Trump attacks DeSantis again

14,995 Views | 236 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by AggieVictor10
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OG UNF said:

I do love the texags sensitivity brigade coming out every time Trump criticizes Desantis.

Use the same pic when Trumpers get twisted up anytime someone criticizes Trump.
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BoydCrowder13 said:

agsalaska said:

Unless somehow DeSantis pulls away from Trump in the primaries and Trump doesnt run third party and endorsed Desantis then the Dems will win in a landslide in 2024. Hell they may even win a state like Texas.

This is beyond ridiculous.

I have said over and over again that Trump supporters would rather vote for Trump than win an election. He is systematically destroying the Republican party.

I hope I'm wrong but the Trump era appears to be a short term sugar high that could destroy the conservative movement for years. It's morphed a large section of the ideological conservative electorate into loyal followers of an increasingly senile man regarding of policy position.

Trump will continue to wield considerable power until he dies (and probably even after with Don Jr). He doesn't have enough support to win nationally anymore but can sink any other conservative running if he chooses. At this point, I don't know if the Only Trumpers ever come back into the conservative fold. They may stop voting entirely once Donald is gone.
The bigger problem are the loyal followers of the real senile man...Biden. Trump is knee-jerk and pompous, but he isn't senile. Some just want him to be.

I don't think the conservative movement in the Republican party is anywhere close to being destroyed. If anything, it's stronger than it was before Trump.

Why do I say that? Because prior to Trump, the candidates that made their way to the top of the party post-Reagan were Bush 41, Dole, Bush 43, McCain, and Romney - with Jeb as the next one up. Trump disrupted that. He wasn't cordial. He wasn't polite. He didn't try to be "Mr. Rogers" going against the vile attacks from the Democrats. He was willing to call them out. And because of that, there are more outspoken conservatives in the party.

The fact that a guy like DeSantis, who regularly calls out the media and woke agenda, is considered an 'establishment' pick shows how far the party has shifted. A DeSantis would have been considered a 'radical' in the party going against the Bush family, McCain, or Romney. But next to Trump, he's seen as statesmen-like...even though he takes the gloves off. That's potentially a long-term win for the Republican party in running candidates that actually fight for conservative values instead of trying to play nice with everyone.

The conservative movement in the Republican party is far from dead. It's more alive than it's been since Reagan.
No Spin Ag
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GeorgiAg said:

Jeeper79 said:

No Spin Ag said:

unmade bed said:

agsalaska said:

Unless somehow DeSantis pulls away from Trump in the primaries

Only way DeSantis beats Trump in the primary is if it's a RIGGED election.

Calling the election rigged long before it's even held? Sure, this isn't anything new, but for it to be said about a rising star in one's own party is interesting to say the least.
You've got to repeat the lie until it's indistinguishable from truth. Sometimes for that to work, you've got to start early. Heck, it worked in 2020. Heck, it's STILL working for 2020.
Trump was claiming it was rigged in 2016. Then he won and shut up about it.

That's right, he was saying that months before the election was even held. Gotta give it him though; the man is consistent.
Urban Ag
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OG UNF said:

Kvetch said:

I hate to break it to y'all, but politics is a rock fight. You're not friends with your campaign rivals during campaigns. Trump is going to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks because he wants to win and his strategy is to punch his way to victory.

If you can't handle the indignity of that, maybe politics isn't for you. It has always been this way.


What's tricky for Desantis supporters is that everything, and then some, has already been thrown at Trump for 7 years. So they're just left to stamp their feet, say he's mean, and use the same tired insults. If anything, he's doing Desantis a huge favor by dragging out some dirty laundry, poking holes is this immaculate facade.

I keep seeing it posted how Desantis is the best of trump without the negatives. They have NO idea what's coming against Desantis if he runs in the primary and/or general. They have NO idea how quickly the Trump hate would become Desantis hate from the msm. They'll make him the second coming of Satan incarnate so fast your head will spin.
This is so tired and completely out of touch.

First, complaining about "tired insults" levied at Trump is about the most laughable thing I have heard in weeks considering that tired insults is about all Trump is capable of these days.

Second, it's pure ignorant folly to assume DeSantis supporters have no idea what's coming for him if he runs in the primary or gets the nod. Are you kidding? Of course we know. It will be brutal. But none of that negates the fact he will handle it so much better than Trump, doesn't have Trump's baggage, and is young and has an amazing wife that will appeal to flyover America. Not to mention, he's the re-elected governor of Florida. Not Maine, Wyoming, or Rhode Island. Florida. If the dems had anything real on him we'd know by now. But my guess is that Ron goes home to Casey and his kids at night instead of nasty porn stars.

As far as the second coming of Satan, well, Trump does just fine in giving the left/MSM all the ammo they need there. Ron won't.

You guys just don't seem to ever get it and I am convinced your worship of Trump will never change. Every time he opens his mouth or posts another inane rambling he looses votes. Every time. And it's only getting worse. The vast majority of the right and middle 100% believe he can not win (he won't). All he is doing is alienating. I am at the point that I likely wouldn't vote for him in the general. Why would I? Why would I cast a useless vote for an asswipe that is going to lose, again, to the democrat? He did all of that to himself.
Urban Ag
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Great post and spot on!

The sad thing is that Trump had so much opportunity to do so much more. Good Trump was going after the dems and taking zero sh** off the MSM. Bad Trump was acting neurotic and trashing fellow republicans to the point that he literally created the "never Trumpers" himself. They still don't get it. You can't win without a big tent. Maybe once, but your allies have to be deep and wide.
BMX Bandit
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excellent post urban.

the "This is just politics" talking point isn't going to get much traction here. What other republican is calling another republican a groomer or implying they have sex with minors?
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GeorgiAg said:

This is absolutely uncalled for

I love how last night Donald Trump, a former President of the United States used his "Truth Social" account to discuss:

how Mitch McConnell, Elizabeth Warren and Kevin McCarthy all LOOK.

not their effectiveness in passing legislation, or helping the American people.

but how they look.
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Urban Ag said:

Great post and spot on!

The sad thing is that Trump had so much opportunity to do so much more. Good Trump was going after the dems and taking zero sh** off the MSM. Bad Trump was acting neurotic and trashing fellow republicans to the point that he literally created the "never Trumpers" himself. They still don't get it. You can't win without a big tent. Maybe once, but your allies have to be deep and wide.
With Trump, you have to take the bad with the good. Contrary to what TDS crowd says...Trump never changed. He was always this way. It's just that when he did it as a celebrity, people thought it was funny and easily blew it off. When he put the (R) next to his name, he became evil.

Trump has never let anything go. He will yell it from the loudest mic he can find. That was good when calling out the dems on policy. It's bad when he applies it to every 'wrong' committed against him.

He will never change.

That being said, this idea that he's everything that's wrong with politics and the Republican party is a complete load of crap...and nothing but a deflection of the problems in DC...including what the Dems have done over the past couple of decades.

I will gladly vote for DeSantis. But if Trump is the last one standing...I will gladly vote for him over that moron Biden. Zero hesitation.
Urban Ag
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BMX Bandit said:

excellent post urban.

the "This is just politics" talking point isn't going to get much traction here. What other republican is calling another republican a groomer or implying they have sex with minors?
literally no one is moving over to him. No one. The exact opposite is happening with DeSantis. He won Miami-Dade for Christ's sake.

Trump blathers on, more Americans turn their back.

DeSantis gets up and fights everyday for great policy and sound normalcy in a sea of crazy. And keep winning and gaining more supporters.

What more can be said?
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Jeeper79 said:

OG UNF said:

Kvetch said:

I hate to break it to y'all, but politics is a rock fight. You're not friends with your campaign rivals during campaigns. Trump is going to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks because he wants to win and his strategy is to punch his way to victory.

If you can't handle the indignity of that, maybe politics isn't for you. It has always been this way.


What's tricky for Desantis supporters is that everything, and then some, has already been thrown at Trump for 7 years. So they're just left to stamp their feet, say he's mean, and use the same tired insults. If anything, he's doing Desantis a huge favor by dragging out some dirty laundry, poking holes is this immaculate facade.

I keep seeing it posted how Desantis is the best of trump without the negatives. They have NO idea what's coming against Desantis if he runs in the primary and/or general. They have NO idea how quickly the Trump hate would become Desantis hate from the msm. They'll make him the second coming of Satan incarnate so fast your head will spin.
The left sees plenty of things in trump that they consider negative that even non trump republicans still consider positive. Take away the childish behavior with DeSantis and there are still plenty of things the left doesn't like about him. I'm a moderate, but I'll tell you what tops my list…

DeSantis picks fights. The GOP eats that up. I'm not convinced moderates will call that a good thing. After 15+ years of escalation on top of escalation, I'm ready for a president that can bring people together.

I'd prefer that bridge builder to be a Republican, but I doubtful they have that capacity right now. Nor do they even want it.
You're not wrong. I don't want any unity with today's left. I could compromise with a Clinton democrat; they still loved capitalism and America. Today's left is off the rails and there is no working with them. They want boys in the girls' locker room, they want abortion to full term, they want unfettered illegal immigration, they want environment over economy and to pay people to not work.

There is nothing there to start a conversation.
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No Spin Ag said:

GeorgiAg said:

Jeeper79 said:

No Spin Ag said:

unmade bed said:

agsalaska said:

Unless somehow DeSantis pulls away from Trump in the primaries

Only way DeSantis beats Trump in the primary is if it's a RIGGED election.

Calling the election rigged long before it's even held? Sure, this isn't anything new, but for it to be said about a rising star in one's own party is interesting to say the least.
You've got to repeat the lie until it's indistinguishable from truth. Sometimes for that to work, you've got to start early. Heck, it worked in 2020. Heck, it's STILL working for 2020.
Trump was claiming it was rigged in 2016. Then he won and shut up about it.

That's right, he was saying that months before the election was even held. Gotta give it him though; the man is consistent.
Well, by that time, they had already fabricated the Russia collusion hoax and spied on his campaign. They had already fed the Clinton-funded pee tape lies to the willing media.

Those are pretty big "fixes", I would say.
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LMCane said:

GeorgiAg said:

This is absolutely uncalled for

I love how last night Donald Trump, a former President of the United States used his "Truth Social" account to discuss:

how Mitch McConnell, Elizabeth Warren and Kevin McCarthy all LOOK.

not their effectiveness in passing legislation, or helping the American people.

but how they look.
I'm assuming Trump said they looked good?
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He won won Miami-Dade for Christ's sake.
Which the Trump Cultists believe DeSantis stole from Crist because Mike Lindell told them so.

They are so deranged they believe DeSantis actually lost the election in Florida, but "won" through voter fraud.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
Urban Ag
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Rapier108 said:


He won won Miami-Dade for Christ's sake.
Which the Trump Cultists believe DeSantis stole from Crist because Mike Lindell told them so.

They are so deranged they believe DeSantis actually lost the election in Florida, but "won" through voter fraud.
LMAO. I didn't follow any of that but I'll take your word for it.

You know what? If DeSantis actually pulled off enough voter fraud to win Miami-Dade all the more reason to get behind him because this guy knows winning.

