I'm interested because the commandant has some valid points from his perspective (IN NO WAY AM I SUPPORTING THE DECISIONS BEING MADE). Especially the perspective from old ags, personally, I am incredibly proud of being a part of my outfit, but I am also incredibly proud of being a cadet. Both can be simultaneous. It seems today, cadets do not like the corps. Why is this?
Some things I've thought of
- Resentment for cadet leadership (I think caused by leadership selection not being made by cadets, look at the RVs, they're selected by their peers and the same with their leadership, it goes well)
- Outsider view of the corps - Corps not promoting the things that make the corps cool, PT, Intramurals, unique outfits
- Continually increased restrictions on things like PT and required administrative tasks
- "Punishment" restricted, Marching Tours and RWs seem to be one of the only options now-a-days because of the restrictions on training, no pushing in dorms, etc.
The differences in outfits and uniqueness has always been a thing. Engineer companies, cav companies in old old army etc. Now uniqueness is not as clear as those military based distinctions, or outfits for people of certain majors, but it is still very much present (E-1 - Athletics, E-2 - Rev, I-1 - army/tactics, SQ-17 - Service & Off the quad involvement, SQ-2 - Intramurals, Country club, BQ outfits (obviously), not sure which outfits prioritize academics, and the list goes on and on) Why is this somehow now a threat (but my real question is above, what brings resentment for the corps, within the corps (unwillingness to do corps-hump it etc.))