College campus, night club, Walmart.

10,002 Views | 127 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by Squadron7
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We will never give up guns, even if a mass shooting happens every day of the year. Move on
It already is happening in Chicago.

4 shot and killed on 11/13
5 shot and killed on 11/14
2 shot and killed on 11/16
2 shot and killed on 11/17
3 shot and killed on 11/20
2 shot and killed on 11/22

Chicago's homicides

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TikkaShooter said:

All in one week.

And what do the sites have in common? The shooters?

Absolutely nothing.

Couldn't be the guns though. Right? I mean. It's never the gun.


Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a mental health crisis. 10 years ago we blamed Hollywood. 20 years before it was video games. What's the next move of the goal posts, folks? Fast food? Obesity is my guess.

Insanity that this is the America we live in.
Elective abortion is far more deadlier to the American populace than guns are.


"The Kingdom is for HE that can TAKE IT!" - Alexander
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Sims said:

Ag with kids said:

Weapons used in worst mass killings in the US

1a) 767
1b) 757
2) Uhaul truck
0a) Planned Parenthood
0b) the covid 19 vaccines!
"only one thing is important!"
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I think there's a strong argument that some of this stems from a lack of masculinity in todays America. We need strong fathers in homes and strong male role models. Back in the day men used to fist fight to solve differences, people got bloodied but no one died. Today cowards go straight to guns. We need to end this stupid "toxic masculinity" crap and encourage men to be strong, protectors and leaders.
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I'm putting my guns in time out.

Funky Winkerbean
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Epic troll job by the OP.

Al Bula
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FBI psyop to brainwash idiots into doing violent things in order to nationalize law enforcement, neuter states' authority and ultimately take away your 2A rights.
The Dirty Sock
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Aggie4Life02 said:

I have about 8 different guns. Surprisingly, none of them have killed anyone.

Haven't killed anyone so far.
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What a mystery - trucks used to be allowed in school parking lots with guns in a gun rack above the headrests and visible through the glass! Hmmm

The thing is that most of the people puzzled as to what is the problem helped caused the cultural decline. They hate Churches! They hate nuclear families. They ridicule morality.
The list is long!

But it's easier for them to blame the gun than to look in the mirror!
43rd Street Posse
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HoustonAg2106 said:

42% of this generation has a mental health condition and OP is laughing at the notion the mental health issues could be at play
Honestly, that is absolutely terrifying to think about, even if my 18 month old daughter's generation are part of the pendulum swing back to sanity/conservatism, they will be lead and controlled by a bunch of brainwashed psychos who believe 2+2=5, roughly half of which have been clinically diagnosed with mental health issues.

Just makes me want to take our family to hunker down in a small rural community of like minded people eventually.
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TikkaShooter said:

All in one week.

And what do the sites have in common? The shooters?

Absolutely nothing.

Couldn't be the guns though. Right? I mean. It's never the gun.


Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a mental health crisis. 10 years ago we blamed Hollywood. 20 years before it was video games. What's the next move of the goal posts, folks? Fast food? Obesity is my guess.

Insanity that this is the America we live in.

Hmm…let's see. They're criminals willing to commit the most heinous of crimes who will find access to weapons with ill intent, no matter the circumstance? It's funny people like you can't seem to grasp the idea that criminals don't care about the law and will find guns, or really any weapon, through any means necessary regardless of legality.

Legal gun owners are such because they aren't criminals and can be trusted to legally own firearms without incident. Just over 40% of US households own approximately 265 million firearms in the US, yet the horrendous acts of a disturbed few somehow justify strict gun laws or even criminalizing ownership in its entirety. The sensationalism of these isolated incidents leads to an overgeneralization of society as a whole and places us on a very slippery slope.

If history is our teacher, a lack of guns and the inability to defend ourselves easily leads to tyranny and widespread mass killings by those you currently seem to trust, our government leaders and our media. Just because we've not experienced true tyranny and dictatorship in this country should not purport that we never will. It simply shows the citizenry has the means to keep it at bay and those in power know it. It's in your best interest to allow legal gun ownership, just ask the Jews under Hitler, the Chinese under Mao, the Russians under Stalin, the Cambodians under Polpot, or the Ugandans under Amin. I understand your sentiment, I simply don't agree with it…obviously.
Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.
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They all reflect an absence of morality in our culture.

Bring God back
43rd Street Posse
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bigcat22 said:

I think there's a strong argument that some of this stems from a lack of masculinity in todays America. We need strong fathers in homes and strong male role models. Back in the day men used to fist fight to solve differences, people got bloodied but no one died. Today cowards go straight to guns. We need to end this stupid "toxic masculinity" crap and encourage men to be strong, protectors and leaders.
Yep. And doesn't help that testosterone rates have completely fallen off a cliff since the 1980's. We better figure that sh** out ASAP. I don't believe it is ALL due to diet and lifestyle. There are many healthy in shape young men with the rates of 70-80 y/o men.
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TikkaShooter said:

All in one week.

And what do the sites have in common? The shooters?

Absolutely nothing.

Couldn't be the guns though. Right? I mean. It's never the gun.


Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a mental health crisis. 10 years ago we blamed Hollywood. 20 years before it was video games. What's the next move of the goal posts, folks? Fast food? Obesity is my guess.

Insanity that this is the America we live in.
What's shocking is that 10 folks starred this nonsense.

Now do car crashes.
Do you blame the car?
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TikkaShooter said:

All in one week.

And what do the sites have in common? The shooters?

Absolutely nothing.

Couldn't be the guns though. Right? I mean. It's never the gun.


Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a mental health crisis. 10 years ago we blamed Hollywood. 20 years before it was video games. What's the next move of the goal posts, folks? Fast food? Obesity is my guess.

Insanity that this is the America we live in.

Actually, metabolic diseases of poor diet impacts the liver and gut and more and more evidence is linking to problems running up to the brain and mental health… so, yes, obesity.
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Ban Tikkas

nu awlins ag
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TikkaShooter said:

All in one week.

And what do the sites have in common? The shooters?

Absolutely nothing.

Couldn't be the guns though. Right? I mean. It's never the gun.


Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a mental health crisis. 10 years ago we blamed Hollywood. 20 years before it was video games. What's the next move of the goal posts, folks? Fast food? Obesity is my guess.

Insanity that this is the America we live in.

Wait… my gun, which hasn't been used in awhile, is scheming to kill people? Oh my!!!!
Red Red Wine
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Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a mental health crisis. 10 years ago we blamed Hollywood. 20 years before it was video games. What's the next move of the goal posts, folks? Fast food? Obesity is my guess.

Insanity that this is the America we live in.

Were you born in the past few months?

Can I give your memory a refresher on the "Insanity that this is the America we live in"??????

Why don't you Google "riots in America 2020" and see what comes up? Didn't see you complaining about city blocks being burned to the ground. Stores robbed of all their possessions and killing people then. Where were you! WHERE WERE YOU!!! Oh, that's right. Hiding in your Starbuck's with a non-fat latte paid for with govt money give-aways and posting selfies on Instagram whining about those "mean people" who are for "law and order and stuff like that" and "Oh, I'm a victim, I'm a victim, I'm a victim..... I deserve free stuff and PS. Orange man bad cuz mean tweets"

(the last one is just for me. I thought this lady looked mighty fine!!!)
Funky Winkerbean
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CactusThomas said:

Ban Tikkas


Exactly. For those not aware, Tikka is a gun manufacturer.
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I'm putting my guns in time out.

Same, mine are locked away in their room and not allowed to leave without my permission.
Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.
nu awlins ag
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She does shave her armpits which is a huge plus!
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Why is a pro-abortion, open borders political party worried about shootings?
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43rd Street Posse said:

TikkaShooter said:

All in one week.

And what do the sites have in common? The shooters?

Absolutely nothing.

Couldn't be the guns though. Right? I mean. It's never the gun.


Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a mental health crisis. 10 years ago we blamed Hollywood. 20 years before it was video games. What's the next move of the goal posts, folks? Fast food? Obesity is my guess.

Insanity that this is the America we live in.
Typically jacked up isolated kids with horrible godless atheist parents. Just being honest. Almost every single serial killer and school shooter has this in common, going back decades. Some of the safest places in THE WORLD are heavily armed predominantly conservative communities filled with church going people, and their guns aren't hurting anyone. As you venture into the more godless democrat controlled places with tougher gun laws, you get more violence, chaos and general malice.

I don't just arm myself to defend against the government, but also these types.
User name checks out.

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akm91 said:


We will never give up guns, even if a mass shooting happens every day of the year. Move on
It already is happening in Chicago.

4 shot and killed on 11/13
5 shot and killed on 11/14
2 shot and killed on 11/16
2 shot and killed on 11/17
3 shot and killed on 11/20
2 shot and killed on 11/22

Chicago's homicides

They might decline a little if executions kept pace with the events.
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rocky the dog said:

When there's a cop shooting, it's always the cop's fault.

When there's a civilian shooting, it's always the gun's fault.

(can't find the meme)

If you want to have a discussion about cops not carrying, I'm ready for it.
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TikkaShooter said:

All in one week.

And what do the sites have in common? The shooters?

Absolutely nothing.

Couldn't be the guns though. Right? I mean. It's never the gun.


Move along. Nothing to see here. Just a mental health crisis. 10 years ago we blamed Hollywood. 20 years before it was video games. What's the next move of the goal posts, folks? Fast food? Obesity is my guess.

Insanity that this is the America we live in.

Now do car accident and prescription drug deaths during the same time period.
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Hopefully the drive by op returns to share the link selling his firearms. He has no need for them anymore.
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
Jason C.
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Oh great it's the pretend OB poster coming over here to get folks all riled up. OP how does your FBI deal work, is it per number of impressions or something more substantive like number of people you can red flag into some kind of violent comment or what?

Keep shooting those Tikkas, fellow outdoorsperson!
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blacksox said:

CDUB98 said:

Because criminals intent on killing people will definitely follow gun laws.

I know, Australia and the UK are really suffering with all those illegal guns killing people.

Shocked that you are a fan of Australian level fascism. Shocked!
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blacksox said:

One Louder said:

Or about the 1970s when guys had gun racks in their trucks at school and there were no school shootings?

Yes, we've gotten much worse as a society, to the point where politicians fetishize guns by publishing pictures of their families showing off their assault rifles. We didn't have that stupidity in the 70s as well. If only there was some variable we could remove to solve this problem, the same as almost all advanced nations have done.
How many gun crimes, exactly, has the Massie family committed?

Frederick Palowaski
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I see the whiny OP can't even reply to his own moronic thread. Instead he has the genius blacksox do it for him.

Great strategy.

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Manhattan said:

rocky the dog said:

When there's a cop shooting, it's always the cop's fault.

When there's a civilian shooting, it's always the gun's fault.

(can't find the meme)

If you want to have a discussion about cops not carrying, I'm ready for it.

This is the dumbest shlt you have ever said on here and that is saying something.
OverSeas AG
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Time to change your user name…

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