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Rich nations, don't be blind. Climate disaster is coming


Industrialized nations are mostly responsible for climate change, but developing nations are suffering some of the most devastating impacts. Shouldn't the rich be obliged to help the poor?

That is the key question at the U.N.-sponsored climate change summit underway in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Morally, the answer is clear: The problem's creators should aid their victims.

But this gathering of world leaders, called COP27, marks the first time those high-emitting wealthy countries are seriously engaged on this "loss and damage" issue. I'm not optimistic that there will be a breakthrough. And we in the developed world will come to regret our leaders' inaction.

China is by far the world's largest carbon emitter on an annual basis. But lest we in the United States congratulate ourselves, remember carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for thousands of years. The emissions debt wealthy nations owe poorer ones is best measured cumulatively. Since 1750, when industrial-scale emissions began, the United States has emitted far more carbon than any other country, followed in order by China, Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, India, France, Canada and Ukraine.

Absent from that list are countries such as Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Pakistan all of which are now ravaged by extreme weather events blamed on climate change.

The Horn of Africa is in the midst of a multiyear drought described as the worst in at least four decades, threatening more than 18 million people with extreme hunger. And Pakistan suffered devastating floods this summer that at one point left one-third of the country underwater and impacted 33 million people, many of them in urgent need of humanitarian aid.

Meanwhile, sea level rise threatens coastal cities around the world, including in developing nations in Africa, Asia and South America that lack the resources to adapt by building expensive barriers or moving entire communities further inland.

These disasters might seem distant. But they won't stay that way.

People who no longer can grow crops to feed their families or whose homes have been swept away do not just stay in place and suffer. They move.

First, they crowd into already-overburdened cities, straining resources and creating the kind of political instability that often provides a breeding ground for terrorism. Then, in desperation, climate refugees set out to reach wealthy countries such as the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Canada, Australia and others on the list of historic carbon emitters.

Droughts and floods will only increase the numbers of African migrants who set out on flimsy craft to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. Climate change will only swell the numbers of Central American migrants fleeing gang violence in overcrowded cities who find ways across the southern border into the United States.

President Biden mentioned recent and ongoing climate disasters in his remarks at the Sharm el-Sheikh summit last week. "That's the duty and responsibility of global leadership," he said. "Countries that are in a position to help should be supporting developing countries so they can make decisive climate decisions."

In a nation unwilling to discuss meaningful reparations for its own citizens Native Americans who suffered genocide, African Americans whose ancestors were bound in slavery reparations for distant countries impacted by climate change sounds like a fantasy, not a realistic political agenda or campaign message.

At least the loss and damage issue is on the official agenda for the first time, though. And some of the European colonial powers that stole vast wealth from the developing world including France are making monetary pledges. But the United States and China, the world's biggest economies, remain on the sidelines.

Year by year, though, the global impact of climate change becomes more evident and more alarming. Someday we will realize that as human beings we are all in this together and that wherever you live, your climate emergency today will be my crisis tomorrow.

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don't. care.

life is unfair.

to the victor goes the spoils.

The Fife
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Worst drought in 4 decades, was the other one climate change too or do we get to call that one just weather?
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When the Dem elite stop building ocean front property, I will believe.

Obama's climate crisis response - loopholes to bypass beach preservation laws included


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Well they sure are eloquent and hit all of the talking points. So many people have bought into this religion, it's actually very dangerous for the rest of us.

Not counting their ridiculous anecdotes about floods and droughts and hurricanes, have there been any events that can be tied to climate change? Where is the sea level rise so problematic?
Old Sarge
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Not to worry! All is completely fixable, at least temporarily, by industrialized nations led by the good 'ol USA forking over trillion$ to a fund, managed by a socialist nation outside of these "damaged nations", that will equitably distribute the money, after their "salaries and expenses" are paid for, if which will be a fraction remaining to distribute to the crooked governments it was "intended for". Oh, let's not forget the 10% for The Big Guy for getting the USA back on board for the giant grift and wealth distribution scheme, uh I mean Climate Change Solution.

All of which will work, of course,,until the $$$ runs out, or new folks come to the trough wanting theirs.

Climate Change is a wealth distribution, grift driven, shakedown SCAM.

