Keep an eye on this Silicon Valley Bank Financial thing

79,809 Views | 896 Replies | Last: 2 mo ago by Not Coach Jimbo
Four Seasons Landscaping
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If you are investing in government bonds and paying interest higher than they are paying you are going to have a bad time.
It wasn't that they were paying higher interest rates than that, they miscalculated how much liquidity they'd need and how high-interest rates would go. It was a big-time error but not from risky investments.

The point is they were too conservative with their holdings, not risky.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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FJB and FDIC had lists of approved banks. Several US banks approached FDIC but were denied as they were not on the list. The source was reported to have said that the list was heavily influenced by wokeism.
You made the claim I was responding to bub.

Which banks?
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It's exactly what they were doing, they were also investing in other businesses like any other bank.

Many of those businesses had VCs tell them to pull all their cash which was a partial contributor to the fail.
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How about you provide links to this rumor of a list of approved banks? If it's that simple, surely you can provide it.
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:

Then WTF is your point?

The only buyer anybody in the know has talked about was the UAE. You blamed it on wokeism.

Do you think not selling to the UAE is wokeism?

I'm going to assume that folks mean the buyer (the UAE) was declined because they do not support wokism via DEI policies. If that is true, then that is dumb although there might be other reasons not to let the UAE buy this bank that are more strategic in nature.
fka ftc
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CDUB98 said:

How about you provide links to this rumor of a list of approved banks? If it's that simple, surely you can provide it.
Here's a link.

Kevin Hassett on Kudlow on FBC this afternoon. Go find your own clip, that's not my job.

PNC and RBC were also widely reported as having been interested.

Now, how much you want to Venmo me for doing your research?

I don't play the "back it up with a link" debate. You can choose to believe me or prove me wrong. Choice to validate that answer for yourself is your job, not mine.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Steve Forbes is on there and said as of Friday and Thursday of last week they had multiple banks willing to take this bank over and buy them out. The Biden administration and the FDIC stepped in and said no because you're not on a white list of approve banks to be able to buy this bank meaning you're not woke enough or you're not social governance enough or you're not DEI etc. etc.
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jt2hunt said:

Steve Forbes is on there and said as of Friday and Thursday of last week they had multiple banks willing to take this bank over and buy them out. The Biden administration and the FDIC stepped in and said no because you're not on a white list of approve banks to be able to buy this bank meaning you're not woke enough or you're not social governance enough or you're not DEI etc. etc.

Didn't give enough to the democrats as bribes, etc.
Fat Black Swan
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jt2hunt said:

Steve Forbes is on there and said as of Friday and Thursday of last week they had multiple banks willing to take this bank over and buy them out. The Biden administration and the FDIC stepped in and said no because you're not on a white list of approve banks to be able to buy this bank meaning you're not woke enough or you're not social governance enough or you're not DEI etc. etc.

Sounds fascistic.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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jt2hunt said:

Steve Forbes is on there and said as of Friday and Thursday of last week they had multiple banks willing to take this bank over and buy them out. The Biden administration and the FDIC stepped in and said no because you're not on a white list of approve banks to be able to buy this bank meaning you're not woke enough or you're not social governance enough or you're not DEI etc. etc.
Will the global marxist make a public announcement when they assume full control or are we just supposed to guess?
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PNC and RBC are in the "woke" category
fka ftc
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FincAg said:

PNC and RBC are in the "woke" category
Dunno what to say. Multiple sources saying there was a whitelist, you had to be on it, and it was based on some internal woke measure.

Fed was also being very hesitant to back any acquiring bank. They also were apparently caught quite flat footed and whilst KJP was blabbering about Trump's bad border policy and Biden was showering with the family, a huge financial crisis loomed.

Such competence in that Biden admin.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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Need a distraction from global economic collapse ... pepaw gon' hit us with that mothership baby!

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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Need a distraction from global economic collapse ... pepaw gon' hit us with that mothership baby!


I wonder what happened to the classified document scandal? Chinese balloons?
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Manhattan said:

It's exactly what they were doing, they were also investing in other businesses like any other bank.

Many of those businesses had VCs tell them to pull all their cash which was a partial contributor to the fail.
You really have no clue what you're babbling about, fyi. The real cause of the present banking crisis is...deregulation pushed by Barney Frank and Bidenflation caused by...POTUS Poopy pants. And now we are bailing out billionaires/rich crypto investors for uninsured losses.

From Don Surber linkage substack:


The blame game over SVB's collapse is a diversion. The media have rounded up the usual suspects: Trump, greed, bad law, blah, blah, blah. When Captain Renault did that in Casablanca, he knew who the real culprits were. The media is not that bright.

James Hickman is. He is the founder of Sovereign Research. He looked at the numbers and he found the culprit.

Biden. He made government bonds worth less which has banks dropping like cockroaches in a Raid commercial.

Using the pen name Simon Black, Hickman wrote
, "Silicon Valley Bank was no Lehman Brothers. Whereas Lehman bet almost all of its balance sheet on risky mortgage bonds, SVB actually had a surprisingly conservative balance sheet.

