"The American dream ended."

12,494 Views | 141 Replies | Last: 7 mo ago by Aggie Apotheosis
Bob Lee
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CDUB98 said:

Bob Lee said:

CDUB98 said:

Bob Lee said:

When Libertarians and free speech absolutists co-opted the Republican Party, the end was inevitable.

Lol. Yep. This is the Republican party now. What a joke.

1) I'm not a Republican or a Democrat

2) Please do expand on how controlling the every day lives of people is good.

I don't want to control the everyday lives of people. I want authentic freedom. G.K. Chesterton said that to worship the will is to negate the will.

How should society decide who to side with in a conflict of wills? This is the crux of it. The only answer Libertarians have to this question is that we should just avoid any conflicts of will. And that's not possible in a pluralistic society. So then what?
oh no
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Struggle and Strifer said:

National pride and exceptionalism has been replaced with a participation trophy....
i believe our overlords refer to national pride and exceptionalism as "fascism" now.
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AggieDruggist89 said:

Yet people risk their lives still trying to come to America?

To get free *****
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The American Dream is alive and well. It's still the one of the countries you can work hard and make all your dreams come true. There are many examples of people that have risen from the depths of poverty , from places where people don't usually make it out of, and have become wildly successful because of a never give up attitude and a strong desire to succeed.

It's still the country that people of other countries risk their lives to get here. Legally and Illegally.

It's still the country that men and women volunteer to lay down their lives to protect. Our leaders still take an oath to protect our Constitution.

Is it perfect, no. We need to get back to living a more Christ like life. That would help restore our nation more closely to what our founders dreamed of. (more than anything else we can do. ) We bicker and disparage each other sometimes. Republicans and Democrats. Conservatives and Liberals. But it times of crisis we pull together as Americans.

We are still the Country other countries wish they were. Even those countries that show ill will towards us.
Canyon Lake Agbu94
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oh no said:

Struggle and Strifer said:

National pride and exceptionalism has been replaced with a participation trophy....
i believe our overlords refer to national pride and exceptionalism as "fascism" now.
Ain't it crazy?
oh no
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Struggle and Strifer said:

oh no said:

Struggle and Strifer said:

National pride and exceptionalism has been replaced with a participation trophy....
i believe our overlords refer to national pride and exceptionalism as "fascism" now.
Ain't it crazy?
because obviously Mussolini's fascist party and Adolf Hitler's national socialists were also all about smaller government and lower taxes too, in additional to having national pride and wanting their country to be the best.
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SantaLucia said:

What can a white male not do now that he was able to do in this so-called "before" time?

Get hired by a fortune 500 company...
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CDUB98 said:

There is truth in the overarching theme, but they way he presents it sounds pretty damned racist.
I suspect there was more, but it was ignored by most.
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AggieDruggist89 said:

Yet people risk their lives still trying to come to America?

Actually, that tells you how gawd awful bad it is where they came from, and our imbecilic Dems are desperately striving to become more like every country in South America, except they all believe they'll be in the top 1% that will have all of the wealth.

Plus that top 1% can screw over anyone it wants to without anyone finding out due to complete journo silence.

Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
Rocky Rider
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AggieDruggist89 said:

Yet people risk their lives still trying to come to America?

Yup, and it's because their countries were not established with the system that was put in place by our Constitution. What they will soon learn is their children / grand-children will be right back where they were when they decided to leave their home countries.
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AggieDruggist89 said:

Yet people risk their lives still trying to come to America?

For handouts
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aTmAg said:

SantaLucia said:

What can a white male not do now that he was able to do in this so-called "before" time?
Get into Harvard with a perfect SAT.

Or med school
Not a Bot
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The majority of Hispanic immigrants, especially people from Mexico, consider themselves to be "white" within a generation or two. Go look up the most common baby names from the Social Security Administration. The vast majority of immigrants are naming their kids traditional American / English European names. This idea that a huge portion of them are not assimilating is completely false. Most of my Hispanic coworkers are whiter than me when it comes to culture. Vast majority support strong families and social conservatism.

Just like a bunch of English and other European people thought the Irish and the Italians would be the end of the United States, the trend continues.
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The white male Christian capitulation into victimhood...lol, I bet Obama has the strongest bones he has ever had. The transformation is complete.everyone gets shifty lives now.
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White heterosexual men taking their cue from white women and are now attempting to elbow their way to the front of the victims line.

So brave.
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"America has ended."

America the Beautiful
1776 - 2020
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The original post is all fine and dandy, but it wasn't written by Franklin Graham, and it has been around at least since Obama was president.
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The nanosecond a republican becomes president: "AMERICA IS BACK I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!!"

The nanosecond a democrat becomes president: "THE AMERICAN DREAM IS DEAD THERE IS NO HOPE!!"

Rinse and repeat
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Get Off My Lawn said:

SantaLucia said:

What can a white male not do now that he was able to do in this so-called "before" time?
You sound like the urbanite who thinks things are still fine because they've only been car jacked a few times.

The national identity and culture is immolating. Our central bank steals wealth from our pockets by printing its value away. The characteristics praised by past generations are now being spat upon. Big government has crushed small businesses. Big News has brainwashed our neighbors. Big tech has destroyed minds of millions.

Hell - I can't even buy a functioning gas can or toilet anymore!

You may enjoy the warm water of being slowly boiled - but this leftist world order is inferior to what preceded it.
Amen. The sheep will always be happy as long as there grass to eat.
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You sure he doesn't post on this board???
No Spin Ag
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Ags77 said:

The American Dream is alive and well. It's still the one of the countries you can work hard and make all your dreams come true. There are many examples of people that have risen from the depths of poverty , from places where people don't usually make it out of, and have become wildly successful because of a never give up attitude and a strong desire to succeed.

It's still the country that people of other countries risk their lives to get here. Legally and Illegally.

It's still the country that men and women volunteer to lay down their lives to protect. Our leaders still take an oath to protect our Constitution.

Is it perfect, no. We need to get back to living a more Christ like life. That would help restore our nation more closely to what our founders dreamed of. (more than anything else we can do. ) We bicker and disparage each other sometimes. Republicans and Democrats. Conservatives and Liberals. But it times of crisis we pull together as Americans.

We are still the Country other countries wish they were. Even those countries that show ill will towards us.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
No Spin Ag
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LarryElder said:

Only reason people come to America is Economics we are pretty much like every other 3rd world country. Though our medical system is the best it will bankrupt you if you ever get seriously ill

Isn't the ability to make a living and prosper (economics) the only reason anyone's ever come over here since we've been started as a nation?
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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JWinTX said:

BluHorseShu said:

Sims said:

Seems like a guy that would so heartily support the idea of God given rights is pretty quick to lament the fact that Joe Biden took them away.

They're either God given and God taken away or they aren't...he doesn't get to have it both ways.

For what it's worth, I stand squarely on the side of God given. His will, not mine. Since it is a written excerpt, it's hard to know the tone and expanded content of his monologue but it sure seems like there is a faith component missing that he should spend more time on.
Bingo. He needs a little more faith in God. We are all put through trials...and certainly our country has weathered storms before. All we can do is keeping fighting the good fight. God never said our lives would be easy, he only promised he would be there with us all the way.
God also named Israel as His people...and when they turned their back on Him, he allowed them to be under control of others for decades/centuries.

Ask yourself this. Is the United States in the last 60 years running a society MORE in line with Biblical qualities or LESS?

Doesn't seem too hard to see what is gonna happen. Heck, Russia was the largest Christian nation in the world in the eastly 1900s. And the Bolsheviks took over and controlled that country and much of the European continent for over 80 years.
'Israel' of the new covenant are all Christians. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a theocracy....it just won't ever happen because our nation wasn't established to disenfranchise people who practice other religions. I also think this nation has gone through many periods of varying biblical adherence. We have to be very carefully when we try to invoke God for our political purposes. He is not bound by any parties or nations.
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rab79 said:

SantaLucia said:

What can a white male not do now that he was able to do in this so-called "before" time?

Get hired by a fortune 500 company...
Dimebag Darrell
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Logos Stick said:

AggieDruggist89 said:

Yet people risk their lives still trying to come to America?

Yes, they come to an America that was created by white Euros. Those white Euros are no longer in charge or the majority.

The experiment is over.

Glad I lived during the time I did.
80's and 90's will turn out to be the historical high water mark of America and the West. I try to recreate that lifestyle as best as I can for my little one...but it's going to increasingly be an uphill battle. Soulless dystopia is our future.
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rab79 said:

SantaLucia said:

What can a white male not do now that he was able to do in this so-called "before" time?

Get hired by a fortune 500 company...

You think there's a lack of white people in the workplace?
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Donghorn said:

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida when he said America would not come back.

He wrote: * "The American dream ended." The first term of Joe Biden has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled, and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed that do not want to work, illegal aliens, and other "fellow travelers" have ended.........Norman Rockwell's America.

You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to regain the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

People like me are completely politically irrelevant. I will probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself with the coalition above that has surrendered our culture, heritage, and traditions without a shot being fired.

The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back yard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New World Order.

The curtain will come down, but the damage has been done, and the story has been told.

Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and political correctness.."
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PanzerAggie06 said:

White heterosexual men taking their cue from white women and are now attempting to elbow their way to the front of the victims line.

So brave.

Literally this. Literally. They can't tell off color jokes as freely and the world is coming to an end.

And there's no lack of space for white men at Harvard or corporate America. What this amounts to is crying over only having 96% of the slots instead of 100%anymore.
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crane said:

Donghorn said:

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida when he said America would not come back.

He wrote: * "The American dream ended." The first term of Joe Biden has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled, and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.

A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed that do not want to work, illegal aliens, and other "fellow travelers" have ended.........Norman Rockwell's America.

You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to regain the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.

People like me are completely politically irrelevant. I will probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself with the coalition above that has surrendered our culture, heritage, and traditions without a shot being fired.

The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back yard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New World Order.

The curtain will come down, but the damage has been done, and the story has been told.

Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and political correctness.."
You must be new here.
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SantaLucia said:

PanzerAggie06 said:

White heterosexual men taking their cue from white women and are now attempting to elbow their way to the front of the victims line.

So brave.

Literally this. Literally. They can't tell off color jokes as freely and the world is coming to an end.

And there's no lack of space for white men at Harvard or corporate America. What this amounts to is crying over only having 96% of the slots instead of 100%anymore.
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SantaLucia said:

What can a white male not do now that he was able to do in this so-called "before" time?
Get promoted from upper middle management into the C-suite in any major corporation.
Get promoted from middle management into upper middle management in any major corporation.
Grab women by their p*****, even if the women really wish it would happen.
Logos Stick
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SantaLucia said:

rab79 said:

SantaLucia said:

What can a white male not do now that he was able to do in this so-called "before" time?

Get hired by a fortune 500 company...

You think there's a lack of white people in the workplace?


There are a whole lot fewer young white males than there should be because they are being discriminated against. White males built high tech and modern civilization. Microsoft, white male. Google, white males. Amazon, white male. IBM, white males. Bristol Myers Squibb, white males. Kodak, white male. Dow chemical, white male. General Electric, white males.

Etc etc etc etc ad nauseam.

Sorry that hurts your feelings.
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crane said:

why so harsh? He left Jews out of it.

No Spin Ag
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SantaLucia said:

PanzerAggie06 said:

White heterosexual men taking their cue from white women and are now attempting to elbow their way to the front of the victims line.

So brave.

Literally this. Literally. They can't tell off color jokes as freely and the world is coming to an end.

And there's no lack of space for white men at Harvard or corporate America. What this amounts to is crying over only having 96% of the slots instead of 100%anymore.

The "...96% instead of 100%..." reminds me of the people who were big into the one drop rule back in the days where things were even more "100%".
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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