freshfrenchfryfanatic said:
I would be careful throwing all women into the "women shouldn't vote because they are emotionally driven simpletons" category. I am a woman. I am a conservative. I am a mother to 5 children who I stayed home with to raise them and run the household while my husband worked to provide for us financially. I believe that two parent households and large families are the backbone of a decent God fearing society. I despise social media and am one of the last humans on earth who doesn't have Facebook. I believe things like TikTok and Instagram are absolutely mind control devices that have become the downfall of our youth. I go to church, own guns, grow my own food, and think our current president is an evil dementia ridden plant who is actively trying to destroy our nation.
Please don't lump all women together. While I understand people like me are the minority, we are out here doing our best to raise good children and vote on facts, not emotions. We do exist.
Loved reading that.
When I started dating my wife almost 26 and a half years ago, she was essentially politically agnostic. She's now further to the right overall than I am. And I consider myself pretty right wing. She was a stay at home mom for 11 years before re-entering the workforce. The foundation of strong family and strong marriage was always her primary goal in adult life.
I chuckled to myself overhearing a conversation between her and her older sister several years (she's a lib). Her sis was voicing her disgust at my wife for supporting Trump. My wife basically the conversation with "the democrat party offers absolutely nothing of value to myself or my family, and you know, I am saying that as a Latina". Mic drop.