halfastros81 said:

As much attention as the trumpies pay to dissing Desantis I have to think he is the one guy that actually causes them Concern. I know the polls don't indicate much reason for concern but at some point all the pretenders will drop out and then if Desantis' efforts in Iowa pay dividends it could get interesting

What pisses me off about The Trump
Approach is it's so often negative . Disrespect and laugh at your potential opponent for mostly superficial reasons rather than talk about what you did right and wrong and how you can make things better with what you have learned . I suppose they take this approach because it works but I'd like to think conservative voters are smarter than that.
This is a sort of laughable statement. The folks in the Trump camp fall into one of two categories. A very small segment, primarily Trump family members and only the most die-hard never Trumpers dismiss DeSantis and lobby attacks on him.

The vast majority of folks many consider Always Trumpers or Trump cultists, etc are actually folks like myself who currently PREFER Trump over DeSantis but would be perfectly fine if he is the nominee. They criticize DeSantis but also admit Trump has faults too.

But DeSantis folks tend instead to label these guys as Trump forever loyalists, blinded by his orange aura, and if they would just develop some intelligence they would get behind Ron DeSantis, the most perfectist Republican since Reagan, maybe better than Reagan.

That attitude by DeSantis supporters is a huge turn off, resulting people saying **** it, I am voting Trump in the primary and DeSantis can fly a kite.