"According to the bank's annual financial statements from December 31 of last year, SVB had $173 billion in customer deposits, yet only $74 billion in loans."

So where did the money go?

Hickman said, "SVB failed because they parked the majority of their depositors' money ($119.9 billion) in U.S. government bonds.

"This is the really extraordinary part of this drama. U.S. government bonds are supposed to be the safest, most risk free asset in the world. But that's totally untrue, because even government bonds can lose value. And that's exactly what happened."

SVB lost money on government bonds by the billion and that brought the bank down. That is like water catching fire.

Hickman said the bank noted in December that it had $15 billion in unrealized losses on government bonds. On Friday, those losses were realized. You see, to cure inflation, the Federal Reserve must raise interest rates, which pushes the value of the existing bonds down.

Well that is just one bank and . . .

Hickman reported, "The FDIC estimates unrealized losses among U.S. banks at roughly $650 billion."
You can see why the Fed panicked on Sunday with its bailout that it refuses to admit is a bailout. They do not know what they are doing and have not for some time. America is headed toward a multi-trillion-dollar bailout of banks that will make Tim Geithner's $700 billion TARP look like a taco truck.

Silicon Valley Bank was the first bailout something akin to Ham the Chimp, who became America's first astronaut when NASA put him in suborbital flight on January 31, 1961 11 days into JFK's presidency. The banking bailouts will pass the moon by April and leave the solar system by the year's end.
Citizens are helpless as the kleptocratic presidency begins to wildly spend money we don't have. Millions, billions, what comes after trillions?
Every freaking banker in the world.

And why not? Uncle Sam is giving stuff away.

ABC reported
, "Silicon Valley Bank UK purchased for 1 by HSBC with plan to protect deposits."
They bought it for a one-pound note? Where's my $2 bill autographed by President Ford's treasurer? I need it to buy Bank of America in June.

Axios reported
, "When a bank fails, depositors are made whole by the FDIC insurance fund. The insurance only covers deposits up to $250,000, although there are plenty of workarounds that allow depositors to effectively buy much more FDIC insurance than that.

"In the cases of SVB and Signature Bank, FDIC insurance will now cover all depositors, regardless of size. The FDIC insurance fund which is funded by a levy on bank deposits [insurance premiums] stands at roughly $125 billion."

The bailouts are absolutely illegal. SVB paid premiums on only 3% of the money deposited there. Signature paid premiums on only 6%. The two banks could easily deplete all of the FDIC fund.

But SVB's depositors who will be paid despite not being insured include Mark Cuban and other Democrat fat-cat billionaires, so Biden will take care of them unlike East Palestine, Ohio. The administration keeps saying we must make depositors whole.

As for Signature Bank, seven years after Barney Frank co-wrote the Dodd-Frank Act, which put a few restrictions on bankers, Signature added him to its board of directors. He then lobbied to roll back Dodd-Frank.

The Wall Street Journal reported
, "Mr. Frank, who has earned more than $2.4 million in compensation from Signature Bank since 2015, rejected the idea that the regulatory change abetted to Signature's collapse."

Frank told WSJ, "Nobody has shown me any evidence of systemic or other kinds of fraud that would have been prevented" had they not changed the rules in 2018. I agree. If any fraud were committed it was by the government that issued the bad bonds.

But Paleface Pocahontas is on the warpath. Elizabeth Warren wasted no time in getting the New York Times to publish, "Silicon Valley Bank Is Gone. We Know Who Is Responsible," even as the ink was drying on all those Benjamins the Federal Reserve printed to bail out the billion-dollar banks.

Who did she blame for the bailout?


She wrote, "Greg Becker, the chief executive of Silicon Valley Bank, was one of the many high-powered executives who lobbied Congress to weaken the law. In 2018, the big banks won. With support from both parties, President Donald Trump signed a law to roll back critical parts of Dodd-Frank. Regulators, including the Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell, then made a bad situation worse, letting financial institutions load up on risk."

We need Melania to pull a Will Smith on Warren for putting Donald Trump's name in her mouth. (Just joking, Secret Service.)

But Warren's anger at the banks is as phony as her claim to be an Indian because she does not oppose the bailout. She is willing to let the government give billions to depositors whom she admits include "billion-dollar companies, crypto investors and the very venture capital firms that triggered the bank run on SVB in the first place."

