texagbeliever said:
YouBet said:
Texas and Florida are not the same. Most seem to think we are so similar that Abbott can just wave a wand and be like Desantis.
Texas is ~40% larger than Florida. Floridas largest city (Jacksonville) would be our fifth largest city. Desantis doesn't have large blue cities with entrenched Democrats in overwhelming numbers.
Abbott has way different math and headwinds that Desantis doesn't have.
Y'all need to accept the fact that Texas's largest cities are lost forever. There are simply too many Democrats here. And most of them aren't native Texans.
Florida is what 10 years or so from going blue in national and governor races. Yet it is Texas that isn't red enough to get a real republican. It is a problem of who controls the republican primary process in Texas. Whoever the powers are, they aren't conservatives.
That's part of it. Part of the problem Texas has is what has also saved it, our Constitution. The Texas Constitution was written after Reconstruction. We have the weakest Governor in the country. The Leg meets only for a few months every 2 years. Leg makes basically nothing. Powers are divided in ways to make it very hard to get anything significant done with checks and balances everywhere. That's why the Lt Governor has more actual power than the Governor for instance.
Essentially after the Civil War and Reconstruction ended they rewrote the Texas Constitution to fill in every gap the US Constitution had left open. The US Constitution can be read over a couple cups of coffee, the Texas Constitution is a War and Peace. (4400 words vs 85,000). That's why we have so many Constitutional Amendments every election.
Another oddity is that in the 120 or so years that the Democrats controlled the Leg after the Civil War they allowed some Republicans to Chair committees. Part of that was you had a lot of very conservative Democrats who were more conservative than Republicans mixed in with actual Liberals who were all Democrats. It was a way to keep the Liberals contained to an extent. After the GOP took control they kept up the same tradition and generally it has been ok but that's getting harder and harder to justify since there aren't any conservative Democrats anymore at the State Rep level though some aren't terrible, at least on every issue, thus you can put them in charge of committees that they are more conservative.
Does that excuse Abbott? Nope. Does that excuse the Republicans being weak? Nope. They just are never going to be able to make the kind of bold actions other states can because they simply don't have the power. The good news is if the Dems get control it will be very hard for them to do so as well. We have a government in Texas intentionally designed to make it so that they have very limited power.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan