OFFICIAL ****Donald Trump versus Ron DeSantis*** thread...

463,256 Views | 9101 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by BD88
Tea Party
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FL_Ag1998 said:

Tea Party said:

aggie93 said:

Tea Party said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Tea Party said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Tea Party said:

Old May Banker said:

Yes.... Trump has really proven his ability to "blow up" down ballot votes. lol
You miss the point. The vote is not FOR Trump or his abilities to do anyting really. It's a vote AGAINST the establishment.

The people voting AGAINST the establishment are the types that are willing to vote against the establishment incumbents down ballot.

The sheep in the general that vote for "whoever is the R" will gladly fall in line for the non-establishment types that make it out of the primary.

And to the poster above about my slightly to the right comment, had you read my entire post you would notice it was not in reference to DeSantis himself. He certainly is more conservative than most, however the down ballot R's are what would cripple him just like they crippled Trump. The overall effect is a slight pull to the right then the inevitable big pull left later if you keep playing the status quo game down ballot.

So here's my first question before I respond further to your argument.

Do you truly believe Trump can win the General? I don't mean win it by some miracle convergence of a half dozen factors, but win it outright.
Interesting that political discussion is shut down if it does not revolve around winning the next election....I won't bother bringing up the effects of voting for third party candidates down ballot and how that effects future donations and entrance in future debates.... Sorry if that came off crude. I'm cranky from our Q2 business cycle.

But regardless, yes I absolutely do believe that Trump can win the general. Do I think the chances are a certainty or even a strong favorability, absolutely not. But I feel the same way about DeSantis although I would venture he has a slight advantage to win the general for all the reasons I posted above. People like the status quo...

But on the flip side, if Trump loses and there are signs of large scale shenanigans like the last election (Russian dossier, ballot harvesting, pipe leaks, etc.), then maybe that will be enough to wake the sheeple up to start caring about how big and rogue our government has become. Again, this conversation stemmed from which candidate is best for the long-game.

Ok, my first counterargument...

IMO of course, Desantis isn't favored more than Trump to win the general because he's "status quo". That's simply you believing the Trump campaign pitch. Desantis is favored over Trump in the General because he's not crude and abrasive at every single turn. He's shown with his actions that he is attacking the far left progressive movement that every conservative and the majority of the "middle" are against. He doesn't just make campaign promises that he fails to follow through on and then blame others. If he were simply "status quo" he wouldn't have attracted all of the Democrats over to his side in the election. Go read articles on why they voted for him; they did so because he actually gets things done, things that most people on both sides agree with.

My second counterargument....

At this point, with the general feeling across the entire American population, Trump losing the general election, even to Biden, will not stir up feelings of a controversy. The only people who believe election shenanigans will be die hard trump supporters. The response by the rest of America will be "well yeah, duh of course trump lost, he's a very disagreeable and old candidate who's under indictment". It's not gonna wake anybody up to anything.

But a candidate like Desantis losing to Biden or even Newsome, after what happened in 2020, will absolutely cause many people to suddenly start questioning what does ANY Republican have to do to win an election against a Democrat? And why do Democrats keep winning office when every poll says the majority of Americans are against their policies?

Voting for Trump is cutting your nose off to spite your face. Its not going to change anything. Truly pay attention to what Desantis has done and his plans. Don't view them through the MAGA goggles. Go read some independent accounts, hell read some liberal leaning MSM articles about him.
These are all great points, but Trump voters are voting for something that Trump represents and not for the man himself.

And I did not mean DeSantis himself is the status quo. The political spectrum ends have shifted left over time and the pendulum swings harder to the left than it does to the right through it's cycles. DeSantis winning AND the establishment winning down ballot means we get the same slight shift right while the pendulum favors conservative ideology, but it will swing harder left next time like it always does.

The exact same thing happened to Trump in his first term under Ryan's SOTH tenure, so I am certainly not saying Trump is the cure for the status quo. I am saying that DeSantis is more than likely going to have the same issues so we should not pretend that he is capable of breaking the status quo of one step right now then two steps left later.

You do bring up a good point regarding if either candidate loses though and whether people would sheepishly wait until the next election or if they would say it's time to recognize leftism and conservatism is incompatible and cannot coexist under the same government. I think Trump wakes more people up but honestly you may have convinced me DeSantis losing would wake more people up.

But, I would enthusiastically vote for DeSantis over Trump in the primary if he made a stronger push to get rid of establishment types down ballot. He already is making a strong case for it with his recent three letter agency attacks, but maybe the rest is in the works since he is just now starting his presidential campaign. Then I would hope both the Trump and DeSantis supporters can unify around DeSantis.

Edit: I see you added another post which covers a lot of my concerns. I'm not against DeSantis and know he can advance the conservative agenda to the right. I'm just not confident that the voters at a national level will vote the establishment out thus his term may just be one step right before a bigger step left later, like history has shown. I will have to research his efforts at lower levels in Florida like you said. Maybe he already is doing things that I hoped for and I was naive.
If you want to understand who DeSantis is and don't want to look at what he has done as Governor then look at who is writing his plans and are his closest allies, Chip Roy and Thomas Massie. DeSantis FOUNDED the Freedom Caucus with guys like Jim Jordan. He voted AGAINST Ryan as Speaker long ago.

It's like saying Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are Establishment.
You will have to back up your assertion that I do not want to look at what DeSantis has done as Governor. That is an outright lie.....The same for implying what i am saying is like calling Paul and Cruz as establishment. Nothing that I have said would lead any person to believe that that is what i was implying unless either I relayed my message poorly or the reader was not processing it properly.

Again, I am not against DeSantis or any conservative that advocates conservative ideology as I have said countless times.... There are more within the GOP that do not fit that bill than there are that do fit it, which I know is something most here would not agree with but are starting to realize.

I simply said that when the pendulum swings to the right it does not swing hard and that is because of down ballot votes hindering the conservative voices like the Cruz, Paul, Roy, or even Trump in 2016 though he is not conservative. Having a few key people that advocate for the right things is great, but at this point in time with the government as bloated and corrupt as it is, it's like putting flex seal on a sinking ship. It's maintaining the status quo.

We both want a conservative America. You just think that DeSantis can make that happen. I don't think anyone can make that happen outside of a massive awakening of the sheeple. I hope DeSantis can awaken the sheep and there is still time for him to do it, but until then Trump is the unfortunate placeholder for the establishment protest vote though his actions recently are hurting the silver platter the D's are handing him.

So focus your energy on the down ballot races.

Focusing all your energy on and voting for a lame-duck candidate like Trump at the top of the ticket as your way to protest against the establishment but then just complaining about the results of the down ballot vote doesn't make sense to me.

Vote for someone at the top of the ballot who has already shown by his actions as governor that he's not only against the current establishment but more importantly he's ruthless, cunning, and non-stop in either getting it to fall in line behind him or getting it out of the way.

Trump never once during his four years in office showed the type of coordinated and intelligent planning that Desantis has shown in his time as governor. I'm sure someone will respond with the standard line of "he couldn't because he was sabotaged!"....yes, by the people he hired because he did a piss poor job of building his team! That's the point!

aggie93 brought up a very good point, the key point in my opinion. A general election with Trump as the R candidate makes the race all about Trump's personalities and foibles. The D's are salivating over that prospect. But a race with Desantis as the candidate makes the race about the actual issues, and the D's know in their hearts they can't win that race.

We complain on this forum every day all day long about what the liberals are doing to this other words THE ISSUES....yet some of you want to distract the voters from those issues during the election by making the election about the Republican candidate's personality - a self-promoting, philandering, easily detestable octogenarian!
I do focus my energy on the down ballot races, however this thread is about why people vote for DeSantis or Trump. I wish more people would focus on the down ballot races but unfortunately the top of the ticket is what gets the most of the attention,

And you and LMcane miss the entire point of what I've been saying. Most people are not voting FOR Trump the person, they are voting against the establishment. Trump the person is just a placeholder that DeSantis can easily take over between now and the primary vote. At this point in time DeSantis has not been public enough going against the establishment to pull the people away from Trump, but given his recent trends now that his campaign has started, I would assume it would happen before the primary starts thus making this thread moot.

Your assumption that people care about Trump making the election about his personality or people wanting Trump types is completely wrong. Trump the person is a buffoon and most Trump supporters would agree with that. However, the system is corrupt and at this point Trump represents the need to drastically fix it rather than work within it. We don't care for who Trump advocates for. We care for who advocates for drastically fixing the system. Trump is not going to fix it, but him getting elected and doing absolutely nothing still rufles the right feathers and sends the message that the people are done tolerating the corrupt gov and the gov should retreat from it's tyrannical trend.

DeSantis represents the strong ability to work within the system and only a slight need to drastically fix it, but he is gaining ground with his recent remarks about three letter agencies.
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How can you be friends with people who support a party interested in child grooming and adolescent genital mutilation?

Stop being friends with people who agree with those things…get better friends…get human friends…

I claim no one as a friend who supports a party that believes in such debauchery…
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You're worried about someone who says something positive about one brash candidate when we live in a society trying to normalize pre-pubescent genital mutilation and sexual grooming of minors…

Again, the issue shouldn't be with this candidate or that…whether you favor Trump, DeSantis, or Scooby Doo…

We have such bigger problems than just a candidate…you're in the weeds arguing Trump v DeSantis…you miss the bigger picture…

Whether you favor the orange man or the man from the orange state is irrelevant…these two sides need to find a way to come together and defeat the debauchery trying to takeover our society…

But all you people want to do, on both sides, is keep widening and deepening the divide…
Science Denier
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beanbean said:

Im Gipper said:

Always accuse your opponent of what you are doing.

WOW just WOW. The Desantis's are the grifters meanwhile Trump sells digital trading cards portraying himself as a superhero and Don Jr. sells patriotic bibles. Gene Simmons trying to make a buck off anything Kiss has nothing on the Trumps.

And pathetic pic of Casey Desantis compared to Eddie Munster. That stuff is all about trying to get a fist pump and a laugh from the lowest common denominator. This ain't going to get you the independent or housewife vote.
One is grifting off of taxpayers, lobbyists and special interest.
One is privately selling stuff.

I don't expect those on this particular thread to understand the difference, but there is a difference.

Showertime at the Bidens
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Agree. We should be focused in on the bigger issues.

One of these candidates is doing something about it and has cleaned up his state. The other candidate spends all his time attacking the first candidate - and has even said that it's a waste of time to focus on these issues you think are important.

DeSantis aligns more with your values, and it's not even close.
Science Denier
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FireAg said:

You're worried about someone who says something positive about one brash candidate when we live in a society trying to normalize pre-pubescent genital mutilation and sexual grooming of minors…

Again, the issue shouldn't be with this candidate or that…whether you favor Trump, DeSantis, or Scooby Doo…

We have such bigger problems than just a candidate…you're in the weeds arguing Trump v DeSantis…you miss the bigger picture…

Whether you favor the orange man or the man from the orange state is irrelevant…these two sides need to find a way to come together and defeat the debauchery trying to takeover our society…

But all you people want to do, on both sides, is keep widening and deepening the divide…
Attack the incumbent, the party leader because mean Tweets. I wonder if these are left plants.
Science Denier
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aggie93 said:

Trump doing Trump stuff. He literally had 2 nights of coverage a few days ago with his interview. Unfortunately he didn't do well so it is of course Fox's fault.

DC insiders hate Trump. He can't be bought.

They love them some DeSantis, as his political favors have been up for sale for quite some time, as pointed out by article after artcle after article.
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Aligning with values doesn't mean **** to me on the campaign trail…

It doesn't mean **** to me in the Oval Office unless you continue the fight you said you would…

R governors who have run seemingly good, conservative states have gone to Washington and been completely absorbed by the establishment…. W is a great example of this…

So I'm glad DeSantis has done good for Florida…but will he keep up the fight and stand his ****ing ground in the face of the lunatic left, even when they call him a bigot for having common sense morals?

We have no way to know…will he fight or will he compromise? We just don't know until it happens…

And THAT is why folks on the orange man side are skeptical of the orange state guy…they have no way to know…. Right or wrong, that's how they feel, and that's all that matters…

Trump will continue to stand his ground and be a dick to those I want to be a dick to…he is a dick to others too, without question, but he is at least a dick to those who think in a way that is catastrophic to our society…

If DeSantis wins, and I will support whomever the R candidate is at the end of the day, then he needs to buck the trend like Trump did and keep up the fight and keep the pressure on the lunatics on the other side…call a spade a spade and don't ****ing tiptoe around their feels…

Put down the debauchery…no matter what…
Definitely Not A Cop
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FireAg said:

Perhaps, but then those who favor DeSantis should be working harder to build bridges with those who prefer Trump, rather than call them names and label them as cultists...

Whether folks want to admit it or not, a very large portion of the R-base is still very much pro-Trump, and the more the Left tries to bury him with fake charges and crimes, the stronger their resolve seems to become...

Yet no one on the DeSantis side seems to want to reach out to those on the Trump side to find common ground...all they care to do is attack anyone who says anything positive about Trump...

Because trump makes up lies about DeSantis, and trump supporters here spread them.

It's hard to build bridges with people who believe that anyone who isn't Trump is a pedo because he said so. Or they do know, and are purposefully lying.

It's ironic though that the people here who claim that hating trump for mean tweets is irrational are so triggered by, wait for it, mean posts. Maybe Trump would follow your advice, he might have been able to actually win the past presidential election.

