FBI Considers Most on the Right to be "Militia Violent Extremists"

7,803 Views | 84 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by TheTruthsLastHope
Hammerly High Dive Crips
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Obligatory: Texit.
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Trajan88 said:

From July, '19

I despise Nike but really wanted a pair of these at the time until that fragile, ignorant POS Kaepernick complained and had them pulled.

ETA: I found a pair on ebay in my size. Only $5,000.
Old Sarge
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Joking aside, if you want a Betsy Ross HISTORICAL flag, you might want to get one now. Amazon will have links to a few USA made ones, but is likely to pull them pretty soon because of this FBI "ultra accurate, most awesome, great briefing news."
"Green" is the new RED.
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Why did they not just say that anyone that is a Registered Republican should be assumed a threat ? ? ? It is obvious that they want to. I am guessing that by Fall of 2024 that they will say that out loud.

Sadly almost half the people in this country would fully support this happening.
Clown Baby
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Of note, under the "Symbols" section, is a prominent citation of the Second Amendment, where it explains that "MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment, due to the mention of a 'well regulated Militia,' as well as the right to bear arms."

This is some of the most non-sensical **** I've ever read. I recognize that the second amendment exists. That make me an "MVE" now?

To the FBI agent reading these threads: You're a bunch of p*ssies who hide behind government bureaucracy and derive your "manhood" from a government-issued gun, of which 99% of you will never even use. You no longer provide any tangible benefit to society and most people now rightfully consider you to be dishonest leeches if not straight up political actors. You aren't "defenders" of anything, you're government sponsored smear artists taking orders from Daddy because that's all you're good for now. Without daddy government, you are literally nothing.

GFY and have fun sleeping at night, losers. And remember when you're rimming the Democrats, you always need to wash your tongue immediately after. Safety first.
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They all getting the monkeypox?
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Yeah reading this to my wife I said "man, they have all the good stuff on here. "

Makes you proud.
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CS78 said:

Aim small, miss small.

Central Committee
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Remember, Antifa is just an idea and not a violent left wing arm of the democrats.
We may not always get what we want. We may not always get what we need. Just so we don't get what we deserve.
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G man is short for Gestapo man.
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Blue t-shirt, yellow lettering, MVE

Child size: Future MVE
Wild West Pimp Style
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Wait, so MF Doom is a violent extremist?
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Old Sarge said:

Joking aside, if you want a Betsy Ross HISTORICAL flag, you might want to get one now. Amazon will have links to a few USA made ones, but is likely to pull them pretty soon because of this FBI "ultra accurate, most awesome, great briefing news."

Screw Amazon. Order from this company: https://www.dixieflag.com/store/catalog

They're a family owned small business in San Antonio. But they crank out a lot of flags and big ones too. Amazon would probably send you a Chinese made flag.
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Old Sarge said:

SB 43rd STREET OG said:

F the Feds. And the ATF. And every agency.

FBI Briefing: Somehow, the Domestic Terrorists that Love America have found a way to turn their faces a Blue complexion. Be sure and pick up your Blue complexion make-up at the supply counter if on the way to the infiltration operation.

Next undercover ops

Cinco Ranch Aggie
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I consider the FBI to be America's version of the Stasi.
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Old Sarge said:

I'd like to extend a big ol' Texas Aggie "HOWDY!" to all the FBI folks monitoring this complaint thread about them.

Hope you enjoy your stay.
Yes - welcome... but I imagine you've been around awhile.

Ever watch one of those old WWII movies and wonder why so many seemingly honest and moral men would side with an evil government and against human rights and personal freedoms?
No Longer Subsribed
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As bad as the FBI is, it's good to see that there are still a number of whistleblowers within the organization. Grassley has developed a number of them. I just wish that the whistleblowers could provide the names attached to these documents, i.e. who wrote it, who approved it, etc.
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I swear, reading crap like this makes me want to pollute my neighborhood with Trump 2024 flags like the local realtor does with American flags on the 4th of July.

