Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
The fact she was a registered Republican shows what a fraud she is...likely just did that to ingratiate herself to the execs at AB. Who knows, maybe she registered herself as an R to vote for unpopular candidates in primaries.Central Committee said:
It has to be a challenging to properly word this in the resume:
Cost my firm several billion dollars in lost sales to earn DEI and ESG points and impress my leftist friends.
jrdaustin said:
Very aptly put:. "A middle finger to her political enemies".
I think that is precisely why this action has resulted in such a visceral response. It was never about marketing or development of the brand. It was a "screw-you" statement to the target market.
I actually said her perception was purely from her time at Frat parties. BTW notice she is drinking a Rolling Rock. Thus she went to nice Frat parties where they could afford better beer. If she ever drank Bud Light it was probably at a Frat Party where they didn't have decent beer and she turned her nose up at it.LMCane said:
first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)
that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
One of my favorite conspiracy theories is that the New Coke flop was intentional. Change the formula drastically, make it nasty, then by "popular demand" bring back the "old" formula, but this time with HFCS instead of sugar. Save millions and no one remembered the difference.Lake08 said:
What's sad is if she gets fired multiple attorneys would take her case against BL and probably win
BTW, one could argue the new coke issue was a success, because it made the original more iconic
aggie93 said:I actually said her perception was purely from her time at Frat parties. BTW notice she is drinking a Rolling Rock. Thus she went to nice Frat parties where they could afford better beer. If she ever drank Bud Light it was probably at a Frat Party where they didn't have decent beer and she turned her nose up at it.LMCane said:
first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)
that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
The key is she is talking about it being Fratty beer because that is her only exposure to people drinking Bud Light or even her perception of it (since it looks like she drank better beer) and that's a fraction of who drinks Bud Light. Those guys grow out of it. It's the working class guy that drinks Bud Light for 50 years that is their real customer base not the guy who drinks some cheap beer while in school.
Rolling Rock isn't great but it's a step up from Bud Light.rgag12 said:aggie93 said:I actually said her perception was purely from her time at Frat parties. BTW notice she is drinking a Rolling Rock. Thus she went to nice Frat parties where they could afford better beer. If she ever drank Bud Light it was probably at a Frat Party where they didn't have decent beer and she turned her nose up at it.LMCane said:
first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)
that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
The key is she is talking about it being Fratty beer because that is her only exposure to people drinking Bud Light or even her perception of it (since it looks like she drank better beer) and that's a fraction of who drinks Bud Light. Those guys grow out of it. It's the working class guy that drinks Bud Light for 50 years that is their real customer base not the guy who drinks some cheap beer while in school.
Does not compute
Cromagnum said:
They always look exactly like you would think.
I only dated girls who put their mouth around the whole mouth of the bottle, not just the tip.LMCane said:
first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)
that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
Is that her artwork on the wall behind her?Cromagnum said:
They always look exactly like you would think.
Nah...SeMgCo87 said:Is that her artwork on the wall behind her?Cromagnum said:
They always look exactly like you would think.
An elite like her couldn't be married...had to be surrogate mother(s)...
Plus, probably has a nanny, too; or perhaps ****** housemaid...named Karl/Karen.