Trump likely to announce 2024 run Nov 15

5,098 Views | 96 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by HumbleAg04
The Porkchop Express
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ProgN said:

It wouldn't matter if we ran Jesus in 2024 if they're permitted to steal this election.
Jesus is soft on assault weapons.
Feels so good, feelin' good again.
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titan said:

Manhattan said:

Rockdoc said:

Manhattan said:

Besides maybe Ted Cruz, Trump is the only Republican that Biden can beat.

In case you haven't noticed, your boy Biden can barely speak in sentences and almost fell off the stage today. He can't beat anybody. Don't even need to talk about his approval rating.

And yet somehow Trump managed to get destroyed in a debate and then an election by him…
Ludicrous. Both were rigged.

Especially the first debate. May as well have been Joy Behar moderating.

Trump arguably won the second and after.

The election was rigged going in. Whether voters were stolen after Election Day is a different and more debateable argument, but the illegal rigging in procedures before-hand and media collusion is undeniable.

Trump knew going in that Wallace hated him and that Biden was going to have an earpiece. Yet he didn't prep much at all for the debate and got caught off guard and started losing his temper and looked bad doing it. He gave Biden and the MSM exactly what they wanted. Was it fair? Of course not but any fool knew it would be unfair. He blew it and after that he was playing defense and catch up for the rest of the campaign. It allowed for a lot of folks to look at both Biden and Trump as terrible. As the first debate is the most important it's hard to come back. I remember the same thing happened with Bush the Elder and Clinton. Clinton got him on the first debate and even though Bush crushed Clinton in the last debate it was too late.

Debates aren't a fair fight for Republicans. The questions are always left leaning and the moderators always favor the Dem. That's why you need to be a talented enough communicator to overcome that. That first debate was on Trump.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Manhattan said:

FriscoKid said:

Prove to me that you don't know what you are talking about by continuing this argument.
If I was wrong the SCOTUS wouldn't have sided with what I am saying.
You are wrong. The SCOTUS didn't take up the case.

For example:

Law passed by the PA legislature required that all mail-in ballots be signed and dated. Pennsylvania SOS said that they didn't need to be signed and dated to be counted.

You don't know what you are talking about here, or you don't care and you will just lie about the facts.
Deputy Travis Junior
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Trump did not win the first debate. All he had to do was shut up and let a half demented idiot ramble incoherent nonsense and he couldn't do it. Debate 1 should have been Trump's "Oz versus Fetterman debate" moment but instead people came away from it thinking "wow, Trump sure is an obnoxious ass hole." Colossal failure on Trump's part.
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aggie93 said:

titan said:

Manhattan said:

Rockdoc said:

Manhattan said:

Besides maybe Ted Cruz, Trump is the only Republican that Biden can beat.

In case you haven't noticed, your boy Biden can barely speak in sentences and almost fell off the stage today. He can't beat anybody. Don't even need to talk about his approval rating.

And yet somehow Trump managed to get destroyed in a debate and then an election by him…
Ludicrous. Both were rigged.

Especially the first debate. May as well have been Joy Behar moderating.

Trump arguably won the second and after.

The election was rigged going in. Whether voters were stolen after Election Day is a different and more debateable argument, but the illegal rigging in procedures before-hand and media collusion is undeniable.

Trump knew going in that Wallace hated him and that Biden was going to have an earpiece. Yet he didn't prep much at all for the debate and got caught off guard and started losing his temper and looked bad doing it. He gave Biden and the MSM exactly what they wanted. Was it fair? Of course not but any fool knew it would be unfair. He blew it and after that he was playing defense and catch up for the rest of the campaign. It allowed for a lot of folks to look at both Biden and Trump as terrible. As the first debate is the most important it's hard to come back. I remember the same thing happened with Bush the Elder and Clinton. Clinton got him on the first debate and even though Bush crushed Clinton in the last debate it was too late.

Debates aren't a fair fight for Republicans. The questions are always left leaning and the moderators always favor the Dem. That's why you need to be a talented enough communicator to overcome that. That first debate was on Trump.

Oh can grant all that but the Fox moderator should not have been a NeverTrumper. The net result is all biased. But more important he did definitely botch it but believe it was in part because already sinking from covid caught Saturday.

And separate from Trump didn't and haven't forgiven Wallace for furthering the white supremacist lie while giving a pass to Antifa and abt Portland no less! Same time frame Nadler denied riots going on there.
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It's going to a rough future for the Dems, but Trump as the Rep nominee will probably keep the White House for them.
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Ags77 said:

It's going to a rough future for the Dems, but Trump as the Rep nominee will probably keep the White House for them.

The dynamics are different though this time: In 2020 because Biden was able to hide in his basement for so long the 2020 election was "do you like Trump or not?" Instead of "would you rather have Trump or Biden?"

It was a referendum on Trump not a choice between two candidates
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DenverAg91 said:

ChemEAg08 said:

Damn. All those TDS conservatives will have to wait until November 15th to bleed again.

Voted for Trump proudly in 2016 and 2020. Zero regrets

The question is what does Trump offer than DeSantis doesn't?

Desantis offers many of the upsides of Trump without the negatives of Trump
I like both candidates. The reason I'm voting Trump 2024 and Desantis afterwards is mainly because Desantis is young and has a long career ahead of him. Let's get Trump 2024 and Desantis 2028 and 2032.

I seriously don't understand the infighting on here between the 2 candidates. It's not a "pick a side" situation. They are both great and can lead in the proper order. Which is Trump first. Then Desantis.
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DenverAg91 said:

Ags77 said:

It's going to a rough future for the Dems, but Trump as the Rep nominee will probably keep the White House for them.

The dynamics are different though this time: In 2020 because Biden was able to hide in his basement for so long the 2020 election was "do you like Trump or not?" Instead of "would you rather have Trump or Biden?"

It was a referendum on Trump not a choice between two candidates

I do agree with you on that. Biden would be far easier to beat than probably anyone else. But, don't forget Trump energizes the opposition party like no one else and then add in the large number of people that won't ever vote trump, and you get a likely second straight loss for trump. In fact, I would say Trump is the ONLY candidate that Biden can beat.
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titan said:

aggie93 said:

titan said:

Manhattan said:

Rockdoc said:

Manhattan said:

Besides maybe Ted Cruz, Trump is the only Republican that Biden can beat.

In case you haven't noticed, your boy Biden can barely speak in sentences and almost fell off the stage today. He can't beat anybody. Don't even need to talk about his approval rating.

And yet somehow Trump managed to get destroyed in a debate and then an election by him…
Ludicrous. Both were rigged.

Especially the first debate. May as well have been Joy Behar moderating.

Trump arguably won the second and after.

The election was rigged going in. Whether voters were stolen after Election Day is a different and more debateable argument, but the illegal rigging in procedures before-hand and media collusion is undeniable.

Trump knew going in that Wallace hated him and that Biden was going to have an earpiece. Yet he didn't prep much at all for the debate and got caught off guard and started losing his temper and looked bad doing it. He gave Biden and the MSM exactly what they wanted. Was it fair? Of course not but any fool knew it would be unfair. He blew it and after that he was playing defense and catch up for the rest of the campaign. It allowed for a lot of folks to look at both Biden and Trump as terrible. As the first debate is the most important it's hard to come back. I remember the same thing happened with Bush the Elder and Clinton. Clinton got him on the first debate and even though Bush crushed Clinton in the last debate it was too late.

Debates aren't a fair fight for Republicans. The questions are always left leaning and the moderators always favor the Dem. That's why you need to be a talented enough communicator to overcome that. That first debate was on Trump.

Oh can grant all that but the Fox moderator should not have been a NeverTrumper. The net result is all biased. But more important he did definitely botch it but believe it was in part because already sinking from covid caught Saturday.

And separate from Trump didn't and haven't forgiven Wallace for furthering the white supremacist lie while giving a pass to Antifa and abt Portland no less! Same time frame Nadler denied riots going on there.
I understand your point but Trump knew he was going into a 2 on 1 debate or he damn well should have known. Wallace hates him and is a Registered D no matter if he worked for Fox. Not being prepared was inexcusable. The way he bungled the WS question was inexcusable. He allowed them to fluster him and he gave them the sound byte they wanted.

Was it fair? Nope, never is though. He was far more interested in his rallies though instead of prepping for the debate where undecided voters were watching. It hurt him badly. That's on him for making that choice.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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AGAIN, that only is really true if you assume Saturday to Tuesday was a Trump that was in good health. Even that night many commented before the active talking began that he didn't look top shape.