I assume Trump flags were on their list right next to the Third Reich.
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Rapier108 said:

The same document also refers to Ruby Ridge, Waco,

So, anybody who takes pride in Waco is on the list. I assume this includes Chip and Joanna for promoting Waco tourism.
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Who will feed the Democrats proxy wars when republicans stop joining the military?
Ghost Mech
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--


Time to abolish the FBI.....
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Betsy Ross Flag

Come and Take It Flag

Don't Tread On Me Flag

Place your orders boys!

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Apparently everyone with a Texas Issued ID is a MVE now since the Gonzales Flag is on the back of the new driver's license.
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F16: water the tree of liberty! Civil War! Abolish the FBI!

Also F16: why are we on government watchlists?

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Sterling82 said:

If a republican can actually get elected they better clean house as the first order of business. Otherwise the CIA and FBI will undermine their presidency as they did with trump.
I don't see how they'll be able to, because as always the media and everybody else will be loudly accusing the Republicans of doing exactly what the Dems have already done, making an agency partisan. And most people will listen because they're never told that the left has already done it.

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Can anyone name a federal agency they trust?
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Practically every single HS football team in this state either runs out with the Gonzales flag or Don't Tread on Me flag. Add in all of the parents going to school board meetings over the radical gender theories being pushed by public education, there sure a lot of terrorists wondering around. Heck, the terrorists even won an election in Virgina.

F off FBI. Desantis better fire half of you. The American people will try their best to get rid of you. We will be coming for your jobs if we get the chance.
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GeorgiAg said:

F16: water the tree of liberty! Civil War! Abolish the FBI!

Also F16: why are we on government watchlists?

Oversimplified, but I still lol'd.

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Old Sarge said:

SB 43rd STREET OG said:

F the Feds. And the ATF. And every agency.

FBI Briefing: Somehow, the Domestic Terrorists that Love America have found a way to turn their faces a Blue complexion. Be sure and pick up your Blue complexion make-up at the supply counter if on the way to the infiltration operation.
More Domestic Terrorists

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
Clown Baby
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VegasAg86 said:

GeorgiAg said:

F16: water the tree of liberty! Civil War! Abolish the FBI!

Also F16: why are we on government watchlists?

Oversimplified, but I still lol'd.

I know right, remember just a few weeks back when someone on the right was on his way to murder Justice Kavanaugh?
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IslanderAg04 said:

Who will feed the Democrats proxy wars when republicans stop joining the military?


What is all this nonsense labeling the Right that way now?

Is this some silly code for those who don't care what happens to this regime and don't want their kids signing up to fight for it?

The right should Altas Shrug the lot of them --- let them fight wars with their trans armies, pedos, fringes, reporters, antifa, and whatever Democrat voters still want to, but many of them are alienated too.
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So many cop shows through the years telling us how cool the FBI is....just more propaganda
Hammerly High Dive Crips
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Clown Baby said:

VegasAg86 said:

GeorgiAg said:

F16: water the tree of liberty! Civil War! Abolish the FBI!

Also F16: why are we on government watchlists?

Oversimplified, but I still lol'd.

I know right, remember just a few weeks back when someone on the right was on his way to murder Justice Kavanaugh?
Yep...also that one that shot up a congressional baseball game, almost killing a US Senator. I also remember all summer of 2020, and even in flare ups after that, conservative patriots burning down and destroying and looting entire city blocks...assaulting and hurting and even killing numerous police officers and destroying cop cars left and right...also killing and hurting many innocent citizens. It was so bad entire downtown areas of some cities will never be the same.

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Most of the FBI are not fulfilling their duty. Some are but they have evolved like most of the lifers in DC. They only care about their paycheck and their benefit package.

For example how can the director Ray, not be aware of corrupt behavior of his top agents in regard to the Russian collusion fraud? How can he look the other way when the Hunter Biden lap top is swept under the rung? Ray is corrupt to the core.
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