
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Scotty Appleton said:

zoneag said:

Malibu said:

Ah, the threads where we get angry at Biden for something terrible someone pulled out of their ass. There's plenty of actual things to get mad at, how about those threads rather entertain than Tuberville's fan fiction. Happy to eat these words if there's a single shred of evidence that there's actually substance there, but Tuberville hasn't exactly earned the benefit of taking his word for it.
I hope you're right, but this feels like one of those "Oh this isn't really happening you conservatives are just paranoid conspiracy theorists". Next comes the "It's happening, and here's why it's a good thing".
Exactly. After the past 3 years this is an extremely plausible speculation and people NEED to be talking about it. Those cockroaches have no business in this country and people need to be raising hell at any rumor. Enough 3rd world trash has made their way here.
People need to be wildly speculating about made up rumors to rile themselves up and demand answers? That doesn't seem like a good idea.
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The USA is the "Great Satan" to these people. The only incentive to come here would be to destroy us.
Leonard H. Stringfield
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POTUS is never in control. Goes way above their paygrade...
"Roswell, 1947, there was a uap (ufo) that crashed, in fact there were 2 uaps, 1 crashed and one flew away and the other one did not and was recovered by the US GOVERNMENT."
- Lue Elizondo-former director of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program-August 20, 2024

Are A&M's core values..optional? Who has the POWER to determine that? Are certain departments exempt? Why?

Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA

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chris1515 said:

There's no way that's possible. How are ever going to have room for them AND all the Haitians that'll be coming over any day now! /sarcasm
We are building a peer at Gaza for "humanitarian" purposes. And then this peer will be used as a debarkation location for the good old USA.

As long as the MSM refuses to do its job in reporting malfeasance and protecting Biden and his administration, this crap will continue.
Hoyt Ag
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Malibu said:

Scotty Appleton said:

zoneag said:

Malibu said:

Ah, the threads where we get angry at Biden for something terrible someone pulled out of their ass. There's plenty of actual things to get mad at, how about those threads rather entertain than Tuberville's fan fiction. Happy to eat these words if there's a single shred of evidence that there's actually substance there, but Tuberville hasn't exactly earned the benefit of taking his word for it.
I hope you're right, but this feels like one of those "Oh this isn't really happening you conservatives are just paranoid conspiracy theorists". Next comes the "It's happening, and here's why it's a good thing".
Exactly. After the past 3 years this is an extremely plausible speculation and people NEED to be talking about it. Those cockroaches have no business in this country and people need to be raising hell at any rumor. Enough 3rd world trash has made their way here.
People need to be wildly speculating about made up rumors to rile themselves up and demand answers? That doesn't seem like a good idea.

Do you honestly believe this is not a possibility? If not then you haven't been paying attention.
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"Make them citizens" lol

It doesn't work like that. That can't legally even happen.
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