Well, I'd say you're a loser if one didn't even ask questions about how it was going to happen. However, $5 to $10 billion is a drop in the bucket.
I'd say all Americans are losers if most of us didn't ask questions about how Obamacare was going to be paid for, since it's easily cost more than $1 trillion since 2014, and will continue to go up---guaranteed. Its the gift that keeps on giving and the only way for the Dems to make it worse, which they will, is to take over the entire industry---hospitals, insurance companies, doctors, nurses, etc.
At least the border wall was a one time expense. One of the huge factors in turning a free country into a socialist, on the way to communism/tyranny, is getting the entire medical industry. Like all government, you can kill, murder, tax, poison, destroy human families, and lie your ass off to your own citizens every single day in the name of compassion, kinda like our American citizens being held in prison for over 1000 days without a trial and no one gives a *****
So no, I guess I'm an idiot. I asked, but didn't know how it was going to be paid for, and it turns out, the Dems killed it anyway because it was too FFFFFFING expensive at $5 to $10 billion. Maybe a couple of 155 howitzers to Ukraine could have stopped maybe 10000 leaches crossing the border.
BTW, I'd say an American is a loser if they don't give a damn about female and child trafficking on our border, or wondering why mutilating American children is considered "okeee dokee", or why the rules of war against Hamas and Hezbollah is soooo damned important in Israel, but not Ukraine. Maybe you're letting the wrong thing skin your ass.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.