FireAg said:
J. Walter Weatherman said:
Funky Winkerbean said:
Rapier108 said:
AggieVictor10 said:
Not sure desantis fans have any room to call trumpers "cult45" when their zealotry for meatball Ron puts trumper loyalty to shame.
Says the guy who is really just as leftist who makes comments to stir the pot 24/7.
Deflect, deflect! You guys have been the most condescending group on the board, and you can't tell that all your doing is hurting conservatism.
Nobody is hurting conservatism more than fake-conservative con artist trump. He's single-handedly setting back the movement back by a decade.
Absolute and total hyperbole with no way to quantify such a statement to back it up…
You're making an emotional argument devoid of actual, quantifiable metrics…
Let's see now.
2018, Republicans/conservatives lost the House, but got lucky with the Senate because Democrats had to defend too many seats in Republican states. Republicans still lost two Senate seats they should not have lost, Arizona and Nevada.
2020, Republicans/conservatives, and Trump lost again, losing the White House and almost it all save for two Democrats in the Senate not willing to go nuclear. Then Trump goes extra stupid and sabotages the Georgia Senate runoffs.
2022, Republicans/conservatives barely won the House, lost the Senate completely.
What is the one ever present factor in all three elections? Oh yeah, Trump.
The majority of this country cannot stand Trump, pure and simple. Nothing will change it at this point.
Now of course you'll blame everyone and everything else for those three election loses, because nothing could ever possibly be Trump's fault. He is a faultless god king who is so perfect he has never made a mistake. (Last sentence is sarcasm.)
And if Trump is the nominee, Republicans/conservatives will get their ass kicked a 4th time in a row (likely giving the Democrats complete control forever in the process), you still won't blame Trump. You'll blame voter fraud again (even though it won't even be close enough that fraud was needed), and then begin preparing for Trump 2028.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill