This is what they don't realize. They don't realize how many people are getting absolutely fed up and losing any sympathy they ever had for the "plight" of the "downtrodden" gays.Capitol Ag said:My issue isn't about acceptance or "normalization". But don't you agree that Disney should leave this stuff out of shows meant for small children. It's totally forced and produced for the wrong reasons. It's more about some on one side literally trying to "get back at" those on another side of an issue and not about actually doing something for the homosexual community. There is no need, and never was, to even hint at this stuff in children's programming and media designed for them. Add a gay character to an adult show. I'm fine with it. I liked the 3rd episode of HBO's The last of Us. It was well done. But so much of this does gays a huge disservice b/c it is more about some individuals cramming this stuff in the face of the people they consider "homophobic". It's childish and dumb. It's a solution looking for a problem. They need to stop as this type of stuff as it eventually will backfire when they go too far like Anheuser-Busch did with the transvestite on Budlight cans. Know your customer and don't pander to a group that won't pay your bills.TXAGFAN said:Well, yeah. We made all this progress because we were normalized. Sorta hard to be a bigot when your gay brother is sitting across the table from you at Christmas dinner. We quit dying from HIV/AIDS, more people started coming out, etc. Pretty big shift from 80s/90s. It's a good thing. Hopefully you don't have any young people in your life who find themselves in my situation, doesn't sound like you'd be too supportive which often has grave impacts.Keller6Ag91 said:RIDICULOUS. It's was never about just's about normalization. And when you're normalizing kids, it's then call indoctrination.TheEternalPessimist said:
The show Dino Ranch features an episode where the children observe two MALE tyrannosauruses who are pretending to incubate rocks that are actually eggs. The two male dinosaurs are obviously "mates" and the allusion to the normalization of a family unit of two same-sex mates could not be more clear. The children work to provide them "eggs of their own".... which is an allusion to "gay" adoption as normative and acceptable.
Disney must be crushed for this kind of indoctrination of children. This is outrageous and this is the kind of thing that true conservatives should be bold in opposing. No more quarter for the promotion of sexual deviancy for children at all.