The Left strikes back (Vermont high school trans athlete)

5,128 Views | 64 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Science Denier
FTAG 2000
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Not just field a bunch of boys but press and attack the whole game. No mercy. Run up some 80-90-100 point wins to drive it home.
BG Knocc Out
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Dies Irae said:

They'll be trying to feed us to lions inside of a generation.
BG Knocc Out
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FTAG 2000 said:

Not just field a bunch of boys but press and attack the whole game. No mercy. Run up some 80-90-100 point wins to drive it home.
This. You gotta out-transgender them.
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Under 10 girl's basketball is vicious compared to boys. Whole different world since they all grow into women.
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What I can't understand in this whole debate is where are the feminists out there that should be pitching a fit. They fought so hard for title IX and are just silent while everything they worked for is getting torn down
The feminist movement is not really a women's movement. It's a marxist movement that uses women as props or shields to advance its ideology and tear down the right or whatever institution that it can't dominate. It's why it is completely supportive of men with male genitalia intact competing and dominating women in sport. It advances cultural marxism so it's AOK to them. Women who complain will be treated the way blacks treat "uncle Tom's".

It's also why it remains silent when it comes to Islamic oppression of women.
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JB99 said:

YouBet said:

Dawnguard said:

Seems like Vermont just gave their schools permission to stack their teams 100% with men. Should just go next year with their A team and dominate unapologetically.
I wish to God someone would do this. I would roll out an entire team of normal looking boys if I could get enough to do it.

Then force the schools into a mental pretzel trying to justify how that wasn't fair.

You wouldn't even need to do this. Just pick 1 guy from the A team and put him on the transkid and shut his ass down and make him look stupid.
I was originally thinking about getting 1 guy to be the enforcer (like in hockey) but instead of knocking the snot out of the transkid I like your idea better.

Smothering defense.
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How has the feminist movement not seceded from the democratic base? This is de-valuing women way worse than literally anything else except the right to vote/own property. As a Girl-dad, I want them to have all the opportunities afforded to them. I'll start our own girls athletics association if I have to.
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How has the feminist movement not seceded from the democratic base? This is de-valuing women way worse than literally anything else except the right to vote/own property. As a Girl-dad, I want them to have all the opportunities afforded to them. I'll start our own girls athletics association if I have to.
See my post above. Feminism is about spreading marxism. If that happens to coincide with protecting women's rights then they'll be on board. If it doesn't, they will be silent or actively oppose women on behalf of men in dresses.
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Good point on silence on Islamic oppression of women.

I am a firm believer that cultures/societies that don't value and promote women, is a culture/society in decline. The first thing I noticed when our planes were leaving Afghanistan, nearly all of the people trying to escape were male. They were leaving wives, sisters, mothers, daughters behind to fend for themselves. I feel the same about China and the progressives. They are not promoting and valuing women.
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There is a book called Cynical Theories that explains the game quite well.

Long story short. They are not interested in solving problems.

Only dismantling society. That's it and that's all. All covertly of course.

China played this very well. We will succumb as a country if we don't fight it. The intent of all of this is for us to succumb as a country. China or somebody with the interest of us falling is behind this. Useful idiots in academia who have no idea how to survive in the real world are pushing this on the nation.

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Agree they are not interested in solving problems. But that is both sides. They all just want to stay in power. Keeping issues unsolved allows both the left and right to raise money off the issues.

Let's try term limits. If you can't stay in power forever, maybe you solve problems. At the very least, you can only not solve problems for a set number of years then a new person gets a crack at it.
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91AggieLawyer said:

AgDad121619 said:

When my son was a freshman, they decided to have a scrimmage against the women's varsity which was a state contender that year. The rout was so bad they asked the boys to stop trying to steal the ball and stop driving to the hoop- many of the girls ended up crying.

What I can't understand in this whole debate is where are the feminists out there that should be pitching a fit. They fought so hard for title IX and are just silent while everything they worked for is getting torn down

If I coached girls basketball (at any level) I'd have a practice squad of guys to go up against. I'd have them tone down the physical play a little, but otherwise it would be game on. If the team had to go up against that everyday in practice, they'd be more than prepared for what they'd face in games.

This is how all D1 women's basketball programs are run, the practice squad it's a bunch of guys who love basketball and couldn't play past High School
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Yep. A buddy of mine was on the women's practice squad until 09.
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akm91 said:

Exactly, all they have to do is identify as a girl. It would be a massacre even worse than what bunch of 17 year olds did to the USWNT in a scrimmage.

14 year olds
Maroon Dawn
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AgDad121619 said:

When my son was a freshman, they decided to have a scrimmage against the women's varsity which was a state contender that year. The rout was so bad they asked the boys to stop trying to steal the ball and stop driving to the hoop- many of the girls ended up crying.

What I can't understand in this whole debate is where are the feminists out there that should be pitching a fit. They fought so hard for title IX and are just silent while everything they worked for is getting torn down

Because they don't want to lose their Victim Status which is way more important to Dems than anything else
Urban Ag
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93MarineHorn said:


What I can't understand in this whole debate is where are the feminists out there that should be pitching a fit. They fought so hard for title IX and are just silent while everything they worked for is getting torn down
The feminist movement is not really a women's movement. It's a marxist movement that uses women as props or shields to advance its ideology and tear down the right or whatever institution that it can't dominate. It's why it is completely supportive of men with male genitalia intact competing and dominating women in sport. It advances cultural marxism so it's AOK to them. Women who complain will be treated the way blacks treat "uncle Tom's".

It's also why it remains silent when it comes to Islamic oppression of women.
Spot on. It's brainwashed so many women in to believing that they don't need husbands, marriage, or children. What better way to the destroy the nuclear family? Then third wave feminism essentially made it culturally acceptable to devalue sex to the point men could get it so easily many saw no point in traditional dating and commitments that were historically the norm behavior for men to get sex. Another blow to societal stability.

So yeah, it's almost like someone planned this out to destabilize society and cultural norms so western values could be replaced with something else (marxism).
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Agsrback12 said:

There is a book called Cynical Theories that explains the game quite well.

Long story short. They are not interested in solving problems.

Only dismantling society. That's it and that's all. All covertly of course.

China played this very well. We will succumb as a country if we don't fight it. The intent of all of this is for us to succumb as a country. China or somebody with the interest of us falling is behind this. Useful idiots in academia who have no idea how to survive in the real world are pushing this on the nation.

Along these lines ; ask why none of the streaming services have a filter option to block out LGBTQIAA++%# and similar woke content. I would happily move to a service that allowed me to filter out all this content and freely let my kids browse and select shows without it. It would be a cash cow for conservative / Christian customers...

They don't do it because they have an agenda and they don't have the shareholders interest in mind. These companies have the hubris towards conservatives that they don't need them or that they'll get their money anyways.

And for the most part it's true.

(There are filtering services that 3rd parties run on top of your Netflix / Disney+ / Amazon / etc service (bolt on) but require an extra monthly fee... VidAngel and Clearplay are 2 I know of.)
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Dawnguard said:

Seems like Vermont just gave their schools permission to stack their teams 100% with men. Should just go next year with their A team and dominate unapologetically.
This. Take their JV team or the guys that don't make the varsity squad, and go win a girl's state title.
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Again, funny how it's always biological males transitioning into easier, female sports and almost never the other way around.

Coincidence, I'm sure
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Can someone just go ahead and field an all men's women's team and end this insanity?
Mid Vermont Christian needs to accept the ****** requirement then do this. Just wreck the entire tournament and every team that they play. Run up the scores to ridiculous levels and leave the girls crying while out right mocking the idiots that insisted on this.
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AgDad121619 said:

When my son was a freshman, they decided to have a scrimmage against the women's varsity which was a state contender that year. The rout was so bad they asked the boys to stop trying to steal the ball and stop driving to the hoop- many of the girls ended up crying.

What I can't understand in this whole debate is where are the feminists out there that should be pitching a fit. They fought so hard for title IX and are just silent while everything they worked for is getting torn down
My junior year of HS, there were a lot of the athlete girls crying after school, so I asked if everything was OK, thinking someone had passed. But no, they played a joke on a girl during their study hall that was way out of line, so their HC went to the AD (our head football coach) and gave him the girls for their athletic period, where he ran them through our offseason conditioning workout that we did multiple times a week. Everything from running ropes, 1/2 mile snakes (up/down each aisle of the bleachers, hit the track, run a 200m to the other stands, run snakes, run 200m...), up and downs, pushing the sleds, etc. My buddy and I just began laughing.

The joke was actually a pretty good one. As happens in HS, rumors go around that may or may not be accurate. Well, one girl got into the crosshairs of some of the others, and a rumor began going around that her coot stunk. Anyway, her birthday comes around and these girls decide to try to make amends and give her a birthday present during their study hall. They gave her a package of Massengill pooty poo freshener. The coach in the study hall didn't find it amusing, nor did the head girl's coach. I beg to differ.
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And this is why my young ladies will be homeschooled.

Spare me the homeschool jokes. Wife was homeschooled and excelled in Aggieland. Good friend was homeschooled and was a national merit scholar.
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AGHouston11 said:

The left views everything as warfare. They want to exterminate everyone who disagrees with them.

Blue team wants to eliminate the Red team.
Red team wants to be liked by the Blue team.

When the Red Team wakes up and realizes , finally, that the Blue Team intends our destruction…. the blowback will be swift, heavy, and ultimately decisive.

We, Red team, still are operating within the confines of the Constitution. But what happens when that is exhausted? Will there be enough faith in a government for the people by the people?

"The Kingdom is for HE that can TAKE IT!" - Alexander
Shooter McGavin
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aggiefan09 said:

schmellba99 said:

FbgTxAg said:

sleepybeagle said:

FbgTxAg said:

Dawnguard said:

Seems like Vermont just gave their schools permission to stack their teams 100% with men. Should just go next year with their A team and dominate unapologetically.
This is the way.

It's like spanking your kids for their own good. Stupid ideas must be punished.
Yes... no kidding!

Can someone just go ahead and field an all men's women's team and end this insanity?

Sorry if I offend anyone on here - but especially with basketball, they wouldn't need their men's A team. They could probably just field a team by going to the cafeteria and ask "what guys in here have a basketball hoop in their driveway?" and it wouldn't be close.

Correct. Most 4-5 A Texas High School JV basketball teams would beat the undefeated South Carolina Women's team. Just like a good boys high school soccer team would easily beat the US women's soccer squad.

Those of us who live in reality understand this.
Years ago a guy I knew had a son at A&M that was on the practice squad that played against the women's BB team for practice. This was, IIRC, the same team that ended up winning the national championship for us or was at least in the same general time frame - point is that the women's team at the time was in the top 10 of the country most of the time.

They knew their role, which was to be a practice squad. One day they played for real, not sure if it was at the direction of the coaches or what, but the guys on what was essentially an intramural team of mostly white boys that were somewhat athletic but would never get a look at making the team on even a DIII squad put on their A game against the women. And absolutely destroyed them.

I don't think anybody was truly shocked either.

I was on the men's practice team at A&M. 9/10 times we would have the upper hand. But we also had rules to follow like mimicking how certain players played. So sometimes they beat us in that regard because we had to adapt to the other teams style of play and not how we played.
My son was on that practice squad from 07ish to 09. He said that they were not allowed to block the girl's shots - ever. Also, if they played very physical the coach would jump their ass. "Remember your role" type stuff.

He did say that Danielle Adams trucked him once. She was big and mean on the court.
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If you think they'll avoid typical teenage stuff because they're homeschooled, you're going to be in for a rude awakening.
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reineraggie09 said:

And this is why my young ladies will be homeschooled.

Spare me the homeschool jokes. Wife was homeschooled and excelled in Aggieland. Good friend was homeschooled and was a national merit scholar.

If you're on the north side of Houston I can recommend a couple of hybrid homeschool academies. Traditional education, teachers and classroom settting 2 days a week. The other days at home with a school-provided Texas approved curriculum
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Dies Irae said:

They'll be trying to feed us to lions inside of a generation.
Tiger Queen Season 6 on Netflix!
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It's a shame when the left confirms that men are better at everything. Even better as women athletes.
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akm91 said:

Exactly, all they have to do is identify as a girl. It would be a massacre even worse than what bunch of 17 year olds did to the USWNT in a scrimmage.

It was 15 year olds
Science Denier
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sleepybeagle said:

FbgTxAg said:

Dawnguard said:

Seems like Vermont just gave their schools permission to stack their teams 100% with men. Should just go next year with their A team and dominate unapologetically.
This is the way.

It's like spanking your kids for their own good. Stupid ideas must be punished.
Yes... no kidding!

Can someone just go ahead and field an all men's women's team and end this insanity?

Sorry if I offend anyone on here - but especially with basketball, they wouldn't need their men's A team. They could probably just field a team by going to the cafeteria and ask "what guys in here have a basketball hoop in their driveway?" and it wouldn't be close.
But that's the point. Not close. Win every game 76-10. You give girls zero chance, and that ends it. Give the left "why do you hate females". Competitive outcomes don't win. Total and complete domination is what is needed.
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