No, what bothers her are not the billions for billionaires but the million-dollar salaries of the CEOs and the bonuses earned by bank employees.
She wrote, "We should claw all of that back, along with bonuses for other executives at these banks. Where needed, Congress should empower regulators to recover pay and bonuses. Prosecutors and regulators should investigate whether any executives engaged in insider trading or broke other civil or criminal laws."
Insider trading!
That's reserved for Nancy Pelosi and other members of Congress, not the hoi polloi who elect and re-elect these bums.
Politico reported, "The rift between Frank and Warren is just a preview of what's to come as Democrats sort out positions on how to respond to the latest banking crisis, which led to a weekend bailout of depositors at Silicon Valley Bank and Signature. Some like Warren want Washington to restore the tougher regulations that were rolled back in 2018. Some Democrats, like Frank, say the 2018 law isn't the problem. A number of moderate Democrats still in Congress helped write the 2018 legislation, including those facing re-election in 2024."
The main Democrat talking point is that the bailout is not a bailout.
Christina Wilkie of CNBC toted that water in her piece, "Wall Street not taxpayers will pay for the SVB and Signature deposit relief plans."
Sure it will because everyone knows the stock market is a charity organization.
Wilkie quoted an unnamed Treasury official, who said, "The firms are not being bailed out . . . depositors are being protected."
We are protecting Mark Cuban because billionaires are people, too. Especially the ones who donate to Democrats and hate President Trump.
Bailing out SVB is not the end, rather it is the beginning.
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All that aside SVB execs are dumbasses for investing in long term bonds during the most prolific money printing in human history. Interest rates were always going to have to rise as a result to offset inflation.

Again, it's as if everyone that should know how that works has forgotten how that works. The other possibility here is that those execs knew that was the outcome and just assumed the government would bail them out at the appropriate time. In which case, they were correct.

But I actually believe it's the former. The number of financial heavyweights who no longer understand or acknowledge how inflation works is staggering.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

Need a distraction from global economic collapse ... pepaw gon' hit us with that mothership baby!


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it's that's she powerless in her job

eta; i think you posted elsewhere that SVB looks different in that their risk people didn't understand the nature of the business or clearly missed signals
fka ftc
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the Netflix series "Dirty Money" has a good episode on bank shenanigans and lax fed oversight. Though the series feeds the anti Trump narrative, ignore those episodes and watch The Cartel Bank.

Its about HSBC happily being the bank for terrorists and cartel on our corrupt swamp kittens giving them an inconsequential fine and letting them get back to work laundering money.

Careful, Warren actually comes across in a manner inconsistent with her BSC syndrome. But it gave me more exposure to Matt Taibbi. Kind of like the dude. The **** he handled in Congress had built a good base with his commentary and reporting on HSBC building his cred in my book.
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fka ftc said:

Careful, Warren actually comes across in a manner inconsistent with her BSC syndrome.
Warren very much understands this stuff, but she has the political instinct (and persona) of a tic tac.

Today's winner for the General Board Burrito Lottery is:

fka ftc
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Astute observation, and agree.
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Dem NPC.
fka ftc
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Nothing about the roll back on the Dodd-Frank overreach has ANYTHING to do with SVB. Thanks for posting DNC commie talking points though.

Its laughably comical what **** people fall for and repost as "news".

Flagged for misleading and derailing.
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Has the banking industry weathered the storm, or is there more pain coming?

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will25u said:

Has the banking industry weathered the storm, or is there more pain coming?

Credit Suisse was $16 dollars per share less than four years ago

today at $1.62
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The big boys are … making bank.
I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris

Vote for Trump.
He took a bullet for America.

fka ftc
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I think the big hurt is going to come to some of the most deserving people. SVB seems to have been pretty friendly in loaning money to paper startups. That VC capital is going to both dry up and get massively expensive.

Those who followed the "learn to code" instruction from Biden may want to get their hard hats and workbelts out of storage.

From my perspective, cheaper labor and a more plentiful workforce would be a welcome change. But I think Biden will kill any hope of a positive outcome by bailouts and handouts, from the bottom up and the middle out,
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YouBet said:

All that aside SVB execs are dumbasses for investing in long term bonds during the most prolific money printing in human history. Interest rates were always going to have to rise as a result to offset inflation.

Again, it's as if everyone that should know how that works has forgotten how that works. The other possibility here is that those execs knew that was the outcome and just assumed the government would bail them out at the appropriate time. In which case, they were correct.

But I actually believe it's the former. The number of financial heavyweights who no longer understand or acknowledge how inflation works is staggering.

It's an oversimplification to just blame the fed's interest rate hikes. That might have triggered it, but it wasn't the feds fault SVB failed - it was SVBs fault. They put short term money in long term investments and took a risk.

Maybe if their board and execs actually had banking experience instead of Ph. D's in DEI this wouldn't have happened?
fka ftc
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This thing was about bringing on more regulations, distracting folks from the worsening economy and worsening global conflict risk, and to take out Gavin Newsome.

If you think it was about incompetent management, you are part of the problem and need to quit drinking DNC-laced kool-aid.
fka ftc
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Also, more and more coming out about Chinese who had deposits and the US government going to make them whole above the $250k limit.

Always, always look for the 10% for the Big Guy...
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fka ftc said:

Also, more and more coming out about Chinese who had deposits and the US government going to make them whole above the $250k limit.

Always, always look for the 10% for the Big Guy...
I would bet "Doctor" Jill has hiked the rate by now.
DallasAg 94
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