Fingerprints Found on Cocaine Bag, Security Sources Say

7,845 Views | 65 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by FTAG 2000
Helicopter Ben
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sam callahan said:

They lie with impunity, break laws, steal, take bribes, punish whistleblowers, destroy evidence, fabricate evidence,
use blackmail...but I'm sure they will comply with a FOIA request, no problem.

Exactly. I don't know why anyone is surprised by all this. It's not even close to the biggest scandal that's going on. Our govt is so corrupt that they don't even bother to try and hide it anymore.
Old McDonald
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Ellis Wyatt said:

Old McDonald said:

my heart says it's hunter's but my brain says it's just someone in the secret service's
SS gets drug tested. Hunter?
cocaine is typically only detectable on a drug test for 48-72 hours
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Actual Talking Thermos said:

So my only question is, if this is Hunter's or whoever's, how is it that the Bidens and their inner circle don't have enough pull that they could get the secret service or whoever to quietly hand it back or throw it away? This is definitely not the first time illegal drugs have been in the White House, but I can't recall ever hearing about it this way before.
I don't see how they could make the SS be their own personal "mules". They are there to protect the President from danger, not from his family's lies.
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Hunter's print's/DNA won't be on it. He can come and go as he pleases without being searched, so he would have no reason to put it there. It's more likely that it was left by his dealer so that he could pick it up. The key is missing for the locker so Hunter probably has it.
We fixed the keg
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I guess I am the only one who thinks if they found fingerprints/evidence other than Hunter, we would already know who it was.
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Bottom line...

They know exactly who's cocaine this is and they attend going to say.

Personally I don't think this is Hunter's. Everything I've heard is that this is a staff and official daily business entrance. It's not a special/honored guest entrance, and it's not where the family enters in a daily basis.

This entrance is used by employees of the west wing, the press, and daily visitors to the west wing; congress critters, department heads, joint chiefs, etc.

These drugs belong to a senior member of WH staff.
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Marlin39m said:

Hunter's print's/DNA won't be on it. He can come and go as he pleases without being searched, so he would have no reason to put it there. It's more likely that it was left by his dealer so that he could pick it up. The key is missing for the locker so Hunter probably has it.

It's always been amazing to me I've never heard one reporter or congressman ask where Hunter was getting all the hardcore drugs he was taking. Also why he thought he needed a gun when he had SS protection.

It's the most obvious place to start any investigation. Including. the house he was staying at that had classified documents in the garage.
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Old McDonald said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

Old McDonald said:

my heart says it's hunter's but my brain says it's just someone in the secret service's
SS gets drug tested. Hunter?
cocaine is typically only detectable on a drug test for 48-72 hours

Right. No one cares to recall the Columbian hookers and blow bash the SS advance party got caught on during the Obama years?
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sleepybeagle said:

I wondered why nobody had leaked anything yet.

This story is so full of #$%#! even a child can tell it's one big lie and a coverup.
hypothetically speaking-

the fact that no one in the US Government can figure out who brought in a bag of cocaine to the White House

would also mean that no one in the US Government would be able to find out who brought in a bag of Anthrax or Botulinum Toxin?
Maroon Dawn
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sam callahan said:

They lie with impunity, break laws, steal, take bribes, punish whistleblowers, destroy evidence, fabricate evidence,
use blackmail...but I'm sure they will comply with a FOIA request, no problem.

Yes but no mean tweets and a media that now tells you "everything is fine" instead of "we're all going to die!" every day! What a deal!
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LMCane said:

sleepybeagle said:

I wondered why nobody had leaked anything yet.

This story is so full of #$%#! even a child can tell it's one big lie and a coverup.
hypothetically speaking-

the fact that no one in the US Government can figure out who brought in a bag of cocaine to the White House

would also mean that no one in the US Government would be able to find out who brought in a bag of Anthrax or Botulinum Toxin?
You keep calling it a "bag". Have you ever seen a gram of cocaine? It's normally packed in the corner of a sandwich baggie. Maybe the size of a nickel. Now, I am not sure if it was truly a gram. That's what I have heard.
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Only a democrat would be dumb enough to support Kamala (who locked people up for weed), and the president who has a coke head son using in the big house…

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We fixed the keg said:

I guess I am the only one who thinks if they found fingerprints/evidence other than Hunter, we would already know who it was.
Maybe, but I am not sure what we would know at this point. "Move along citizens, nothing to see here" seems to be the current strategy.

While Hunter bringing his own drugs into the WH is the simplest story, there are other possibilities. Some more out there than others. :-)

See if any of these seem plausible......

There is a suggestion that we only know about this because the Hazmat guy commented on an open radio frequency that the result of the test was Cocaine Hydrochloride. So for Washington the problem was not coke in the WH but us knowing about it. So they just see a "crisis" to manage. That might involve punishing someone or not. Depends on what is best and easiest politically.

What if it is a staffer or SS who was directed to obtain the drugs for Hunter or someone else? Or just look the other way? Throwing them under the bus is complicated and may take more time. Hopefully, we don't get a Seth Rich type situation.

What if it was a Secret Service agent? Would the SS want that covered up?

As people have asked, "where did the drugs come from?" Maybe that answer isn't politically palatable, so lots of machinations would be in play to make sure that isn't exposed. There have been drug scandals in DC before. I believe Congress got caught years ago using pages to deliver drugs to congressional offices in brown paper bags. That was a hard story to make go away. There may have been an accompanying sex scandal involving the young pages also. The point being corruption tolerates corruption. The first impulse is refuse to cooperate, cover-up, and hope the system allows it to go away.

Given how seedy and corrupt things seem to be in DC, what if it was an op by domestic or foreign intelligence to blackmail or mess with people? This is where the movie/TV trope comes into play and the 'good guys' are asked to stop their investigation to accommodate some opaque/unfathomable FBI effort. Except in DC we have run out of institutions that will play the good guys role.

It could have been drugs gifted/delivered by Chinese or Ukrainian friends of the Bidens.

I am not sure most of the Biden staffers really care if folks in the administration are using drugs. It is just a political calculation of 'am I likely to get caught?' or 'how do I not get caught?' And if caught, 'can I get out of it?' So if it is someone else in the Administration using, do they want to expose that? What if they have been having staff coke parties and they are skipping testing?

I guess one has to consider that the SS is just incompetent. Maybe there is no evidence.
We fixed the keg
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Any or all of that may be the case. I completely agree with the line "corruption tolerates corruption" in your post. That to me is a given. I think the damage not only to the Biden's but the Democrat machine is greater than the fallout from a scapegoat. Meaning, I am confident if there were any way to pin this on someone outside the highest levels they wouldn't hesitate. Be it a staffer, a fall guy in the secret service, etc. they Biden's would be willing to "lose a limb" to protect their lives and their grift.

What is truly perplexing is the corrupt machine is bigger than Biden. Why would that machine would allow the highly corrupt, highly incompetent, walking gaffe to put those power brokers and the whole organization at risk. It seems to go against how in-step and orchestrated they typically operate. Unless it may have always been the plan. Nobody knows better how corrupt Biden has been than his own party. He may end up being the scapegoat all along. A one term disaster that eventually gets exposed. His dementia and age will ensure he would not be able to fight back or reveal anything deeper.

If that is the case, they would need to control the timing and how it would be exposed. All that said, it is clear you cannot trust anything out of DC or those in power outside of they are going to protect the grift and corruption.

Ag with kids
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captkirk said:

Ummm...then just watch the tape for anyone that happens to walk into that blind spot. You don't have to see them IN the blind spot. But, I doubt there's a large number of people that enter that blind spot. Boom. Now you have your list of suspects lowered....
Actual Talking Thermos
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Gigem314 said:

Actual Talking Thermos said:

So my only question is, if this is Hunter's or whoever's, how is it that the Bidens and their inner circle don't have enough pull that they could get the secret service or whoever to quietly hand it back or throw it away? This is definitely not the first time illegal drugs have been in the White House, but I can't recall ever hearing about it this way before.
I don't see how they could make the SS be their own personal "mules". They are there to protect the President from danger, not from his family's lies.
OK but if he is 1/100 as criminal and corrupt as the F16 consensus, 1/10 as criminal and corrupt as I imagine, the people who track every movement and activity of him and his family are being relied on for their discretion regarding a bunch of stuff much sketchier than simple possession of a Schedule II drug.