I mean, if the conservative, average looking, breeder with the pretty wife and cute kiddos can find a way to win the gayest county in America, against fake and bake metero Crist, he's clearly got something working for him.
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beanbean said:

What D chess is this?

what I love is how Trump calls DeSantis "DISLOYAL"

because Trump supposedly spoke with him for a few minutes years ago and gave an endorsement (which he has done for literally nearly 1,000 people since 2015)

on the other hand, Trump SELECTED, HIRED, and was the BOSS of:

Nikki Haley
Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
John Bolton

and yet somehow they aren't disloyal?!?

but the guy who never worked for Trump, who had next to nothing to do with Trump over the last 5 years- THAT in Trump's mind is the disloyal guy?!?!

seriously that is insanity.
fka ftc
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LMCane said:

beanbean said:

What D chess is this?

what I love is how Trump calls DeSantis "DISLOYAL"

because Trump supposedly spoke with him for a few minutes years ago and gave an endorsement (which he has done for literally nearly 1,000 people since 2015)

on the other hand, Trump SELECTED, HIRED, and was the BOSS of:

Nikki Haley
Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
John Bolton

and yet somehow they aren't disloyal?!?

but the guy who never worked for Trump, who had next to nothing to do with Trump over the last 5 years- THAT in Trump's mind is the disloyal guy?!?!

seriously that is insanity.
Pretty sure Trump has provided a golden shower to all of the names you listed.
"The absence of the word accountability is not the same as wanting no accountability" -unknown

"You can never go wrong by staying silent if there is nothing apt to say" -Walter Isaacson
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What's frustrating is no legitimacy has been established to what the Desantis photo really shows. New York Times credits the photo to a Democratic Super PAC blog, which says it was submitted to them by a source that alleges the girls are in high school. In the NYT article itself, nobody corroborates that story, a couple girls say they saw him at parties the summer after they graduated and that's it. The rest of the results on google are circular reporting that all allege the same thing, but no effort has been made to find anyone that can corroborate if the girls were in high school or underage. It's lazy journalism and nobody seems to care.
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One thing that's clever is that by lobbing that kind of bomb I in turn checked out Trump's Truth account/page/whatever to see if there was anything else fun. I checked it again this morning.

If nothing else Trump can drive clicks and subs by letting his id run wild. (It's a little funny that it's the id, and not the ego or super-ego he needs to let loose, but I didn't get to make the definitions.)

Big night for "TRUTH" last night. Tremendous numbers of people signed on to hear my "Play by Play" of the SOTU Speech…Like I mean Millions and Millions of people, and TRUTH handled the Traffic well. Congrats to Devin Nunes and all of those great technicians and others who make TRUTH Social work. Despite all of the obstacles put in our path by the SEC, others in Government, and the Fake News Media, it is a giant success that reaches massive numbers of people, both Friend & Foe! Thank you!
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CenterHillAg said:

What's frustrating is no legitimacy has been established to what the Desantis photo really shows. New York Times credits the photo to a Democratic Super PAC blog, which says it was submitted to them by a source that alleges the girls are in high school. In the NYT article itself, nobody corroborates that story, a couple girls say they saw him at parties the summer after they graduated and that's it. The rest of the results on google are circular reporting that all allege the same thing, but no effort has been made to find anyone that can corroborate if the girls were in high school or underage. It's lazy journalism and nobody seems to care.
wow crazy that accusations about being a groomer need to be substantiated before taken as gospel

seems to go against how the republicans have recently operated!
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aggie93 said:

Lara Loomer has been posting all kinds of anti-DeSantis crap as well that is laughable. DeSantis has to stay high road on this stuff until he can't and even then he needs to shrug it off and shake his head more than anything.

The thing about DeSantis is early in life he knew he had a goal of what he wanted and he lived accordingly. It's just going to be really tough to find stuff about him and he is unlikely to cry and talk about how he liked beer like Kavanaugh. DeSantis is ready for these attacks and they will backfire.

Loomer was crazy years ago and now how completely gone off the deep end
fka ftc
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bubblesthechimp said:

CenterHillAg said:

What's frustrating is no legitimacy has been established to what the Desantis photo really shows. New York Times credits the photo to a Democratic Super PAC blog, which says it was submitted to them by a source that alleges the girls are in high school. In the NYT article itself, nobody corroborates that story, a couple girls say they saw him at parties the summer after they graduated and that's it. The rest of the results on google are circular reporting that all allege the same thing, but no effort has been made to find anyone that can corroborate if the girls were in high school or underage. It's lazy journalism and nobody seems to care.
wow crazy that accusations about being a groomer need to be substantiated before taken as gospel

seems to go against how the republicans have recently operated!
Just taking a page from the lib playbook of repeat the narrative until its accepted. But libs are much much more adept and destructive about it.
"The absence of the word accountability is not the same as wanting no accountability" -unknown

"You can never go wrong by staying silent if there is nothing apt to say" -Walter Isaacson
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WHOOP!'91 said:

Where is any implication of Trump's involvement?

Oh have to click on it to see it comes from Truth Social.

Meh, I will vote for whomever comes out of the primary. I don't hate Trump and I don't love Ron.

The fact he retweeted it would implicate him pretty strongly I think...
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96AgGrad said:

BoydCrowder13 said:

agsalaska said:

Unless somehow DeSantis pulls away from Trump in the primaries and Trump doesnt run third party and endorsed Desantis then the Dems will win in a landslide in 2024. Hell they may even win a state like Texas.

This is beyond ridiculous.

I have said over and over again that Trump supporters would rather vote for Trump than win an election. He is systematically destroying the Republican party.

I hope I'm wrong but the Trump era appears to be a short term sugar high that could destroy the conservative movement for years. It's morphed a large section of the ideological conservative electorate into loyal followers of an increasingly senile man regarding of policy position.

Trump will continue to wield considerable power until he dies (and probably even after with Don Jr). He doesn't have enough support to win nationally anymore but can sink any other conservative running if he chooses. At this point, I don't know if the Only Trumpers ever come back into the conservative fold. They may stop voting entirely once Donald is gone.
I think you are overstating the impact Trump has. I think whatever damage he could do will be limited to one cycle.

2018 loses House
2018 loses Senate
2020 loses Presidency
2020 loses House
2020 loses Senate
2022 loses Senate
2022 wins House
2024 with Trump lose Presidency

yeah, that's some one cycle
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LMCane said:

96AgGrad said:

BoydCrowder13 said:

agsalaska said:

Unless somehow DeSantis pulls away from Trump in the primaries and Trump doesnt run third party and endorsed Desantis then the Dems will win in a landslide in 2024. Hell they may even win a state like Texas.

This is beyond ridiculous.

I have said over and over again that Trump supporters would rather vote for Trump than win an election. He is systematically destroying the Republican party.

I hope I'm wrong but the Trump era appears to be a short term sugar high that could destroy the conservative movement for years. It's morphed a large section of the ideological conservative electorate into loyal followers of an increasingly senile man regarding of policy position.

Trump will continue to wield considerable power until he dies (and probably even after with Don Jr). He doesn't have enough support to win nationally anymore but can sink any other conservative running if he chooses. At this point, I don't know if the Only Trumpers ever come back into the conservative fold. They may stop voting entirely once Donald is gone.
I think you are overstating the impact Trump has. I think whatever damage he could do will be limited to one cycle.

2018 loses House
2018 loses Senate
2020 loses Presidency
2020 loses House
2020 loses Senate
2022 loses Senate
2022 wins House
2024 with Trump lose Presidency

yeah, that's some one cycle
I meant future Presidential cycles. While I mostly agree with your point, It's a bit unfair to lay all of that at the feet of Trump alone. The rest of the Republicans have not done themselves any favors.
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HotAir is reporting:

The image has been in circulation since October 2021, when it was published by HillReporter who claimed it had been provided to them by an anonymous source.

"According to our whistleblower, he [DeSantis] had a reputation among students for being a young "hot teacher" who girls loved, and the girls in the photo are believed to have graduated in 2002, making them seniors at the time," reported the outlet.

