SIAP: DC Drano's take on Bud Light VP Alissa Heinerscheid

6,474 Views | 67 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Ag with kids
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
TefIon Don
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Still waiting for this leftist hag to retire….or hopefully get fired.
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Very aptly put:. "A middle finger to her political enemies".

I think that is precisely why this action has resulted in such a visceral response. It was never about marketing or development of the brand. It was a "screw-you" statement to the target market.
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Very sad another DEI hire that is not suited for their job.. We have all seen it many times.
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The most staggering thing to me about her is how you can have someone in charge of marketing who doesn't understand her product at all. She comes across as someone who only saw Bud Light at Frat Parties (she certainly didn't drink it herself) and so she thought that is who drinks it. The reality is the Frat guys just buy what's cheap and then they graduate and start buying better beer. Bud Light's real market is working class males who just want a decent priced beer they can drink with their buddies after work or on the weekends watching the ballgame. She has no concept of those folks outside of watching a movie.

Thus what was she trying to do? Make Bud Light into something HER friends would like. She thought in terms of trying to get rich women or woke men to drink Bud Light. Might as well try to get working class guys to drink wine coolers.

The hope though is that companies learn like this as if it were "New Coke" in terms of tales of marketing mistakes and what not to do.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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That is a the truth, and a well earned beatdown.

She hasn't earned the grace of resigning. She should be fired immediately.
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That woman is the poster child for progressive, white women with Ivy League degrees.

She is surrounded by nothing but groupthink and believes everything she does is a righteous endeavor to push forward the Church of The Woke. She has ZERO clue about ANYTHING beyond her tiny feedback loop.

She lives in a delusion.
Central Committee
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It has to be a challenging to properly word this in the resume:

Cost my firm several billion dollars in lost sales to earn DEI and ESG points and impress my leftist friends.
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Mental health issues are real
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I think it is simpler.

She didn't feel like her job added value to society. She also didn't feel any ownership or responsibility in the outcome of the company. So she did what she thought added value at least in the perception of her peers.

Women have a much lower tolerance for not adding value then men. This outcome is only surprising in its infrequency.
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Central Committee said:

It has to be a challenging to properly word this in the resume:

Cost my firm several billion dollars in lost sales to earn DEI and ESG points and impress my leftist friends.
The fact she was a registered Republican shows what a fraud she is...likely just did that to ingratiate herself to the execs at AB. Who knows, maybe she registered herself as an R to vote for unpopular candidates in primaries.

Regardless, calling her a RINO is an insult to RINO's about a low bar.
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what's amazing is that this woman is responsible for a $5bil loss in market cap by a single decision she made and if she quits BL (she's not getting fired) she can name her job and price with any woke led company in the world. This kind of stuff wins you points in woke boardrooms
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What's sad is if she gets fired multiple attorneys would take her case against BL and probably win

BTW, one could argue the new coke issue was a success, because it made the original more iconic
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first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)

that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
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jrdaustin said:

Very aptly put:. "A middle finger to her political enemies".

I think that is precisely why this action has resulted in such a visceral response. It was never about marketing or development of the brand. It was a "screw-you" statement to the target market.

Yup. And these intelligent, mentally sick, who are misguided by jealousy of the happiness of Americans want to destroy America because it makes them feel better about their own shortcomings in one or more area. Maybe they are ugly, fat, non athletic, just plain obnoxious to be around, but the last few years we have allowed them to be heard and adopt what they are selling instead of telling them to get a life, get with a program.
I've seen them destroy a once proud Rice athletic program and see them trying to destroy the traditions of Texas A&M because of their "feels". Time to bow up America, they are doing it to you.
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Dude looks sad as hell!!
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I had the opposite take here after seeing her photos, her and her friends look like a bunch of nerds. She looks like the typical NE dweeb who only read about southern and western frat parties online. Of course my view is tinted by what real down south frat and binge drinking looks like.
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He puts it all on her. She's the VP. Not the P, the VP. They could have told her to stop.

And the fact she isn't the former VP tells you all you need to know.
"Freedom is never more than one election away from extinction"
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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This highlights a broader problem corporate America should wisen up on. Many of these lefties in marketing, HR, etc aren't interested in helping your business at all. They are political activist convinced they are serving the greater good at the expense of destroying your company.
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LMCane said:

first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)

that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
I actually said her perception was purely from her time at Frat parties. BTW notice she is drinking a Rolling Rock. Thus she went to nice Frat parties where they could afford better beer. If she ever drank Bud Light it was probably at a Frat Party where they didn't have decent beer and she turned her nose up at it.

The key is she is talking about it being Fratty beer because that is her only exposure to people drinking Bud Light or even her perception of it (since it looks like she drank better beer) and that's a fraction of who drinks Bud Light. Those guys grow out of it. It's the working class guy that drinks Bud Light for 50 years that is their real customer base not the guy who drinks some cheap beer while in school.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Lake08 said:

What's sad is if she gets fired multiple attorneys would take her case against BL and probably win

BTW, one could argue the new coke issue was a success, because it made the original more iconic
One of my favorite conspiracy theories is that the New Coke flop was intentional. Change the formula drastically, make it nasty, then by "popular demand" bring back the "old" formula, but this time with HFCS instead of sugar. Save millions and no one remembered the difference.
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They always look exactly like you would think.
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aggie93 said:

LMCane said:

first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)

that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
I actually said her perception was purely from her time at Frat parties. BTW notice she is drinking a Rolling Rock. Thus she went to nice Frat parties where they could afford better beer. If she ever drank Bud Light it was probably at a Frat Party where they didn't have decent beer and she turned her nose up at it.

The key is she is talking about it being Fratty beer because that is her only exposure to people drinking Bud Light or even her perception of it (since it looks like she drank better beer) and that's a fraction of who drinks Bud Light. Those guys grow out of it. It's the working class guy that drinks Bud Light for 50 years that is their real customer base not the guy who drinks some cheap beer while in school.

Does not compute
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rgag12 said:

aggie93 said:

LMCane said:

first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)

that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
I actually said her perception was purely from her time at Frat parties. BTW notice she is drinking a Rolling Rock. Thus she went to nice Frat parties where they could afford better beer. If she ever drank Bud Light it was probably at a Frat Party where they didn't have decent beer and she turned her nose up at it.

The key is she is talking about it being Fratty beer because that is her only exposure to people drinking Bud Light or even her perception of it (since it looks like she drank better beer) and that's a fraction of who drinks Bud Light. Those guys grow out of it. It's the working class guy that drinks Bud Light for 50 years that is their real customer base not the guy who drinks some cheap beer while in school.

Does not compute
Rolling Rock isn't great but it's a step up from Bud Light.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Cromagnum said:

They always look exactly like you would think.

fka ftc
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LMCane said:

first time I have ever disagreed with brother Ag93 (coincidentally I was class of 93 undergrad as well)

that's the idiot drinking in college. several other pics of her boozing it up with friends. she knows what Frat life is all about - she just wants to abolish it now that she benefited from it.
I only dated girls who put their mouth around the whole mouth of the bottle, not just the tip.

Follow fka ftc for more collegiate dating advice...
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I thing she's just one of the woke religious converts that adopted their religion at Harvard and set about infiltrating an institution that had not yet been converted to the faith thoroughly. The institution was happy to have her aboard as she was credentialed and connected and gave them greater social credit amongst peers and business partners playing the new virtue signaling ESG competitive game.

She brought what she had been taught: marketing and advertising heavily infused with politically correct virtue signaling concepts inculcated by the identity politics religion she received during her education, and likely applied what she believed to be true and virtuous. Of course, these intersectionalist critical theories are biased and closed minded and myopic ideological perspective that follow an religious like rigid set of ideological beliefs that are rendered unfalsifiable by integrating various logical fallacies, so when applied in the real world outside the theoretical and idealistic environment of the academic hypothetical, they can and do fail catastrophically.

She likely believes she was doing the correct and virtuous thing. She was advancing the faith and doing what she believed inherently must be successful because her peers and the religious priesthood had told her it was the right thing to do. The crazy thing is she somehow must have conjured up research and data indicating this would be successful when she sold the concept to top executives who would I assume be approving major marketing moves on the flagship product. In fact, likely many people had concerns about this move, but none would dare to challenge the ideology openly. That would be a dangerous risk, as a mob of true believers and those fearful of their power might descend upon you if they perceived an opportunity to punish an heretic or apostate publicly.

She operated in this environment, naive to the real world around her that was filtered out by layer upon layer of her ideological belief system in people and institutions ariund her. Embedded within that, she doesn't even need yo be a radical believer. Just a casual deference to the ideology is enough when everyone surrounding her is also deferential to it, willingly or fearfully. That is its power. No individuals dare question it, as they fear the mob may turn upon them.
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Cromagnum said:

They always look exactly like you would think.

Is that her artwork on the wall behind her?

An elite like her couldn't be married...had to be surrogate mother(s)...

Plus, probably has a nanny, too; or perhaps ****** housemaid...named Karl/Karen.
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How do you get that job without knowing anything about who actually buys your product?
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These people aren't all blue haired radical extremists.

That is the issue. This unearned virtue signaling ideology takes in plenty of less radical people that simply find themselves socially immersed in it, and it is convenient or advantageous to buy in and play that game for hierarchical status and also emotionally gratifying and provides a sense of righteous purpose like a religion. It IS a religion. You have zealots, and casual believers who go through the required rites to the satisfaction of the zealots and peers.

There are MiLLIONS of suburban females who have adopted this east to take on self gratifying religion. It gives them a sense of virtue and purpose that they need either on top of or in place of other religious beliefs. It doesn't ask much except that you virtue signal in concordance with it. It also tells you most of your faults and problems can be blamed on someone else.
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Yes sir!

These folks are useless idiots, offspring of parents and grandparents who were so happy their kid was intelligent to some degree, not a dope head or jock type like in the 60s. Combine this with the dumbing down of high school curriculum, colleges adding useless liberal arts degrees, college loans that made such at US News World report "elite colleges" attainable to kids of mid managers and Govt bureaucrats and you have hyper inflated self worth of an other wise normal kid. They then morph their misguided inflated intelligence into impudence.
…… and they still can't poor piss out of a boot.
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with all due respect those who are seeing pictures of a girl drinking a rolling rock in a bar and equivocating it to "frat life" are doing the exact same thing as this gal. You're projecting behavior based on pre conceived notions and confirmation bias

Newsflash, lots of people go to bars in college and drink.
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Very defensive fratty behavior like I'd expect from a frat guy.
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Y'all must have been rich if you had bud light at college parties, that was fancy boy beer. Keystone light was all we needed, and you could get 30 of them for $8-9
Ag with kids
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SeMgCo87 said:

Cromagnum said:

They always look exactly like you would think.

Is that her artwork on the wall behind her?

An elite like her couldn't be married...had to be surrogate mother(s)...

Plus, probably has a nanny, too; or perhaps ****** housemaid...named Karl/Karen.

She hit up a Hunter Biden event and spent her entire 6 figure 2021 bonus on them!!!

For her 2022 bonus, she's getting a 1 month subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club. I think the flavor that month is Head Cheese...
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