It's insane to me that people want higher standards for decency on a discussion board than they require for the leader of the United States.
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Tea Party said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Tea Party said:

aggie93 said:

Tea Party said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Tea Party said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

Tea Party said:

Old May Banker said:

Yes.... Trump has really proven his ability to "blow up" down ballot votes. lol
You miss the point. The vote is not FOR Trump or his abilities to do anyting really. It's a vote AGAINST the establishment.

The people voting AGAINST the establishment are the types that are willing to vote against the establishment incumbents down ballot.

The sheep in the general that vote for "whoever is the R" will gladly fall in line for the non-establishment types that make it out of the primary.

And to the poster above about my slightly to the right comment, had you read my entire post you would notice it was not in reference to DeSantis himself. He certainly is more conservative than most, however the down ballot R's are what would cripple him just like they crippled Trump. The overall effect is a slight pull to the right then the inevitable big pull left later if you keep playing the status quo game down ballot.

So here's my first question before I respond further to your argument.

Do you truly believe Trump can win the General? I don't mean win it by some miracle convergence of a half dozen factors, but win it outright.
Interesting that political discussion is shut down if it does not revolve around winning the next election....I won't bother bringing up the effects of voting for third party candidates down ballot and how that effects future donations and entrance in future debates.... Sorry if that came off crude. I'm cranky from our Q2 business cycle.

But regardless, yes I absolutely do believe that Trump can win the general. Do I think the chances are a certainty or even a strong favorability, absolutely not. But I feel the same way about DeSantis although I would venture he has a slight advantage to win the general for all the reasons I posted above. People like the status quo...

But on the flip side, if Trump loses and there are signs of large scale shenanigans like the last election (Russian dossier, ballot harvesting, pipe leaks, etc.), then maybe that will be enough to wake the sheeple up to start caring about how big and rogue our government has become. Again, this conversation stemmed from which candidate is best for the long-game.

Ok, my first counterargument...

IMO of course, Desantis isn't favored more than Trump to win the general because he's "status quo". That's simply you believing the Trump campaign pitch. Desantis is favored over Trump in the General because he's not crude and abrasive at every single turn. He's shown with his actions that he is attacking the far left progressive movement that every conservative and the majority of the "middle" are against. He doesn't just make campaign promises that he fails to follow through on and then blame others. If he were simply "status quo" he wouldn't have attracted all of the Democrats over to his side in the election. Go read articles on why they voted for him; they did so because he actually gets things done, things that most people on both sides agree with.

My second counterargument....

At this point, with the general feeling across the entire American population, Trump losing the general election, even to Biden, will not stir up feelings of a controversy. The only people who believe election shenanigans will be die hard trump supporters. The response by the rest of America will be "well yeah, duh of course trump lost, he's a very disagreeable and old candidate who's under indictment". It's not gonna wake anybody up to anything.

But a candidate like Desantis losing to Biden or even Newsome, after what happened in 2020, will absolutely cause many people to suddenly start questioning what does ANY Republican have to do to win an election against a Democrat? And why do Democrats keep winning office when every poll says the majority of Americans are against their policies?

Voting for Trump is cutting your nose off to spite your face. Its not going to change anything. Truly pay attention to what Desantis has done and his plans. Don't view them through the MAGA goggles. Go read some independent accounts, hell read some liberal leaning MSM articles about him.
These are all great points, but Trump voters are voting for something that Trump represents and not for the man himself.

And I did not mean DeSantis himself is the status quo. The political spectrum ends have shifted left over time and the pendulum swings harder to the left than it does to the right through it's cycles. DeSantis winning AND the establishment winning down ballot means we get the same slight shift right while the pendulum favors conservative ideology, but it will swing harder left next time like it always does.

The exact same thing happened to Trump in his first term under Ryan's SOTH tenure, so I am certainly not saying Trump is the cure for the status quo. I am saying that DeSantis is more than likely going to have the same issues so we should not pretend that he is capable of breaking the status quo of one step right now then two steps left later.

You do bring up a good point regarding if either candidate loses though and whether people would sheepishly wait until the next election or if they would say it's time to recognize leftism and conservatism is incompatible and cannot coexist under the same government. I think Trump wakes more people up but honestly you may have convinced me DeSantis losing would wake more people up.

But, I would enthusiastically vote for DeSantis over Trump in the primary if he made a stronger push to get rid of establishment types down ballot. He already is making a strong case for it with his recent three letter agency attacks, but maybe the rest is in the works since he is just now starting his presidential campaign. Then I would hope both the Trump and DeSantis supporters can unify around DeSantis.

Edit: I see you added another post which covers a lot of my concerns. I'm not against DeSantis and know he can advance the conservative agenda to the right. I'm just not confident that the voters at a national level will vote the establishment out thus his term may just be one step right before a bigger step left later, like history has shown. I will have to research his efforts at lower levels in Florida like you said. Maybe he already is doing things that I hoped for and I was naive.
If you want to understand who DeSantis is and don't want to look at what he has done as Governor then look at who is writing his plans and are his closest allies, Chip Roy and Thomas Massie. DeSantis FOUNDED the Freedom Caucus with guys like Jim Jordan. He voted AGAINST Ryan as Speaker long ago.

It's like saying Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are Establishment.
You will have to back up your assertion that I do not want to look at what DeSantis has done as Governor. That is an outright lie.....The same for implying what i am saying is like calling Paul and Cruz as establishment. Nothing that I have said would lead any person to believe that that is what i was implying unless either I relayed my message poorly or the reader was not processing it properly.

Again, I am not against DeSantis or any conservative that advocates conservative ideology as I have said countless times.... There are more within the GOP that do not fit that bill than there are that do fit it, which I know is something most here would not agree with but are starting to realize.

I simply said that when the pendulum swings to the right it does not swing hard and that is because of down ballot votes hindering the conservative voices like the Cruz, Paul, Roy, or even Trump in 2016 though he is not conservative. Having a few key people that advocate for the right things is great, but at this point in time with the government as bloated and corrupt as it is, it's like putting flex seal on a sinking ship. It's maintaining the status quo.

We both want a conservative America. You just think that DeSantis can make that happen. I don't think anyone can make that happen outside of a massive awakening of the sheeple. I hope DeSantis can awaken the sheep and there is still time for him to do it, but until then Trump is the unfortunate placeholder for the establishment protest vote though his actions recently are hurting the silver platter the D's are handing him.

So focus your energy on the down ballot races.

Focusing all your energy on and voting for a lame-duck candidate like Trump at the top of the ticket as your way to protest against the establishment but then just complaining about the results of the down ballot vote doesn't make sense to me.

Vote for someone at the top of the ballot who has already shown by his actions as governor that he's not only against the current establishment but more importantly he's ruthless, cunning, and non-stop in either getting it to fall in line behind him or getting it out of the way.

Trump never once during his four years in office showed the type of coordinated and intelligent planning that Desantis has shown in his time as governor. I'm sure someone will respond with the standard line of "he couldn't because he was sabotaged!"....yes, by the people he hired because he did a piss poor job of building his team! That's the point!

aggie93 brought up a very good point, the key point in my opinion. A general election with Trump as the R candidate makes the race all about Trump's personalities and foibles. The D's are salivating over that prospect. But a race with Desantis as the candidate makes the race about the actual issues, and the D's know in their hearts they can't win that race.

We complain on this forum every day all day long about what the liberals are doing to this other words THE ISSUES....yet some of you want to distract the voters from those issues during the election by making the election about the Republican candidate's personality - a self-promoting, philandering, easily detestable octogenarian!
I do focus my energy on the down ballot races, however this thread is about why people vote for DeSantis or Trump. I wish more people would focus on the down ballot races but unfortunately the top of the ticket is what gets the most of the attention,

And you and LMcane miss the entire point of what I've been saying. Most people are not voting FOR Trump the person, they are voting against the establishment. Trump the person is just a placeholder that DeSantis can easily take over between now and the primary vote. At this point in time DeSantis has not been public enough going against the establishment to pull the people away from Trump, but given his recent trends now that his campaign has started, I would assume it would happen before the primary starts thus making this thread moot.

Your assumption that people care about Trump making the election about his personality or people wanting Trump types is completely wrong. Trump the person is a buffoon and most Trump supporters would agree with that. However, the system is corrupt and at this point Trump represents the need to drastically fix it rather than work within it. We don't care for who Trump advocates for. We care for who advocates for drastically fixing the system. Trump is not going to fix it, but him getting elected and doing absolutely nothing still rufles the right feathers and sends the message that the people are done tolerating the corrupt gov and the gov should retreat from it's tyrannical trend.

DeSantis represents the strong ability to work within the system and only a slight need to drastically fix it, but he is gaining ground with his recent remarks about three letter agencies.

No, I get what your stance against the establishment by voting for Trump. Like I said before, that's what I did in 2016.

I just believe that in 2024 a vote for Trump is a wasted vote. What do I mean by that?