"I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden. I don't spend my time trying to smear other Republicans," DeSantis told reporters Wednesday when asked about Trump sharing the picture.

[Amazing. Trump wants to burn the party down around him rather than enter into a debate on issues and leadership. Who needs a mainstream media around while Trump runs these kinds of smears? And does Trump *really* want to start a debate on sexual ethics and predatory behavior? *Really*? Editors]
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96AgGrad said:

LMCane said:

96AgGrad said:

BoydCrowder13 said:

agsalaska said:

Unless somehow DeSantis pulls away from Trump in the primaries and Trump doesnt run third party and endorsed Desantis then the Dems will win in a landslide in 2024. Hell they may even win a state like Texas.

This is beyond ridiculous.

I have said over and over again that Trump supporters would rather vote for Trump than win an election. He is systematically destroying the Republican party.

I hope I'm wrong but the Trump era appears to be a short term sugar high that could destroy the conservative movement for years. It's morphed a large section of the ideological conservative electorate into loyal followers of an increasingly senile man regarding of policy position.

Trump will continue to wield considerable power until he dies (and probably even after with Don Jr). He doesn't have enough support to win nationally anymore but can sink any other conservative running if he chooses. At this point, I don't know if the Only Trumpers ever come back into the conservative fold. They may stop voting entirely once Donald is gone.
I think you are overstating the impact Trump has. I think whatever damage he could do will be limited to one cycle.

2018 loses House
2018 loses Senate
2020 loses Presidency
2020 loses House
2020 loses Senate
2022 loses Senate
2022 wins House
2024 with Trump lose Presidency

yeah, that's some one cycle
I meant future Presidential cycles. While I mostly agree with your point, It's a bit unfair to lay all of that at the feet of Trump alone. The rest of the Republicans have not done themselves any favors.

I would disagree. It is completely on the part of Trump.

If he would have been popular, there would not have been massive losses in the Congressional elections of 2018 (SEE JOE BIDEN in 2022 for how democrats were able to stop any losses at all)

and it's not one cycle even by your logic- Trump lost the Presidency in 2020 to a comatose Biden hiding in his basement.

losing again in 2024 would be two Presidential cycles and 4 Congressional cycles.
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2040huck said:

A pic with girls is now grooming? WTH?
it's worse than that

it's a TEACHER posing with his senior graduating students.

how outrageous!!

Gyles Marrett
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I have seen this story and images multiple times yet never seen or heard it debunked by Desantis. The best rebuttal I've seen was something to the effect of "that was 20+ years ago"....

So it is a concern I'd like to see answered before we run him out as a nominee. I know some hate Trump so much nothing else matters but this certain topic sure does bother me a lot more than anything Trump does.
BMX Bandit
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what other baseless allegations bother you?
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That's why I said "future" cycles. You are arguing a point I was never disagreeing on.
Gyles Marrett
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BMX Bandit said:

what other baseless allegations bother you?
baseless? Not sure how to claim baseless. I have many educators in my family none of which tell me it would ever be appropriate to go to a party with your students. That part isn't baseless, there's a picture of it. We'd be slamming Joe as a pedo rightfully so for the same picture lol. Lets not be hypocrites like the left.

Edit to note I've never seen a denial from parties involved.
BMX Bandit
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the issue is not going to a party.

the issue is pushing the idea desantis is a groomer or is a ephebophile

its 100% baseless.

trump has never answered dumb questions that he was attracted to his daughter. why aren't you concerned about that? or any other asinine rumors?
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Gyles Marrett said:

I have seen this story and images multiple times yet never seen or heard it debunked by Desantis. The best rebuttal I've seen was something to the effect of "that was 20+ years ago"....

So it is a concern I'd like to see answered before we run him out as a nominee. I know some hate Trump so much nothing else matters but this certain topic sure does bother me a lot more than anything Trump does.
So concerned.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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