Biden "jumps" to 6 point lead over Trump

11,951 Views | 214 Replies | Last: 8 mo ago by texagbeliever
oh no
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Rockdoc said:

What it boils down to is, you rather have Biden or you rather have Trump. It's that simple. While a rotten decision to make, everybody has made their choice. And those ARE the choices no matter how you spin it.
for now. RNC is in July and DNC is in August and even then, the election isn't until November. I still think we'll see anything from Joe slipping off a stage to being paid off to sit this one out to assassination attempts on Don if they can't get him convicted soon enough.
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oh no said:

Rockdoc said:

What it boils down to is, you rather have Biden or you rather have Trump. It's that simple. While a rotten decision to make, everybody has made their choice. And those ARE the choices no matter how you spin it.
for now. RNC is in July and DNC is in August and even then, the election isn't until November. I still think we'll see anything from Joe slipping off a stage to being paid off to sit this one out to assassination attempts on Don if they can't get him convicted soon enough.

Yeah I agree the final stage has not been set. It's gonna be a wild year. My thought is I just can't see how anyone could vote for a vegetable to lead our country again. But if he and Trump are still there, one of them is the outcome.
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Since 2020 his base is more fractured (see the frustration with him being the candidate on this website) moderates and independents still hate him. And nobody drives a desire to vote against a candidate quite like Trump... The truth is, his great hope was some sort of economic crisis that is not materializing. In fact, it's going the other way. So what's the point of running him again.

Historically, losing elections was justification enough to move on to new blood. But because his cult wants to believe he lost a stolen election (despite all the data prior to the election from polls to voting odds showing him getting beaten handily in 2020) they want to run him again in an election.... Ironically. Iowa will be peak Trump in this election.
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Still can't see a reason to vote for a vegetable that is ruining the country. What a crappy time.
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Write-in 2024!!!
"The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people. It was designed to restrain the government."
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BigRobSA said:

Write-in 2024!!!

Yep that'll get us a new president! Or at least let some feel good about themselves.
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Rockdoc said:

BigRobSA said:

Write-in 2024!!!

Yep that'll get us a new president! Or at least let some feel good about themselves.

Biden or Trump = not new President
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BigRobSA said:

Rockdoc said:

BigRobSA said:

Write-in 2024!!!

Yep that'll get us a new president! Or at least let some feel good about themselves.

Biden or Trump = not new President

No, but it does = a president running our country.
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Gordo14 said:

Since 2020 his base is more fractured (see the frustration with him being the candidate on this website) moderates and independents still hate him. And nobody drives a desire to vote against a candidate quite like Trump... The truth is, his great hope was some sort of economic crisis that is not materializing. In fact, it's going the other way. So what's the point of running him again.

Historically, losing elections was justification enough to move on to new blood. But because his cult wants to believe he lost a stolen election (despite all the data prior to the election from polls to voting odds showing him getting beaten handily in 2020) they want to run him again in an election.... Ironically. Iowa will be peak Trump in this election.
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Rockdoc said:

BigRobSA said:

Write-in 2024!!!

Yep that'll get us a new president! Or at least let some feel good about themselves.
you and others are under the mistaken belief that each one posting on F16 can magically select the President.

you do know in Texas your vote will not determine the President correct?

you do know in Maryland my vote will not determine the President correct?

so if an adult has critical thinking skills, or a sense of morality, or of long term strategic planning- the question is NOT 1) 80 year old indicted Trump or 2) 82 year old potato

the question then becomes: what is best for the Conservative cause long term?
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Thanks for your sage advice but having been born under Harry S Truman, I think I can figure things out without help from a liberal.
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New Day.
New Poll that proves LMC wrong. Shocker.
CNN Poll Trump +4

Link to the poll itself Details of Poll

Very interesting looking at the favorable and unfavorable opinions of Joe Biden and Donald Trump over time (since 2015). Trump's numbers are largely unchanged from 40% pro to 58% negative. Meanwhile for Biden it was 52% in Oct 2020 pro to 34% pro now.

Translation: Trump's favorable is staying constant while Biden's is free falling. That is a good sign for team Trump!
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Good. Now they won't pull a switch-a-roo last second with Biden and he will get trounced…or they will have to cheat extra hard this time.
Funky Winkerbean
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the question then becomes: what is best for the Conservative cause long term?
Stop thinking the solution lies within one person for starters. It would also help if you would understand that our very system of government is designed to make it very different for extreme positions to get implemented. And yes, in todays world the libertarian view of government is extreme. Contrary to what you and your brethren believe, my views are very close to identical. I've just learned that this single savior mentality y'all carry will never succeed. Kinda hard for anything good to happen if they can't get elected. My Trump support is firmly rooted in stopping Marxism from expanding, and getting control of the border. Anything beyond that is gravy. The border issue cannot be ignored or our country is over. If you lean right and are writing in your vote you've allowed your ego to circumvent rational thought.
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Jeeper79 said:

zephyr88 said:

spider96 said:

Every one of these spreads are an embarrassment.

We have a corrupt, senile old man who is openly committing treason at the border and the "best" candidate that the republicans can drum up to replace him can't slaughter him by more than a couple points?
Narrator: "He was not, in fact, the best candidate."
Yep, he's going to lose again. To Joe Freakin Biden. It will be close, anyone expecting a blowout one way or another is delusional. Its really depressing that these are they guys we're putting forward to be the leader of the free world.
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BigRobSA said:

Rockdoc said:

BigRobSA said:

Write-in 2024!!!

Yep that'll get us a new president! Or at least let some feel good about themselves.

Biden or Trump = not new President
Dumb post border alone they are different.
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jja79 said:

jrdaustin said:

jja79 said:

Is there anyone that believes Trump has a chance?
Yes. Yes, I do. Is he the ideal candidate? Far from it. Is he undoubtedly better than Biden? Without question.

More and more people are realizing this simple logic every. single. day.

Biden's numbers are down in the African American community, as well as the Hispanic community. It won't take many of those two demographics to throw the election to Trump, sans any voting shenanigans from the left.

The fact he has no chance has nothing to do with his qualifications. It has everything to do with the fact every Democrat alive is a liar and hates America
They will do whatever they have to do to steal elections.. They have their moronic party members and corrupt media I'm hand.
There are two problems with your statement. The first is saying EVERY Democrat is a liar and hates America. My point was that many in the African American and Hispanic communities have voted as a bloc for many election cycles, and are now coming to terms with the fact that the Democrat party has left them for a far left agenda. Especially Catholic Hispanics who are predominantly socially conservative, are struggling with where the Democrat party currently is on a number of social issues.

We want everyone in our tent who wants to be here. That is, IF we want to win elections. Accusing a Democrat who is on the fence and considering moving to the Republican party of hating America will reinforce a stereotype that they've been told for a long time, so I would advise against it.

For the same reason, calling them moronic underestimates both the ones willing to undermine American values, as well as those who have currently voted for them and are considering changing sides.

To be sure, your post as written will assist in making your position that Trump cannot win a self proving statement.
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Says a lot about our country that the worst President we ever had could win again. Yeah, yeah I know some will say it's the lack of a better candidate running against him, but I say BS. The same people would say there was a fair election in 2020, and again I say BS. 80 million votes, my ass.
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911sAg said:

BigRobSA said:

Rockdoc said:

BigRobSA said:

Write-in 2024!!!

Yep that'll get us a new president! Or at least let some feel good about themselves.

Biden or Trump = not new President
Dumb post border alone they are different.

Ok. Cool story.

He said "new president". If it is President HousePlant vs President BoneSpurs, either one winning is not a new president.
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Maybe I was harsh but anyone that supports Biden is difficult to take seriously.
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BigRobSA said:

911sAg said:

BigRobSA said:

Rockdoc said:

BigRobSA said:

Write-in 2024!!!

Yep that'll get us a new president! Or at least let some feel good about themselves.

Biden or Trump = not new President
Dumb post border alone they are different.

Ok. Cool story.

He said "new president". If it is President HousePlant vs President BoneSpurs, either one winning is not a new president.

So now we're down to semantics? Quite the game you're playing to make yourself feel better. Lol
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jejdag said:

Says a lot about our country that the worst President we ever had could win again. Yeah, yeah I know some will say it's the lack of a better candidate running against him, but I say BS. The same people would say there was a fair election in 2020, and again I say BS. 80 million votes, my ass.

What you say is true but dang why couldn't the R's come up with a decent candidate. I thought DeSantis would be it but I thought wrong. Biden can't even change his own diaper.
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LMCane said:

2024 Matchups: Biden Opens Up Lead Over Trump In Head-To-Head, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds;

Haley Leads Biden 1 On 1, But Trails When Third Party Candidates Are Added

As signs point to the 2024 presidential election being a repeat of the 2020 race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Biden holds a lead over Trump 50 - 44 percent among registered voters in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of registered voters released today.

Just like we told you would happen...

Did you factor in the never Trumper beta male republicans?
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I think the fact that Trump is the likely runaway for GOP nomination proves that the 'you just don't want to admit how hated Trump is' lie is just that …a lie. It was perpetuated and repeated by the media to set the table for how his 'defeat' could be believed after the cheating. I think (mistakenly so?) that the American voter is smart enough not to elect a lying, corrupt, pedophilic career politician who's only accomplishment was to be elected by the people of Delaware (or wherever the d!c khead is from) over and over again
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Let's keep piling up those L's for LMC.

Here is a foxnews poll on Georgia. poll
Trump +8
Under 30: Trump +7
The Kraken
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Ags77 said:

Rockdoc said:

Ags77 said:

I was about to post the same thing. Those AREN'T the only choices, though one of them WILL win, almost certainly. Two different things.

Well that is correct. Those are not the only 2 choices. I stand corrected. Those are the 2 outcomes. Everybody makes their choice.

"If you choose not to still have made a choice!" RIP Neil Peart.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
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jejdag said:

I think the fact that Trump is the likely runaway for GOP nomination proves that the 'you just don't want to admit how hated Trump is' lie is just that …a lie. It was perpetuated and repeated by the media to set the table for how his 'defeat' could be believed after the cheating. I think (mistakenly so?) that the American voter is smart enough not to elect a lying, corrupt, pedophilic career politician who's only accomplishment was to be elected by the people of Delaware (or wherever the d!c khead is from) over and over again

Dang it I hope you're right. Media gaslighting and brainwashing sucks.
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ArmyAg97 said:

Jeeper79 said:

zephyr88 said:

spider96 said:

Every one of these spreads are an embarrassment.

We have a corrupt, senile old man who is openly committing treason at the border and the "best" candidate that the republicans can drum up to replace him can't slaughter him by more than a couple points?
Narrator: "He was not, in fact, the best candidate."
Yep, he's going to lose again. To Joe Freakin Biden. It will be close, anyone expecting a blowout one way or another is delusional. Its really depressing that these are they guys we're putting forward to be the leader of the free world.

Perhaps you are right ultimately, but for now, RCP averages say otherwise…both nationally and in swing states…

Be careful with absolutes at this stage…

If he has leads in swing state polling outside of the MOE on Election Day, it will be hard to cheat that…
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MSNBC does a black barbershop didn't go as planned
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Texas velvet maestro said:

New poll is out. Biden now leading Trump by 7.5 points. trending toward a Biden landslide.
Someone should tell RCP. Man, that Quinnipiac poll really looks like a bad outlier when shown against the other polls in the average.
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The only way Trump or any republican can win is if they have a tidal wave of independent and democrat voter support if the race is within 5% to 6% democrats will win. You can't overcome ballot harvesting, drop boxes, mail in ballots, etc.
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Funny, these polls say just the opposite. I don't really trust any of them because many of them say one thing and the other say another. Let it go, Trump is in your brain.

And no polls had him winning in 2016.

You Trump dislikers really underestimate how pissed off people are right now.

MSNBC seems to be one of the only ones that has him behind.

The data shows former President Donald Trump is gaining ground, now leading Biden by five points in a theoretical match-up. Trump clocked in 47% of support vs. Biden's 42%. That's the largest lead Trump has had against Biden in the five years of NBC running the poll.

As the election year ramps up, former President Donald Trump leads fellow Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley in her home state of South Carolina and President Joe Biden in key swing states. Kristen Welker shares the latest on Meet the Press NOW.
Feb. 1, 2024

The Five' co-hosts discuss how former President Trump is leading President Biden by a wider margin in a new poll.

Even CNN, although they're downplaying it.

With presidential primaries underway and a 2020 general election rematch seemingly the most likely outcome, a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS shows former President Donald Trump narrowly ahead of President Joe Biden in what's shaping up to be a close contest nationally.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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Trump more than doubles his lead on Biden when you add in Kennedy to the equation...that's per the latest RCP polling average:
Danny Vermin
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I think the Black vote will make this a solid victory for Trump. I'm constantly seeing more and more videos with fed up Black people, including some rappers, specifically calling for Trump to be president again. The prices of essentials being so high has worn poor to lower middle class down to a breaking point. I occasionally wear my Trump 2024 t shirt out getting groceries or whatever and it never fails that a Black person will notice it and say I agree with you. Hell, a black woman actually stopped me at kroger last week and told me she never would have even considered Trump 3 years ago but her and her friends are all voting for him this time.
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