ATF shows up without a warrant, asks to see guns

15,277 Views | 133 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by CanyonAg77
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ABATTBQ11 said:

BlackGoldAg2011 said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

Dawnguard said:

MousepadMarauder said:

I haven't read the entire thread and don't know the backstory, but just wanted to enter this as a possible explanation:

A gun gets used in the commission of a crime. The gun gets traced back as sold by the manufacturer to/through a certain FFL, these guys show up at his shop and demand to inspect his records (he has to comply). In inspecting his records, they notice this gun was sold to Person A, along with a whole host of other guns. Person A is not an FFL but is apparently selling guns including selling guns to original criminal actor. This is a violation of Federal Law, selling for business without a license. ATF thinks FFL is in violation of Federal Law for knowingly transferring guns which he had reason to know were going to be sold (straw purchase or otherwise). In looking at FFL's records they also notice Person B (Ring Camera Guy) is acquiring voluminous weapons as well. In order to build case against FFL and/or Person A, ATF goes to talk to all folks who bought multiple firearms through FFL.

Agreed that I don't want ATF showing up at my door asking about my guns, but I think there are scenarios where this might happen as a result of good law enforcement activity.

And if this was the case, getting a warrant would make a lot more sense than a knock and talk for ensuring that all of the evidence was collected correctly and avoiding additional misunderstandings while also making it appear as legitimate instead of bullying.

It's easier and quicker to just ask first. If your neighbor of blocking your driveway, you could just call the cops and a tow truck, or you could walk over and ask them to move first. If you ask, it might get resolved quicker. If they say no, you can always do things the hard way.

Now, these guys should leave the moment the owner tells them no instead of trying to coerce compliance, but there's really nothing wrong with asking before going the warrant route.

That said, I really don't have a high opinion of cops in general. I'm not making excuses for anything they have done here or elsewhere, and I've posted many, many times about my belief they should be held far more accountable. However, they have a job to do, and like anyone else I would hope they try the easiest and last intrusive option first, because what's worse than cops showing up at your house without a warrant and asking to verify possession of a few weapons is cops breaking down your door at 3am with, and under the protection of, a warrant to search for said weapons.
yes but in this case since they had to gather paperwork ahead of time, would it not have been simple to get a warrant to see the guns in question if any true probable cause existed? If the cops happened to be in the area already then I would agree, not harm in asking first, but that's not the case here. They got a notice from a computer system and had to assemble their stuff and go specifically to this house for this specific purpose. Showing up with a warrant to me shows more respect as it shows genuine cause to do this check, and not a power trip induced attempted overreach by a law enforcement agency.

and to the compliance piece, the 3 am no knock shouldn't really be a concern here as normal warrants are supposed to be knock-and-announce and in daylight hours. And destruction of evidence is hardly a concern here as the legal problems arise only in the absence of the evidence in question, so a no knock shouldn't ever be granted in this specific case.

generally speaking, this type of behavior is the type of thing that causes even the generally law abiding citizens to distrust police.

There is certainly extra work to get a warrant. They'd have to do more research on him, put together evidence to go before a judge, and then make their case. As it is, they just have a printout of what he bought and go ask.

No-knocks are overused and are not used solely for evidence preservation. They could attempt to justify one because they're going to look for a bunch of guns and he's suspected to be armed. There's a half decent chance they ask for and receive it. I'd prefer they knock, ask, and come back later.

ETA It's not this behavior that makes law abiding people distrust police. It's the lying, fabricating probable cause in traffic stops, excessive use of force, and general lack of accountability that makes people distrust police.
It is absolutely this behavior that makes me distrust the ATF even more than I already do. Because, even though they claim they don't have the information, the fact that they know exactly what and when and where this guy bought (legally at that) some firearms is outright overbearing thuggish behavior to begin with.

To "randomly" show up at his house and ask about said firearms without any probable cause is even worse.

I want the feds to have to go through the hoops of getting a warrant - and the burden of proof to get said warrant should be exceedingly high - before they can initiate such contact. It should be hard for them to request the ability to harass a private citizen over a 100% legal purchase. They and the judge should be held accountable for having the power to do so, regardless of the situation.
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oldyeller said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

oldyeller said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

oldyeller said:

FTAG 2000I think there's a rule that if you buy more than five firearms in 48 hours you could get a visit from ATF. this guy bought seven.