That said, agree with all of what you said-- especially if he knew that in advance. Like you said, he should have, but I still fault the only center or right network (whatever you beleive) having a NeverTrumper of all people do it. Its in the same category of having a Hillary Democrat run their election decision desk.

By the way, are they doing that tonight? If so, not watching.
fka ftc
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GeorgiAg said:

fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

Trump wants to run because it's being president is his best defense in the many lawsuits against him.

Again, it's all about Trump, all the time. Lemmings.
You voted for Biden because of TDS then call those who support Trump as "lemmings"?

Forget TDS, I worry about your mental stability regardless of Trump. You have got to be the most disingenuous poster of all time with your constant "I regret voting for Biden, sorry guys" then retort with post above.

Just admit your TDS affliction is end stage. I think the only thing you can do at this point is to simply not vote. Ever. Never.
I am voting for 13 Republicans, 1 Libertarian and 1 Democrat. The Democrat is the only candidate on the ballot for Solicitor.

Still want me to not vote?
Correct. As you cannot be trusted with your vote, then I would rather you just not vote.

But more than that, I would have greater respect for someone who is not honest from posting standpoint, but who is honest with whom they are.

I just cannot wrap my head around someone who hates Trump so much they voted for Biden, then clearly see their mistake, then say they still cannot get behind a Trump presidency.

Seems dishonest to me. Disingenuous at best.

If Trump is the nominee, then any true freedom loving, Constitutional respecting voter has no other choice in 2024.
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AgBandsman said:

DenverAg91 said:

ChemEAg08 said:

Damn. All those TDS conservatives will have to wait until November 15th to bleed again.

Voted for Trump proudly in 2016 and 2020. Zero regrets

The question is what does Trump offer than DeSantis doesn't?

Desantis offers many of the upsides of Trump without the negatives of Trump
I like both candidates. The reason I'm voting Trump 2024 and Desantis afterwards is mainly because Desantis is young and has a long career ahead of him. Let's get Trump 2024 and Desantis 2028 and 2032.

I seriously don't understand the infighting on here between the 2 candidates. It's not a "pick a side" situation. They are both great and can lead in the proper order. Which is Trump first. Than Desantis.
Proper order my ass. Desantis in 2024 or the potential for loss literally balances in Trumps tiny idiotic hands. Besides, in the next 2 years Trump could very likely keel over on the golf course. Then it's just orange man gone
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Its amazing all the talk about 2024 when we don't even have today over yet and proof that the system still works.

Or what the new Congress in Jan 2023 will even look like. Depending the scenarios, 2024 will not matter.
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The problem with you republicans is you try to prove government doesn't work by siting examples of republicans ****ing up.
Jarrin' Jay
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I liked many of Trumps policies, but the way he conducted himself was terrible. He needs to go away and just be a private citizen and business man. He was POTUS, just like there were many 1 term POTUS. I don't think he is electable in 2024, there will be a big pushback against him on a personal level. If the GOP wants to win, they need a much better candidate, to me that is DeSantis but there are others as well. Trump will lose in 2024 if he is the GOP nominee IMHO, even though he would get my vote as the best alternative to whatever idiot the Dems put forward....
fka ftc
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Manhattan said:

The problem with you republicans is you try to prove government doesn't work by siting examples of republicans ****ing up.
When I cite examples of DimLibs ducking up, I just say "Let's Go Brandon", drop the mic and walk off.

Literally not even halfway through and he will reign supreme as the ALL TIME WORST PRESIDENT, and top ten failed elected leaders in modern history worldwide.

Also, where did you place these examples? Please cite the sites of your siting unless you were instead citing.

Words are hard.
Deputy Travis Junior
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AgBandsman said:

I seriously don't understand the infighting on here between the 2 candidates. It's not a "pick a side" situation. They are both great and can lead in the proper order. Which is Trump first. Then Desantis.

He's going to be 80. 80!!! What part of that don't you understand? Not to mention he's somehow grown even more narcissistic and nasty since leaving office (see him calling JD Vance an ass kisser at a rally FOR Vance a month and some change ago, taking shots at DeSantis for no good reason, etc).

