This is the Trump campaign folks. I mean if you love this stuff I guess he is your guy.
DeSantis wears cowboy boots. Anyone that wears cowboy boots and actually looks at the picture they are trying to mock up can tell they are normal cowboy boots. They do this drawing with a woman's boot to make up some weird story about his height. When asked he says he is 5'11. Pictures next to him and Trump show that is about accurate. All of this is a complete distraction and waste of time of course and has nothing to do with the campaign.
Yet what does Trump have his folks do? Push the lie. Then push it again. Then pull a stupid stunt like this. Truth doesn't matter. Issues don't matter. Nope, it's all about coming up with some bizarre hit on DeSantis to insinuate that he is short. This is the level of discourse from their campaign.
A 12 year old is more mature than these people.
BTW DeSantis had an outstanding interview otherwise where he discussed issues in depth and answered hard questions. I mean who cares about that though?
Just remember when we lose and the country continues to go down the crapper who you supported. It's your choice. Do you want to solve problems or do you want the clown show? Oh, and btw, know the Dems and MSM are going to come after Trump 100x harder than this if he is the nominee. He's a much easier target and so far they are doing all they can to suppress the images of him now showing his age.
We live in stupid times.

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan