Ol_Ag_02 said:
Nanomachines son said:
Bob Lee said:
Nanomachines son said:
Ol_Ag_02 said:
Nanomachines son said:
Yes it should be illegal and if proven then the other person should forfeit all assets in a divorce if the spouse pushes for it.
I also think it should be punishable with prison time.
No fault divorce should be 100% eliminated and divorces should be much harder to obtain. Adultery and physical abuse of the spouse or children should be the only reasons. Fault in the case of a divorce should have criminal trial level requirements for proof of guilt. Otherwise it would be far too easy to fake it, as is often the case for civil trials. Basically, fault would need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt and heresay or eyewitness testimony would not be valid.
So mental abuse and the terror that brings is completely cool with you?
"My feelings got hurt," can never be proven in a court of law. Emotional abuse has never been considered a criminal unless it was also accompanied by physical abuse.
Emotional abuse is rarely ever done by itself in a vacuum with zero physical abuse, not even by women.
People are awarded damages for pain and suffering regularly, and we criminalize all kinds of things we perceive to cause emotional damage. Stalking and public lewdness are crimes for example.
Fair enough, then I would be okay here if you could prove it with the same standards as a criminal trial.
I don't believe civil trial requirements are enough for anything to provide reasons for divorce. It must be "beyond all reasonable doubt."
My end goal is to make marriage a religious institution again.
My end goal is to keep your religion out of my marriage. Except my goal is already a reality and yours is DOA in every legislative body in this country.
Well not every legislative body. I could see you getting some buy in with like minded government officials in the local sharia influenced areas of Minnesota and Michigan.
Why did you get married? For tax benefits? Because that's the only legitimate secular reason for marriage. If they got rid of tax benefits, would you get married if you didn't have to?
If they got rid of common law marriage such that two people could live together without ever getting married forever, would you do this?
I really could not honestly care what atheists and agnostics do, I don't want any of them making a mockery of marriage. I'm perfectly okay with making it easier to live without marriage provided that's far harder to get divorced if you do.