Yes we need the government even more involved in private lives.
TexAgs91 said:Remind me of the main tenet of conservatism? I just want the government to leave me alone? Or are you up there high on that other axis?lethalninja said:
Should adultery (specifically, someone that is married having sex with someone they're not married to) be illegal? I don't think it should be, but I asked one of my friends and he said he wouldn't be opposed to it being illegal, although he didn't know what the punishment should be. What are your thoughts?
I thought the goal was to have a free country.
Bearpitbull said:.Bexar Ag said:
Because a lot of people on the right aren't actually conservative. They love bug government as long as it promotes their specific ideals that they approve of. I can name a good chunk of posters on here that would be for making gay marriage, premarital sex, etc… illegal. And make Christianity mandatory for education for all citizens. These people aren't conservative
Amen! Give Texas Repubs enough time and they will regulate everything and then spout off five minutes later about freedom. True conservatives on rolling over in their graves.
lethalninja said:
Should adultery (specifically, someone that is married having sex with someone they're not married to) be illegal? I don't think it should be, but I asked one of my friends and he said he wouldn't be opposed to it being illegal, although he didn't know what the punishment should be. What are your thoughts?
MarathonAg12 said:ntxVol said:
Human nature, people should be free to choose. Keep the government out of people's private affairs. Pun intended.
Having sex with someone other than your wife will get you kicked out of the US Military.
As much as people here like to bash the military these days, that's one value I'm behind.
Bexar Ag said:
Free will, if I was married and I want to cheat on my wife I can. I would be a POS but it shouldn't be illegal
aggiehawg said:Heaving? Can I get a translation on that?Quote:
Heaving sex
Bob Lee said:Bexar Ag said:
Free will, if I was married and I want to cheat on my wife I can. I would be a POS but it shouldn't be illegal
The list of things we have the free will to do is pretty long. Do you think any of them should be illegal?
Teslag said:Bob Lee said:Bexar Ag said:
Free will, if I was married and I want to cheat on my wife I can. I would be a POS but it shouldn't be illegal
The list of things we have the free will to do is pretty long. Do you think any of them should be illegal?
Only things that direct harm another. And pissing in a spouses cherrios doesn't count
Bexar Ag said:
Free will, if I was married and I want to cheat on my wife I can. I would be a POS but it shouldn't be illegal
Gunny456 said:
Do you have any idea how much violence and crime and death is caused by actions resulting from infidelity each year? And you are saying that does not hurt anyone?
Teslag said:
Hurt feelings isn't harm.
Gunny456 said:
We will never legislate our way to morality. As our understanding of what is right or wrong continues to decline so will we continue down the path we are going.
And everyone ask what's going on and what's wrong and why is all the corruption and crime and immorality happening?
Pretty damn evident why.
Why? Because I think people should be able to make their own decisions. Nowhere did I approve of adultery, I simply don't think we should have draconian laws outlawing it.MarathonAg12 said:Bexar Ag said:
Free will, if I was married and I want to cheat on my wife I can. I would be a POS but it shouldn't be illegal
Dude, you sound like one of the biggest scumbags on earth.
It's morally wrong. That's what makes us humans and separates us from animals.Bexar Ag said:
Not everybody wants God in their lives, why is that so hard to understand
Gunny456 said:
You are usually a pretty reasonable and intelligent poster. Your way outa line here on that.
That's like saying the car causes road rage.
Bob Lee said:
How do you define direct harm? Is that limited to physical violence?