Not a fan of the ATF but it's understandable why he got visited.
If it's a rule, then the rule should stipulate that a judge be notified to authorize a warrant for the search and confirmation. The guy passed the NICS background check, twice in this case it would seem, so beyond he bought more than some arbitrary limit during some arbitrary time period, what provides the basis for such a heavy handed visit as displayed in this video? This isn't Andy Taylor knocking on the door with Barney Fife watching his back, these are guys in vests and clearly operating as if the guy is a suspected criminal simply because he engaged in a lawful activity.

In their defense, they can't know if his activity is lawful or not before they actually talk to him. Until he opens the door, he could be a violent meth dealer for all they know.

Now, they should have a warrant, and simply buying a bunch of guns should not be grounds for said warrant, but they do have the right to ask without said warrant and be prepared for unknown individuals while asking.
I get why they have assumed the posture witnessed in the video, but up to this point they seem to have no evidence of his engaging in wrong doing other than lawfully purchasing a number of firearms. I suppose one could compare this to someone buying 5 boxes of Sudafed in a 48-hour period, but if the guy has no priors (unless something about the traffic stop indicated additional caution), and passed NICS, that should count for something. While caution is a good thing, there may be something about coming in heavy that also invites a more confrontational and adversarial interaction that should be considered.

The Vegas shooter had no priors and passed NICS (along with plenty of others who went on to kill people), and cops have been killed doing things as mundane as serving eviction notices.

On duty, they're probably required to be armed, so it's not like they have choice. If they're going to ask someone about a potential illegal fun purchase, a vest is just prudent, and might even be policy.

The thing to remember is that you need to view their actions in the context of any interaction, not just this interaction where you know the outcome and the guy on the other side of the door.
I understand their position, but my overall point is that many of the bad shootings in recent years have involved officers showing up to an innocent person's home, that person not fully understanding the situation, interpreting their posture as hostile, and the situation escalating to tragedy. Our overuse of SWAT for serving almost every warrant, no knock raids, etc. have not aided in building trust between police and the citizens they are sworn to protect and serve.

In this case, for example, unless they had sufficient grounds to think this another Ruby Ridge or Branch Davidian situation, since by their own admission he had nothing to worry about, why not first call the residence, note that his purchase triggered a verification, and when he replied "yeah, they are in my safe," replied with a "great, we will have an officer at your door in 10 minutes to verify serial numbers, please have the weapons unloaded, and ready for verification" and pay attention to any noticeable stress levels in the guy's voice to determine how many officers needed to visibly approach the house, with additional officers close by but out of sight?
So you are an advocate for search without probable cause or a warrant?

That's gonna be a no from me dawg. I'd tell them on the phone that they were legally purchased, I passed the BGC and that if they have such a need, they need to produce a warrant signed by a judge with a reason listed and can discuss it with my legal representation. Then I'd promptly get on the phone with a lawyer, because this is absolutely not right in any capacity.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Bucketrunner said:

As a lifelong supporter of law enforcement, I now consider them my adversary. Thanks, Democrats.

Who would have ever imagined that some day thousands of old white dudes would circle around and stand side by side with NWA?
Alte Schule
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Video doorbells are a great invention. You don't have to be at home to identify and talk to the person that is on your porch. Unless it's someone I know or expecting I either don't answer or tell them to leave.

And don't ever, ever talk with anyone that is a federal law enforcement officer w/o an attorney present. They are not your friend.
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Did you miss where the poster said:

"Don't actually store your firearms there."

His point was to openly rent a unit, put nothing in it, and wait and see if ATF showed up
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As I told my friend that left an honorable on investigating defense dept fraud, to go to the 'new and exciting' ATF, 'don't do it.' The federal government is not allowed to regulate alcohol tobacco or firearms. You will only be the bad guy.

The next time I saw his face was when he was on the news for being killed - for being the bad guy - in Waco.
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Bucketrunner said:

As a lifelong supporter of law enforcement, I now consider them my adversary. Thanks, Democrats.

This is the next ploy by the cabal to further divide conservatives/patriots from LEAs. IMO they are looking for a fight between us so they can further push GOV control.
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GeorgiAg said:

Chilling. Wake up people.
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Yes I have. And no I didn't.

They just all happened to show up at the ffl at the same time.

Don't know if they consider purchase date or ffl form signing date.
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There has to be more to the story than just showing up at the house.
suburban cowboy
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why didn't they ask if he has any tobacco or firearms?

those substances kill far more people

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Bucketrunner said:

As a lifelong supporter of law enforcement, I now consider them my adversary. Thanks, Democrats.

This is the next ploy by the cabal to further divide conservatives/patriots from LEAs. IMO they are looking for a fight between us so they can further push GOV control.
Yeah well, this only works if LEO's continue being ******s and blindly supporting the edicts of corrupt politicians.
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SMM48 said:

There has to be more to the story than just showing up at the house.

May have been part of a sting operation.
That's what wondering also. Three guys, showing up to bother an otherwise ordinary fire-arm purchaser.

They are harrassing for some reason, but what?

The whole thing looks shady and polce-state-ish as hell. Especially that remark that seemed to prove they have an illegal database and mentioning him being stopped somewhere else.
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My response would be "If you don't have a warrant, my answer is no you can't come in and see my guns. Come bac with a warrant and then we'll talk. Good bye."
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CanyonAg77 said:

Did you miss where the poster said:

"Don't actually store your firearms there."

His point was to openly rent a unit, put nothing in it, and wait and see if ATF showed up

Ah…Nah. I did not miss it. It just Seems a pricey and frivolous exercise just to find out. But my point stands, you can still do this and not waste even more money on a camera in your unit because you will be notified by your lessor should any entry be gained or granted. The FBI doesn't just show up to a facility and start opening units. They can't. Those units aren't owned by the FBI or the tenant.
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Tom Kazansky 2012 said:

"On your way out do you think you can roll the garbage down the hill? Tomorrow is pick-up day."

Tony Soprano
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schmellba99 said:

oldyeller said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

oldyeller said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

oldyeller said:

FTAG 2000I think there's a rule that if you buy more than five firearms in 48 hours you could get a visit from ATF. this guy bought seven.

Not a fan of the ATF but it's understandable why he got visited.
If it's a rule, then the rule should stipulate that a judge be notified to authorize a warrant for the search and confirmation. The guy passed the NICS background check, twice in this case it would seem, so beyond he bought more than some arbitrary limit during some arbitrary time period, what provides the basis for such a heavy handed visit as displayed in this video? This isn't Andy Taylor knocking on the door with Barney Fife watching his back, these are guys in vests and clearly operating as if the guy is a suspected criminal simply because he engaged in a lawful activity.

In their defense, they can't know if his activity is lawful or not before they actually talk to him. Until he opens the door, he could be a violent meth dealer for all they know.

Now, they should have a warrant, and simply buying a bunch of guns should not be grounds for said warrant, but they do have the right to ask without said warrant and be prepared for unknown individuals while asking.
I get why they have assumed the posture witnessed in the video, but up to this point they seem to have no evidence of his engaging in wrong doing other than lawfully purchasing a number of firearms. I suppose one could compare this to someone buying 5 boxes of Sudafed in a 48-hour period, but if the guy has no priors (unless something about the traffic stop indicated additional caution), and passed NICS, that should count for something. While caution is a good thing, there may be something about coming in heavy that also invites a more confrontational and adversarial interaction that should be considered.

The Vegas shooter had no priors and passed NICS (along with plenty of others who went on to kill people), and cops have been killed doing things as mundane as serving eviction notices.

On duty, they're probably required to be armed, so it's not like they have choice. If they're going to ask someone about a potential illegal fun purchase, a vest is just prudent, and might even be policy.

The thing to remember is that you need to view their actions in the context of any interaction, not just this interaction where you know the outcome and the guy on the other side of the door.
I understand their position, but my overall point is that many of the bad shootings in recent years have involved officers showing up to an innocent person's home, that person not fully understanding the situation, interpreting their posture as hostile, and the situation escalating to tragedy. Our overuse of SWAT for serving almost every warrant, no knock raids, etc. have not aided in building trust between police and the citizens they are sworn to protect and serve.

In this case, for example, unless they had sufficient grounds to think this another Ruby Ridge or Branch Davidian situation, since by their own admission he had nothing to worry about, why not first call the residence, note that his purchase triggered a verification, and when he replied "yeah, they are in my safe," replied with a "great, we will have an officer at your door in 10 minutes to verify serial numbers, please have the weapons unloaded, and ready for verification" and pay attention to any noticeable stress levels in the guy's voice to determine how many officers needed to visibly approach the house, with additional officers close by but out of sight?
So you are an advocate for search without probable cause or a warrant?

That's gonna be a no from me dawg. I'd tell them on the phone that they were legally purchased, I passed the BGC and that if they have such a need, they need to produce a warrant signed by a judge with a reason listed and can discuss it with my legal representation. Then I'd promptly get on the phone with a lawyer, because this is absolutely not right in any capacity.
No, not an advocate for an unjustified search, but presenting an alternative scenario that would be less confrontational and thus less likely to lead to the possibility of the ATF shooting someone's dog. As I noted in the paragraph above, most of the bad shootings coincide with coming in heavy, like multiple agents in armor and strapped. If they called first, and got a "negative, you can't see me property without a warrant," that's a different matter. Obviously this guy was willing to cooperate, but calling first, whichever the response might be, seems better than just showing up unannounced.
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Ags4DaWin said:

Once again I am not a lawyer but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night. Do your own research.
Just read your third post, where you are completely ignorant of the law. Instead of giving your little disclaimer, why not just stop posting about things that you are completely wrong on or do a little research and get a little educated.
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Many are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Why was the law here? We don't know from the video. But we should infer what happened based on a small portion of a video, selected by a biased party?

So when someone goes in and buys 7 rifles in a week, no one should investigate to ensure they are not straw purchasing? What about 20 rifles, or 100 rifles?

Cops can have a consensual contact. A citizen doesn't have to participate. That's what happened here. The cops didn't push their way in, or anything else subversive. They just asked some questions, that he was not forced to answer. Constitution wins.

Edit to add:

"The Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968 requires federal firearms licensees (FFLs) to send a report to ATF when there is a sale of multiple firearms to the same purchaser within a certain time period.

ATF uses the information gathered from multiple sales transactions to investigate possible firearms trafficking cases. If one or more firearms recovered from a crime are part of a multiple purchase, this could be an indicator of potential firearms trafficking. Crime guns recovered shortly after a multiple sale is known as a short time-to-crime ratio".
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CDUB98 said:

Me: Do you have a warrant?
Officer: No.
Me: Please obtain one under 4th Amendment processes.

Just do not give them "just cause" to enter the house. (strong drug smells, screams etc., potential illegal activities in full view).

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InfantryAg said:

So when someone goes in and buys 7 rifles in a week, no one should investigate to ensure they are not straw purchasing? What about 20 rifles, or 100 rifles?

No. "Shall not be infringed."pretty clear.

Nobody's business if I buy 1, 7 or 70 guns.
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BigRobSA said:

InfantryAg said:

So when someone goes in and buys 7 rifles in a week, no one should investigate to ensure they are not straw purchasing? What about 20 rifles, or 100 rifles?

No. "Shall not be infringed."pretty clear.

Nobody's business if I buy 1, 7 or 70 guns.
I'm not in disagreement with your overall sentiment. However, criminals who prey on other citizens should not own firearms. I would rather see more disincentive such as rabid prosecution of said predators. I would like to see the '29 and '68 rules thrown into the trash heap of govt overstep.

Asking questions to ensure someone is not buying for a criminal organization is not infringing on his right to buy guns. The ATF does a bunch of stuff that actually is un-Constitutional and has some garbage management; This is not an example of that, and conflating the two detracts from their actual tyranny.
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InfantryAg said:

BigRobSA said:

InfantryAg said:

So when someone goes in and buys 7 rifles in a week, no one should investigate to ensure they are not straw purchasing? What about 20 rifles, or 100 rifles?

No. "Shall not be infringed."pretty clear.

Nobody's business if I buy 1, 7 or 70 guns.
I'm not in disagreement with your overall sentiment. However, criminals who prey on other citizens should not own firearms. I would rather see more disincentive such as rabid prosecution of said predators. I would like to see the '29 and '68 rules thrown into the trash heap of govt overstep.

Asking questions to ensure someone is not buying for a criminal organization is not infringing on his right to buy guns. The ATF does a bunch of stuff that actually is un-Constitutional and has some garbage management; This is not an example of that, and conflating the two detracts from their actual tyranny.
Yep, a man is free to ask any other man whatever he wants. Just don't expect an answer without my attorney present.
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InfantryAg said:

BigRobSA said:

InfantryAg said:

So when someone goes in and buys 7 rifles in a week, no one should investigate to ensure they are not straw purchasing? What about 20 rifles, or 100 rifles?

No. "Shall not be infringed."pretty clear.

Nobody's business if I buy 1, 7 or 70 guns.
I'm not in disagreement with your overall sentiment. However, criminals who prey on other citizens should not own firearms. I would rather see more disincentive such as rabid prosecution of said predators. I would like to see the '29 and '68 rules thrown into the trash heap of govt overstep.

Asking questions to ensure someone is not buying for a criminal organization is not infringing on his right to buy guns. The ATF does a bunch of stuff that actually is un-Constitutional and has some garbage management; This is not an example of that, and conflating the two detracts from their actual tyranny.

A person being on a list for buying ANY amount of guns or ammo is an infringement in and of itself. The govt doesn't need that info.
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BigRobSA said:

InfantryAg said:

BigRobSA said:

InfantryAg said:

So when someone goes in and buys 7 rifles in a week, no one should investigate to ensure they are not straw purchasing? What about 20 rifles, or 100 rifles?

No. "Shall not be infringed."pretty clear.

Nobody's business if I buy 1, 7 or 70 guns.
I'm not in disagreement with your overall sentiment. However, criminals who prey on other citizens should not own firearms. I would rather see more disincentive such as rabid prosecution of said predators. I would like to see the '29 and '68 rules thrown into the trash heap of govt overstep.

Asking questions to ensure someone is not buying for a criminal organization is not infringing on his right to buy guns. The ATF does a bunch of stuff that actually is un-Constitutional and has some garbage management; This is not an example of that, and conflating the two detracts from their actual tyranny.

A person being on a list for buying ANY amount of guns or ammo is an infringement in and of itself. The govt doesn't need that info.
How is that an infringement when you are still in possession of the arms?

It can lead to an infringement by confiscation which is why we shouldn't have a gun registration, but the list itself is not infringing.

This guy still has the guns. He has kept and can bear those arms, so until the cops come confiscate them without due process, his Second Amendment Rights have not been infringed.

He didn't have to answer any questions, the cops didn't forcefully enter his home. His 4th and 5th Amendment rights weren't violated.
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InfantryAg said:

How is that an infringement when you are still in possession of the arms?

It can lead to an infringement by confiscation which is why we shouldn't have a gun registration, but the list itself is not infringing.

This guy still has the guns. He has kept and can bear those arms, so until the cops come confiscate them without due process, his Second Amendment Rights have not been infringed.

He didn't have to answer any questions, the cops didn't forcefully enter his home. His 4th and 5th Amendment rights weren't violated.

He was smart enough to prevent them from violating his rights. They showed up at his door, hoping he would meekly surrender his rights.

Do you not see that Government showing up at your door, implying you committed a crime, is a violation all on its own?

"Hi, we're from the government, we can throw you in jail for months without trial, and we noticed you were exercising your rights. However, we don't like the way you did so, so how about answering a few questions?

Tell us about your last post on social media.

What church did you attend last week?

Who did you vote for?

Did you protest on January 6, 2021?"
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CanyonAg77 said:

InfantryAg said:

How is that an infringement when you are still in possession of the arms?

It can lead to an infringement by confiscation which is why we shouldn't have a gun registration, but the list itself is not infringing.

This guy still has the guns. He has kept and can bear those arms, so until the cops come confiscate them without due process, his Second Amendment Rights have not been infringed.

He didn't have to answer any questions, the cops didn't forcefully enter his home. His 4th and 5th Amendment rights weren't violated.

He was smart enough to prevent them from violating his rights. They showed up at his door, hoping he would meekly surrender his rights.

Do you not see that Government showing up at your door, implying you committed a crime, is a violation all on its own?

"Hi, we're from the government, we can throw you in jail for months without trial, and we noticed you were exercising your rights. However, we don't like the way you did so, so how about answering a few questions?

Tell us about your last post on social media.

What church did you attend last week?

Who did you vote for?

Did you protest on January 6, 2021?"
you must have watched a different video, I didn't see any of that happening. Or you just like straw men
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Or maybe you like ignoring facts
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