Well, to me Trump has shown by his actions since 2020 that he's only interested in himself and not what's best for this country. He sells a good line of "By me doing what's best for me I'm really standing up for you, the common man." But that's just a snake-oil salesman selling his wares. Sadly some people believe him though. But in my opinion a vote for Trump is no longer sticking your thumb in the establishment's eye. It's simply supporting a grifting egomaniac on a self-promotion tour. It sends absolutely zero messages to the D.C. establishment.

And if we want to send a message to the D.C. establishment we now have 1000x better option in Desantis.

Trump can't win the general, IMO. So a vote for Trump in the primary is basically deciding to "take your ball and go home". Or you can stay in the game, rally behind a true team leader, and win the game. Its your call, I respect why you're voting for Trump at this point. At least its a more valid reason than others who are stuck in denial and simply jump on here to troll with "proven warrior" taglines.

No Spin Ag
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FireAg said:

Aligning with values doesn't mean **** to me on the campaign trail…

It doesn't mean **** to me in the Oval Office unless you continue the fight you said you would…

R governors who have run seemingly good, conservative states have gone to Washington and been completely absorbed by the establishment…. W is a great example of this…

So I'm glad DeSantis has done good for Florida…but will he keep up the fight and stand his ****ing ground in the face of the lunatic left, even when they call him a bigot for having common sense morals?

We have no way to know…will he fight or will he compromise? We just don't know until it happens…

And THAT is why folks on the orange man side are skeptical of the orange state guy…they have no way to know…. Right or wrong, that's how they feel, and that's all that matters…

Trump will continue to stand his ground and be a dick to those I want to be a dick to…he is a dick to others too, without question, but he is at least a dick to those who think in a way that is catastrophic to our society…

If DeSantis wins, and I will support whomever the R candidate is at the end of the day, then he needs to buck the trend like Trump did and keep up the fight and keep the pressure on the lunatics on the other side…call a spade a spade and don't ****ing tiptoe around their feels…

Put down the debauchery…no matter what…

Trump did all those things and failed to get re-elected because he was the dick that his maga cream themselves to support.

Now imagine if he wasn't a dick. He would be in his second term right now not having indictment after indictment coming his way, plus getting more of what he wanted done politically.

But yes, him being a dick is what his maga loves. Being a dick is also what's going to put his maga back in the shadows again if he loses to Biden, again. And I don't see them ever coming out again because no future politician will ever act like that again known it'll only lead to disaster and failure.

There's a reason DeSantis speaks Trump/maga, yet doesn't act like a petulant child.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
Science Denier
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R governors who have run seemingly good, conservative states have gone to Washington and been completely absorbed by the establishment…. W is a great example of this…
1. The "consultants" are the insiders and "conslt" new politicians on how to stay in power. Build a war-chest so nobody can defeat you in the future.
2. They also want you to "know" that the media is their friend. Pick your battles carefully. This means they are often told to "back off" of certain legislation.
3. If someone gets out of hand, they come in with threats. There will be an investigation "started" or some BS brought up. This is rare, as the power they are given is enough to sway them.
4. Republicans have been "consulted" such that they stay in office by being the minority party.

This is why severe change never happens. Yea, you get a win here and there, but overall, the establishment gets their way. Every time. Even when the right is "allowed" to control certain aspects. Yea, they pass a tax cut bill, but only for 10 years. Obamacare? LOL. Border protection? Not ever.

Trump changed that
1. Showed he could have success fighting back against the media instead of caving
2. Showed he can get elected without selling political favors.
3. Showed resilency against the criminal and civil attacks.

Trump set these clowns back decades. Hope he gets another term fo **** them over again.
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FireAg said:

How can you be friends with people who support a party interested in child grooming and adolescent genital mutilation?

Stop being friends with people who agree with those things…get better friends…get human friends…

I claim no one as a friend who supports a party that believes in such debauchery…
My main friend is an Aggie I went to school with who is a college Prof now. We mainly have PM discussions over politics as he gets all of his news from the NYT, PBS, or MSNBC. Calling him a "friend" is kind of relative. We used to be closer friends but now we just have political chats and often just agree to disagree.

I have many other friends who are liberals but we just don't talk politics openly as it would ruin our friendship. Most of my friends are conservative, especially close friends.

