We need a candidate who can win and in a big way. We cannot take a chance. Trump needs to settle his legal issues by suing the government for the damages done to him by the feds with the hoax Russia probe. Include Clinton, Comey, Ray, etc.
This appears to be incorrect based on some comments on this forum and also the fact that they stayed home, voted L or even voted for POTATUS instead of Trump.aggie93 said:
This really comes down to one question for the Trump supporters. Love to hear your answer.
If Trump loses to DeSantis in the primaries are you going to stay home or vote for DeSantis?
It's theoretically possible Trump goes 3rd Party of course but realistically it would be lunacy as he would lose badly if he already lost the GOP Primaries and he would burn down whatever good he has done in the process while making any of his supporters and his family toxic by getting us a Democrat elected. I could see Trump threaten it out of desperation but I can't see him actually doing it.
I would wager almost all DeSantis supporters will still support Trump if he wins even if it is begrudgingly.
So what is the answer to the real question above?
WHOOP!'91 said:This appears to be incorrect based on some comments on this forum and also the fact that they stayed home, voted L or even voted for POTATUS instead of Trump.aggie93 said:
This really comes down to one question for the Trump supporters. Love to hear your answer.
If Trump loses to DeSantis in the primaries are you going to stay home or vote for DeSantis?
It's theoretically possible Trump goes 3rd Party of course but realistically it would be lunacy as he would lose badly if he already lost the GOP Primaries and he would burn down whatever good he has done in the process while making any of his supporters and his family toxic by getting us a Democrat elected. I could see Trump threaten it out of desperation but I can't see him actually doing it.
I would wager almost all DeSantis supporters will still support Trump if he wins even if it is begrudgingly.
So what is the answer to the real question above?
GAC06 said:
Option 4: the tiny minority of hardcore Trumpians on this board slowly accept reality that Trump is a geriatric has-been loser. If he runs, he will cost us ANOTHER election.
PatriotAg02 said:
Trump has already said that if DeSantis runs, he has more dirt on him than anyone and knows him better than anyone other than maybe is wife.
I also don't think DeSantis wants to run against Trump. I think we'll see DeSantis endorse Trump. Media/Deep State doesn't want that, and DeSantis knows it.
Yeah he's been proven wrong so many times.ABATTBQ11 said:PatriotAg02 said:
Trump has already said that if DeSantis runs, he has more dirt on him than anyone and knows him better than anyone other than maybe is wife.
I also don't think DeSantis wants to run against Trump. I think we'll see DeSantis endorse Trump. Media/Deep State doesn't want that, and DeSantis knows it.
Trump says a lot of things. Most of them are bull****.
OG UNF said:
We Trumpanzees are a stubborn bunch, and we're still very pissed off at the status quo. Trump was the only non-establishment candidate who, for us, would truly go in and upset the apple cart - and he did, to the degree that they're still trying to imprison him.
So naturally, after they took us away from us fraudulently and pretended there was an insurrection, it only strengthens the same resolve we had in 2016. Trump remains our big fat middle finger to the political order.
And, as it was then, it's highly unlikely he'll win the general election again.
So what then, is a Republican Party to do? What's a conservative to do? What's a Desantis supporter to do? Stamp your feet and complain like the last two days?
Option 1. Trump runs in the primary, he wins, period. He likely puts enough stink on any other candidate that they'll be tarnished moving forward. No good because Republicans think he can't win the general. Democrats win.
Option 2. Betray him enough to run third party, republicans lose in an epic landslide. Epic. Obviously no good. Democrats win.
Option 3. Art of the deal. Let a trump write the platform for 2024, give his supporters and him personally (remember he is a narcissist) absolutely everything he wants, godfather status in the party, assurances of a full pardon against Democrat tricks, and ask him to endorse Desantis. Republicans win, Trump supporters win, Desantis supporters win. Democrats lose.
Yup. Simple as that.GAC06 said:
Option 4: the tiny minority of hardcore Trumpians on this board slowly accept reality that Trump is a geriatric has-been loser. If he runs, he will cost us ANOTHER election.
