Dies Irae said:
Real wage stagnation is real. Technology makes it to where you can Jack your profitability through the roof by spending a lot of money up front, without needing to pay a specialized employee. So it is "greed" in the sense that if a factory owner automates his machine and his warehouse he spends a ton of money up front, but then keeps all the savings from the labor over the years.
Technology creates a smaller number of higher paid jobs. Unfortunately when the automobile was invented there wasn't a lot of places for the horses that used to pull the carriages to go.
This just isn't true. The car industry has created an order of magnitude more jobs than horses ever did. On top of that, you could start making money immediately working for a car manufacturer. Before that you had to apprentice under a blacksmith for years before you could hang up your own shingle and start making money.
I know this board thinks AI is going to put us all out of a job, but using the auto industry as an example of that isn't making your case.
The wage stagnation is a real thing, and government regulations putting people out of jobs is a real thing. Advancing technologies only creates more opportunities for us though, not less.