Trump nominated the judges the Heritage Foundation told him to nominate, signed the bills that McConnell put in front of him, and followed the republican party platform on cumbersome anti business regulation. He also spent like a 20 year old heiress and screamed at the Federal Reserve whenever they tried to raise the fed funds rate much above 0% (absolutely contributed to the current inflation). The idea that he's this policy savant is hilarious. He was a mixed bag who's only noteworthy because W was so bad.
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Manhattan said:

The problem with you republicans is you try to prove government doesn't work by siting examples of republicans ****ing up.
Moving the goalposts so soon?
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FriscoKid said:

Manhattan said:

The problem with you republicans is you try to prove government doesn't work by siting examples of republicans ****ing up.
Moving the goalposts so soon?

They aren't moved, the state legislature passed the law, the sc and scotus interprets it within the state and national constitution.

If the Republican state legislature wants something different they should write better laws.

The law as written allowed for everyhing that took place.
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vette said:

ChemEAg08 said:

DenverAg91 said:

ChemEAg08 said:

Damn. All those TDS conservatives will have to wait until November 15th to bleed again.

Voted for Trump proudly in 2016 and 2020. Zero regrets

The question is what does Trump offer than DeSantis doesn't?

Desantis offers many of the upsides of Trump without the negatives of Trump

You have a problem with Trump 2024, DeSantis 2028 and 2032? Because that sounds damn good to me.

When is the last time there has been 3 terms of R in a row?
It's not happening… therefore, DeSantis in 2024 please
1980,1984,1992. 1920,1924,1928. 1896,1900,1904,1908. 1860,1864,1872,1876,1880.
The person that is not willing to fight and die, if need be, for his country has no right to life.

James Earl Rudder '32
January 31, 1945
J. Walter Weatherman
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fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

Trump wants to run because it's being president is his best defense in the many lawsuits against him.

Again, it's all about Trump, all the time. Lemmings.
You voted for Biden because of TDS then call those who support Trump as "lemmings"?

Forget TDS, I worry about your mental stability regardless of Trump. You have got to be the most disingenuous poster of all time with your constant "I regret voting for Biden, sorry guys" then retort with post above.

Just admit your TDS affliction is end stage. I think the only thing you can do at this point is to simply not vote. Ever. Never.
I am voting for 13 Republicans, 1 Libertarian and 1 Democrat. The Democrat is the only candidate on the ballot for Solicitor.

Still want me to not vote?
Correct. As you cannot be trusted with your vote, then I would rather you just not vote.

But more than that, I would have greater respect for someone who is not honest from posting standpoint, but who is honest with whom they are.

I just cannot wrap my head around someone who hates Trump so much they voted for Biden, then clearly see their mistake, then say they still cannot get behind a Trump presidency.

Seems dishonest to me. Disingenuous at best.

If Trump is the nominee, then any true freedom loving, Constitutional respecting voter has no other choice in 2024.

Would rather him not vote for any conservatives because he doesn't want to vote for trump. More absolute obsession with one man.
fka ftc
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J. Walter Weatherman said:

fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

Trump wants to run because it's being president is his best defense in the many lawsuits against him.

Again, it's all about Trump, all the time. Lemmings.
You voted for Biden because of TDS then call those who support Trump as "lemmings"?

Forget TDS, I worry about your mental stability regardless of Trump. You have got to be the most disingenuous poster of all time with your constant "I regret voting for Biden, sorry guys" then retort with post above.

Just admit your TDS affliction is end stage. I think the only thing you can do at this point is to simply not vote. Ever. Never.
I am voting for 13 Republicans, 1 Libertarian and 1 Democrat. The Democrat is the only candidate on the ballot for Solicitor.

Still want me to not vote?
Correct. As you cannot be trusted with your vote, then I would rather you just not vote.

But more than that, I would have greater respect for someone who is not honest from posting standpoint, but who is honest with whom they are.

I just cannot wrap my head around someone who hates Trump so much they voted for Biden, then clearly see their mistake, then say they still cannot get behind a Trump presidency.

Seems dishonest to me. Disingenuous at best.

If Trump is the nominee, then any true freedom loving, Constitutional respecting voter has no other choice in 2024.

Would rather him not vote for any conservatives because he doesn't want to vote for trump. More absolute obsession with one man.
Said I do not trust him to vote conservative. Therefore, my preference (which means nothing as he is free to vote), is for him to just not vote.

Peoples obsession of thinking people who like Trump in fact worship Trump is a symptom of TDS.
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fka ftc said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

Trump wants to run because it's being president is his best defense in the many lawsuits against him.

Again, it's all about Trump, all the time. Lemmings.
You voted for Biden because of TDS then call those who support Trump as "lemmings"?

Forget TDS, I worry about your mental stability regardless of Trump. You have got to be the most disingenuous poster of all time with your constant "I regret voting for Biden, sorry guys" then retort with post above.

Just admit your TDS affliction is end stage. I think the only thing you can do at this point is to simply not vote. Ever. Never.
I am voting for 13 Republicans, 1 Libertarian and 1 Democrat. The Democrat is the only candidate on the ballot for Solicitor.

Still want me to not vote?
Correct. As you cannot be trusted with your vote, then I would rather you just not vote.

But more than that, I would have greater respect for someone who is not honest from posting standpoint, but who is honest with whom they are.

I just cannot wrap my head around someone who hates Trump so much they voted for Biden, then clearly see their mistake, then say they still cannot get behind a Trump presidency.

Seems dishonest to me. Disingenuous at best.

If Trump is the nominee, then any true freedom loving, Constitutional respecting voter has no other choice in 2024.

Would rather him not vote for any conservatives because he doesn't want to vote for trump. More absolute obsession with one man.
Said I do not trust him to vote conservative. Therefore, my preference (which means nothing as he is free to vote), is for him to just not vote.

Peoples obsession of thinking people who like Trump in fact worship Trump is a symptom of TDS.
I'm sure everyone here will certainly give your opinions the attention they warrant. Trump loves when his base continues to support his demagoguery. The rest of us will support Desantis
J. Walter Weatherman
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fka ftc said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

fka ftc said:

GeorgiAg said:

Trump wants to run because it's being president is his best defense in the many lawsuits against him.

Again, it's all about Trump, all the time. Lemmings.
You voted for Biden because of TDS then call those who support Trump as "lemmings"?

Forget TDS, I worry about your mental stability regardless of Trump. You have got to be the most disingenuous poster of all time with your constant "I regret voting for Biden, sorry guys" then retort with post above.

Just admit your TDS affliction is end stage. I think the only thing you can do at this point is to simply not vote. Ever. Never.
I am voting for 13 Republicans, 1 Libertarian and 1 Democrat. The Democrat is the only candidate on the ballot for Solicitor.

Still want me to not vote?
Correct. As you cannot be trusted with your vote, then I would rather you just not vote.

But more than that, I would have greater respect for someone who is not honest from posting standpoint, but who is honest with whom they are.

I just cannot wrap my head around someone who hates Trump so much they voted for Biden, then clearly see their mistake, then say they still cannot get behind a Trump presidency.

Seems dishonest to me. Disingenuous at best.

If Trump is the nominee, then any true freedom loving, Constitutional respecting voter has no other choice in 2024.

Would rather him not vote for any conservatives because he doesn't want to vote for trump. More absolute obsession with one man.
Said I do not trust him to vote conservative. Therefore, my preference (which means nothing as he is free to vote), is for him to just not vote.

Peoples obsession of thinking people who like Trump in fact worship Trump is a symptom of TDS.

The point is to stop the left from what has happened the last two years, at all levels. If someone doesn't want to vote for Dear Leader but still wants to vote conservative the rest of the way down the ballot it's asinine to suggest they should stay home. And also implies that you care more about trump than you do about anything else.
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DenverAg91 said:

Who would the media and the Democrats rather run against in 2024?

I would vote for the other guy in a primary

To be fair, the media and Dems thought they'd annihilate Trump in '16 but he came out of nowhere to smoke their pretentious asses. It's not impossible that their hubris could once again be their undoing.
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Trump is unelectable.

He "lost" to Biden. He will be 78. He was outmaneuvered by the swamp, appointed losers to his cabinet, and was mostly a lame duck and distraction.

I enjoyed the **** show, overall policies weren't bad, but we need more going forward.

DeSantis is a better version of Trump. Fights just as hard, fights smarter, less baggage.
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