That's exactly what I said.Agthatbuilds said:WHOOP!'91 said:This appears to be incorrect based on some comments on this forum and also the fact that they stayed home, voted L or even voted for POTATUS instead of Trump.aggie93 said:
This really comes down to one question for the Trump supporters. Love to hear your answer.
If Trump loses to DeSantis in the primaries are you going to stay home or vote for DeSantis?
It's theoretically possible Trump goes 3rd Party of course but realistically it would be lunacy as he would lose badly if he already lost the GOP Primaries and he would burn down whatever good he has done in the process while making any of his supporters and his family toxic by getting us a Democrat elected. I could see Trump threaten it out of desperation but I can't see him actually doing it.
I would wager almost all DeSantis supporters will still support Trump if he wins even if it is begrudgingly.
So what is the answer to the real question above?
I disagree. I, and many other posters, have stated Trump won't get our primary votes but will in the general, should he be the candidate.
Outside of a few folks like Georgia I don't know of many GOP Primary voters that voted against Trump in the primary but wouldn't in the general, at least in 2020. A lot of folks did in '16.WHOOP!'91 said:This appears to be incorrect based on some comments on this forum and also the fact that they stayed home, voted L or even voted for POTATUS instead of Trump.aggie93 said:
This really comes down to one question for the Trump supporters. Love to hear your answer.
If Trump loses to DeSantis in the primaries are you going to stay home or vote for DeSantis?
It's theoretically possible Trump goes 3rd Party of course but realistically it would be lunacy as he would lose badly if he already lost the GOP Primaries and he would burn down whatever good he has done in the process while making any of his supporters and his family toxic by getting us a Democrat elected. I could see Trump threaten it out of desperation but I can't see him actually doing it.
I would wager almost all DeSantis supporters will still support Trump if he wins even if it is begrudgingly.
So what is the answer to the real question above?
More like sunk along with the candidates he pushed.SA68AG said:
In the intervening months and in the debates DeSantis will clearly demonstrate that he is a superior leader and spokesman for the Republican party.
Trump's ship has sailed.
Eric also says he voted L instead of Trump, as another example from this board. I will vote against the Dem no matter who the R is. I wanted Cruz instead of Trump but definitely didn't want Shrillery. I will take any R - even Jeb or Romney - over Xiden or any Dem I can think of.aggie93 said:Outside of a few folks like Georgia I don't know of many GOP Primary voters that voted against Trump in the primary but wouldn't in the general, at least in 2020. A lot of folks did in '16.WHOOP!'91 said:This appears to be incorrect based on some comments on this forum and also the fact that they stayed home, voted L or even voted for POTATUS instead of Trump.aggie93 said:
This really comes down to one question for the Trump supporters. Love to hear your answer.
If Trump loses to DeSantis in the primaries are you going to stay home or vote for DeSantis?
It's theoretically possible Trump goes 3rd Party of course but realistically it would be lunacy as he would lose badly if he already lost the GOP Primaries and he would burn down whatever good he has done in the process while making any of his supporters and his family toxic by getting us a Democrat elected. I could see Trump threaten it out of desperation but I can't see him actually doing it.
I would wager almost all DeSantis supporters will still support Trump if he wins even if it is begrudgingly.
So what is the answer to the real question above?
Now if you are talking about Indys and Dems of course there are very few of them that would vote Trump over DeSantis but that's also part of the point.
Most Republicans will vote for the Republican nominee and will vote Trump over any Democrat. Most of them already voted Trump twice.
More importantly this all ignores the REAL question. The REAL question is how many Trump supporters will stay home or not vote for DeSantis vs Biden or another Democrat like Newsome? That's what matters. If the answer is not very many then Trump doesn't really have the power many here claim.
Tom Kazansky 2012 said:It hasn't sailed enough to not absolutely shipwreck any chance the R's have in 24.SA68AG said:
In the intervening months and in the debates DeSantis will clearly demonstrate that he is a superior leader and spokesman for the Republican party.
Trump's ship has sailed.
THISjrrhouston98 said:
I was/am a Trump supporter. As polarizing as he is, I still love the guy. However, I realize that the time for Trump has passed. He has rubbed too many people the wrong way and turned many life long republicans off. I know a handful of people that voted for poopy pants because they just could not take another 4 years of Trump. I get it. You love him or hate him.
