This is how you play offense and win. When your opponent is down you keep going without hesitation. Can we finally stop with the "DeSantis isn't a fighter" nonsense? He is freaking unmerciful.
GOP Committee to "Pick off" 5 Remaining Blue Counties office by office
"Governor DeSantis set the bar high winning 62 of 67 counties in Florida but our job is not done until we win the other five counties are red and there are no Democrats in office or considering running for office in the State of Florida," Ziegler said.
"To accomplish that, I have launched the FloridaGOP Blue County Strategy Committee, which will be laser focused on holding every Democrat in office accountable and picking off Democrat-held seats at every level of government local, state and federal," Ziegler explained.
"We are known as the free state of Florida, and our battleground cities, when we have flipped them successfully, and when we have examples of conservatively-led cities, our cities will be the example to the mismanaged Democrat cities throughout the country, in the same way that Florida is an example to other states," Black continued.
Members from "battleground counties," defined as counties which Gov. Ron DeSantis won by less than 60% (such as Duval, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pinellas, Seminole and St. Lucie) are strongly encouraged to join the committee to "help advise on how to best battle in and win in a blue county," according to Ziegler.
GOP Committee to "Pick off" 5 Remaining Blue Counties office by office
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan