Pretty much. Islam is a useful tool as 'they' largely agree in their hatred of the west/Christianity/jews/individual freedom etc. "Jews" are similar, in that they help galvanize hatred around a common foe, who is conveniently unable/willing to fight back against the idiocy most of the time.
Case in point; this is a response to…what? Too much Zionism/speech in support of Israel daily/on campus at UC Berkeley? WTF? Sentient adults had this thought?
"Know what we need, bob? Zionism-free spaces here. Way too many pesky jews walking around talking about love of Israel."
Mmmhhhmmm. Ok, sure. Reminds me of the great recruiting/rally line from the Charlottesville fraud; "Jews, will not, replace us." Yeah, that's what that cabal of jews are waiting to breed/do.
Case in point; this is a response to…what? Too much Zionism/speech in support of Israel daily/on campus at UC Berkeley? WTF? Sentient adults had this thought?
"Know what we need, bob? Zionism-free spaces here. Way too many pesky jews walking around talking about love of Israel."
Mmmhhhmmm. Ok, sure. Reminds me of the great recruiting/rally line from the Charlottesville fraud; "Jews, will not, replace us." Yeah, that's what that cabal of jews are waiting to breed/do.