2024 needs to be a fresh face of the party. We need to take this country back. We need a strong candidate with a spine that will stand up to the libtards, just as Trump did. I am all in on Desantis.
If Walker loses you will get my thread.BoydCrowder13 said:Tom Kazansky 2012 said:It hasn't sailed enough to not absolutely shipwreck any chance the R's have in 24.SA68AG said:
In the intervening months and in the debates DeSantis will clearly demonstrate that he is a superior leader and spokesman for the Republican party.
Trump's ship has sailed.
Still waiting on your thread saying Trump isn't a viable candidate in 2024. Oz and Walker did not win by more than 50,000 votes. You were super confident. Go ahead!
Tom Kazansky 2012 said:If Walker loses you will get my thread.BoydCrowder13 said:Tom Kazansky 2012 said:It hasn't sailed enough to not absolutely shipwreck any chance the R's have in 24.SA68AG said:
In the intervening months and in the debates DeSantis will clearly demonstrate that he is a superior leader and spokesman for the Republican party.
Trump's ship has sailed.
Still waiting on your thread saying Trump isn't a viable candidate in 2024. Oz and Walker did not win by more than 50,000 votes. You were super confident. Go ahead!
Trump supporters need to get thru his thick arrogant self grandizing skull that hes killing any chance for republicans. He's far right as much as aoc is far left. No one in the central is voting for them.OG UNF said:
We Trumpanzees are a stubborn bunch, and we're still very pissed off at the status quo. Trump was the only non-establishment candidate who, for us, would truly go in and upset the apple cart - and he did, to the degree that they're still trying to imprison him.
So naturally, after they took us away from us fraudulently and pretended there was an insurrection, it only strengthens the same resolve we had in 2016. Trump remains our big fat middle finger to the political order.
And, as it was then, it's highly unlikely he'll win the general election again.
So what then, is a Republican Party to do? What's a conservative to do? What's a Desantis supporter to do? Stamp your feet and complain like the last two days?
Option 1. Trump runs in the primary, he wins, period. He likely puts enough stink on any other candidate that they'll be tarnished moving forward. No good because Republicans think he can't win the general. Democrats win.
Option 2. Betray him enough to run third party, republicans lose in an epic landslide. Epic. Obviously no good. Democrats win.
Option 3. Art of the deal. Let a trump write the platform for 2024, give his supporters and him personally (remember he is a narcissist) absolutely everything he wants, godfather status in the party, assurances of a full pardon against Democrat tricks, and ask him to endorse Desantis. Republicans win, Trump supporters win, Desantis supporters win. Democrats lose.
Agthatbuilds said:
Op- let's say Trump runs on the primary but doesn't win the nomination.
What are you going to do? Are you going to vote the the republican, will you sit it out or do something like write Trump in?
How much are you willing to sacrifice to the dems of Trump doesn't win the nomination?
Funky Winkerbean said:
He was awesome as a democrat. Until the sheep expressed their core beliefs about republicans through the vitriol expressed towards him. Don't fool yourselves, they hate everyone in the GOP equally but have gotten comfortable expressing it on Trump.
OG UNF said:Agthatbuilds said:
Op- let's say Trump runs on the primary but doesn't win the nomination.
What are you going to do? Are you going to vote the the republican, will you sit it out or do something like write Trump in?
How much are you willing to sacrifice to the dems of Trump doesn't win the nomination?
Putting aside that there is zero chance Desantis beats Trump in a primary, and <1% chance he would even run against trump. It would depend on the manner in which he won, and whether the republicans betray trump supporters.
Option 3 isn't enough unless you let Trump choose the running mate. Does Ivanka, Eric, or Don Jr on the ticket doom the ticket? If so there is no deal to be made and your option 1 is the best path forward.OG UNF said:
Option 3. Art of the deal. Let a trump write the platform for 2024, give his supporters and him personally (remember he is a narcissist) absolutely everything he wants, godfather status in the party, assurances of a full pardon against Democrat tricks, and ask him to endorse Desantis. Republicans win, Trump supporters win, Desantis supporters win. Democrats lose.