FWIW most liberals are simply in denial about the grooming stuff. They think it is overblown and a distraction. They get uncomfortable defending it and change the subject. Kind of like abortion. Bring up abortion and they will say Republicans want to ban birth control or something. If abortion comes up they act like it is always Rape. This is why someone like DeSantis is so dangerous to them btw because he knows how to articulate issues and force them to defend positions. That's how you win with conservative arguments. Trump allows for them to focus on the personality instead and ignore the issues because their guy seems so much more reasonable.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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I get what you are saying about Trump being a stand-in for the "anti-establishment" vote, but it's entirely an emotional vote. It is the teenage boy punching the wall because of what his BSC girlfriend is doing to him.

Except it is NOT the "anti-establishment" vote that will do anything good. It might be a reaction to the insanity of the left, but it is not the opposite of insanity, it is just the same level of insanity against the left (not of the right, just anti-people-on-the-left). There is a huge difference.

We are still letting the left choose our candidate for us. We are still letting them frame the debate. We need to confront insanity with sanity, not with the opposite force of crazy. If we really do stand for something, we need to stick to that, otherwise we are capitulating to what they want. We DO NOT want a battle of reckless emotional non-rationalism. The left will win that battle every time.

Trump will not be around in 2028 politically, one way or the other. What will he have given us? We can say we need to burn the system to the ground.... great! Even IF he were to do that (and he has given us 0 evidence that he is capable, or that he even wants to do so), what are we going to replace it with? Trump's version of the system??? People need to think past their emotions here. Trump is culturally part of the problem. He is a leader that you support with your feelings, not with your brain, and THAT is what has gotten us to the situation we are now trying to rebel against.

So I reject that he is the "anti-establishment" candidate. He is just the mirror of the left.
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FireAg said:

You're worried about someone who says something positive about one brash candidate when we live in a society trying to normalize pre-pubescent genital mutilation and sexual grooming of minors…

Again, the issue shouldn't be with this candidate or that…whether you favor Trump, DeSantis, or Scooby Doo…

We have such bigger problems than just a candidate…you're in the weeds arguing Trump v DeSantis…you miss the bigger picture…

Whether you favor the orange man or the man from the orange state is irrelevant…these two sides need to find a way to come together and defeat the debauchery trying to takeover our society…

But all you people want to do, on both sides, is keep widening and deepening the divide…
If that is your main issue I don't know how you can think that the man who literally allowed Trans "women" to compete for Miss Universe a decade ago is the one who will lead that fight over DeSantis who has banned anything related to gender affirming care in Florida.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Trump doing Trump stuff. He literally had 2 nights of coverage a few days ago with his interview. Unfortunately he didn't do well so it is of course Fox's fault.

DC insiders hate Trump. He can't be bought.

They love them some DeSantis, as his political favors have been up for sale for quite some time, as pointed out by article after artcle after article.
Disney is getting a crappy return on their investment then.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Trump doing Trump stuff. He literally had 2 nights of coverage a few days ago with his interview. Unfortunately he didn't do well so it is of course Fox's fault.

DC insiders hate Trump. He can't be bought.

They love them some DeSantis, as his political favors have been up for sale for quite some time, as pointed out by article after artcle after article.
And here is a perfect example of what gets called Cult45.

Repeats the same lies over and over again from Trump about DeSantis.

When presented with facts that refutes the lies, simply doubles down.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
Showertime at the Bidens
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SD Isn't really a Trump supporter. Whoever they are is just a troll to rile up republican voters.

Science Denier
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aggie93 said:

Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Trump doing Trump stuff. He literally had 2 nights of coverage a few days ago with his interview. Unfortunately he didn't do well so it is of course Fox's fault.

DC insiders hate Trump. He can't be bought.

They love them some DeSantis, as his political favors have been up for sale for quite some time, as pointed out by article after artcle after article.
Disney is getting a crappy return on their investment then.
But Universal is making huge bank.
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They love them some DeSantis, as his political favors have been up for sale for quite some time, as pointed out by article after artcle after article.
Reality Denier would be more approriate name for ya
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
Science Denier
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Repeats the same lies over and over again from Trump about DeSantis.
Nothing I've posted was ever said by Trump.
I've posted actual articles from actual sources.
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Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Trump doing Trump stuff. He literally had 2 nights of coverage a few days ago with his interview. Unfortunately he didn't do well so it is of course Fox's fault.

DC insiders hate Trump. He can't be bought.

They love them some DeSantis, as his political favors have been up for sale for quite some time, as pointed out by article after artcle after article.
Disney is getting a crappy return on their investment then.
But Universal is making huge bank.
Because they actually are putting out good product/experience.
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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Sorry for the derail but are you doing a thread for today's SCOTUS rulings?
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Science Denier said:


Repeats the same lies over and over again from Trump about DeSantis.
Nothing I've posted was ever said by Trump.
I've posted actual articles from actual sources MSM sources I call propaganda when they do Trump hit pieces .
J. Walter Weatherman
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Science Denier said:


Repeats the same lies over and over again from Trump about DeSantis.
Nothing I've posted was ever said by Trump.
I've posted actual articles from actual sources.

That are immediately debunked by multiple posters and then you just ignore them, take a few days off and come back to crylaugh troll bomb your way for a few more hours with blatant lies, just like your Dear Leader.
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aggiehawg said:

Sorry for the derail but are you doing a thread for today's SCOTUS rulings?
Supreme Court Decisions for Tuesday, June 27th | TexAgs

Got stuck away from the computer so I didn't get it posted until after they were done.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
No Spin Ag
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akm91 said:

Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Science Denier said:

aggie93 said:

Trump doing Trump stuff. He literally had 2 nights of coverage a few days ago with his interview. Unfortunately he didn't do well so it is of course Fox's fault.

DC insiders hate Trump. He can't be bought.

They love them some DeSantis, as his political favors have been up for sale for quite some time, as pointed out by article after artcle after article.
Disney is getting a crappy return on their investment then.
But Universal is making huge bank.
Because they actually are putting out good product/experience.

I'm sure Universal never in their lives thought they would see the party that has the "Harry Potter" is from the devil folks now want to give them their money.

I guess witches and the devil trump the LGBTQXYZ.

Strange days indeed.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
Science Denier
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

Science Denier said:


Repeats the same lies over and over again from Trump about DeSantis.
Nothing I've posted was ever said by Trump.
I've posted actual articles from actual sources.

That are immediately debunked by multiple posters and then you just ignore them, take a few days off and come back to crylaugh troll bomb your way for a few more hours with blatant lies, just like your Dear Leader.
Immediately debunked? LOL

Screaming REEEE BIASED on an article with actual facts is not debunking.
Screaming REEEE LIES is not debunking when actual facts stand in your way.
Old May Banker
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Similar to Trump, I notice all the articles you don't agree with are "fake news" while the MSM that says glowing things about him are somehow "accurate".... no surprise that your troll efforts don't recognize the double standard.
Definitely Not A Cop
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"DeSantis is part of the establishment! REE! Just look at these articles written by the establishment that say so."

Science Denier
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Old May Banker said:

Similar to Trump, I notice all the articles you don't agree with are "fake news" while the MSM that says glowing things about him are somehow "accurate".... no surprise that your troll efforts don't recognize the double standard.
Example of articles I say are fake news?
1. Articles that say the election wasn't stolen? - It was.
2. Articles saying Jan 6 was an armed insurrection? - It wasn't

Others? Please provide examples of these.

I define fake news = proven untrue by facts. News I don't agree with but use documented facts is not fake news.
Old May Banker
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See the post directly above yours... he said it perfectly.
Science Denier
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Old May Banker said:

See the post directly above yours... he said it perfectly.
Uh, except I never quoted articles about DeSantis being part of the establishment.

I posted articles about DeSantis taking money from many lobbyists that got very favorable legislation approved for their special interests in Florida.

I also concluded that having a history of being able to be bought is why establishment likes him, and why so many ultra-rich are backing him over Trump, who has actually proven he can be bought.

To further that point, I've not been able to read a single article that says DeSantis is indeed an insider, much less post one. Just that he grifts like one.

So, no. I've not posted any articles from the establishment that says DeSantis is an insider. Therefore, the quote you reference is factually not accurate.
Definitely Not A Cop
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"DeSantis is part of the establishment! REE! Just look at these articles written by the establishment that don't prove it, but I'm still saying so."
The Banned
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aggie93 said:

FireAg said:

You're worried about someone who says something positive about one brash candidate when we live in a society trying to normalize pre-pubescent genital mutilation and sexual grooming of minors…

Again, the issue shouldn't be with this candidate or that…whether you favor Trump, DeSantis, or Scooby Doo…

We have such bigger problems than just a candidate…you're in the weeds arguing Trump v DeSantis…you miss the bigger picture…

Whether you favor the orange man or the man from the orange state is irrelevant…these two sides need to find a way to come together and defeat the debauchery trying to takeover our society…

But all you people want to do, on both sides, is keep widening and deepening the divide…
If that is your main issue I don't know how you can think that the man who literally allowed Trans "women" to compete for Miss Universe a decade ago is the one who will lead that fight over DeSantis who has banned anything related to gender affirming care in Florida.

To Fire's point, I hope all leaning towards Trump read this and understand why people that have voted from Trump multiple times can be so passionately in favor of a different candidate
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