Bunk Moreland said:
AGHouston11 said:
This country has come to the point to where racism and discrimination is perfectly acceptable against one race - white people!
It's the norm - nobody even questions it because it's just considered acceptable.
I've never witnessed it in person and I work with and talk to black people every day. What I have witnessed are a lot more people who feed their pre-conceived notions through anecdotal evidence thanks to social media who then project what they see on SM as the 'norm' in our country, maybe even subconsciously wanting it to be true. But often it seems they're living in an alternate reality.
There are lot of issues in America. There's a lot of divide. There are racial lines drawn and racists on all sides, and opportunists everywhere. But the more I step away from the keyboard, TV, and phone screen and actually interact in real life, it is always the opposite experience. Yet for some reason all sides seem focused on wanting to turn social media trends into reality. It's almost as if people are financially benefitting from Americans drinking that kool-aid instead.
There is a significant difference between working with a Black person in an office setting and living in a mostly Black neighborhood as a white person or being in an environment that is overwhelmingly Black. I have also found that attitudes among younger Black people are very different than older ones generally. The youth have been taught and raised in a very poisonous environment where they have been encouraged to be angry at white people even though they personally have likely never had a white person actually do anything to them. It's amazing when you hear Blacks who actually grew up in Jim Crow and truly were treated horribly vs those who have gotten a scholarship to college. The latter has a much bigger chip on their shoulder 99% of the time.
It's obvious that Adams was doing this for shock value and the tell was bringing up "I'm just listening to Don Lemon" multiple times. That said I get it. I'm just tired of it all and I've paid up. I lost a job one time because my largest account was taken away because the government entity was wanting to increase their minority owned business metrics and they literally took our contract and gave it to a black owned company. My son has a much smaller chance of getting into an elite school in spite of outstanding academics purely because of his race and sex. I can accept the world as being unfair and that's fine but I am sure as hell done with any feelings of white guilt or need to feel like I need to do more to help someone based on skin color. I want a world with equal treatment regardless of race but if you don't want that don't expect to decide my skin color is the wrong one and then ask me to help someone who has the right one. At some point you have to protect yourself and your family and realize that you can't make people that have decided they are oppressed feel like they aren't oppressed.
I also realize btw that this really isn't about race at all. What it is about is how the communists have used race to try to achieve their goals through education and social programs. They saw the opportunity with race as the means to achieve it here in the US because we don't have the class warfare issues of Europe. It's unfortunate that so many people are so blind to it.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan