The NTSB doesn't investigate fires from parked vehicles, their data is irrelevant.Teslag said:Quote:
Your wrong.
Then show me your data. Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
The NTSB doesn't investigate fires from parked vehicles, their data is irrelevant.Teslag said:Quote:
Your wrong.
Then show me your data. Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
cecil77 said:Teslag said:Quote:
Your wrong.
Then show me your data. Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Not sitting in a garage turned off they don't. So, yes, you are wrong. said:The NTSB doesn't investigate fires from parked vehicles, their data is irrelevant.Teslag said:Quote:
Your wrong.
Then show me your data. Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Researchers also tallied fire-related recalls filed with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2020. Gasoline-powered cars were subject to far more recalls for fire risk. EVs came in second and hybrids were a distant third that year. However, we should caution that limiting recall research to 2020 means the analysts missed most of last year's escalating series of Chevy Bolt fire recalls.
ntxVol said:
You keep missing the very simple fact that an EV fire is much more catastrophic than the typical ICE fire.
Teslag said:cecil77 said:Teslag said:Quote:
Your wrong.
Then show me your data. Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Not sitting in a garage turned off they don't. So, yes, you are wrong.
Show me this data, Thanks!
cecil77 said:Teslag said:cecil77 said:Teslag said:Quote:
Your wrong.
Then show me your data. Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Not sitting in a garage turned off they don't. So, yes, you are wrong.
Show me this data, Thanks!
You first.
But dang, you are the best troll ever!
Hmmm.. expanding the posts you referenced, looks like you made the first statement of fact ('you're wrong is an opinion). So by your own assertion, I repeat, you first.Teslag said:cecil77 said:Teslag said:cecil77 said:Teslag said:Quote:
Your wrong.
Then show me your data. Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Not sitting in a garage turned off they don't. So, yes, you are wrong.
Show me this data, Thanks!
You first.
But dang, you are the best troll ever!
Generally, the person making a definitive claim or conclusion posits their findings for reference.
Certain folks are unwilling to recognize any issues with EVs and will defend their EV to the very end.
Teslag said:Quote:
Certain folks are unwilling to recognize any issues with EVs and will defend their EV to the very end.
EV's have plenty of real issues for many people and are simply not the best choice for a large subset of people in the united states. However, the fire fear mongering is laughably absurd and not based on any presented evidence that I choose to acknowledge .
How many horror stories do you want us to post? Just go back through this thread and actually read some of the news items instead of asking for proof every time.Teslag said:Quote:
Smart EV manufacturers will move away from lithium completely. Hopefully, that happens soon.
What current failure rate are you basing this on? Care to share your findings? You said the tolerances should be much more stringent. What are they now? Where does each manufacturer fall in regards to those tolerances from your research?
I would never put an EV in a dwelling-connected structure. Just doesn't pass the common sense test, imho.
Teslag said:
What is your evidence then? Can you even post a rate of incidence?
Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Funny story, at my wife's school, she had a lady that couldn't even get in to unlock it, as for some reason she had to be on WiFi in her new, ahem, not to be mentioned brand of EV last year. My wife is on staff and had to get her close enough to the building and put her on the school VPN/WiFi network so she could just get in and drive off with the kiddo.SockStilkings said:
Just proper risk management at this point.
These EVs are supposed to be the smartest of the smart cars. Do they not call the fire department on themselves when they enter self destruct mode? Seems like that would be a no brainer.
cecil77 said:Teslag said:
What is your evidence then? Can you even post a rate of incidence?Quote:
Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Show me this evidence, applied to garaged and turned off ICE vehicles.
Funny story, at my wife's school, she had a lady that couldn't even get in to unlock it, as for some reason she had to be on WiFi in her new
Teslag said:cecil77 said:Teslag said:
What is your evidence then? Can you even post a rate of incidence?Quote:
Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Show me this evidence, applied to garaged and turned off ICE vehicles.
Why am I the only one expected to provide evidence?
No ideally it would seek out fellow EV owners and/or those with Biden signs in their front yard before completing its self destruction.nortex97 said:
Ideally, it would blast itself out and into the middle of the street in such a situation.
cecil77 said:Teslag said:cecil77 said:Teslag said:
What is your evidence then? Can you even post a rate of incidence?Quote:
Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Show me this evidence, applied to garaged and turned off ICE vehicles.
Why am I the only one expected to provide evidence?
You're not, but you brought it up.
I question your assertion that garaged and turned off ICE vehicles spontaneously combust at a greater rate than EVs.
And please not that your response is non-responsive.
Nope it was not a meaningful response at all. And I respond all the time, even assisting you on other posts.Teslag said:cecil77 said:Teslag said:cecil77 said:Teslag said:
What is your evidence then? Can you even post a rate of incidence?Quote:
Because NTSB says the ICE is more prone to fire per 100,000 vehicles.
Show me this evidence, applied to garaged and turned off ICE vehicles.
Why am I the only one expected to provide evidence?
You're not, but you brought it up.
I question your assertion that garaged and turned off ICE vehicles spontaneously combust at a greater rate than EVs.
And please not that your response is non-responsive.
At least I'm posting something. You won't even do that.
Do you assert that ICE vehicles, garaged and shut down, spontaneously combust at a greater rate than garaged EVs?
PlaneCrashGuy said:
Tesla I do not understand you at all. This is not a dig but I need to know.
Do you really feel like you're accomplishing anything by asking posters for peer reviewed studies to verify their concerns? Were all just sharing our feelings/opinions and you come in here asking for the data that validates our opinions. I'd never scoff at or shame someone who avoids something out of safety concerns; even if the data doesn't validate their concerns. What is your goal here? Chirping at folks who don't have the same risk tolerance seems pointless. What am I missing?