E: And I know that at least once in 2002 the secret service intervened to get local law enforcement to walk away from a situation involving the younger Barbara Bush in order to avoid a sequel to that whole ridiculous Chuy's incident. I only know because that story was told to me in 2002 by two people who were there, and one of them was Barbara Bush.
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Soldier of Fortune magazine? I haven't heard anything about that one in years.

Years ago (circa 1990), a police officer from Arizona said to several of us over lunch that the Post Office had a practice of notifying local police departments of anyone subscribing to Soldier of Fortune in their jurisdiction.

I never did know if he was correct about that, but I have never had any reason to think that he was lying about it.
Logos Stick
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Highway6 said:

aggiehawg said:

Just asking the question. But how has Hunter avoided fentanyl laced drugs?
We are just unlucky?

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As much as I dislike Weissmann, he has a point here. Why disclose there is no DNA nor fingerprint evidence before any interviews were done?
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Why disclose there is no DNA nor fingerprint evidence before any interviews were done?
Because they're not trying to solve a criminal case and are in fact actively involved in the cover-up of the crime?

Occam's Razor...
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Ellis Wyatt
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Correct. They are giving us the middle finger. No one will stop them.
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agent-maroon said:


Why disclose there is no DNA nor fingerprint evidence before any interviews were done?
Because they're not trying to solve a criminal case and are in fact actively involved in the cover-up of the crime?

Occam's Razor...
You missed the lead. That's Weissmann, Team Mueller's hatchet man.
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Because smuggling cocaine inside the White House must be an inside job, nothing will happen.
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There was a murder case in Bryan 35-40 or so years ago where a man advertised in Soldier of Fortune to be a hit man which led to an actual murder for hire. There was also a resulting civil law suit against Soldier of Fortune in judge David Hitner's federal court in Houston where the magazine was found liable for the killing and a 9.4 million $ verdict assessed but overturned by the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals.

The killer was John Wayne Hearn. The victim was Sandra Black, Robert Bob Black's wife, who was killed for insurance proceeds. Robert Black Jr received the death penalty and was executed at Texas Dept Corrections.

John Hearn placed an ad in the magazine offering his services and was hired to do the killing by Robt "Bob" Black Jr of Bryan. You can Google this. Interesting case. The circuit court held that the words of the ad were too ambiguous to hold the magazine liable and threw the case out.
Actual Talking Thermos
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We fixed the keg said:

I guess I am the only one who thinks if they found fingerprints/evidence other than Hunter, we would already know who it was.
I'm sure they'd also be trying to run cover if it was some other Biden or their invited guest or some high ranking official etc.
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sleepybeagle said:

I wondered why nobody had leaked anything yet.

This story is so full of #$%#! even a child can tell it's one big lie and a coverup.
That still doesn't mean that a Lib has enough common sense to see it.
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I'm sure the FBI has only their very finest people running the check on those fingerprints.
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Meanwhile, on CNN...

And if it had been the Trump WH

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Ag with kids said:

captkirk said:

Ummm...then just watch the tape for anyone that happens to walk into that blind spot. You don't have to see them IN the blind spot. But, I doubt there's a large number of people that enter that blind spot. Boom. Now you have your list of suspects lowered....

It's like a CFB review. Must be inconclusive on film.
Old Sarge
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2040huck said:

LMCane said:

sleepybeagle said:

I wondered why nobody had leaked anything yet.

This story is so full of #$%#! even a child can tell it's one big lie and a coverup.
hypothetically speaking-

the fact that no one in the US Government can figure out who brought in a bag of cocaine to the White House

would also mean that no one in the US Government would be able to find out who brought in a bag of Anthrax or Botulinum Toxin?
You keep calling it a "bag". Have you ever seen a gram of cocaine? It's normally packed in the corner of a sandwich baggie. Maybe the size of a nickel. Now, I am not sure if it was truly a gram. That's what I have heard.


When is the last time you were at the Whitehouse? The SS is looking for a fall guy ya know.
"Green" is the new RED.
FTAG 2000
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Hunter is obvious but betting it's Kamala's and will be used to get her to step down so they can replace her with Gavin.
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