It's all in the sig……
"Green" is the new RED.
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No, it isn't. Quit lying leftists.
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Welcome to the 70s. Or 80s. Or 90s. Or 2000s.
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As long as we recall the Navy and end globalization I'm perfectly fine compensating poor nations for climate change. But if we're going write that check it all needs to come to a screeching halt immediately. We like to say China is the worlds biggest polluter but they are the worlds biggest exporter which means the pollution they generate is effectively created for products consumed by us and the EU. So sure we'll pay them but we're done buying their crap. Which also means we're done selling them food. And energy. Deal?
A fearful society is a compliant society. That's why Democrats and criminals prefer their victims to be unarmed. Gun Control is not about guns, it's about control.
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Mosquitos kill 1,000,000 people a year by spreading malaria, yellow fever, zika, west nile etc.

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Even if global warming was completely proven to be 100% man-made and caused by industrialized countries, I still would have trouble sending money to third-world governments who have terrible track records when it comes graft and corruption.
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I still would have trouble sending money to third-world governments who have terrible track records when it comes graft and corruption.
As opposed to our first world governments who are models of thrift and virtue!
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The fact that people believe this garbage makes me nauseous…

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Couldn't make it through all that tripe, but the use of buzzwords and talking points by the author was impressive
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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Wasn't the earth supposed to be dead about 5 times already?
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How to win a climate change debate:

What % of climate change is caused by man and what % is caused by nature?

How was there more drastic climate change before man existed, what caused it?

Are those natural variables that caused climate change before man still around today? Are they static or do they change?

Honest liberals and alarmists will probably label you a "science denier" before you get to question 2.
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Seeing that his first sentence is a flawed premise, it's no wonder that the entire article is flawed.

That's how it works, state an unfounded theory as fact, and then build everything else off of that.

Actually pretty sophomoric.

(The other gem is his statement that CO2 stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years. Seriously? Any middle schooler that has learned about photosynthesis knows what a reach that statement is.)
Who we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.
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TRX said:

Well they sure are eloquent and hit all of the talking points. So many people have bought into this religion, it's actually very dangerous for the rest of us.

Not counting their ridiculous anecdotes about floods and droughts and hurricanes, have there been any events that can be tied to climate change? Where is the sea level rise so problematic?

I would love for someone to show us the evidence that shorelines are starting to be under water due to rising sea levels. Remember that there is subsidence in shore areas as well, so just because a shoreline is having tidal flooding, it doesn't necessarily mean it's due to sea level rise.

Where are the articles that say "it's happened"; all we see is "may happen", "could happen", "will likely happen", etc. We've seen these fear mongering pronouncements for over 50 years now.

After we see this evidence, I'm still waiting on proof that man is causing the problem as well and not the myriad of other things that could be contributing to this, especially that flaming ball Earth rotates around.
Houston Lee
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I am all for good environmental stewardship to help with clean water, clean air and proper removal of trash/waste.

However, the environmentalists lose me when they spout this "Climate Disaster" non-sense and then also tie it into a money grab.

It is just a load of BS. None of the alarming disasters claimed to be coming due to man have happened. The seas have not risen. Weather is weather, not a climate crisis.
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The other gem is his statement that CO2 stays in the atmosphere for thousands of years. Seriously? Any middle schooler that has learned about photosynthesis knows what a reach that statement is.
You mean like this? (From the site kidsgardening.org)

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I believe that climate change can be controlled by the Aztec method of human sacrifice.

Let's start with Mr. Robinson and other climate-change religious zealots. But I would add the option of freezing their heads in liquid nitrogen, to be reanimated in the future when technology has advanced sufficiently. Government should pay for all the expense of freezing and reanimation.

Climate change is just another "Heaven's Gate" type of cult. Let the true believers continue on their journey.
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Ah climate change. The biggest problem with no political solution our politicians have ever gotten rich trying to solve.
Krombopulos Michael
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MouthBQ98 said:

No, it isn't. Quit lying leftists.

Yes, the climate is changing. Always has, always will. 4.5 billion years and going…..hint: it's the big yellow thing in the sky and the orbit/tilt of the Earth that make the biggest impacts on the climate.

What they are lying about is that changing hands of man made currency make a significant difference (if any).

Maroon Dawn
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Once again they admit China and India are the real problem but FOR SOME REASON they don't feel the need for them to make any changes
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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BlueTaze said:

How to win a climate change debate:

What % of climate change is caused by man and what % is caused by nature?

