Admiral Adama said:
Bob Lee said:
Admiral Adama said:
Keller6Ag91 said:
Admiral Adama said:
The gay issue has bifurcated into camp normal and crazy. Being gay and acting on it through a relationship is neither unnatural nor immoral. And since this is a forum populated by adults, I think we can acknowledge that sex exists in said relationships. I see no reason not to show gay relationships on TV in the % it exists in the population in age appropriate ways. Two male Dinos living together in an implied or commented on relationship is fine. Daddy, why are two men living together? Some, but not many, boys marry boys and girls marry girls. Some people were born like that and marry people they like. Gay question answered for little kids. Simply being gay on a kids TV show isn't anything to clutch pearls about.
Then we exit to crazy town of gender identity, make Dino's hatching eggs, etc. this is in fact contrary to normal behavior, is not scientific, nor age appropriate. Or the other crazy town where every character is the UN of woke intersectionality in ways that don't mirror the real world of peoples lived experience. A
A man putting his phallus inside another man's rectum is not natural sex, any more than a horse having sex with a women.
Sure, we've rationalized it away as "love is love", but it doesn't make it any more "natural".
A dog is not a cat. Thanks for the anatomy lessons and classifying which sexual acts are "natural" and "unnatural". Does this apply to heterosexual couples who engage in "other" acts too? Who cares how people express their love intimately with each other. I don't care what you do in your bedroom or what TXAGFAN does with his.
Love is love isn't a rationalization. It's common sense and it frustrates me that people have religious hang ups why they can't let this one go.
Unnatural sex is unnatural and therefore immoral whether it's between 2 members of the same sex or not. Disordered love isn't love.
Eta: I don't care what 2 people do in their bedroom per se. I care about the banality of things I consider to be moral evils in a society I'm trying to raise my children in.
Pretty interesting leap to "and therefore immoral." Immoral because reasons. Two committed people doing things grown ups in relationships do is not immoral.
And frankly this is all bizarre to me. When I hang out with my friends who are almost all straight, or see them on TV, the thought never occurs to me "those people are engaging in sex." It's obviously implied but it's actually not some thing that I really think about. Yet when it comes to gay people, the first thing that several posters jump to is what happens behind their closed doors. It's just truly bizarre to me.
Curious to know where you get your ideas about morality. It seems like you're saying as long as it's not porn, it's not immoral.
The implication is that same sex relationships are the same as a marriages in every respect. Even their ability to have children. It's harmful because there's no truth in it. They're trying to shatter children's conception about what a healthy and virtuous family is. Especially this sort of thing, but also how pervasive single parent households are. Or if there's a straight married couple, the dad is an imbecile or something. It's all meant to subvert people's ideas of what a family should be. A married couple who are good models of masculinity and femininity raising children is almost impossible to find if you don't know where to look. If you were an alien, and all you knew is what's on TV, you'd have no idea there are families that eat together, pray as a family or at all, and go to church on Sundays. It's hard for me to believe that it's not purposeful. And nefarious.