How was there more drastic climate change before man existed, what caused it?

Are those natural variables that caused climate change before man still around today? Are they static or do they change?

Honest liberals and alarmists will probably label you a "science denier" before you get to question 2.
I like to start with: What is the optimum temperature for the earth and why? Please be specific keeping in mind the Geologic Time Scale.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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Houston Lee said:

I am all for good environmental stewardship to help with clean water, clean air and proper removal of trash/waste.

However, the environmentalists lose me when they spout this "Climate Disaster" non-sense and then also tie it into a money grab.

It is just a load of BS. None of the alarming disasters claimed to be coming due to man have happened. The seas have not risen. Weather is weather, not a climate crisis.
Yes. Money is the key. To show sincerity, the upper tier need to profit less from such "action" and "intervention".


Shouldn't the rich be obliged to help the poor?
Yes, the policy-making class, political and press, should halve their income and assets and convert it to gifts and drop to middle class level. This especially for global forum members.
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Yes. The climate does change. Man might even influence that. There is absolutely NO impending disaster in the time scales of climatic change we can do anything about regarding mitigation. We must adapt to the gradual changes, as we had before we influenced climate at all.

The fear mongering is exploitative, paranoid, and wasteful of opportunity and resources.
sam callahan
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My country is trillions in debt, so it's not on the rich list.
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We need to eliminate plants which are responsible for the first worldwide climate change.

Or was it volcanos?


Global warming cultists are the real science deniers.

Actually, those at the top know it's fake. They just want to use the narrative to feed their lust for money and power.
Aggie Joe 93
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BuddysBud said:


This is exactly what I think of man made global climate change. This would make money in tshirts and hats.
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VaultingChemist said:

I believe that climate change can be controlled by the Aztec method of human sacrifice.

Let's start with Mr. Robinson and other climate-change religious zealots. But I would add the option of freezing their heads in liquid nitrogen, to be reanimated in the future when technology has advanced sufficiently. Government should pay for all the expense of freezing and reanimation.

Climate change is just another "Heaven's Gate" type of cult. Let the true believers continue on their journey.
I know this is satire but in all seriousness, whenever we reach a level of population that is too great, mother nature will take care of herself and a bunch of folks will cease to exist. And the timing of that has nothing to do with us.
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But Bill and Klaus and the other WEF brainiacs believe that they can kill more than half of us to save the earth.

Imagine the environmental disaster when the planet has billions of rotting bodies that fulfill the pipe dream of a few super rich guys.
Science Denier
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China = biggest polluter

When China pays (not promises to pay), I may be willing to fork over money.

Then again, even if China pays, I probably still won't be willing to pay anything.
The Collective
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Why did famines occur in Biblical history?
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cevans_40 said:

VaultingChemist said:

I believe that climate change can be controlled by the Aztec method of human sacrifice.

Let's start with Mr. Robinson and other climate-change religious zealots. But I would add the option of freezing their heads in liquid nitrogen, to be reanimated in the future when technology has advanced sufficiently. Government should pay for all the expense of freezing and reanimation.

Climate change is just another "Heaven's Gate" type of cult. Let the true believers continue on their journey.
I know this is satire but in all seriousness, whenever we reach a level of population that is too great, mother nature will take care of herself and a bunch of folks will cease to exist. And the timing of that has nothing to do with us.
1816: The Year Without A Summer

Referred to by many names, including "the poverty year" and "eighteen hundred and froze-to-death," the year 1816 was literally a year without a summer across much of the Northern Hemisphere. Throughout not only North America but also Northern Europe and parts of Asia, an exceptionally cold summer, featuring killing frosts in July and August, crippled food production. Crop failures and food shortages were so widespread that rioting and looting became common in the United Kingdom and France.

So, what caused this tragically cold summer? The likely suspect was a series of volcanic eruptions that occurred during the winter of 1815, in particular, the eruption of Mt. Tambora in Indonesia, believed to be the largest eruption of the last 1,800 years. The volcano ejected a tremendous cloud of fine ash and dust was ejected into the stratosphere, where it remained for a very long time. This ash insulated the earth from the heat and light of the sun, resulting in a cooling effect throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
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